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Template to design a CLIL didactic unit
Title of the Unit: The relief of Spain
Course / Level: 3º ESO. A2-B1
1. Learning outcomes
To know the geological process of Spain
/ Evaluation criteria
To distinguish the soils of Spain.
To learn the main reliefs of Spain.
To locate the main reliefs of Spain on the map
To learn the main rivers of Spain.
To locate the main rivers of Spain on the map
2. Subject Content
The geological process of the Iberian Peninsula and archipelagos:
Plate tectonics, Geological periods.
Hercinian and Alpine
Type of soils of Spain: Siliceous soils, Calcareous soils, clay soils
and volcanic soils.
Types of reliefs of Spain.: Meseta, Massifs, Mountain chains,
Alpine depressions, Coasts, Islands.
Main rivers of Spain: Atlantic rivers and mediterranean rivers.
3. Language Content / Communication
- Nouns:
Geological process:
Period , orogeny, plate,
subduction,geology fault, fold, belt,
seabed , orogeny, orogenic cycle, plate tectonics, oceanic plate,
continental plate,
Types of reliefs:
Stone, rock, mountain, plateau meseta, tableland, massif,
mountain chain, mountain range, alpine depression, alpine hollow,
relief, topography, sedimentary basin, river basin, island,
Names of the reliefs, rivers and coasts.
The Pyrinees, Central Mountain Chain, Mountains of Toledo,
Baetic Chain, Cantabrian Chain, Iberian Chain, Morena Range,
Galician Massif, Catalan Coastal Chain,
Ebro River Bassin,
Guadalquivir River Bassin, Tagus river.
We prefer to use Meseta better than Inner Plateau, for this reason
we use also: Northern Submeseta, Southern Submeseta.
Atlantic Coast, Mediterranean Coast, Cantabrian Coast, Atlantic
Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Cantabrian Sea, Tarifa Point, Cape
Creus, Estaca de Bares Point, Cape Finisterre, Balearic Isles,
Canary Isles.
- Verbs:
To go up, to go down, to collide, to erode, to move, to deposite, to
divide, to join, to break, to recognize, to harden, to contain.
- Specific Adjectives for the unit:
Primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, paleozoic, cenozoic,
geological, alpine, hercinian, continental, marine,
siliceous, calcareous, clay, volcanic.
- Useful Adjectives for the unit:
High, low, wide, narrow, long, short, large, small, big, great, huge,
hard, soft, sandy, rocky, dry, wet, rich, poor, straight.
Into, until, from, since, on, inside, outside, below, through, down,
behind, close to, by, around, across.
Past simple
Passive voice
Comparatives located.....(adjective)......
In about X years...
As a result...
I think so/I don´t think so (for pupils)
The main reasons for this....areā€¦
It can be proved that...
Discourse type
Academic language and common language for:
- To give reasons
- To explain their point of view
- To ask questions and resolve doubts.
- To generate ideas or hypothesis.
Specific language: Geography and Geology for:
- To explain causes and effects related with the Geography
- To locate a point on the map.
Language skills
Reading texts and activities.
Listening audios, videos, and the explanations from the teacher
and another students.
Participation in the class and
interaction with
Writing to develope tasks and activities.
4. Contextual (cultural) To match the different reliefs of Spain with the different cultural
regions in Spain. To explain the relations between spanish and
european atlantic regions, and the same between spanish and
european mediterranean regions. It's easier to cross the sea than
cross to the mountains.
5. Cognitive (thinking)
- To give reasons and explain their point of view.
- To make hypothesis and contrast them with their classmates.
- To refuse or support the arguments of their classmates.
- To ask questions.
- To plan the development of the tasks.
- To apply their imagination for the development of the tasks.
- To work in group.
- To make their own evaluation.
- To have confidence to speak in a foreign language and not be
afraid of making mistakes.
- To learn of the mistakes.
6. (a) Task(s)
We will use six hours for this unit. For this reason we only make
one task, this task will be a game, "The alphabet game".
The pupils will form groups of 3 members. Each group should
invent definitions for each letter of the alphabet relationated with:
tectonic theory, geological process of Spain, reliefs, types of soils,
river, etc.
This task will develope at home, we want that the pupils begin to
use TIC for the academic communication, Apps like whatsapp,
telegram or skype should be used for academic activities.
6. (b) Activities
1. Video about tectonic plates. Filling the space. Andamiaje de
2. Reading a text about the geological process of Spain. Pupils
have to do a scheme. Andamiaje de transformación.
3. Location of reliefs on the interactive maps. At home.
4. Matching a map of spanish soils with a map of spanish
agricultural. Pupils, divided in couples, to have to write the relation
between them.
Previously the teacher does an example.
Andamiaje de producción.
5. Each student ask a question about the location of a spanish
relief to another student. Working oral interaction.
6. Students are divided in couples. Each couple watch some no
identified pictures of Galicia, Normandía, Escocia. Valencia, Italia
and Grecia about relief and folklore.
They, that have used, have to divide the pictures in two groups
(three floklore pictures and three relief pictures per group) They
have to explain the reason for the division.
Later, the teacher ask about the origin of the pictures. Pupils have
to make hypothesis.
Finally when they know the origin of the pictures, teacher ask
their opinion about the differences and similiarities between
atlantic and mediterranean regions.
7. Methodology
Organization and class First lesson:
distribution/ timing
The teacher explains the objectives and contents of the unit and
gives a list of the structures and types of discourses in english
relatives to the unit. It's possible to give the list for each activity.
Video about tectonic plates.
After watching the video pupils ask the teacher about their doubts.
Pupils have to fill the spaces on a text about the video that they
have watched. The exercise will be corrected by another student.
Andamiaje de recepción
Second lesson:
The teacher explains the plan of the day,
1. Reading a text about the geological process of Spain.
2. Pupils have to do a scheme about the important steps in the
geological process. Andamiaje de transformación.
3. The teacher makes a scheme on the tableboard about the
reliefs in Spain today, making three groups: reliefs in the Meseta,
reliefs in the border, external reliefs. Pupils have to complete the
geological name of each relief using the information given in the
4. The teacher will ask in the next lesson the more important
reliefs, coasts and rivers in Spain. Pupils have to study it at home
using the interactive maps.
Third lesson:
1. Matching a map of spanish soils with a map of spanish
agricultural. Pupils, divided in couples, have to write the relation
between them.
Previously the teacher does an example.
Andamiaje de producción.
2. Each student asks a question about the location of a spanish
relief to another student. Working oral interaction.
Fourth lesson:
This lesson is dedicated to the activity number six. We support the
interaction oral of our pupils, first into the couple, and after
between the couples and the teacher. We want to fix an european
vision that join Spain with Europe.
Fifth lesson:
The teacher asks to the pupils about the questions and doubts, he
will remember the schemes about the geological process in Spain,
reliefs in Spain and type of soils.
In the second part of the lesson the teacher explains the task that
pupils have to prepare at home. It's very importan to say that it's a
work in group, pupils can use the apps to pass the information
between them.
Sixth lesson:
Pupils play "The alphabet game", a play that it has been made
yourself and we will serve lika a competition between the pupils,
the best group will obtain a prize.
At the end of the lesson we pass to the pupils a questionnaire
about their progress in the unit.
Resources / Materials
Student book (optional)
Student notebook
Digital board (if it's possible)
Maps (if we don't have digital board)
Internet connection (for our pupils)
Key Competences
- Communication in foreign languages:
We develope the four language skills to reach the progress of the
english language level of our pupils.
- Mathematical competence and basic competences in science
and technology:
The unit is very close to the Geological Sciences, we teach an
interdisciplinary unit.
- Digital competence:
Our pupils have to use the apps fo academic works.
- Learning to learn:
We explain the different manners to make a scheme.
The self appraisal will help to know their learnings problems.
-Social and civic competences:
Our pupils will learn the differences in Spain, and the similitarities
between Spain and another european countries. They will learn
the nature, folklore and culture of differents regions.
- Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship:
The working couples and the working groups will serve to support
their sense of initiative an entrepreneurship.
8. Evaluation (criteria
and instruments)
The evalution criteria are explained in the first point, the pupils
have to reach all the points required.
The instruments to misure the criteria are:
- Evaluation of the daily work using the student notebook,
specially revision of the schemes.
- Evaluation of the activities that pupils have made.
- Observation of the interaction oral of the pupils.
- Evaluation of the contents acquired in the unit with a final test.
- The pupils can know their progress with the questionnaire.
This is an self appraisal.