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Name _____________________________ Block _____ Date ____________________
Multiple Choice: Put the letter of the best possible selection on the line at the left, in
front of the question number.
_____ 1. Which of the following is not part of an atom?
A. Resistor
B. Neutron
C. Proton
D. Electron
_____ 2. Basically, electricity is the flow of ______ through a conductor.
A. electrons
B. protons
C. ions
D. electrolytes
_____ 3. Of the following materials, the best conductor is ____.
A. glass
B. rubber
C. ceramics
D. copper
_____ 4. Insulators provide for
A. increased current flow
B. increased wattage
C. decreased voltage or pressure
D. reduced current flow
_____ 5. The law of charges state _____.
A. charges of similar types attract
B. charges will remain neutral if in contact
C. like charges repel and unlike charges attract.
D. dissimilar charges will repel
_____ 6. Current is measured in ____.
A. potential difference
B. amperes
C. volts
D. ohms
_____ 7. Basic unit of resistance is the ____.
A. Watt
B. Ampere
C. Coulomb
D. Ohm
_____ 8. The resistance of a conductor does not depend on which of the following factors?
A. Material
B. Temperature
C. Color
D. Length
_____ 9. Potential difference exists ___.
A. anytime there is a dissimilar charges
B. in batteries only
C. in a parallel circuit only
D. only in a closed circuit
_____ 10. To measure current an ammeter must be _______.
A. placed in the circuit in series
B. placed near the power source
C. placed into the circuit in parallel
D. none of the above
_____ 11. In a properly calibrated ohm meter if the probes are touching each other without
any resistance between them the resistance will measure ___.
A. zero
B. 1
C. 10
D. Infinity
_____ 12. The path which electricity follows is called …
A. Route
B. Ways
C. Circuit
(32 Current
_____ 13. When an atom losses an electron it becomes a …
A. Positive ion
B. Negative ion
C. Attracted to another atom
D. Repelled from another atom
_____ 14. Which of the following is a mathematical representation of Ohms law?
A. V =
B. I = V x R
C. R=
D. V =
_____ 15. What is the opposition to the flow of electrons called?
A. Amperes
B. Resistance
C. Voltage
D. Wattage
_____ 16. If on a string of decorative lights one bulb goes out but the rest do not it is because
A. parallel circuit
B. series circuit
C. they are on separate switches
D. a miracle
_____ 17. According to Ohm’s Law, in a circuit that has 10v and the resistance is 50 Ώ the
current would be?
A. 5 amps
B. 500 amps
C. .2 amps
D. 40 amps
_____ 18. A material that has many free electrons will be a good ….
A. insulator
B. conductor
C. positive ion
D. negative ion
_____ 19. A parallel circuit
has only one path for the current to flow.
has multiple paths for the current to flow.
will cause all the light bulbs to go out if one blows.
can only have one component on the circuit.
_____ 20. Safety in the technology lab requires common sense, and that everyone ______.
Comb their hair
Wash their hands with hot water and soap for 30 seconds
Allow the machine to get up to speed before adjust the guard.
Have respect for all tools, machines, yourself and others
_____ 21. A schematic is a …
A. Is a type of system in a vehicle that helps transfer power to the wheels
B. A measure of an electrical systems electromotive force.
C. A simplified graphic representation of a system.
D. A measure of laminar flow over a vehicle
_____ 22. The part of the circuit that uses the electricity is called
A. The source or supply
B. The load
C. The conductor
D. The control
_____ 23. Two electrons that are negatively charged
A. will repel each other.
B. will attract each other.
C. will bond with each other.
D. None of the above
_____ 24.
A material that has few free electrons will …
hold a static charge a long time.
be a good insulator.
will allow electrons to flow easily.
be a good conductor
_____ 25. The formula for calculating power is:
A. I= V/ R
B. P= I / R
C. R= V / I
D. P= I * V