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Do Now: What are the aspects of a Golden
Age and how do they affect society?
What do you remember about the Han
 *China remained divided for almost 400 years after the collapse of the
Han dynasty.
 Instead of entering a “Dark Age” China merely entered a post Golden
Age where farm production expanded and technologies were slowly
 Religion spread while education and art continued to be taught or
 Although invaders infiltrated northern China they often accepted and
adopted the Chinese civilization instead of demolishing it.
 *During the Sui dynasty, emperor Sui Wendi was able to reunite the
north and south of China.
 *However, China didn’t reach its peak or glory until 618 which was
the start of the Tang Dynasty.
 *There were emperors who had usurped or illegally taken over the
thrown such as empress Wu Zhao.
Tang Dynasty
 *First Tang emperor was Li Yuan
 *While the Sui dynasty was collapsing, Li Yuan and his
son managed to lead a revolt eventually crushing all
rivals and establishing the Tang dynasty.
 Later on, Li Yuan stepped down and gave the thrown to
his son, Li Shimin. (also know as Tang Taizong)
 *Conquered territories deep in Central Asia and forced
neighboring countries to send tributes as well as
recognize China as the superior power.
 *These were called tributary states
Government & Economy
 *Under the Tang Dynasty, future emperors were able to rebuild the
bureaucracy and enlarge the civil service system to recruit officials trained
in Confucian philosophy.
 *Organized schools to prepare male students for exams
 Developed a flexible law code
 *Instituted a system of land reform
 *This policy strengthen the central government by decreasing the power of
large land owners.
 *Since peasants who farmed their own land were able to pay the taxes this
increased government revenue.
 *Established a system of canals that increased trade and transportation.
 The Grand Canal linked the Huang River to the Yangzi River and was the
largest waterway ever dug by human labor at the time.
 *Lost territories to Arabs in Central Asia
 *Corruption, high taxes, drought, famine and
rebellions all contributed to the downfall.
 *In 907, the Tang Dynasty was finally overthrown by
a rebel general
 *During the collapse of the dynasty the chaos that
was involved did not last long.
Tang Dynasty
Song Dynasty
Educated general unites most of China and founded the Song dynasty.
*Ruled for 319 years
Faced constant invaders in the north
*In the early 1100’s the weakened Song moved to the south of the Huang
*After this, continued to rule for another 150 years.
Furthermore, even after military setbacks the Song Dynasty is still marked
as one of the golden ages in China.
*Chinese wealth and culture took over East Asia. (Economy expanded)
*Agricultural reforms.
*Foreign trade flourished
*Government made paper money to increase trade
China was now the center of trade other than before in future times where
it had been the centers of government.
Song Dynasty
Chinese Society
 Well- ordered society
 *Wealthy landowners
 *Were very studious in Confucian philosophy
 *Could afford to study for years in order to pass the
civil service exam.
 *Often served in provinces as allies of the emperors
 *Valued education more than physical labor
 New schools of Confucian philosophy emphasized
social order based on duty, rank and proper
 Worked the land, depended on what they produced
 Lived in small self sufficient villages that managed
their own affairs
 Often relied on one another rather than the
 Could move up in social classes through education
and government service.
Merchants & Women
 *Gained great wealth but was still socially lower than peasants
according to the Confucian tradition.
 Within the home, women were called to run family matters
 Couldn’t remarry or keep her dowry.
 Women lower positions were strengthened when the tradition of
foot- binding had emerged.
 Feet's of young girls were bound with long strips of cloths
producing a lily shaped foot about half the size of a foot that was
allowed to grow normally.
 This practice was really painful.
 Gave the concept that tiny feet and a stilted walk resembled beauty
and nobility.
 This practice often gave women the inability to walk without help.
 This reinforced the Confucius concept that women should stay
inside the home.
 Not everyone were feet bound.
Arts and Literature
 *Poetry, Painting and Calligraphy were important skills
 *Song Dynasty recognized the art of landscape painting.
 Misty mountains and delicate bamboo fprests were mostly used
to portray Chinese landscapes.
 *Painters produced vivid pictures of emperors or scenes of city
 *Architecture was influenced by Buddhist themes.
 *One impact was the pagoda.
 *Perfected skills in making porcelain, a shiny valuable pottery.
Pagoda- a multistoried temple with eaves that curves up at the
 *Tang and Song dynasties majored in prose and
 *Short stories was introduced as well.
 *Poetry was most respected.
 *As many as 200 major and 400 minor poets
throughout the Tang and Song dynasty.
 *Many poems reflected on the shortness of life and
the immensity of the universe.
 *Greatest Tang Poet was Li Bo.