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American History II Final Exam Study Guide
1. James Garfield (1881) Republican
a. Urbanization
i. Benefits of City Life vs. Drawbacks of City Life
b. Tenements
c. Jane Addams & Social Gospel
d. Frederick Law Olmstead
e. Social Darwinism
2. Chester Alan Arthur (1881-1885) Republican
a. Helen Hunt Jackson
b. Immigration Act of 1882
c. Chinese Exclusion Acts
d. “Melting Pot” vs. “Tossed Salad”
e. Pendleton Act of 1883
3. Grover Cleveland (1885-1889) Democrat
a. The Dawes Act of 1887
b. Wabash v Illinois / Interstate Commerce Act of 1887
c. Industrialization
i. Andrew Carnegie
1. The Gospel of Wealth
ii. John D. Rockefeller
iii. Cornelius Vanderbilt
iv. Thomas Edison
v. J.P. Morgan
vi. Monopolies
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
vii. Trusts
viii. Vertical Integration
ix. Horizontal Integration
x. Working Conditions
xi. Child Labor (Why Use Children?)
xii. Unions
1. Strikes
2. Boycotts
3. Collective Bargaining
4. Mediation
5. Arbitration
6. Closed Shop
7. Yellow-Dog Contracts
8. Scabs
9. Lockouts
10. Strikebreakers
11. The Knights of Labor
12. Haymarket Square Riot
13. Samuel Gompers
4. Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893) Republican
a. Ghost Dance / Sitting Bull / Battle of Wounded Knee
b. Populism / Populist Party
i. Bimetallism
ii. Omaha Platform
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
iii. William Jennings Bryan / “Cross of Gold” Speech
c. Homestead Strike
d. Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890
e. Capt. Alfred T. Mahan
5. Grover Cleveland (1893-1897) Democrat
a. Ellis Island
b. Pullman Strike
c. US v EC Knight Co.
d. Frederick Jackson Turner’s “Frontier Thesis”
e. Overthrow of Liliuokalani in Hawaii
f. Plessy v Ferguson
i. De Jure Segregation
ii. De Facto Segregation
iii. Booker T. Washington
iv. W.E.B. Du Bois
6. William McKinley (1897-1901) Republican
a. Eugene Debs
b. Imperialism
c. Annexation of Hawaii
d. Spanish American War
i. Yellow Journalism
1. Joseph Pulitzer
2. William Randolph Hearst
ii. The De Lome Letter
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
iii. Jingoism
iv. USS Maine
v. The Philippines & Guam
vi. Rough Riders
vii. Battle of San Juan Hill
viii. Treaty of Paris of 1898
ix. What did US Get?
x. Teller Amendment
xi. Platt Amendment
e. Open Door Policy
f. The Boxer Rebellion
7. Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) Republican
a. The Great White Fleet
b. Big Stick Diplomacy
c. Roosevelt Corollary
d. The Panama Canal
e. Progressivism
i. Muckrakers
1. Ida Tarbell
2. Lincoln Steffans
3. Jacob Riis
ii. Square Deal
iii. US v Northern Securities
iv. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
v. Meat Inspection Act / Pure Food & Drug Act
f. Wright Brothers
8. William Taft (1909-1913) Republican
a. Angel Island
b. Dollar Diplomacy
c. Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy
d. US v American Tobacco Co.
e. Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
f. Bull Moose Party
h. Henry Ford / Assembly Lines
9. Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) Democrat
a. New Freedom
b. 16th Amendment
c. 17th Amendment
d. 18th Amendment
e. 19th Amendment
f. Federal Reserve Act
g. Clayton Antitrust Act
h. Robert La Follete / Wisconsin Idea
i. Moral Diplomacy
j. Pancho Villa
i. Black Jack Pershing / Punitive Expedition
k. World War One
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
i. M.A.I.N.
ii. The Central Powers
iii. The Triple Entente
iv. The Lusitania
v. Zimmermann Telegram
vi. Selective Service Act
vii. War Industries Board (WIB)
viii. Food Administration / Fuel Administration / Rationing
ix. Committee on Public Information
x. National War Labor Board
xi. Espionage & Sedition Acts
xii. Schenck v US
xiii. War Bonds
xiv. Doughboys
xv. Trench Warfare / No Man’s Land
xvi. New Weapons
xvii. The Fourteen Points
xviii. The Treaty of Versailles
l. Red Scare of 1920 – 1921
m. Palmer Raids
n. Sacco & Vanzetti
10. Warren G. Harding (1921-1923) Republican
a. Marcus Garvey’s “Back to Africa” Movement
b. The Great Migration
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
c. Teapot Dome Scandal
11. Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) Republican
a. Charles Lindbergh / Spirit of St. Louis
b. Mass Consumerism (Radio / Movies / “Brand Name” Products)
c. Dawes Plan
d. Consumer Credit / “Installment Plans”
e. Prohibition / Speakeasies / Bootleggers
f. Al Capone
g. The Lost Generation
h. The Harlem Renaissance
i. Emergency Quota Act / National Origins Act
j. Flappers
k. Scopes Monkey Trial
l. Kellogg-Briand Pact
12. Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) Republican
a. Buying On Margin
b. “Black Tuesday”
c. Rugged Individualism vs. Direct Relief
d. The Great Depression
e. The Dust Bowl
f. Dorothea Lange
g. Reconstruction Finance Corporation
h. Hoovervilles
i. The Bonus Army
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
13. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945) Democrat
a. The New Deal
i. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
ii. Federal Deposit Insurance Company (FDIC)
iii. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
iv. Civil Works Administration (CWA)
v. Works Progress Administration (WPA)
vi. Public Works Administration (PWA)
vii. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
viii. Social Security
b. Huey Long
c. Court Packing Scheme
d. World War Two
i. Totalitarianism-A form of government where a dictator has total control.
1. Fascism / Benito Mussolini-government ruled by the military/the leader of Italy
during WWII.
2. Nazism / Adolf Hitler-The form of govt in Germany (The Socialist Party)/The
leader of Germany. AKA “The Fuhrer”
3. Militarism / Hideki Tojo-Glorification of the military/Leader of Japan. Japan also
had an emperor named Hirohito that was considered a god.
ii. Isolationism / Neutrality Acts-US Foreign Policy to stay out of world probs./Laws passed
to make it illegal to sell stuff to ppl at war (belligerents).
iii. Lend-Lease Act-Roos.’s way of getting around the Neu. Acts. By “loaning” war
materials to Britain and the allies.
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
iv. Pearl Harbor-Dec. 7 1941, Japan’s sneak attack on US. Trying to disable our navy in the
v. Doolittle Raid-Air battle
vi. Rosie the Riveter-Symbol of women working for the war effort in factories.
vii. Double V Campaign-Victory over racism overseas and at home.
viii. Tuskegee Airmen-Black fighter pilots; highly decorated in WWII. (earn medals)
ix. Bracero Program-Using migrant labor in the SW to help raise food during WWII.
x. Japanese Internment Camps-Ppl feared that Japanese Americans might have sympathy
for our enemy Japan, so they were put in camps and “watched”. Really was a way to
grab their property and discriminate against them.
xi. Korematsu v US Japanese man sued bc of internment. Lost. Sup. Ct said it was ok to do
this bc of war.
xii. Battle of Coral Sea-Allied win in Pacific.
xiii. Battle of Midway-Turning point of Pacific fighting.
xiv. D-Day-Allied ( fr us russ)invasion N. France (Normandy)
xv. Island-hopping-This is what the allied strategy in the Pacific Theater was called.
NOTE: There were three “Theaters” of the war: Europe, N. Africa, and Pacific
xvi. Battle of the Bulge-German’s last ditch effort to break through the Allies line in Europe.
They lost. 
xvii. Yalta Conference-Allies meet to decide what to do at the end of the War.
14. Harry Truman (1945-1953) Democrat Becomes president after Roosevelt dies.
a. World War Two-wants to bring about an end to the war and lose LESS Am. Lives.
i. Manhattan Project / Hiroshima / Nagasaki Build Atomic bomb to end war with
Japan/save lives. First Abomb dropped. 2nd Abomb droppedJapan surrenders.
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
ii. VE-Day / VJ-Day-Victory in Europe (Germany Surrenders May 8, 1945/Victory over
Japan Aug 14,1945)
b. The United Nations-Peacekeeping organization founded after WWII to try and prevent future
wars and deal with world problems/conflicts.
c. The Iron Curtain-Winston Churchill’s label for the imaginary line that divided Russia and their
communist “satellite” nations in Eastern Europe from the free democracies in W. Europe.
d. Containment Policy-The US stop the spread of communism.
e. Truman Doctrine-Contain communism by helping other countries resist. (Send $ and weapons as
needed. Ex. Greece and Turkey)
f. The Marshall Plan-Prevent spread of communism in Eur. By rebuilding the countries that were
damaged by WWII.
g. Berlin Blockade / Berlin Airlift Russia wouldn ‘t leave Berlin in Germany. Truman sends
supplies to help Berlin resist the Russians.
h. NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Countries that get together to stop spread of
Communism) (Russia forms the Warsaw Pact to oppose)
i. Fair Deal-Truman’s domestic plan for America
j. The GI Bill-Law that gives veterans loans for businesses houses and pays for higher education.
k. National Security Act of 1947
l. Baby Boom-When soldiers come home from WWII, they had lots of children. (LOTS)
m. Levittowns / Suburbia-“Tract houses” that were built like cars on the assembly lines. Very
affordable. Little neighborhoods where all the houses look the same.
n. Korean War-1950s. communist N. Ko. Invades S. Ko. We help the South. Fight to a statelmate.
Divided at 38th parallel
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
o. HUAC-House committee on UN-American Activities. (Investigated US citizens who they
believed were communists.)
p. Dixiecrats-Southern democrats who believed in segregation.
15. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961) Republican- Military hero. Lead D-Day. Had a policy of “massive
retaliation” ie if Russia does anything to hurt us, we will bomb the crap out of them.
a. The Cold War- Undeclared war between US and Russia. Never fight directly but give aid to
other little countries. (Ex. Korea)
b. Warsaw Pact- See Nato above.
c. Domino Theory- The idea that if one country falls to communism, the ones around it will as
well. (This is why we have containment/Truman Doctrine).
d. Brinksmanship-Always being on the edge of nuclear war with Russia.
e. Eisenhower Doctrine-Contain communism by threat of force.
f. U-2 Incident Spy plane shot down over Russia. Rus. Leader Kruschev was really mad.
g. Fallout Shelters / “Duck and Cover” Basement rooms built to withstand and nuclear attack. /The
film that told school children to “Duck and Cover” in the event of a nuclear attack. (Wouldn’t
really help but it made ppl feel better.)
h. Federal Aid Highway Act of 1955-Sets up Interstate Highways.
i. Joseph McCarthy-Senator who went on at “witch hunt” looking for communists in America.
j. Alger Hiss / The Rosenbergs-People believed to be communists. The Rose. Sold nuclear tech. to
Russia and were executed for spying (espionage).
k. Sputnik First satellite put into space. Russ. Did it and America got freaked out bc we thought it
meant they could attack us from space.
l. National Defense Education Act of 1958 Response to Sputnik. Increases math and science in
school and sets up NASA.
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
m. NASA National Aeronautics and Space Agency=Explore space….etc.
n. Brown v Board of Education Sup. Ct case that overturns Plessy (segregation) NO more
segregation in schools. 1954
o. Rosa Parks / Montgomery Bus Boycott MLK organizes to protest segregation in public
transportation. Rosa refused to give up her seat to a white person. One of the most important
non-violent protests in C. Rights movt.
p. The Little Rock Nine First to integrate a high school. National Guard had to be called in to
protect the students and prevent violence.
q. Rock and Roll=came from Black music…very popular with white teenagers. (Elvis)
r. Suez Crisis Egypt block suez canal. Protesting Israel.
16. John F. Kennedy (1961-1963) Democrat first catholic president
a. Berlin Wall symbol of Cold War. Russians put it up to prevent ppl from leaving E. Germany.
b. Bay of Pigs Invasion Kennedy orders invasion by Cubans who were trained by CIA to overthrow
Fidel Castro (Communist dictator of Cuba) was a covert (secret) operation. Failed. Castro kills
all involved. US embarrassed when world finds out we were involved.
c. Cuban Missile Crisis-Castro turns to Russia to get missiles to “defend” against the US. Kennedy
has a showdown and threatens to US Forces to prevent them from being armed.
d. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. / “I Have a Dream”= Civil Rights activist and minister…dreamed of
e. Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring-Book that said pesticides (DDT) was killing birds and harming
f. The Peace Corps-Volunteer group of US citizens that go to other developing countries to help
with education, water, agriculture.
g. Assassination JFK killed in Dallas.
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
17. Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969) Democrat Became President after Ken. Assassinated
a. Vietnam War-Fr. Get kicked out of Viet. By Jap in WWII. They want to come back, Viet. But
Ho Chi Minh doesn’t want them. We help the Fr. And get sucked in to stopping communist
expansion in SE Asia.
i. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution-Congress gives Pres. J a “Blank Check” (Free rein) to wage
war in Viet. Allowed the war to expand and go on longer.
ii. Draft Dodgers-People who avoided getting sent to war by going to Canada, faking
injuries, etc.
iii. Tet Offensive-N. Viet invaded S. Vietnam. Communist N loses but the media in America
report that the N can move in the S freely; hurts morale.
b. “The Great Society” LBJ’s plan to help American’s at home with poverty and other issues.
i. VISTA-Volunteers worked in poor areas of America.
ii. Head Start-Helped poor preschoolers get ready for school.
iii. Medicare / Medicaid medical care paid for elderly ppl. (You pay into this.) Medicaid is
free for poor people. (They do not pay into it.)
c. The Counter-Culture-1960s young people who wanted to live outside the normal boundaries of
society. Free love (irresponsible sex), drugs, etc.
d. Apollo 11-Space mission to the moon.
e. Thurgood Marshall-Chief Justice who presided over the Brown v. Board of Educ.
f. Civil Rights Act of 1964 / Voting Rights Act of 1965 These were passed during LBJs
g. 24th Amendment-poll tax illegal
h. Black Power / Malcolm X / Black Panthers Demanded rights using violence if necessary.
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
i. National Organization for Women (NOW)- Radical feminist organization. Pushed for abortion
j. Robert Kennedy- Assassinated during his presidential campaign.
18. Richard Nixon (1969-1974) Republican Promised to end war in Vietnam and restore law and order.
a. Vietnam Wari. 26th Amendment Allowed 18 year olds to vote
ii. Vietnamization-Nixon’s plan to turn over the fighting in Viet. To the South Vietnamese;
they were unable to resist the communist N.
iii. Henry Kissinger Secretary of State
iv. Mai Lai Massacre American soldiers kill civilians
v. Kent State Incident National Guard fires on protestors.
vi. The Pentagon Papers / New York Times v US- opened up govt secrets to the public
vii. Paris Peace Accords Ends fighting in Vietnam
viii. War Powers Act of 1973- Took back the powers given to the president under “Gulf of
Tonkin” resolution.
b. Hippies / Woodstock Ppl who wanted to live outside society. Music festival; lasted 3 days. Lots
of great music but bad behavior.
c. Swann v Charlotte-Mecklenburg Bussing to integrate schools.
d. Cesar Chavez Lead a movement for rights for migrant workers.
e. American Indian Movement (AIM) Tried to gain rights for Native Americans.
f. Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Movement to give women equal rights/pay with men.
g. Roe v Wade Gave women the right to get an abortion. The woman involved has since said she is
anti-abortion because she believes it does more harm to women.
h. Détente Easing of tensions between the US and China.
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
i. SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
j. Watergate / US v Nixon / Resignation Scandal where CREEP broke into Dem. Headquarter to
spy on their election plans. They got caught and Nixon refused to give over taped conversations
that would have implicated him.
19. Gerald Ford (1974-1977) Republican Only president to not be elected.
a. Pardon for Nixon Ford used his presidential power to keep Nixon from getting prosecuted over
Watergate scandal.
b. Stagflation Prices go up and wages go down.
c. WIN Whip Inflation Now. Nixon’s plan to try to stop rising prices.
20. Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) Democrat Nice guy from Ga. (Peanut farmer) Didn’t really know a lot of ppl
in Washington and had a hard time getting things done.
a. Affirmative Action / University of California Regents v Bakke Forcing businesses and schools to
reserve a certain number of spots for minorities. This is to counteract racism. The sup. Ct case
involved a law school.
b. Three Mile Island- A nuclear reactor at a power plant had a leak; it was well contained but
people came to fear nuclear energy and it hurt the development of our nuclear program.
c. National Energy Act of 1978- set energy use standards/set a national speed limits.
d. Camp David Accords Carter’s greatest achievement; worked out a peace agreement between
Israel and Egypt.
e. Iran Hostage Crisis Iranian students attack the US embassy in Tehran, Iran. They take American
hostage and hold them for over a year.
f. Religious Right / Moral Majority Conservative Americans who wanted to resist extreme
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
21. Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) Republican Beat Carter on the promises of improving the economy and
taking a stronger stance against Communism.
a. Reaganomics / Supply-Side Economics / Trickle-Down Theory- Believed that cutting taxes and
removing regulations would boost the economy by encouraging businesses to grow. The
economy under Reagan did recover and grow tremendously.
b. Yuppies People who were part of corporate America; materialistic and extremely ambitious.
c. Crack Cocaine / Homelessness New problems that many say Reagan did very little to combat.
d. AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. New HIV virus that spread quickly during the
80s. Only spreads through blood to blood/bodily fluids.
e. Sandra Day O’Connor Reagan appoints the first female to the supreme court.
f. SDI / “Star Wars” Reagan’s idea for a weapon in space to shoot down incoming missiles.
g. Iran-Contra Scandal Weapons sold secretly to Iran were used to fund the Contras who were
resisting communism in central America.
h. Space Shuttle Program / Challenger Disaster
i. Perestroika / Glasnost
22. George Bush (1989-1993) Republican
a. Cold War Ends / Collapse of Communism / Berlin Wall Torn Down
b. Tiananmen Square
c. Invasion of Panama
d. Operation Desert Storm / Gulf War I
e. Americans With Disabilities Act
f. H. Ross Perot
23. Bill Clinton (1993-2001) Democrat
a. The Internet
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
b. Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
c. Americorps
d. Brady Bill
e. Newt Gingrich / Contract With America
f. Welfare Reform Act
g. Whitewater / Monica Lewinsky Scandal / Impeachment
i. Kyoto Protocol
j. Oklahoma City Bombing
k. Foreign Terror Attacks / US Embassy Bombings / USS Cole
24. George W. Bush (2001-2009) Republican
a. Bush v Gore
b. 9/11 Attacks
c. War on Terror
d. The Patriot Act / Department of Homeland Security
e. Axis of Evil
f. Invasion of Afghanistan / Taliban
g. WMDs / Invasion of Iraq
h. No Child Left Behind Act
i. Hurricane Katrina
25. Barack Obama (2009 - 2016) Democrat
a. Health Care Reform (Obamacare)
b. “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” Repeal
c. National Debt
American History II Final Exam Study Guide
d. Foreign relations with Iran, N. Korea, Russia, Israel
e. Terror Attacks