* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
文档下载 免费文档下载 本文档下载自文档下载网,内容可能不完整,您可以点击以下网址继续阅读或下载: 量子未来 一本专门介绍量子力学的英文科技文献,讲述了量子力学的发展以利未来的展望。 CONTENTS FEATURES 2 FOREWORD 34 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CONSTITUENTS Humankind has wondered since the beginning of history what are the fundamental constituents of matter. Robert L. Jaffe THE FUTURE OF THE QUANTUMTHEORY James Bjorken 6 THE ORIGINS OF THE QUANTUMTHEORY 文档下载 免费文档下载 The ?rst 25years of the century radicallytransformed our ideas about Nature.Cathryn Carson 41 SUPERCONDUCTIVITY: AMACROSCOPIC QUANTUM PHENOMENON Quantum mechanics is crucial to understanding and using superconductivityJohn Clarke 20 THE LIGHT THAT SHINES STRAIGHT A Nobel laureate recounts the invention of the laser and the birth of quantum electronics.Charles H. Townes DEPARTMENTS 49 THE UNIVERSE AT LARGE The Ratios of Small Whole Numbers: Misadventures in 文档下载 免费文档下载 Astronomica QuantizationVirginia Trimble 29 THE QUANTUM AND THECOSMOS Large-scale structure in the Universe began 58 CONTRIBUTORS FOREWORD The Future of the Quantum T byJAMES BJORKEN brate the one hundredth anniversary of thebirth of the quantum theory. The story ofhow MaxPlanck started it all is one of the mostmarvelous in all of science. It is a favorite ofmine, so much so that I have already written about it (see “Particle Physics—Where Do We GoFrom Here?” in the Winter 1992Beam Line, Vol.22, No. 4). Here I will only quote again whatthe late Abraham Pais said about Planck: “Hisreasoning was mad, but his madness had thatdivine quality that only the greatest transitional?gures can bring to science.”* A century later, the madness has not yet com-pletely disappeared. Science in general has a wayof producing results which defy human intuition.But 文档下载 免费文档下载 i is fair to say that the winner in thiscategory is the quantum theory. In my mindquantum paradoxes such as the HeisenbergMax Planck, circa 1910 (Courtesy AIPEmilio Segrè Visual Archives)uncertainty principle, Schr?dinger’s cat, “collapse of the wave packet,” and so forth are far more perplexing andchallenging than those of relativity, whether they be the twin paradoxes ofspecial relativity or the black hole physics of classical general relativity. It isoften said that no one reallyunderstands quantum theory, and I would bethe last to disagree. In the contributions to this issue, the knotty questions of the interpreta-tion of quantum theory are, mercifully, not addressed. There will be no mention of the debates between Einstein and Bohr, nor the later attempts by *Abraham Pais, Subtle is the Lord: Science and the Life of Albert Einstein, Oxford U. Press, 1982. I NTHISISSU the Beam Line, we cele- 2SUMMER/FALL 2000 heory Bohm, Everett, and others to ?nd inter-pretations of the theory different fromthe 文档下载 免费文档下载 original “Copenhagen interpreta-tion” of Bohr and his associates. Instead,what is rightfully emphasized is theoverwhelming practical success of theserevolutionary ideas. Quantum theoryworks. It never fails. And the scope ofthe applications is enormous. As LeonLederman, Nobel Laureate and DirectorEmeritus of Fermilab, likes to point out,more than 25 percent of the grossnational product is dependent upontechnology that springs in an essentialway from quantum phenomena.* Nevertheless, it is hard not to sympa-thize with Einstein and feel that there issomething incomplete about the presentstatus of quantum theory. Perhaps thet seequations de?ning the theory are not ex-fnerhEactly correct, and corrections will even- luaPtually be de?ned and their effects Einstein and Neils Bohr in the late 1920s. observed. This is not a popular point of(Courtesy AIPEmilio Segrè Visual Archives)view. But there does exist a minority school of thought which asserts that only for suf?ciently small systems is the quantum theory accurate, and thatfor large complex quantum systems, hard to follow in exquisite detail, there *Leon Lederman, The God Particle (If the Universe is the Answer, What is the Question?),Houghton Mif?in, 1993. BEAM LINE3 may be a small amount of some kind of extra intrinsic “noise” term or non-linearity 文档下载 免费文档下载 in the fundamental equations, which effectively eliminates para-doxes such as the “collapse of the wave packet.” Down through history most of the debates on the foundations of quantumtheory produced many words and very little action, and remained closer tothe philosophy of science than to real experimental science. Jo Bell brought some freshness to the subject. The famous theorem that bears hisname initiated an experimental program to test some of the fundamentals.Nevertheless, it would have been an enormous shock, at least to me, if anydiscrepancy in such experiments had been found, because the searchesinvolved simple atomic systems, not so different from elementary particlesystems within which very subtle quantum effects have for some time beenclearly demonstrated. A worthy challenge to the quantum theory in myopinion must go much further and deeper. What might such a challenge be? At present, one clear possibility which isactively pursued is in the realm of string theory, which attempts an exten-sion of Einstein gravity into the domain of very short distances, where quan-tum effects dominate. In the present incarnations, it is the theory of gravitythat yields ground and undergoes modi?cations and generalizations, thequ theory with left essentially intact. But it seems to me that the alterna-tive must also be entertained—that the quantum theory itself does not sur-vive the synthesis. This, however, is easier said than done. And the problemwith each option is that the answer needs to be found with precious littleassistance from experiment. This is in stark contrast with the developmentof quantum theory itself, which was driven from initiation to completion bya huge number of experiments, essentially guiding the theorists to the ?nalequations. 文档下载 免费文档下载 4SUMMER/FALL 2000 *Frank Wilczek, Physics Today, June 2000, Vol. 53, No.6, p. 11. BEAM LINE5 THE ORIGINS OF THE QUANTUM THEORY by CATHRYN CARSON W HATISAQUANTUMTHEORY?We have been asking that question for a long time, eversince Max Planck introduced the element of dis- continuity we call the quantum ago. a century Since then,the chunkiness of Nature (or at least of our theories aboutit) has been built into our basic conception of the world. Ithas prompted a fundamental rethinking of physical theory.At the same time it has helped make sense of a whole range of pe-culiar behaviors manifested principally at microscopic levels. From its beginning, the new regime was symbolized by Planck’s constanth, introduced in his famous paper of 1900. Measuring the world’s departurefrom smooth, continuous 文档下载 免费文档下载 behavior, hproved to be a very small number, butdifferent from zero. Wherever it appeared, strange phenomena came with it.What it really meant was of course mysterious. While the quantum era wasinaugurated in 1900, a quantum theory would take much longer to jell. Intro-ducing discontinuity was a tentative step, and only a ?rst one. And eventhereafter, the Physicistspondered recasting of for physical theory was years quantum hesitant and slow. what theory a might be. Wondering how to inte-grate it with the powerful apparatus of nineteenth-century physics, they alsoasked what relation it bore to existing, “classical” theories. For some theanswers crystallized with quantum mechanics, the result of a quarter-century’s labor. Others held out for further rethinking. If the outcome wasnot to the satisfaction of all, still the quantum theory proved remarkably 6SUMMER/FALL 2000 successful, and the puzzlement along the way, despite its frustrations, canonly be called extraordinarily productive. INTRODUCINGh The story began inconspicuously enough on December 14, 1900. Max Planckwas giving a talk to the German Physical Society on the continuous spec-trum of the frequencies of light emitted by an ideal heated body. Some twomonths earlier this 42-year-old theorist had presented a formula capturingsome new experimental results. Now, with leisure to think an more time athis disposal, he sought to provide a physical justi?cation for his formula.Planck pictured a piece of matter, idealizing it somewhat, as equivalent to acollection of oscillating electric charges. He then imagined distributing itsenergy in discrete chunks proportional to the frequencies of oscillation. Theconstant of proportionality he chose to call h; we would now write e= hf.The frequencies of 文档下载 免费文档下载 oscillation determined the frequencies of the emittedlight. A twisted chain of reasoning then reproduced Planck’s postulatedformula, which now involved the same natural constant h. Two theorists,Niels Bohr andMax Planck, at theblackboard.(Courtesy EmilioSegre` VisualArchives, Margrethe Bohr Collection) BEAM LINE7 An ideal blackbody spectrum (Schwarzer K?rper) and its real-worldapproximation (quartz). (From ClemensSchaefer, Einführung in die TheoretischePhysik, 1932). setup for measuring black-body radiation. (The blackbody is thetube labeled C.) This design was a prod-uct of Germany’s Imperial Institute ofPhysics and Technology in Berlin, wherestudies of blackbodies were pursuedwith an eye toward industrial standardsof luminous intensity. (From Müller-Pouillets Lehrbuch der Physik, 1929). 8SUMMER/FALL 2000 Looking back on the event, we might expect revolutionaryfanfare. But as so often in history, matters were more ambigu-ous. Planck did not call his energy elements quanta and was notinclined to stress their discreteness, which made little sense in anyfamiliar terms. So the meaning of his procedure only gradually be-came apparent. 文档下载 免费文档下载 Although the problem he was treating was pivotalin its day, its implications were at first thought to be confined. BLACKBODIES The behavior of light in its interaction with matter was indeed akey problem of nineteenth-ce physics. Planck was interest-ed in the two theories that overlapped in this domain. The first waselectrodynamics, the theory of electricity, magnetism, and lightwaves, brought to final form by James Clerk Maxwell in the 1870s.The second, dating from roughly the same period, was thermo-dynamics and statistical mechanics, governing transformations ofenergy and its behavior in time. A pressing question was whetherthese two grand theories could be fused into one, since they startedfrom different fundamental notions. Beginning in the mid-1890s, Planck took up a seemingly narrowproblem, the interaction of an oscillating charge with its elec-tromagnetic field. These studies, however, brought him into con-tact with a long tradition of work on the emission of light. Decadesearlier it had been recognized that perfectly absorbing (“black”)bodies provided a standard for emission as well. Then over theyears a small industry had gro up around the study of suchobjects (and their real-world substitutes, like soot). A small groupof theorists occupied themselves with the thermodynamics ofradiation, while a host of experimenters labored over heated bod-ies to fix temperature, determine intensity, and characterizedeviations from blackbody ideality (see the graph above). After sci-entists pushed the practical realization of an old idea—that a closedtube with a small hole constituted a near-ideal blackbody—this“cavity radiation” allowed ever more reliable measurements. (See illustration at left.) 文档下载 免费文档下载 Now Planck’s oscillating charges emitted and absorbed radiation,so they could be used to model a blackbody. Thus everything seemedto fall into place in 1899 when he reproduced a formula that a col-league had derived by less secure means. That was convenient; every-one agreed that Willy Wien’s formula matched the observations. Thetrouble was that immediatel afterwards, experimenters began ?nd-ing deviations. At low frequencies, Wien’s expression becameincreasingly untenable, while elsewhere it continued to work wellenough. Informed of the results in the fall of 1900, on short noticePlanck came up with a reasonable interpolation. With its adjustableconstants his formula seemed to fit the experiments (see graph atright). Now the question became: Where might it come from? Whatwas its physical meaning? As we saw, Planck managed to produce a derivation. To get theright statistical results, however, he had to act as though the energyinvolved were divided up into elements e= hf. The derivation wasa success and splendidly reproduced the experimental data. Its mean-ing was less clear. After all, Maxwell’s theory already gave a beau-tiful account of light—and treated it as a wave traveling in a con-tinuous medium. Planck did not take the constant hto indicate aphysical discontinuity, real atomicity of energy in a substantivesense. None of his colleagues made much of this possibility, either,until Albert Einstein took it up ?ve years later. MAKING LIGHT QUANTA REAL Of Einstein’s three great papers of 1905, the one “On a Heuristic Pointof View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light”was the piece that the 26-year-old patent clerk labeled revolutionary.It was peculiar, he noted, that the electromagnetic theory of lightassumed a continuum, while current accounts of matter 文档下载 免费文档下载 started fromdiscrete atoms. Could discontinuity be productive for light as well?However indispensable Maxwell’s equations might seem, for someinteresting phenomena they proved inadequate. A key examplewas blackbody radiation, which Einstein now looked at in a way dif- ferent from Planck. Here a rigorously classical treatment, he showed, Experimental and theoretical results onthe blackbody spectrum. The data points are experimental values; Planck’sformula is the solid line. (Reprinted fromH. Rubens and F. Kurlbaum,Annalender Physik, 1901.) BEAM LINE9 Pieter Zeeman, Albert Einstein, and PaulEhrenfest (left to right) in Zeeman’s Amsterdam laboratory. (Courtesy EmilioSegre` Visual Archives, W. F. MeggersCollection) yielded a result not only wrong but also absurd. Even where Wien’slaw was approximately right (and Planck’s modi?cation unnecessary),elementary thermodynamics forced light to behave as though it werelocalized in discrete chunks. Radiation had to be parcelled into whatEinstein called “energy quanta.” Today we would write E= hf. Discontinuity was thus endemic to the electromagnetic world.Interestingly, Einstein did not refer to Planck’s constant h, believinghis approach to be different in spirit. Where Planck had looked atoscillating charges, Einstein thermodyn applied to the 文档下载 免费文档下载 lightitself. It was only later that Einstein went back and showed howPlanck’s work implied real quanta. In the meantime, he offered a fur-ther, radical extension. If light behaves on its own as though com-posed of such quanta, then perhaps it is also emitted and absorbed inthat fashion. A few easy considerations then yielded a law for thephotoelectric effect, in which light ejects electrons from the sur-face of a metal. Einstein provided not only a testable hypothesis butalso a new way of measuring the constant h(see table on the nextpage). Today the photoelectric effect can be checked in a college labo-ratory. In 1905 , however, it was far from trivial. So it would remain 10SUMMER/FALL 2000 for more than a decade. Even after Robert Millikan confirmedEinstein’s prediction, he and others balked at the underlying quan-tum hypothesis. It still violated everything known about light’s wave behavior (notably, interference) and hardly seemed reconcil-able with Maxwell’s equations. When Einstein was awarded the NobelPrize, he owed the honor largely to the photoelectric effect. But thecitation specifically noted his discovery of the law, not the expla-nation that he proposed. The relation of the quantum to the wave theory of light would re-main a point of puzzlement. Over the next years Einstein would onlysharpen the contradiction. As he showed, thermodynamics ineluctablyrequired both classical waves and quantization. The two aspects werecoupled: both were necessary, and at the same time. In the process,Einstein moved even closer to attributing to light a whole panoplyof particulate properties. The particle-like quantum, later named thephoton, would prove suggestive for explaining things like the scat-tering of Xrays. For that 文档下载 免费文档下载 1923discovery, Arthur Compton would winthe Nobel Prize. But there we get ahead of story. Before notionsof wave-particle duality could be taken seriously, discontinuityhad to demonstrate its worth elsewhere. BEYOND LIGHT As it turned out, the earliest welcome given to the new quantumconcepts came in fields far removed from the troubled theories ofradiation. The ?rst of these domains, though hardly the most obvi-ous, was the theory of speci?c heats. The speci?c heat of a substancedetermines how much of its energy changes when its temperature israised. At low temperatures, solids display peculiar behavior. HereEinstein suspected—again we meet Einstein—that the deviance mightbe explicable on quantum grounds. So he reformulated Planck’s prob-lem to handle a lattice of independently vibrating atoms. From thishighly simplistic model, he obtained quite reasonable predictionsthat involved the same quantity hf, now translated into the solid-state context. There things stood for another three y It took the sudden attention of the physical chemist Walther Nernst to bring quantum (From W. W. Coblentz, Radiation,Determination of the Constants andVeri?cation of the Lawsin A Dictionaryof Applied Physics,Vol. 4, Ed. SirRichard Glazebrook, 1923) BEAM LINE11 The ?rst SolvayCongress in 1911assembled thepioneers of quantum theory.Seated (left toright): W. 文档下载 免费文档下载 Nernst,M.Brillouin,E.Solvay,H.A.Lorentz,E.Warburg, J.Perrin, W. Wien,M. Curie,H.Poincaré.Standing (left toright): R.Goldschmidt,M.Planck,H.Rubens,A.Sommerfeld,F.Lindemann, Broglie,M.Knudsen,F.Hasen?hrl,G.Hostelet, E.Herzen, J. Jeans,E. Rutherford,H.Kamerlingh Onnes, A.Einstein,P.Langevin. (FromCinquantenaire duPremier Conseil dePhysique Solvay,1911–1961). theories of specific heats to general significance. Feeling his waytowards a new law of thermodynamics, Nernst not only bolsteredE’s ideas with experimental results, but also put them onthe agenda for widespread discussion. It was no accident, and to alarge degree Nernst’s doing, that the first Solvay Congress in 1911dealt precisely with radiation theory and quanta (see photographbelow). Einstein spoke on specific heats, offering additional com-ments on electromagnetic radiation. If the quantum was born in 1900,the Solvay meeting was, so to speak, its social debut. What only just began to show up in the Solvay colloquy was theother main realm in which discontinuity would prove its value. Thetechnique of quantizing oscillations applied, of course, to line spec-tra as well. In contrast to the universality of blackbody radiation, thediscrete lines of light emission and absorption varied immensely fromone substance to the next. But the regularities evident even in thewelter of the lines provided fertile matter for quantum conjectures. Molec spectra turned 文档下载 免费文档下载 into an all-important site of research during 12SUMMER/FALL 2000 the quantum’s second decade. Slower to take off, but ultimately evenmore productive, was the quantization of motions within the atomitself. Since no one had much sense of the atom’s constitution, theventure into atomic spectra was allied to speculative model-building.Unsurprisingly, most of the guesses of the early 1910s turned outto be wrong. They nonetheless sounded out the possibilities. Theorbital energy of electrons, their angular momentum (something likerotational inertia), or the frequency of their small oscillations aboutequilibrium: all these were fair game for quantization. The observedlines of the discrete spectrum could then be directly read off from theelectrons’ motions. THE BOHR MODEL OF THE ATOM It might seem ironic that Niels Bohr initially had no interest in spec-tra. He came to atomic i structure Writing his doctoral thesison the electron theory of metals, Bohr had become fascinated byits failures and instabilities. He thought they suggested a new typeof stabilizing force, one fundamentally different from those famil-iar in classical physics. Suspecting the quantum was somehowimplicated, he could not ?gure out how to work it into the theory.The intuition remained with him, however, as he transferredhis postdoctoral attention from metals to Rutherford’s atom. Whenit got started, the nuclear atom (its dense positive center circled byelectrons) was simply one of several models on offer. Bohr beganworking on it during downtime in Rutherford’s lab, thinking he couldimprove on its treatment of scattering. When he noticed that it oughtto be unstable, however, his attention was captured for good. Tostabilize the model by fiat, he set about imposing a quantum con-dition, according to the standard practice of 文档下载 免费文档下载 the day. Only a col-league directed his attention to spectra did he begin to think abouttheir signi?cance. The famous Balmer series of hydrogen was manifestly news toBohr. (See illustration above.) He soon realized, however, that hecould fit it to his model—if he changed his model a bit. He recon-ceptualized light emission as a transition between discontinuous or-bits, with the emitted frequency determined by DE= hf . To get the The line spectrum of hydrogen. (FromG.Herzberg, Annalen der Physik, 1927) BEAM LINE 13 What Was Bohr Up To? BOHR’SPATHto his atomic model was highly indirect. Therules of the game, as played in1911–1912, left some ?exibilityin what quantum condition oneimposed. Initially Bohr appliedit to multielectron states,whose allowed energies henow broke up into a discretespectrum. More speci?cally, hepicked out their orbital quanti what he would laterproscribe in the ?nal version ofhis model. fre-quencies This to isexactly 文档下载 免费文档下载 He rethought, however, inthe face of the Balmer seriesand its simple numericalpattern fn= R(1/4 -1/n2).Refocusing on one electronand highlighting excited states,he reconceptualized lightemission as a transition. TheBalmer series then resultedfrom a tumble from orbit ntoorbit 2; the Rydberg constantRcould be determined in terms of h. However, remnantsof the earlier model stillappeared in his paper. 14SUMMER/FALL 2000 orbits’ energies right, Bohr had to introduce some rather ad hoc rules.These he eventually justi?ed by quantization of angular momentum,which now came in units of Planck’s constant h. (He also used an in-teresting asymptotic argument that will resurface later.) Published in 1913, the resulting picture of the atom was rather odd.Not only did a quantum condition describe betweenl, transitions but the “stationary states,” too, were fixed by nonclassical?at. Electrons certainly revolved in orbits, but their frequency of rev-olution had nothing to do with the emitted light. Indeed, their os-cillations were postulated notto produce radiation. There was nopredicting when they might jump between levels. And transitionsgenerated frequencies according to a quantum relation, but Bohrproved hesitant to accept anything like a photon. The model, understandably, was not terribly persuasive—thatis, until new experimental results began coming in on Xrays, energylevels, and spectra. What really convinced the skeptics was a smallmodification Bohr made. Because the nucleus is not held fixed inspace, its mass enters in a small way into the spectral frequencies.The calculations produced a prediction that ?t to 3parts in 100,000—pretty good, even 文档下载 免费文档下载 for those days when so many numerical coinci-dences proved to be misleading. :// wheel made its ?nal turn when Einstein connected the Bohratom back to blackbody radiation. His famous papers on radiativetransitions, so important for the laser (see following article by CharlesTownes), showed the link among Planck’s blackbody law, discreteenergy levels, and quantized emission and absorption of radiation.Einstein further stressed that transitions could not be predicted inanything more than a probabilistic sense. It was in these same papers,by the way, that he formalized the notion of particle-like quanta. THE OLD QUANTUM THEORY What Bohr’s model provided, like Einstein’s account of speci?c heats,was a way to embed the quantum in a more general theory. In fact,the study of atomic structure would engender something plausiblycalled a quantum theory, one that began reaching towards a full-scalereplacement for classical physics. The relation between the old and Above: Bohr’s lecture no on atomic physics, 1921. (Originalsource: Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen. From Owen Gingerich, Ed., Album of Science: The Physical Sciences inthe Twentieth Century, 1989.) Left: Wilhelm Oseen, Niels Bohr, James Franck, Oskar Klein(left to right), and Max Born, seated, at the Bohr Festival inG?ttingen, 1922. (Courtesy Emilio Segre` Archives, Archive for the History of Quantum Physics) Visual 文档下载 免费文档下载 the new became a key issue. For some features of Bohr’s modelpreserved classical theories, while others presupposed their break-down. Was this consistent or not? And why did it work? By the late 1910s physicists had refined Bohr’s model, providinga relativistic treatment of the electrons and introducing additional“quantum numbers.” The simple quantization condition on angularmomentum could be broadly generalized. Then the techniques ofnineteenth-century celestial mechanics provided powerful theor tools. Pushed forward by ingenious experimenters, spectroscopicstudies provided ever more and finer data, not simply on the basicline spectra, but on their modulation by electric and magnetic ?elds.And abetted by their elders, Bohr, Arnold Sommerfeld, and Max Born,a generation of youthful atomic theorists cut their teeth on such prob-lems. The pupils, including Hendrik Kramers, Wolfgang Pauli, WernerHeisenberg, and Pascual Jordan, practiced a tightrope kind of theo-rizing. Facing resistant experimental data, they balanced the empiricalevidence from the spectra against the ambiguities of the prescrip-tions for applying the quantum rules. Within this increasingly dense body of work, an interesting strat-egy began to jell. In treating any physical system, the ?rst task wasto identify the possible classical motions. Then atop these classi-cal motions, quantum conditions would be imposed. Quantizationbecame a regular proc, making continual if puzzling refer-ence back to classical results. In another way, too, classical physics served as a touchstone. Bohr’s famous “correspondence principle” BEAM LINE15 文档下载 免费文档下载 Paul Dirac and Werner HeisenberginCambridge, circa 1930. (CourtesyEmilio Segre` Visual Archives, PhysicsTodayCollection) ?rst found application in his early papers, where it pro-vided a deeper justi?cation of his quantization con-dition. In the “classical limit,” for large orbits withhigh quantum numbers and small differences in en-ergy, the radiation from transitions between adja-cent orbits should correspond to the classical radiationfrequency. Quantum and classical results must matchup. Employed with a certain Bohrian discrimination,the correspondence principle yielded detailed infor-mation about spectra. It also helped answer the ques-tion: How do we build up a true quantum theory? Not that the sol was yet in sight. Theold quantum theory’s growing sophistication madeits failures ever plainer. By the early 1920s the the-orists found themselves increasingly in difficul-ties. No single problem was fatal, but their accu-mulation was daunting. This feeling of crisis wasnot entirely unspeci?c. A group of atomic theorists,centered on Bohr, Born, Pauli, and Heisenberg, hadcome to suspect that the problems went back to elec-tron trajectories. Perhaps it was possible to abstractfrom the orbits? Instead they focused on transition probabilities and emitted radiation, since those might be more reli-ably knowable. “At the moment,” Pauli still remarked in the springof 1925, “physics is again very muddled; in any case, it is far toodif?cult for me, and I wish I were a movie comedian or something ofthe sort and had never heard of physics.” QUANTUM MECHANICS Discontinuity, abstraction from the visualizable, pos a turntowards observable quantities: these preferences indicated one pathto a full quantum theory. 文档下载 免费文档下载 So, however, did their opposites. Whenin 1925–1926a true quantum mechanics was finally achieved, twoseemingly distinct alternatives were on offer. Both took as a leitmotifthe relation to classical physics, but they offered different ways ofworking out the theme. 16SUMMER/FALL 2000 Heisenberg’s famous paper of 1925, celebrated for launching thetransformations to come, bore the title “On the Quantum-TheoreticalReinterpretation of Kinematical and Mechanical Relations.” Thepoint of departure was Bohr’s tradition of atomic structure: discretestates remained fundamental, but now dissociated from intuitive rep-resentation. The transformative intent was even broader from thestart. Heisenberg translated correspondence-principle classical style. notions In his into quantum ones inthe new quantummechanics, best familiar q behaved strangely; multiplicationdepended on the order of the terms. The deviations, however, werecalibrated by Planck’s constant, thus gauging the departure from clas-sical normality. Some greeted the new theory with elation; others found it un-satisfactory and disagreeable. For as elegant as Heisenberg’s trans-lation might be, it took a very partial view of the problems of thequantum. Instead of the quantum theory of atomic structure, onemight also start from the wave-particle duality. Here another youngtheorist, Louis de Broglie, had advanced a speculative proposal in 1923that Heisenberg and his colleagues had made little of. Thinking overthe discontinuous, particle-like aspects of light, de Broglie suggest-ed looking for continuous, wave-like aspects of electrons. His notion,while as yet ungrounded in experimental evidence, did provide sur-prising insight into the quantum conditions for Bohr’s orbits. It also, a sideways route, gave Erwin Schr?dinger the idea for his brilliantpapers of 1926. 文档下载 免费文档下载 Imagining the discrete allowed states of any system of parti-cles as simply the stable forms of continuous matter waves,Schr?dinger sought connections to a well-developed branch of clas-sical physics. The techniques of continuum mechanics allowed himto formulate an equation for his waves. It too was built aroundthe constant h. But now the basic concepts were different, and soalso the fundamental meaning. Schr?dinger had a distaste for thediscontinuity of Bohr’s atomic models and the lack of intuitive pic-turability of Heisenberg’s quantum mechanics. To his mind, thequantum did not imply any of these things. Indeed, it showed theopposite: that the apparent atomicity of matter disguised anunderlying continuum. The Quantum inQuantum Mechanics ICONICALLYwe now write Heisenberg’s relations as pq-qp= -ih/2p.:// Here prepresents momentumand qrepresents position. Forordinary numbers, of course,pqequals qp, and so pq-qpisequal to zero. In quantummechanics, this difference,called the commutator, is nowmeasured by h. (The samething happens with Heisen-berg’s uncertainty principle of1927: DpDq?h/4p.) The sig-ni?cance of the approach, andits rearticulation as a matrix calculus, was made plain by Max Born, Pascual Jordan, andWerner Heisenberg. Its full profundity was revealed by Paul Dirac. BEAM LINE17 Old faces and new at the 1927SolvayCongress. The middle of the second rowlines up Hendrik Kramers, Paul Dirac,Arthur Compton, and Louis de Broglie.Behind Compton stands Erwin 文档下载 免费文档下载 Schr?dinger, with Wolfgang Pauli andWerner Heisenberg next to each otherbehind Max Born. (From Cinquantenairedu Premier Conseil de Physique Solvay,1911–1961) Thus a familiar model connected to physical intuition, but con-stituting matte of some ill-understood sort of wave, confronted anabstract mathematics with seemingly bizarre variables, insistentabout discontinuity and suspending space-time pictures. Unsur-prisingly, the coexistence of alternative theories generated debate.The fact, soon demonstrated, of their mathematical equivalence didnot resolve the interpretative dispute. For fundamentally differentphysical pictures were on offer. In fact, in place of Schr?dinger’s matter waves and Heisenberg’suncompromising discreteness, a conventional understanding settledin that somewhat split the difference. However, the thinking ofthe old quantum theory school still dominated. Born dematerializedSchr?dinger’s waves, turning them into pure densities of probabilityfor ?nding discrete particles. Heisenberg added his uncertainty prin-ciple, limiting the very possibility of measurement and undermin- ing the law of causality. The picture was capped by Bohr’s notion 18SUMMER/FALL 2000 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READINGOlivier Darrigol, From c-Numbers to q-Numbers: The Classical Analogy inthe History of QuantumTheory(Berkeley: U.C.Press, 1992).Helge Kragh, Quantum Gen-erations: AHistory ofPhysics in the TwentiethCentury(Princeton, Prince-ton University Press, 1999).Abraham Pais, “Subtle is theLord ...”: The 文档下载 免费文档下载 Science andthe Life of Albert Einstein(Oxford, Oxford UniversityPress, 1982).Helmut Rechenberg, “Quantaand Quantum Mechanics,”in Laurie M. Brown,Abraham Pais, and SirBrian Pippard, Eds.,Twentieth Century Physics, Vol. 1(Bristol andNew York, Institute ofPhysics Publishing andAmerican Institute ofPhysics Press, 1995),pp. 143-248.The August 11, 2000, issue ofScience(Vol. 289) containsan article by Daniel Klep-pner and Roman Jackiw on“One Hundred Years ofQuantum Physics.” To seethe full text of this article, goto 73777508636613a/289/5481/893. BEAM LINE19 THE LIGHT THAT SHIN by CHARLES H. TOWNES A Nobel laureate recounts the invention of the laserand the birth of quantum electronics.Adapted by Michael Riordan from HowThe Laser Happened: Adventures of a Scientist, by Charles H. Townes. Reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press.20 文档下载 免费文档下载 SUMMER/FALL 2000 ONJULY21, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin set up an array of small re?ectors on the moon, facing them toward Earth. At the same time, two teams of astrophysicists, one at the University of California’sLick Observatory and the other at the University of Texas’s McDonald Observatory, were preparing small instrumentson two big telescopes. Ten days later, the Lick team pointed its telescope at the precise location of the re?ectors on the:// moon and sent a small pulse of power into the hardware theyhad added to it. A few days after that, the McDonald teamwent through the same steps. In the heart of each telescope,a narrow beam of extraordinarily pure red light emergedfrom a synthetic ruby crystal, pierced the sky, and enteredthe near vacuum of space. The two rays were still only athousand yards wide after traveling 240,000miles to illumi-nate the moon-based re?ectors. Slightly more than a secondafter each light beam hit its target, the crews in Californiaand Texas detected its faint re?ection. The brief time inter-val between launch and detection of these light pulses per-mitted calculation of the distance to the moon to within aninch—a measurement of unprecedented precision. The ruby crystal for each light source was the heart of alaser (an acronym for light ampli?cation by stimulated emis-sion of radiation), which is a device ?rst 文档下载 免费文档下载 demonstrated in1960, just nine years earlier. A laser beam re?ected from the moon to measure its distance is only one dramatic illustra-tion of the spectacular quality of laser light. There are many other more mundane, practical uses such as in surveyingland and grading roads, as well as myriad everyday uses— NES STRAIranging from compact disc play-s rehers to grocery-store checkout rcaesdevices. eR otoThe smallest lasers are so tiny hP F9one cannot see them without a 124P ,microscope. Thousands can be reytnIbuilt on semiconductor chips. cM inThe biggest lasers consume as eD & llimuch electricity as a small Wtown. About 45miles from my of?ce in Berkeley is theLasers are commonly used in eyeLawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which has somesurgery to correct defective vision. of the world’s most powerful lasers. One set of them, collec-tively called NOVA, produces ten individual laser beams thatconverge to a spot the size of a pinhead and generate temper-atures of many millions of degrees. Such intensely concen-trated energies are essential for experiments that can showphysicists how to create conditions for nuclear fusion. TheLivermore team hopes thereby to ?nd a way to generate elec-tricity ef?ciently, with little pollution or radioactive wastes.For several years after the laser’s 文档下载 免费文档下载 invention, colleaguesliked to tease me about it, saying, “That’s a great idea, butit’s a solution looking for a problem.” The truth is, none ofus who worked on the ?rst lasers ever imagined how manyuses there might eventually be. But that was not our motiva-tion. In fact, many of today’s practical technologies have re-sulted from basic scienti?c research done years to decadesbefore. The people involved, motivated mainly by curiosity,often have little idea as to where their research will eventu-ally lead. BEAM LINE :// L IKETHETRANSISTOR, the laser and its progenitor themaser (an acronym for micro-wave amplification by stimulatedprinciples, that if photons can beabsorbed by atoms and boost themto higher energy states, then light canalso prod an atom to give up itsAn early small laser made of semicon-ducting material (right) compared with aU.S.dime. 22SUMMER/FALL 2000 emission of radiation) resulted fromthe application of quantum me-chanics to electronics after WorldWar II. Together with other advances,they helped spawn a new disciplinein applied physics known since thelate 1950s as “quantum electronics.”Since early in the twentieth cen-tury, physicists such as Niels Bohr,Louis de Broglie, and Albert Einsteinlearned how molecules and atomsabsorb and emit light—or any otherelectromagnetic radiation—on thebasis of the newly discovered laws ofquantum mechanics. When atoms ormolecules absorb light, one mightsay that parts of 文档下载 免费文档下载 them wiggle backand forth or twirl with new, addedenergy. Quantum mechanics requiresthat they store energy in very spe-ci?c ways, with precise, discrete lev-els of energy. An atom or a moleculecan exist in either its ground (lowest)energy state or any of a set of higher(quantized) levels, but not at energiesbetween those levels. Therefore theyonly absorb light of certain wave-lengths, and no others, because thewavelength of light determines theenergy of its individual photons (seebox on right). As atoms or moleculesdrop from higher back to lower en-ergy levels, they emit photons of thesame energies or wavelengths asthose they can absorb. This processis usually spontaneous, and this kindof light is normally emitted whenthese atoms or molecules glow, as ina ?uorescent light bulb or neon lamp,radiating in nearly all directions.Einstein was the ?rst to recognizeclearly, from basic thermodynamic energy and drop down to a lowerlevel. One photon hits the atom, andtwo come out. When this happens,the emitted photon takes off inprecisely the same direction as thelight that stimulated the energy loss,with the two waves exactly in step(or in the same “phase”). This “stim-ulated emission” results in coherentamplification, or amplification of awave at exactly the same frequencyand phase. Both absorption and stimulatedemission can occur simultaneously.As a light wave comes along, it canthus excite some atoms that are inlower energy states into higher statesand, at the same time, induce someof those in higher states to fall backdown to lower states. If there aremore atoms in the upper states thanin the lower states, more light isemitted than absorbed. In short, thelight gets stronger. It comes outbrighter than it went in. The reason why light is usuallyabsorbed in materials is that sub-stances almost always have moreatoms and m sitting in lowerenergy states than in higher ones:more photons are absorbed thanemitted. Thus we do not expect toshine a light through a piece of glassand see 文档下载 免费文档下载 it come out the other sidebrighter than it went in. Yet this isprecisely what happens with lasers.The trick in making a laser is toproduce a material in which theenergies of the atoms or moleculespresent have been put in a veryabnormal condition, with more of them in excited states than in the How Lasers Work B ECAUSEOFQUANTUM mechanics, atoms and moleculescan exist only in discrete states withvery speci?c values of their total energy.They change from one state to another byabsorbing or emitting photons whose ener-gies correspond to the difference betweentwo such energy levels. This process, whichgenerally occurs by an electron jumpingbetween two adjacent quantum states, isillustrated in the accompanying drawings. ( Stimulated emission of photons, the basisof laser operation, differs from the usual ab-sorption and spontaneous emission. Whenan atom or molecule in the “ground” stateabsorbs a photon, it is raised to a higherenergy state (top). This excited state maythen radiate spontaneously, emitting a pho-ton of the same energy and reverting backto the ground state (middle). But an excitedatom or molecule can also be stimulated toemit a photon when struck by an approach-ing photon (bottom). In this case, there isnow a second photon in addition to thestimulating photon; it has precisely thesame wavelength and travels exactly inphase with the ?rst. 文档下载 免费文档下载 Lasers involve many atoms or mole-cules acting in concert. The set of drawings(right) illustrates laser action in an optical-quality crystal, producing a cascade of pho-tons emitted in one direction. (a) Before the cascade begins, the atoms in the crystal are in their ground state. (b)Light pumped in and absorbed by these atoms raises most of them to the excitedstate. (c) Although some of the spontaneously emitted photons pass out of the crys-tal, the cascade begins when an excited atom emits a photon parallel to the axis ofthe crystal. This photon stimulates another atom to contribute a second photon, and(d) the process continues as the cascading photons are re?ected back and forth be-tween the parallel ends of the crystal. (e) Because the right-hand end is only partiallyre?ecting, the beam eventually passes out this end when its intensity becomes greatenough. This beam can be very powerful. BEAM LINE23 None of us who workedon the ?rst lasers everimagined how many usesthere might eventually be.Many of today’s practicaltechnologies have resulted from basic scienti?cresearch done yearsto decades before. 24 SUMMER/FALL 2000 ground, or lower, s A wave ofelectromagnetic energy of the properfrequency traveling through such apeculiar substance will pick up ratherthan lose energy. The increase in thenumber 文档下载 免费文档下载 of photons associated withthis wave represents ampli?cation—light amplification by stimulatedemission of radiation. If this amplification is not verylarge on a single pass of the wavethrough the material, there are waysto beef it up. For example, two par-allel mirrors—between which thelight is re?ected back and forth, withexcited molecules (or atoms) in themiddle—can build up the wave. Get-ting the highly directional laser beamout of the device is just a matter ofone mirror being made partiallytransparent, so that when the inter-nally reflecting beam gets strongenough, a substantial amount of itspower shoots right on through oneend of the device. The way this manipulation ofphysical laws came about, with themany false starts and blind alleys onthe way to its realization, is the sub-ject of my book, How the Laser Hap-pened. Brie?y summarized in this ar-ticle, it also describes my odyssey asa scientist and its unpredictable andperhaps natural path to the maserand laser. This story is interwovenwith the way the field of quantumelectronics grew, rapidly and strik-ingly, owing to a variety of importantcontributors, their cooperation andcompetitiveness. D URINGTHELATE1940s and early 1950s, I was exam-ining molecules with micro-waves at Columbia University—do-ing microwave spectroscopy. I tried to find a way to generate wavesshorter than those produced by theklystrons and magnetrons developedfor radar in World War II. One day Isuddenly had an idea—use moleculesand the stimulated emission fromthem. With graduate student JimGordon and postdoc Herb Zeiger, Idecided to experiment ?rst with am-monia (NHradiation at a 文档下载 免费文档下载 wavelength of about3) molecules, which centimeter. After a couple of yearsof effort, the idea worked. We chris-tened this device the “maser.” Itproved so interesting that for a whileI put off my original goal of trying togenerate even shorter wavelengths.In 1954, shortly after Gordon andI built our second maser and showedthat the frequency of its microwaveradiation was indeed remarkablypure, I visited Denmark and sawNiels Bohr. As we were walkingalong the street together, he askedme what I was doing. I described themaser and its amazing performance.“But that is not possible!” he ex-claimed. I assured him it was. Similarly, at a cocktail party inPrinceton, New Jersey, the Hungar-ian mathematician John von Neu-mann asked what I was working on.I told him about the maser and thepurity of its frequency. “That can’t be right!” he declared.But it was, I replied, telling him ithad already been demonstrated.Such protests were not offhandopinions about obscu aspects ofphysics; they came from the marrowof these men’s bones. Their objec-tions were founded on principle—theHeisenberg uncertainty principle.A central tenet of quantum mechan-ics, this principle is among the coreachievements that occurred during a phenomenal burst of creativity inthe ?rst few decades of the twentiethcentury. As its name implies, it de-scribes the impossibility of achiev-ing absolute knowledge of all the as-pects of a system’s condition. Thereis a price to be paid in attemptingto measure or define one aspect ofa specific particle to very great ex-actness. One must surrender knowl-edge of, or control over, some otherfeature. A corollary of this principle, onwhich the maser’s doubters stum-bled, is that one cannot measure anobject’s frequency (or energy) to greataccuracy in an arbitrarily short timeinterval. Measurements made over afinite period of time 文档下载 免费文档下载 automaticallyimpose uncertainty on the ob To many physicists steeped in theuncertainty principle, the maser’sperformance, at ?rst blush, made nosense at all. Molecules race throughits cavity, spending so little timethere—about one ten-thousandth ofa second—that it seemed impossiblefor the frequency of the output mi-crowave radiation to be so narrowlyde?ned. Yet that is exactly what hap-pens in the maser. There is good reason that the un-certainty principle does not apply sosimply here. The maser (and by anal-ogy, the laser) does not tell you any-thing about the energy or frequen-cy of any specific molecule. Whena molecule (or atom) is stimulated toradiate, it must produce exactly thesame frequency as the stimulatingradiation. In addition, this radiationrepresents the average of a large num-ber of molecules (or atoms) work-ing together. Each individual mole-cule remains anonymous, not accurately measured or tracked. ari Theprecision from factors thatmollify the apparent demands of theuncertainty principle. I am not sure that I ever did con-vince Bohr. On that sidewalk in Den-mark, he told me emphatically thatif molecules zip through the maserso quickly, their emission lines mustbe broad. After I persisted, howev-er, he relented. “ Oh, well, yes,” he said; “Maybeyou are right.” But my impressionNOVA, the world’s largest and most pow- was that he was just trying to be po-erful laser, at the Lawrence Livermorelite to a younger physicist. 文档下载 免费文档下载 National Laboratory in California. Its 10After our ?rst chat at that Prince-laser beams can deliver 15trillion wattston party, von Neumann wanderedof light in a pulse lasting 3billionths of aoff and had another drink. In aboutsecond. With a modi?ed single beam, it?fteen minutes, he was back. has produced 1,250trillion watts for half“Yes, you’re right,” he snapped. a trilliont of a second. (CourtesyLawrence Livermore NationalClearly, he had seen the point. Laboratory) BEAM LINE25 The developmentof the laser followedno script except He seemed very interested, and heasked me about the possibility of do-ing something similar at shorterwavelengths using semiconductors.Only later did I learn from hisposthumous papers, in a September1953letter he had written to EdwardTeller, that he had already proposedproducing a cascade of stimulated in-frared radiation in semiconductorsby exciting electrons with intenseneutron bombardment. His idea wasalmost a laser, but he had notthought of employing a reflectingcavity nor of using the coherent prop-erties of stimulated radiation. I NTHELATESUMMERof 1957, I felt it was high time I 文档下载 免费文档下载 moved on to the original goal thatfostered the maser idea: oscillatorsthat work at wavelengths apprecia-bly shorter, than 1 beyondwhat standard electronics couldachieve. For some time I had beenthinking off and on about this goal,hoping that a great idea would popinto my head. But since nothing hadspontaneously occurred to me, I de-cided I had to take time for concen-trated thought. A major problem to overcome wasthat the rate of energy radiation froma molecule increases as the fourthpower of the frequency. Thus to keepmolecules or atoms excited in aregime to amplify at a wavelength of,say, 0.1millimeter instead of 1 cen-timeter requires an increase in pump-ing power by many orders of mag-nitude. Another problem was that forgas molecules or atoms, Doppler ef-fects increasingly broaden the emis-sion spectrum as the wavelength getssmaller. That means there is less am-pli?cation per molecule available to26 SUMMER/FALL 2000 to hew to the naturethe total power required—even toamplify visible light—is not neces-sarily proh of scientists gropingNot only were there no clearpenalties in such a leapfrog to veryshort wavelengths or high frequencies,to understand,this approach offered big advantages.In the near-infrared and visible re-gions, we already had plenty of ex-to explore, andperience and equipment. By contrast,wavelengths near 0.1mm and tech-niques to handle them were rela-to create. tively unknown. It was time to takea big step. Still, there remained another ma-jor concern: the resonant cavity. Tocontain enough 文档下载 免费文档下载 atoms or molecules,the cavity would have to be muchdrive any speci?c resonant frequencylonger than the wavelength of theinside a cavity. radiation—probably thousands ofAs I played with the variety oftimes longer. This meant, I feared,possible molecular and atomic tran-that no cavity could be very selectivesitions, and the methods of excit-for one and only one frequency. Theing them, what is well-k todaygreat size of the cavity, comparedsuddenly became clear to me: it isto a single wavelength, meant thatjust as easy, and probably easier, tomany closely spaced but slightly dif-go right on down to really shortferent wavelengths would resonate.wavelengths—to the near-infrared orBy great good fortune, I got helpeven optical regions—as to go downand another good idea before I pro-one smaller step at a time. This wasceeded any further. I had recently be-a revelation, like stepping throughgun a consulting job at Bell Labs,a door into a room I did not suspectwhere my brother-in-law and formerexisted. postdoc Arthur Schawlow was work-The Doppler effect does indeed in-ing. I naturally told him that I hadcreasingly smear out the frequencybeen thinking about such opticalof response of an atom (or molecule)masers, and he was very interestedas one goes to shorter wavelengths,because he had also been thinking inbut there is a c factorthat very direction. that comes into play. The number ofWe talked over the cavity prob-atoms required to amplify a wave bylem, and Art came up with the so-a given amount does not increase,lution. I had been considering abecause atoms give up their quantarather well-enclosed cavity, with mir-more readily at higher frequencies.rors on the ends and holes in theAnd while the power needed to keepsides only large enough to providea certain number of atoms in exciteda way to pump energy into the gasstates increases with the frequency, 文档下载 免费文档下载 and to kill some of the directions in which the waves might bounce. Hesuggested instead that we use justtwo plates, two simple mirrors, andleave off the sides altogether. Sucharrangements of parallel mirrors werealready used at the time in optics;they are called Fabry–Perot interfer-ometers. Art recognized that without thesides, many oscillating thatd on modes internal re?ections wouldeliminate themselves. Any wave hit-ting either end mirror at an anglewould eventually walk itself out ofthe cavity—and so not build up en-ergy. The only modes that could sur-vive and oscillate, then, would bewaves re?ected exactly straight backand forth between the two mirrors.More detailed studies showed thatthe size of the mirrors and the dis-tance between them could even bechosen so that only one frequencywould be likely to oscillate. To besure, any wavelength that ?t an ex-act number of times between themirrors could resonate in such a cav-ity, just as a piano string produces notjust one pure frequency but alsomany higher harmonics. In a well-designed system, however, only onefrequency will fall squarely at thetransition energy of the mediumwithin it. Mathematically and phys-ically, it was “neat.” Art and I agreed to write a paperjointly on optical masers. It seemedclear that we could ac buildone, but it would take time. We spentnine months working on and off inour spare time to write the paper. Weneeded to clear up the engineeringand some specific details, such aswhat material to use, and to clarifythe theory. By August 1958the man-uscript was complete, and the Bell Labs patent lawyers told us that theyJames Gordon, Nikolai Basov, Herberthad done their job protecting itsZeiger, Alexander Prokhorov, and authorideas. The Physical 文档下载 免费文档下载 ReviewpublishedCharles Townes (left to right) attendingit in the December 15, 1958, issue.the ?rst international conference onIn September 1959the ?rst scien-quantum electronics in 1959. ti?c meeting on quantum electronicsand resonance phenomena occurredat the Shawanga Lodge in New York’sCatskill Mountains. In retrospect, itrepresented the formal birth of themaser and its related physics as a dis-tinct subdiscipline. At that meet-ing Schawlow delivered a general talko optical masers. Listening with interest wasTheodore Maiman from the HughesResearch Laboratories in Culver City,California. He had been workingwith ruby masers and says he was al-ready thinking about using ruby asthe medium for a laser. Ted listenedclosely to the rundown on the pos-sibility of a solid-state ruby laser,about which Art was not too hope-ful. “It may well be that more suit-able solid materials can be found,”he noted, “and we are looking forthem. ” BEAM LINE27 Maiman felt that Schawlow wasfar too pessimstic and left the meet-ing intent on building a solid-stateruby laser. In subsequent months Tedmade striking measurements onruby, showing that its lowest energylevel could be partially emptied byexcitation with intense light. Hethen pushed on toward still brighterexcitation sources. On May 16, 1960,he fired up a flash lamp wrappedaround a ruby crystal about 1.5cmlong and produced the ?rs operatinglaser. The evidence that it worked wassomewhat indirect. The Hughesgroup did not set it up 文档下载 免费文档下载 to shine a spotof light on the wall. No such ?ash ofa beam had been seen, which leftroom for doubt about just what theyhad obtained. But the instrumentshad shown a substantial change inthe fluorescence spectrum of theruby; it became much narrower, aclear sign that emission had beenstimulated, and the radiation peakedat just the wavelengths that weremost favored for such action. A shortwhile later, both the Hughes re-searchers and Schawlow at Bell Labsindependently demonstrated power-ful ?ashes of directed light that madespots on the wall—clear intuitiveproof that a laser is indeed working. I TISNOTEWORTHYthat al- most all lasers were ?rst built inindustrial labs. Part of the reasonfor industry’s success is that once itsimportance becomes apparent, in-dustrial laboratories can devote moreresources a concentrated effort toa problem than can a university.When the goal is clear, industry canbe effective. But the ?rst lasers wereinvented and built by young scien- 28 SUMMER/FALL 2000 The Quantum &The Cosmos (Courtesy Jason Ware, ONENORMALLYTHINKSthat quantum mechanics is only 文档下载 免费文档下载 “ When onetugs at asingle thinginNature, he?nds ithitched to the rest of theUniverse.” —John Muir relevant on submicroscopic scales, operating in the domain ofatomic, nuclear, and particle physics. But if our most excitingideas about the evolution of the early Universe are correct, thenthe imprint of the quantum world is visible on astronomicalscales. The possibility that quantum mechanics shaped the largest structures in the Universe is one of the theories to comefrom the marriage of the quantum and the cosmos.WHAT’S OUT THERE? On a d clear night the sky offersmuch to see. With the unaided eye onecan see things in our solar system suchas planets, as well as extrasolar objectslike stars. Nearly everything visible byeye resides within our own Milky WayGalaxy. But with a little patience andskill it’s possible to find a few extra-galactic objects. The AndromedaGalaxy, 2.4million light-years distant,is visible as a faint nebulous region,and from the Southern Hemispheretwo small nearby galaxies (if 170,000 light-years can be considered nearby),the Magellanic Clouds, can also beseen with the unaided eye. While the preponderance of objectsseen by eye are galactic, the viewthrough large telescopes reveals theuniverse beyond the Milky Way. Evenwith the telescopes of the nineteenthcentury, the great British astronomerSir WilliamHerschel discovered about2,500galaxies, and his son, Sir JohnHerschel, discovered an additionalthousand (although neither of 文档下载 免费文档下载 th knew that the objects theydiscovered were extragalactic). As BEAM LINE 29 Galaxies ?ll the Hubble Deep Field, oneastronomers built larger telescopes of the most distant optical views of theUniverse. The dimmest ones, some asand looked deeper into space, thefaint as 30th magnitude (about four bil-number of known galaxies grew.lion times fainter than stars visible to theAlthough no one has ever botheredunaided eye), are very distant and rep-to count, astronomers have identi-resent what the Universe looked ike in?ed about four million galaxies. Andthe extreme past, perhaps less than onethere are a lot more out there! billion years after the Big Bang. To makeOur deepest view into the Uni-this Deep Field image, astronomers se-verse is the Hubble Deep Field. Thelected an uncluttered area of the sky inthe constellation Ursa Major and pointedresult of a 10-day exposure of a verythe Hubb Space Telescope at a singlesmall region of the sky by NASA’sspot for 10days accumulating and com-Hubble Space Telescope, the Hubblebining many separate exposures. WithDeep Field reveals a universe full ofeach additional exposure, fainter objectsgalaxies as far as Hubble’s eye can seewere revealed. The ?nal result can be(photo above). If the Space Telescopeused to explore the mysteries of galaxycould take the time to survey the en-evolution and the early Universe. (Courtesy R. Williams, The tire sky to the depth of the DeepHDFTeam,STScl, and NASA) Field, it would ?nd more than 50bil-lion galaxies. 文档下载 免费文档下载 Although large galaxies containat least 100billion stars and stretchacross 100,000light-years or moreof space, they aren’t the biggestthings in the Universe. Just as starsare part of galaxies, galaxies are partof larger structures. Many galaxies are members ofgroups containing a few dozen ga, or to even ahundred larger assem-blages known as clusters, containing 30SUMMER/FALL 2000 several thousand galaxies. Clustersof galaxies are part of even largerassociations called superclusters,containing dozens of clusters spreadout over 100million light-years ofspace. Even superclusters may not bethe largest things in the Universe.The largest surveys of the Universesuggest to some astronomers thatgalaxies are organized on two-dimensional sheet-like structures,while others believe that galaxies liealong extended one-dimensional ?l-aments. The exact nature of howgalaxies are arranged in the Universeis still a matter of debate among cos-mologists. A picture of the arrange-ment of galaxies on the largest scalesis only now emerging. Not all of the Universe is visibleto the eye. In addition to patternsin the arrangement of matter in thevisible Universe, there is also a struc-ture to the background radiation.The Univ is awash in a ther-mal bath of radiation, with a tem-perature of three degrees above ab-solute zero (3 K or -270 C). Invisibleto the human eye, the backgroundradiation is a remnant of the hotprimeval ?reball. First discovered in1965by Arno Penzias and RobertWilson, it is a fundamental predic-tion of the Big Bang theory. Soon after Penzias and Wilson dis-covered the background radiation,the search began 文档下载 免费文档下载 for variations in thetemperature of the universe. Fornearly 30years, astrophysicistssearched in vain for regions of the dis-tant Universe that were hotter orcolder than average. It was not until1992that a team of astronomers us-ing the Cosmic Background ExplorerSatellite (COBE) discovered an in-trinsic pattern in the temperature of the Universe. Since the time of theCOBEdiscovery, a pattern of tem-perature variations has been mea-sured with increasing precision bydozens of balloon-borne and terres-trial observati A new era of pre-cision cosmological observations isstarting. Sometime in 2001NASAwill launch a new satellite, theMicrowave Anisotropy Probe (MAP),and sometime in 2007the EuropeanSpace Agency will launch an evenmore ambitious effort, the PlanckExplorer, to study temperature vari-ations in the cosmic backgroundradiation. Even if our eyes were sensitive tomicrowave radiation, we would havea hard time discerning a pattern oftemperature fluctuations since thehottest and coldest regions of thebackground radiation are only aboutone-thousandth of a percent hotterand colder than average. Although small in magnitude, thebackground temperature ?uctuationsare large in importance since theygive us a snapshot of structure in theUniverse when the background pho-tons last scattered, about 300,000years after the Bang. WHY IS IT THERE? A really good answer to a deep ques-tion usually leads deeperquesti to Once even we discover what’sin the Universe, a deeper questionarises: Why is it there? Why are starsarranged into galaxies, galaxies intoclusters, clusters into superclusters,and 文档下载 免费文档下载 so on? Why are there small vari-ations in the temperature of the Uni-verse? Part of the answer involves grav-ity. Everything we see in the Universe is the result of gravity. Every timeyou see a star the imprint of gravityis shining at you. Today we observenew stars forming within giant inter-stellar gas clouds, such as those foundat the center of the Orion Nebula just1,500light-years away (see photo onnext page). Interstellar clouds are not smoothand uniform; they contain regionswhere the density of material is largerthan in surrounding regions. Thedense regions within the clouds arethe seeds around which stars growthrough the irresistible force of grav-ity. The dense regions pull in nearbymaterial through the force of gravity,whic compresses the material un-til it becomes hot and dense enoughfor nuclear reactions to commenceand form stars. About ?ve billion years ago in ourlittle corner of the Milky Way, grav-ity started to pull together gas anddust to form our solar system. Thisfashioning of structure in our localneighborhood is just a small part ofa process that started about 12billionyears ago on a grander scale through-out the Universe. For the ?rst 300centuries after theBig Bang, the Universe expanded toorapidly for gravity to fashion struc-ture. Finally, 30,000years after theBang (30,000AB), the expansion hadslowed enough for gravity to beginthe long relentless process of pullingtogether matter to form the Universewe see today. We are quite con?dent that grav-ity shaped the Universe becauseastrophysicists can simulate in amatter of days what Nature required12billion years to accomplish. Start-ing with the Universe as it 文档下载 免费文档下载 exist,000AB , large supercomputers can The microwave radiation from the sky, asseen by COBE. The radiation has anaverage temperature of 2.73degreesCentigrade above absolute zero. Herethe dark and light spots are 1part in100,000warmer or colder than the rest.They reveal gigantic structures stretch-ing across enormous regions of space.The distinct regions of space are believed to be the primordial seeds pro-duced during the Big Bang. Scientistsbelieve these anomalous regionsevolved into the galaxies and largerstructures of the present-day Universe.(Courtesy Lawrence BerkeleyLaboratory and NASA) BEAM LINE31 Galaxies and galaxy clusters are notcalculate how small primordial seeds evenly distributed throughout the Uni-grew to become the giant galaxies,verse, instead they are arranged in clus-ters, ?laments, bubbles, and vast sheet-clusters of galaxies, superclusters,like tha projections stretch acrosswalls, and ?laments we see through-hundreds of millions of light-years ofout the Universe. space. The goal of the Las CampanasGravity alone cannot be the ?nalRedshift Survey is to provide a largeanswer to the question of why mat-galaxy sample which permits detailedter in the Universe has such a richand accurate analyses of the propertiesand varied arrangement. For the forceof galaxies in the local universe. Thisof gravity to pull things togethermap shows a wedge through the Uni-verse containing more than 20,000requires small initial seeds where thegalaxies (each dot is a galaxy).density 文档下载 免费文档下载 is larger than the surround-(Courtesy Las Campanas Redshift ing regions. In a very real sense, theSurvey) fact there is anything in the Universeat all is because there were primor-dial seeds in the Universe. While theforce of gravity is inexorable, struc-ture cannot grow without the seedsto cultivate. Just as though t’t be any seeds to trigger star 32SUMMER/FALL 2000 The Orion nebula, one of the nearbystar-forming regions in the Milky Waygalaxy. (Courtesy StScl and NASA) formation within the Orion Nebulaif the gas and dust were perfectlyuniform, structure would never haveformed if the entire Universe wascompletely uniform. Without pri-mordial seeds in the Universe30,000AB, gravity would be unableto shape the Universe into the formwe now see. A seedless universewould be a pretty boring place to live,because matter would remain per-fectly uniform rather than assem-bling into discrete structures. The pattern of structure we see inthe Universe today re?ects the pat-tern of initial seeds. Seeds have to beinserted by hand into the computersimulations of the formation of struc-ture. Since the aim of cosmology isto understand the structure of theUniverse on the basis of physicallaws, we just sto can’t bysaying end the structure exists because therewere primordial seeds. For a com-plete answer to the questions of whyare there things in the Universe, wehave to know what planted the pri-mordial seeds. 文档下载 免费文档下载 In the microworld of subatomicphysics, there is an inherent uncer-tainty about the positions andenergies of particles. According tothe uncertainty principle, energy isn’t always conserved—it can be violatedfor a brief period of time. Becausequantum mechanics applies to themicroworld, only tiny amounts ofenergy are involved, and the timeduring which energy is out of balanceis exceedingly short. One of the consequences of theuncertainty principle is that a regionof seemingly empty space is not reallyempty, but is a seething froth inwhich every sort of fundamental par-ticle pops out of empty space for abrief instant before annihilating withits antiparticle and disappearing.Empty space only looks like aquiet, calm plac because we can’tsee Nature operating on submicro-scopic scales. In order to see thesequantum ?uctuations we would haveto take a small region of space andblow it up in size. Of course that isnot possible in any terrestrial labo-ratory, so to observe the quantumfluctuations we have to use a labo-ratory as large as the entire Universe.In the early-Universe theory knownas in?ation, space once exploded sorapidly that the patternof microscopicvacuum quantum fluctuations be-came frozen into the fabric of space.The expansion of the Universestretched the microscopic pattern ofquantum ?uctuations to astronom-ical size. Much later, the pattern of whatonce were quantum ?uctuations ofthe vacuum appear as small ?uctua-tions in the mass density of theUniverse and variations in the tem-perature of the background radiation.If this theory is correct, then seedsof structure are nothing more thanpatterns of quantum fluctuationsfrom the inflat era. In a very One of several computer simulations ofthe large-scale structure of the Universe(spatial distribution of galaxies) carriedout by the VIRGOcollaboration. 文档下载 免费文档下载 Thesesimulations attempt to understand theobserved large-scale structure by test-ing various physics models. (CourtesyVIRGOCollaboration) For Additional Information on the Internet Rocky Kolb. Ware. Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures. NASAImage eXchange. VIRGOConsortium. Map. Las Campanas Redshift Survey. Digital Sky Survey. BEAM LINE33 Ge to Know Y Humankind haswondered since the beginning of historywhat are the funda-mental constituentsof matter. Today’s listincludes about particles.Tomorrow’s listpromises to be longerstill, with no end in sight. 25elementary 文档下载 免费文档下载 34SUMMER/FALL 2000 by ROBERT L. JAFFE THEURGETOREDUCETHEFORMSofmatter to a few elementary constituents must be very ancient. By450BCE, Empedocles had already developed or inherited a“standard model” in which everything was composed offour elements—Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. Thinking aboutthe materials available to him, this is not a bad list. But as apredictive model of Nature, it has some obvious shortcom-ings. Successive generations have evolved increasinglysophisticated standard models, each with its own list of“fundamental” constituents. The length of the list has ?uc-tuated over the years, as shown on the next page. TheGreeks are actuall tied for the minimum with four. Thechemists of the 19th century and the particle physicists ofthe 1950s and 1960s pushed the number up toward 100beforesome revolutionary development reduced it dramatically.Today’s list includes about 25elementary particles, thoughit could be either higher or lower depending on how youcount. Tomorrow’s list—the product of the next generationof accelerators—promises to be longer still, with no end insight. In fact, modern speculations always seem to increaserather than decrease the number of fundamental con-stituents. Superstring theorists dream of unifying all theforces and forms of matter into a single essence, but so farthey have little clue how the diversity of our observed worldwould devolve from this perfect form. Others have pointedout that Nature at the shortest distances and highest ener-gies might be quite random and chaotic, and that the forceswe feel and the particles we observe are spec only in thatthey persist longer and propagate further than all the rest.Two lessons stand out in this 文档下载 免费文档下载 cartoon history. First, whatserves as a “fundamental constituent” changes with timeand depends on what sorts of questions one asks. The older BEAM LINE 35 they were, in the case at hand. “Ef-fective” is the right word becauseit means both “useful” and “stand-EFORELOOKINGating in place of,” both of which applywhere we are today, let’s takein this case. The chemical elementsa brief tour of the two mostare very useful tools to understand useful “atomic” descriptions of theeveryday phenomena, and theypast: the standard models of chem-“stand in place of” the complex mo-istry and nuclear physics, shown be-tions of electrons around atomiclow. Both provide very effective de-nuclei, which are largely irrelevantscriptions applications.range of phenomena within of Actually theirfor everyday applicability. theChemistry and nuclear physicsterm “effective” has a technicalare both “effective theories” becausemeaning here. For physicists an “ef-quantum mechanics shields themfective theory” is one based on build-from the complexity that lies be-Below: The “elementary” particles of the ing blocks known not to be elemen-neath. This feature of quantum me-four schemes that have dominated tary, but which can be treated as ifchanics is largely responsible for themodern science. orderliness we perceive in the phys- 文档下载 免费文档下载 ical world, and it deserves more dis-cussion. Consider a familiar sub-stance such as water. At the simplestlevel, a chemist views pure wateras a vast number of identical mole-cules, each composed of two hydro-gen atoms bound to an oxygen atom.Deep within the atoms are nuclei:eight protons and eight neutrons foran oxygen nucleus, a single protonfor hydrogen. Within the protons andneutrons are quarks a gluons.Within the quarks and gluons, whoknows what? If classical mechanicsdescribed the world, each degree offreedom in this teeming microcosmcould have an arbitrary amount ofexcitation energy. When disturbed,for example by a collision withanother molecule, all the motionswithin the water molecule could beaffected. In just this way, the Earth and everything on it would be thoroughly perturbed if our solar sys-tem collided with another. are, may be more fundamental than yesterday’s. B Left: A schematic view of the energylevels of classical and quantumsystems. 36SUMMER/FALL 2000 Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, does not allow arbitrarydisruption. All excitations of themolecule are quantized, each withits own characteristic energy. Mo-tions of the molecule as a 文档下载 免费文档下载 whole—rotations and vibrations—have thelowest 1–100milli-electron energies, in the volt r (1meV = 10-3eV).An electron volt, abbreviated eV, isthe energy an electron gains fallingthrough a potential of one volt andis a convenient unit of energy for fun-damental processes. Excitation of theelectrons in the hydrogen and oxy-gen atoms come next, with charac-teristic energies ranging from about10-1to 103eV. Nuclear excitations inoxygen require millions of electronvolts (106eV = 1MeV), and excita-tions of the quarks inside a protonrequire hundreds of MeV. Collisionsbetween water molecules at roomtemperature transfer energies of or-der 10-2eV, enough to excite rotationsand perhaps vibrations, but too smallto involve any of the deeper excita-tions except very rarely. We say thatthese variables—the electrons, thenuclei, the quarks—are “frozen.” Theenergy levels of a classical and quan-tum system are compared in the bot-tom illustration on the previous page.They are inaccessible and unimportant.They are not static—the quarks nuclei of water molecules arewhizzing about at speeds approachingthe speed of light—however their stateof motion cannot be changed by every-day processes. Thus there is an excel-lent description of molecular rotationsand vibrations that knows little aboutelectrons and nothing about nuclearstructure, quarks, or gluons. Lightquanta make a particularly goodprobe of this “quantum ladder,” as States of Water vemeV eV GeV 文档下载 免费文档下载 ow av i siblesoftMeV g–r ayhardm icrg–r ayMolecularActiveIrrelevantIrrelevantIrrelevantAtomicFrozenActiveIrrelevantIrrel evantNuclearFrozenFrozenActiveIrrelevantHadronic Frozen Frozen Frozen Active Victor Weisskopf called it. As sum-The “quantum ladder” of water—themarized in the illustration above,important degrees of freedom changeas we shorten the wavelength o lightwith the scale on which it is probed,we increase the energy of lightdescribed here by the wavelength ofquanta in direct proportion. As welight. 文档下载 免费文档下载 move from microwaves to visiblelight to Xrays to gamma rays weprobe successively deeper layers ofthe structure of a water molecule.The appropriate constituent de-scription depends on the scale of theprobe. At one extreme, we cannothope to describe the highest energyexcitations of water without know-ing about quarks and gluons; on theother hand, no one needs quarks andgluons to describe the way water isheated in a microwave oven. P ERHAPSTHEMOSTef- fective theory of all was theone invented by the nuclearphysicists in the 1940s. It reigned foronly a few years, before the discov-ery of myriad excited states of theproton and neutron led to its aban-donment and eventual replacementwith today’s Standard Model ofquarks and leptons. The nuclear stan-dard mod was based on three con-stituents: the proton (p); the neutron(n); and the electron (e). The neutri-no (ndecays, and perhaps one should counte) plays a bit part in radioactivethe photon (g), the quantum of theelectromagnetic field. So the basiclist is three, four, or ?ve, roughly asshort as Empedocles’ and far more ef-fective at explaining Nature. Most ofnuclear physics and astrophysics and BEAM LINE37 There istantalizing all of atomic, molecular, and con-densed matter physics can be un-derstood in terms of these few con-stituents. The nuclei of atoms arebuilt up of protons and neutrons ac-cording to fairly simple empiricalrules. Atoms, in turn, are composedof electrons 文档下载 免费文档下载 held in orbit around nu-clei by electromagnetism. All the dif-ferent chemical elements from hy-drogen (the lightest) to uranium (theheaviest naturally occurring) are justdifferent organizations of electronsaround nuclei with elec different Even the radioactive process-es that transmute one element intoanother are well described in thepnenegworld. The nuclear model of the worldwas soon replaced by another. Cer-tain tell-tale signatures that emergedearly in the 1950s made it constituentswere not so elementary after clear thatthese “elementary” all. Thesame signatures of compositenesshave repeated every time one set ofconstituents is replaced by another:Excitations. If a particle is com-posite, when it is hit hard enough itscomponent parts will be excited intoa quasi-stable state, which laterdecays by emitting radiation. The hy-drogen atom provides a classicexample. When hydrogen atoms areheated so that they collide with oneanother violently, light of character-istic frequencies is emitted. As soonas it was understood that the lightcomes from the de-excitation of itsinner workings, hydrogen’s days asan elementary particle were over.Similarly, during 1950s physicistsdiscovered that when a proton orneutron is hit hard enough, excitedstates are formed and characteristicradiation (of light or other hadrons)38 SUMMER/FALL 2000 evidence that newrelationshipsawait discovery. is emitted. This suggest that protonsand neutrons, like hydrogen, have in-ner workings capable of excitationand de-excitation. Of course, if onlyfeeble energies are available, the in-ternal structure cannot be excited,and it will not be possible to tellwhether or not the particle is com-posite. So an experimenter needs ahigh-energy accelerator to probe com-positeness by looking for excitations.Complex 文档下载 免费文档下载 force laws. We have adeep prejudice that the forces be-tween elementary particles shouldbe simple, like Coulomb’s law for theelectrostatic force between pointcharges: F12= q1q2/r21derive from the complex motion of the2. Because theyelectrons within the atom, forces be-tween atoms are not simple. Nor, itturns out, are the forces between pro-tons and neutrons. They depend onthe relative orientation of the parti-cles and their relative velocities; theyare complicated functions of the dis-tance between them. Nowadays theforces between the proton and neu-tron are summarized by pages of ta-bles in the Physical Review. We nowunderstand that they derive from the complex quark and gluon substruc-ture within protons and neutrons.The complicated features of forcelaws die away quickly with distance.So if an experimenter looks at a par-ticle from far away or with lowresolution, it is not possible to tellwhether it is composite. A high-energy accelerator is needed to probeshort distances and see the deviationsfrom simple force laws that are tell-tale signs of compositeness. Form factors. When two struc-tureless particles scatter, the resultsare determined by the simple forcesbetween them. If one particles of the substructure, the scattering ismodi?ed. In general the probabilityof the scattered particle retaining itsidentity—this is known as “elasticscattering”—is reduced, becausethere is a chance that the particle willbe excited or converted into some-thing else. The factor by which theelastic scattering probability isdiminished is known as a “form fac-tor.” Robert Hofstadter ?rst discov-ered that the proton has a form fac-tor in experiments performed atStanford in the 1950s. This was in-controvertible evidence that the pro-ton is composite. If, however, one scatters lightlyfrom a composite particle, nothingnew is excited, and no form factor isobserved. Once again, a high-energyaccelerator is necessary to 文档下载 免费文档下载 scatterhard enough to probe a particle’s con-stituents. Deep inelastic scattering. Thebest proof of compositeness is, ofcourse, to detect directly the sub-constituents out of which a parti-cle is composed. Rutherford f nucleus of the atom by scatter-ing aparticles from a gold foil and 文档下载网是专业的免费文档搜索与下载网站,提供行业资料,考试资料,教 学课件,学术论文,技术资料,研究报告,工作范文,资格考试,word 文档, 专业文献,应用文书,行业论文等文档搜索与文档下载,是您文档写作和查找 参考资料的必备网站。 文档下载 亿万文档资料,等你来发现