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1. This is where energy is lost from unused food.
2. These are used to reduce disease in controlled ecosystems, but
they can be dangerous if they enter the food chain.
3. An environmental factor that is minimised by using
pesticides and antibodies.
4. this is the cause of most of the energy lost in the food
chains, whether it is from the decomposers, producers, or
5. These ensure that the energy stored in dead matter is
returned to the ecosystem.
6. By controlling an ecosystem we can minimise the
environmental factors and ………… the population of the
7. These are the non-living factors that effect the population
they are also called the environmental factors.
8. The energy transfer between the …… levels varies between
10% and 20%.
9. This is the number of species in an ecosystem.
10. This is the reason that the energy transfer from primary to
secondary consumer is greater than that from the producer
to primary consumer. It is because the ……… found in a
primary consumer is better for energy transfer compared to
the carbohydrates found in the producer.
11. An environmental or abiotic factor that is increased in lakes
for fish farming as it increases the rate of growth.
12. These creatures break up the dead matter.
13. This is the amount of living matter in an ecosystem.
14. The biotic factor that is affected by other species needing
the same resources.
15. The combination of the habitat and the community
16. The term for factors of population caused by other living
organisms present in the community.
17. The non-living part of an ecosystem.
18. This is often caused by intense farming such as fish farming
and crop farming.
19. This is the environmental factor caused by secondary and
tertiary consumers.