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Mrs. Cornelius/English
Vocabulary List 24
GEN – birth, race, kind
In ancient mythology, when a child was born, a guardian spirit or genius (so named because it
appeared at birth) was appointed to guide the person throughout life. Today, although we no longer
believe we are given a guiding genius at birth, we may still have within us from birth a genius for
something such as math or painting. Thus, the ancient guiding genius has now become an exceptional
intellectual or creative ability.
Engender (in jen´ dur) – to give birth to; to develop; to bring forth, as ideas or feelings. His
handling of the problem engendered the respect of his fellow workers.
Genesis (jen´ uh sis) – the birth or coming into being at about the same time. His many childhood
pets were the genesis of his interest in zoology.
Hydrogen (hi´ druh jun) [HYDR water + GEN birth]– a gas so called because it generates water
by its combustion. Hydrogen gas was used in the first balloons to carry men into the sky.
Ingenuous (in jen´ yO us) [IN in + GEN birth] - freeborn, honest; showing innocent or childlike
simplicity or gullibility. She was completely ingenuous, never questioning anything she was told.
Genial – (je´ ne ul) - having a friendly and kindly manner. His genial personality made him a
favorite party guest.
Genteel – (jen tel´) - having an aristocratic quality; refined in manner. She was genteel and,
therefore, unused to coarse manners.
Gentility – (jen til´ uh te) - the condition of being genteel. Her gentility had kept her aloof from the
rest of her fellow workers.
Gentry – (jen´ tre) - people of the gentle birth or high social position. The town’s gentry were its
most powerful members.
Genealogy – (je ne al´ uh je) [GEN race + -LOGY study of ] - an element of the germ plasm that
transmits characteristics of the parents, and hence of the race to a child. Information stored in
the genes determines an individual’s eventful height.
Genetics – (juh net´ iks) - the science of heredity. Fruit flies are often used in experiments in
genetics because they reproduce so quickly.
Genocide – (jen´ uh sid) [GEN race + CID to kill] - the systematic, planned killing of a racial,
political, or cultural group. Genocide is unthinkable in any civilized society.
Progenitor – (pro jen´ uh tur) [PRO forth + GEN birth] - a direct ancestor. His progeny inherited
his ambition.
Generic – (juh ner´ ik) - general kind; commonly available; not protected by a trademark as
generic drugs. She usually economizes by buying generic cereals instead of name brands.
Genre – (zhahn´ ruh) - a particular kind or category of literature or art. He hadn’t limited his
reading to a single genre but had delved into poetry, the short story, and the novel.