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29.4 How influential was America in deciding the
outcome of World War II?
America's impact on the outcome of World War I was negligible. During
World War II we were decisive. It was American troops, materials and
strategy that led to the defeat of Germany, Italy and Japan.
I. World War II
A. The Pacific Theater
1. Japanese Strategy
a) Sudden swift attack, wanted the
US to refuse to fight.
b) As the tide turned they turned to
Kamikaze (divine wind) Suicide attacks
on ships. Part of Bushido code.
2. American Response
a) Gen. Douglas MacArthur used the
strategy of Island Hopping.
b) Turning point at Midway, and Coral
c) Return to Philippine Islands at
Guadalcanal and Bougainville.
d) Landing fields gained at Tarawa,
Tinian and Iwo Jima.
e) Atomic Bomb dropped at Hiroshima
and Nagasaki.
f) Unconditional surrender of Japan.
B. European Theater
1. German Strategy
a) Blitzkrieg - lightening war.
b) Battle of Britain - saturation
bombing of England.
c) Attacked Soviet Union.
2. American Response - Forces led by Supreme
Commander in Eeurope Dwight David Eisenhower.
Gen. George Patton and Omar Bradley were also
quite important
a) Landings in North Africa.
b) Landings in Italy: Sicily, Cassino,
c) Operation Overlord - D-Day:
Opening up of a second front in
Normandy France.
d) Turning Points - Battle of the Bulge
(Germany's last gasp), Stalingrad.
C. Why do you think the American strategies were successful?
1. Technology (A Bomb)
2. Industrial might.