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The final will contain 6 “short” answer questions drawn from the following topics,
10 points each.
Topic 1. Kantian Ethics
Role of reason—hypothetical vs. categorical statements—categorical imperative—how to form
the categorical imperative—universalizability—‘Goldilocks’ problem—the lying axe murderer—
using someone as a mere means vs. using someone as a means—humans as ends in
themselves—scope of Kant’s moral community--types of coercion, for Mappes—types of
deception for Mappes—threats vs. offers—coercive offers—voluntary informed consent—
problems with passive deception—lex taliones, problems and Nathanson’s solutions.
Topic 2. Social Contract
State of nature—causes of state of nature for Hobbes—origins of social contract in human
nature—Prisoner’s Dilemma—role of cooperation in optimal outcomes—Rawl’s original
position and the veil of ignorance—effects of social contract—problem of who is in the
contract—problem of no actual contract—implicit vs. explicit contract—limitations of social
contract in re: legal vs. moral scope
Topic 3. Ethical pluralism, particularism and moral intuitionism
What is pluralism?—What makes some normative theories monistic--Is pluralism more
demanding than other ethical theories?—Doctrine of Doing and Allowing—Doctrine of the
Double Effect—Prima Facie Duties—Do prima facie duties lead to skepticism?—Problems with
Prima Facie Duties--What is particularism?—Moral intuitionism
Topic 4. Virtue Theory
Function argument--Aristotelian eudaimonia—virtues as means between extremes—role of
self-knowledge in the virtues—role of practical wisdom--virtue theory’s relation to the other
ethical theories—Aristotle’s definition of virtue—virtue and the Bishop—advantages of virtue
theory—flexibility-moral motivation-role for partiality—problems of incompleteness—why
should we be moral?—conflict between virtues—situational nature of virtues—virtue theory
and character
Stoic Ethics—refinements from Aristotle
Moral Nihilism—emotivism—difference from particularism
The essay question on the test will be drawn from the following questions. I will
choose three for the exam from which you will choose one. 40 points
1. Kant’s moral theory centers around a type of statement he calls the ‘categorical
imperative.’(a) Explain what a categorical imperative statement is, and how it differs
from hypothetical imperatives. (b) Explain Kant’s justification for using categorical
imperatives as a guide to identifying what actions are morally obligatory to us (Use
examples to improve your response.) (c) Thoroughly explain and critically discuss one
and only one objection to Kant’s use of categorical imperatives
2. According to Social Contract Theory, cooperation between human beings is of central
importance for the creation of a just society. (a) Explain what life for human beings is
like in the absence of a social contract—that is, in a state of nature. Examples will assist
your answers. (b) Using the concept of the ‘prisoner’s dilemma explain why Social
Contract theory argues that cooperation is in our enlightened self-interest. (c) Explain
and critically discuss one and only one criticism of Social Contract theory.
3. What is the definition of virtue theory, as given by Shafer Landau. Show how it relates
to the function of a human, as developed by Aristotle, including Aristotle’s idea of the
purpose of a human. Does Shafer Landau’s definition differ in some way from
Aristotle’s ideas? If so, is that difference significant? If not, indicate a few points where
they are substantially the same.
4. Shafer Landau says that virtue theory shares a common problem with Divine Command
Theory. What is his argument? In your opinion, is it a fatal problem for virtue theory?
Why or why not?
5. Compare and contrast virtue theory and prima facie duties. Do the features of one
make it superior to the other? Support your answer with adequate reasons.
6. Mappes says that in order to have voluntary informed consent, a person must have two
things. What are those things? Explain them in some detail. How do illustrate Kant’s
ideas, as Mappes claims?
7. Rawls describes his social contract in terms of a hypothetical ‘thought experiment’.
What is it? How does it then show his idea that ‘justice is fairness’. How does Rawls
relate to the prisoner’s dilemma? Do you agree? Why or why not?