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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Introduction Associated with Greeks Originated likely in China Does not focus on consequences, intuitions or rules, so much as the development within human beings of a moral or virtuous character by means of doing what a good or virtuous person would do Virtue the quality of moral excellence, righteousness and responsibility… worthy practice or ideal Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics Named for his son, Nichomachus Aim towards some end End of human life is happiness Goal to reason well for a whole or complete life Development of Character Concerned with action conducive to human good General principles created through moral judgments Follow natural tendencies with an attitude of harmony Based on common sense As we practice acts we realize that virtue is good in itelf i.e. Truth telling Virtue and Vice Virtue a mean between excess or deficiency Practical wisdom the ability to see the right thing in any circumstance Much more importance assigned to an enlightened conscience than to prior rules The mean is relative to us Confucian Moral Self-Cultivation Deeply engraved in Chinese culture Those with an ethically fulfilled life would have a powerful affect upon others Excellence in the development of ethics important for governing Confucius Thought humans were fundamentally social Within the structure of relationships that virtues and attitudes would enhance daily life Five Confucian Cardinal Relationships Ruler and subject Father and son Husband and wife Elder brother and younger brother Friend and a friend Confucius sees a clear difference between doing the right thing and being a good person Each person understands their relationship with others Analyzing Virtue Ethics Advantages Creating a good human being Unifying reason and emotion Emphasizes moderation Disadvantages Do humans have an end? Are morals naturally implanted? What is virtue? Conclusion Virtue ethics develops the moral person from within and from without But based on number of assumptions that are difficult to prove Do they have an end or purpose? What is that purpose? Is morality innate? What is virtue? What virtuous human beings are? Best to synthesize consequentialist and nonconsequentialist values The Virtuous Human Being A Sitcom?