Download Sore or Irritated Mouth or Throat

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What to Eat with Dry Mouth
Radiation therapy to the head and neck area, chemotherapy, and other medicines may cause dry mouth
(xerostomia) or thick saliva. The glands that produce saliva can become irritated and make less saliva, or your
saliva can become very thick. Dryness can be mild or severe, and can increase the possibility of dental
cavities or oral infection. Smoking, chewing, or drinking alcoholic beverages may make it worse. If you have
dry mouth, drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, eat moist foods, and keep your teeth and mouth clean.
What to Do:
Drink 8 to 10 cups of liquid a day, and take a water bottle with you when you leave home.
(Drinking lots of fluids helps loosen mucus.)
Use a straw to drink liquids; Papaya juice may help “cut” thick saliva/phlegm.
Eat soft, moist foods that are cool or at room temperature. Try blenderized fruits and vegetables, softcooked chicken and fish, well-thinned cereals, popsicles, and slushies. Avoid foods that stick to the roof
of the mouth.
Moisten foods with broth, soup, sauces, gravy, yogurt, or creams.
Avoid dairy products as they may increase thick secretions.
Chew sugarless gum or suck on sugarless lemon drops or Ricola cough drops to stimulate saliva.
Avoid commercial mouthwashes, alcoholic and acidic beverages, and tobacco.
Limit caffeine-containing drinks, such as coffee, tea, colas, and chocolate.
Use a cool mist humidifier to moisten room air, especially at night. (Be sure to keep the humidifier clean
to avoid spreading bacteria or mold in the air.)
Saliva substitutes are helpful if your salivary glands have been removed by surgery or damaged by
radiation therapy. These products add moisture to your mouth.
Nutritional supplements, such as liquid meal replacements, may be helpful during this time.
Keep your mouth clean. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush; rinse your mouth before and after meals with
plain water or a mild mouth rinse (made with one quart water, ¾ teaspoon salt, and one teaspoon
baking soda); and floss regularly. It is also a good idea to gently brush your tongue as well.
Foods to try
High protein
meats, poultry, and fish in sauces and gravies;
casseroles, soups, and stews
Foods to avoid
dry meats, poultry, and fish without sauces
bread, rolls; cooked and cold cereals, cereal
Breads, cereals, rice,
with milk; rice soaked in gravy, sauce, broth, or
and pasta
dry breads, rolls, pasta, rice, pretzels, chips,
canned and fresh fruits that have a lot of
Fruits and vegetables moisture, such as oranges and peaches;
vegetables in sauce
bananas, dried fruit, vegetables, unless in a
sauce or with a high moisture content
club soda, hot tea with lemon, fruit juices,
diluted juices, sports drinks, commercial liquid
Beverages, desserts,
nutrition supplements, homemade milkshakes;
and miscellaneous
ice cream, sherbet, pudding; butter, margarine,
salad dressing; sour cream, half-and-half
cookies, cake, pie, unless soaked in milk
For more information contact your Dietitian Keri Ryniak, RD, CSO, CNSD at 443-849-8186
Adapted from Eating Made Easy. Recipes and Tips for the Cancer Survivor. Milton J. Dance, Jr. Head and Neck Center at GBMC and
Eldridge B, and Hamilton KK, Editors, Management of Nutrition Impact Symptoms in Cancer and Educational Handouts Chicago, Il:
American Dietetic Association; 2004.
Revised: 1/12/2008