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Maria Makris
Drorit Weiss
SNC1D: Grade 9 Science, Academic
Earth and Space Sciences
The Study of the Universe
Overall Expectations:
The purpose of this unit is to provide students with D1. Assess some of the costs, hazards, and benefits of space
exploration and the contributions of Canadians to space research and
an overview of the study of the universe as an
introduction to astronomy. By the end of this unit, technology;
students will be able to describe the significant
D2. Investigate the characteristics and properties of a variety of
constituents of the universe, their characteristics celestial objects visible from Earth in the night sky;
and accepted theories related to formation and
origin. Characteristics and behaviours of the sun, D3. Demonstrate an understanding of the major scientific theories
about the structure, formation, and evolution of the universe and its
earth and moon will be studied. Students will
components and of the evidence that supports these theories.
explore Canadian contributions to the field of
astronomy and assess some of the costs,
hazards, and benefits of space exploration.
Big Ideas:
Different types of celestial objects in the solar system an universe have
distinct properties that can be investigated and quantified.
People use observational evidence of the properties of the solar
system and the universe to develop theories to explain their formation
and evolution.
Space exploration has generated valuable knowledge but at enormous
Unit Overview
Note: Each lesson is one hour in length. Lessons may extend over additional instructional time, if necessary to
accommodate student interest, depth of thought or additional activities for concept mastery.
Lesson Concepts & Learning
Teaching & Learning
Why Do We
Introduction to the unit KWL Activity: Students will
Study Space?
and the material the
document (written an with
class will be covering. diagrams) what they ‘know’
about space science.
The primary goal of the
lesson is for students to Whole-Class Brainstorm:
access prior knowledge Compiling what we know to
and to generate
create a body of knowledge.
excitement about the
overall learning goals of Students will independently
the unit.
complete the ‘want to know’
with a question or theory that
arose during the brainstorm.
Lecture: teacher will review
the learning goals for the unit.
Assessment &
assessment: participation
in whole-class activities, A1.1
completion of independent A1.11
work. [C]
(A2.1, 2.2)
Diagnostic assessment:
accuracy, depth and
diversity of students’
existing knowledge. [K]
The purpose of this
Small group brainstorm: each
lesson to activate
group of four students will
students’ prior
generate a list of celestial
knowledge about the
objects, and the class will
universe, particularly our compile a list, with additions
solar system and
from the teacher.
celestial objects they
may have previously
Using a graphic organizer
(chart format) to scaffold note
taking, students will record
By the end of the
information from a lecture
lesson, students will be about the characteristics of
familiar with the defining each object, it’s impact on
characteristics of
Earth, and a small
planets, stars, asteroids, picture/diagram.
orbits, gravitational
forces, and other
naturally occurring
objects in the universe.
They will begin to
discuss their impact on
the Earth, if applicable.
participation, listening to
student talk. [I, C]
Student notes (graphic
organizers) can be
reviewed for
completeness, accuracy
of information. (Revisions
may be completed as
homework or during
remedial work time to
ensure student
understanding.) [K, C]
Our Solar
Following the prior
Wide reading: Allow students Student Exploration
knowledge review
10-15 minutes to review books Sheets can be submitted
(lesson 2), this lesson and diagrams that depict the for marking. [K, I]
ensures that student
solar system, the objects within
knowledge regarding
it, and the relationships
our solar system is
between those objects.
assessment: student talk,
accurate and complete,
participation. [C]
and that students are
Using the solar system gizmo
aware of recent changes as a whole class (smart board) Accuracy of student
to solar system models or in pairs/independently
simulation; responses to
(i.e. Pluto).
(computer lab), have students questions about
click on the ‘size’ tab to work simulation from teacher or
At the end of this lesson, through a comparison of the
other students. [K, C]
students will be able to planets in the solar system.
describe the systemic The Student Explorer Sheet,
characteristics of our
Activity B, can be used to
solar system and the
supplement this activity.
bodies within it.
Student simulation: giving
students signs or pictures of
the planets, have students
create a model of the solar
system using their bodies.
Our Sun
Our Moon
The purpose of this
lesson is to understand
some fundamental
characteristics of the
sun; its composition and
structure; radiation;
solar flares; gravity and
orbits of objects around
our sun.
Class discussion and
brainstorm on sun’s
assessment: participation.
Sunspots Lab: Students will
come to class with completed Labs will be submitted for
readings and lab prep work
marking. Students can
done. Depending on resources work in small groups of 2available, this lab can be done 3. [K, I, C, A]
using a telescope, online
(computer lab) or with preThis lab can also be done
existing images as data.
using the multi-role jigsaw
By the end of the
lesson, students will
have an understanding data relating to the movement
of their sunspots, perform
for the
calculations on sun’s rotation
role of sun for life on
rate and answer questions as
By the end of the
lesson, students will be
able to describe the
composition of the
moon, it’s orbit around
the earth, and its impact
on life on earth (i.e.
The Tides gizmo and
associated worksheet can be
used as a large group activity
(smart board) to illustrate the
relationship between the sun,
moon and tides on Earth.
(Teacher directed.)
Have students explore tide
charts – present the problem:
how do we read this, what is it
for? Construct an answer as a
Student worksheets. [K, I, D3.5
C, A]
Students’ contributions to A1.8
the tide chart challenge. A1.10
[I, A]
assessment: attention,
focus, note-taking skills.
Students will be able to
describe what lunar and
solar eclipses are, when
we can see them, and
how to safely view
Play the solar and lunar eclipse Quiz (lessons 1-5, with
animation video (YouTube) for focus on new material
students 2-3 times. Pause and from lessons 4-5). [K, I, A1.11
discuss (lecture) what students C, A]
should be observing.
Play videos or show images of assessment: participation
real solar and lunar eclipses
in group activity, accuracy
and make connections
of group’s simulations,
between the animated model discussion of common
and what people really see;
errors in simulation. [K, I,
discuss how we safely observe C]
Completion, accuracy,
Simulation: In groups of three, detail and neatness of
assign each student the role of diagrams. [K, C]
sun, moon or earth. Challenge
students to configure
themselves to depict the orbits
of objects, their relative
positions, eclipses, and so
Revisit the animation. Have
students create diagrams for
their notes of the eclipses (with
teacher modelling for detail and
Objects in our
Night Sky
At the end of this lesson, Set up the class with several Completed worksheets to D2.2
students will be familiar learning stations around the
be handed in for
with the characteristics room. Each learning station will assessment. [K, I, C]
of stars, constellations, have an area of focus with an
comets and meteors.
associated activity. For
They will also
example, the station on
assessment: participation A1.1
understand seasonal
seasonal changes will have a in whole-class activity. [C] A1.11
video followed by a worksheet.
Students can circulate through
the stations and complete each
Whole class activity: Show
images of the night sky to
identify and discuss what
objects are present.
At the end of the lesson, Lecture: What are the northern Artistic piece can be used D3.5
students will be able to lights? What causes them?
as an assessment and/or
express appreciation for (The Auroras Web Quest or
portfolio piece. Written
both the scientific and other multimedia can be used component should reflect A1.11
aesthetic beauty of the to guide lecture and
learning from lecture. [K,
northern lights.
discussion, as well as provide I, C]
multimedia resources for
students to observe the Aurora
Using oil pastels or a similar
medium, students can create
their own Aurora Borealis
interpretations and write a
small passage detailing their
artistic choices and their
connection to the scientific
basis of the phenomena.
Measuring the
Size and
Distance of
Objects in the
Solar System /
Orbits and
Speed of
At the end of the lesson, Show “Powers of Ten” video
Each student hands in
students will be able to (YouTube) to initiate discussion their scale calculations
gain a sense of relative on scale. Review lesson on
and results for
scale and magnitude, scientific notation.
assessment. [K, I, C]
with regards to objects
in space.
In-class activity: In small
This is also a formative
We will also review
groups, give students a variety assessment for their final
scientific notation.
of objects (Lego blocks or
model building cumulative
playdough can work) and ask task.
them to calculate and show
size representations of celestial
objects (e.g. if Earth is a
0.8mm grain of salt, how large
is the sun?). Students should
hand in their calculations and
record/document their
At the end of this lesson, Lecture introducing terminology Observational
students will be able to and calculation examples
assessment: class
describe and calculate reviewing the application of
participation. [C]
rotational rates and
calculating orbital speeds
periods of various
(velocity = distance/time).
Homework completion.
celestial objects (earth,
[K, C]
moon, etc.). They will be Students complete questions
familiar with the
from text/worksheet.
associated scientific
terminology (light years,
astronomical units,
sidereal period, etc.)
Models of our
Origins of the
At the end of this lesson, Wide reading: looking at
Concept maps. [K, C]
students will be able to various books, diagrams and
describe the
characteristics and
Working with these sources,
structure of the
students are to create a
concept map of the universe in
small groups.
At the end of this lesson, Video on the Big Bang Theory
students will be familiar followed by oral discussion on
with the various theories alternative theories.
relating to the origins of
the universe.
Short written report
contrasting the Big Bang
theory with one other
origin of the universe
theory. [K, C, A]
13 - 14 At the end of these
Show short clip from “from the Collaborative research
Exploration of
lessons, students will be earth to the moon” bonus
(poster) projects and
familiar with Canada’s feature “famous astronomers”. presentations. [K, I, C, A]
Contributions: satellites, In small groups, students can
Manned Space
the Canadarm, research select a research topic and
Missions and
discoveries and
work on a poster presentation
important Canadians.
that they will share with the rest
They will also explore
of the class.
Space Station
the history of the
International Space
Station, research in
space, technology and
the end of the shuttle
Costs and
Benefits of
Space Travel
Students will be able to Lecture and Class Discussion:
discuss the physical and Effects of space travel on
psychological impact of humans, living conditions on
living in space on
the international space station
(i.e. food, living space).
Space medicine activities: In
pairs or groups of three, have
students practice taking each
other’s pulse and observing
physiological changes during
exercise to simulate the strain
and stress of living in space.
Compare measurements and
Participation in hands-on D1.2
activities, accurate
documentation of
observations, theories and A1.5
conclusions from data,
contributions to small and A1.8
large group discussions. A1.10
[K, I, C, A]
Costs and
Benefits of
Space Travel:
The One-Way
Mission to
Students will be able to
discuss the costs and
benefits of space travel
in terms of developing
technology and
economic factors.
Short clip from “From The
Earth To The Moon” (Episode
1, Can we do this?) – the
financial and political impact of
the Apollo program. Brief
lecture and class discussion.
Following the lesson,
students will be familiar
with and have an
opinion about
participating, in the
proposed NASA oneway mission to Mars.
Jigsaw: articles describing /
discussing the proposed one
way mission to Mars.
17-19 N/A
Debate write-up can be
used as an assessment / D1.2
portfolio piece. [K, C]
Quality, detail, evidence of A1.9
critical thinking in debate A1.11
contributions; use of
classroom learning
(content) to supplement
opinion. [K, I, C, A]
Debate: Would you go on the
one way mission to Mars?
Why or Why not?
(Write-up of debate arguments
can be assigned for
Work periods for cumulative
Students will build a class D2.2
model of the universe.
Each group of 2-3 will be D2.4
responsible for a list of
celestial objects and will
coordinate with the other A1.1
groups on placement,
physical attributes
(materials), scale, etc. The A1.6
model will be displayed
from the classroom
ceiling. [K, I, C, A]
Why Do We
Study Space?
The purpose of this
lesson is to revisit the
KWL task from the start
of the unit; allow
students to express
what they know; and
prepare for the
summative unit test.
Whole-Class Brainstorm: what Submitted KWL work
new things did we learn? What provides teacher feedback
was most surprising?
about instructional
practices and difficult
Complete ‘What I Learned”
concepts. The accuracy
portion of KWL using a guiding and depth of KWL work
question (i.e. Explain, using
illustrates student
words and a
understanding of content
diagram/illustration, one
material. [K, C]
interesting thing you learned,
and one thing that you found
difficult to understand.)
Unit Test
Summative Unit Test.
Summative Unit Test. [K, N/A
I, C, A]
Differentiated Instruction and Assessment
English Language Learners:
Students with Individual Education Plans:
 Frequent repetition of instructions (orally) with
 Accommodations and modifications set out in the
visuals to support text, where appropriate.
IEP should reflect the student’s strengths and needs
for support, and should be followed in the science
 Modify the language complexity in assignments, and
assist students by reading texts aloud.
 Accommodations and modifications should be made
 Provide reading materials that address content at an
to instruction, student activities/work, and
appropriate reading level.
assessment opportunities, and a variety of
 Modify worksheets to reflect the expectations set out
approaches should be used in the classroom to meet
in conference with the student and according to the
the needs of all students.
plan in place for the student’s learning.
o A varied, engaging course of study in the
 Provide pre-written notes for the student when note
science classroom will help to engage
taking is required, so that student can focus his/her
students with diverse learning needs, and
attention on following the class discussion and
may contribute toward limiting undesirable
concept explanations as opposed to taking notes, if
behaviours in the classroom.
this is a difficulty.
requiring enrichment opportunities may
 Utilize support staff, remedial opportunities or pullengage in independent study or be encouraged to
out support periods to obtain assistance for students
take on a variety of roles in the classroom and in
with reading, writing, research skills, etc. as
group work, in addition to modifications to activities
and assignments that challenge the student.
Annotated Resources:
Alabama Space Science Exhibit Commission. (1995). U.S. Space Academy Level II. United States Space and Rocket
Space Academy reference and workbook includes a range of information and youth activities relating to space
exploration, careers in space, technology, simulations and space medicine.
Canadian Astronomical Society. (2006). Canadian Astronomy Education. Retrieved 10 July 2012 from Canadian Astronomy
Webpage with a variety of lesson plans and activities for incorporating astronomy activities in the science
classroom to meet a broad range of curriculum objectives. Canadian content!
Cara Santa Maria. (2012). Mission to Mars: Would You Sign Up For A One-Way Ticket? Retrieved 10 July 2012 from
Video with accompanying text from a science news reporter, response to announcement regarding potential oneway mission to Mars.
Explore Learning. (2012). Gizmos: Solar System. Retrieved 10 July 2012 from
Gizmo describes the characteristics of the planets, their sizes and relative distance from the sun. Includes teacher
guide and student exploration worksheets.
Explore Learning. (2012). Gizmos: Tides. Retrieved 10 July 2012 from
Gizmo with accompanying teacher guide and student exploration worksheets; visually depicts the relationship
between the sun, moon, and Earth’s tides.
HBO. (2004). From the Earth to the Moon (Television Mini-Series). Available on DVD from HBO.
Lengthy mini-series dramatizing the Apollo program from it’s creation to conclusion. Episodes include astronaut
training, Apollo 11 moon landing, Apollo 13 mission, astronaut’s lifestyle, political factors. Bonus features include
famous scientists, a look at galaxies, and commentary from NASA specialists.
Heussner, K. M. (2011). One-Way Mars Mission: Would You Boldly Go? Retrieved 10 July 2012 from
News article with text and video. Talks about the ‘human factors’ in such a mission; why people would volunteer.
NPR. (2010). The Final Frontier: A Mars Mission With No Return. Retrieved 10 July 2012 from
News article about one-way mission to Mars, and the American role in launching the proposed mission.
Ontario Ministry of Education. (2007). The Ontario Curriculum: Grades 1 to 8: Science and Technology (Revised).
Queen’s Printer for Ontario.
Ontario Ministry of Education. (2008). The Ontario Curriculum: Grades 9 and 10: Science (Revised). Queen’s Printer
for Ontario.
University of California. (2001). Auroras: Paintings in the Night Sky. Retrieved 10 July 2012 from
Web Quest with information and multimedia on the causes and aesthetics of Aurora phenomenon.
Unknown. (Unknown). Solar and Lunar Eclipse Animation. Retrieved 10 July 2012 from
Short, simple animation showing the relative positions of the sun, moon and earth during solar and lunar eclipses.
Wrenn, E. (2012). The Hundred Year Starship: The Nasa mission that will take astronauts to Mars and leave them there
forever. Retrieved 10 July 2012 from
Descriptions of the technology and logistics of the one-way mission to Mars; News article.
We have included this lab resource to assist with planning the sunspots lab for your classroom.
(Reference at end of lab.)
M. Davis LSHS
Sunspot Lab
Using daily pictures collected by the SOHO spacecraft, you are going to observe and record information about the
currently visible sunspot groups. Your "eyes" will be the SOHO spacecraft, currently circling the Sun about 1,000,000
miles from Earth. We will also explore other characteristics of our star in addition to sunspots. With SOHO's 12
specialized scientific instruments, we can explore everything from the Sun's glorious halo or "corona", to the violent
magnetic storms on its surface, to the sound waves which help us understand the mysteries of the Sun's deep
What do you think we can learn from watching sunspots?
Activity 1: Collecting Sunspot Data
Sunspot recording worksheet
Solar Longitude/latitude grid for the current month
Daily images of the sun: both visible wavelength images & magnetograms for a period of two weeks
Visible wavelength images will appear orange in color and show active sunspot groups as dark spots.
Magnetograms will look something like this, only bigger. (The sunspot groups show up as black and white
The black & white blotches represent opposite magnetic polarities of a sunspot group. You will compare
these with the visible wavelength images.
You are going to observe and track the movement of sunspots (actually, magnetically "active regions")
across the Sun's visible disk. Every day, using the web, print out a copy of the internet solar image (we
tell you how below). If you don't have a printer, sketch the image and sunspot groups you see. (If you
have to sketch, try placing the latitude/longitude grid directly over the image on your screen to find
exactly where to sketch your spots. Be careful to always have the image straight up and down.)
For each of the major sunspots groups, record on your Sunspot Recording Worksheet:
 The name of each spot group. Make up any name you want, but make sure to keep track of
which group has which name.
 Where (i.e. at what latitude and longitude) the spot groups lie
 Note whether there were any observable changes in your sunspot groups (has the group
changed size, shape, disappeared altogether?)
Collect images every day for 10-14 days. After you've collected your data, go on to the other activities.
Activity 2: Calculation of Solar Rotational Period
Galileo Galilei, back in 1612, noticed something interesting about the Sun when he observed its sunspots. Let's see
what he discovered.
(1) Arrange your copies or drawings of the solar disk and sunspots in order from longest-ago to the
present, and flip through them slowly as if they were an animated "flip-book". Are the sunspots
permanent, or do they come and go? Do they stay in the same place, or seem to move? If they
move, do they move in relatively straight lines or do they wander?
Galileo noticed that the spots seemed to move directly across the disk of the Sun. He thought that, if
they were on the surface of the Sun, their movement might indicate that the Sun was rotating. What
do you think?
(2) On your data sketches, pick a sunspot group which travels a long distance across the Sun's disk. A
good choice would be a sunspot which starts out closest to the left limb (edge) of the Sun. Let's call
this spot "George". You are going to figure out how long it took George to move across the Sun.
(3) Find your picture with George closest to the left limb of the Sun. With a (metric) ruler, measure how
far away from the left edge of the Sun's disk George is.
(4) Now, find the picture with George closest to the right limb of the Sun and measure it's distance.
Make sure you again measure the distance starting from the left limb.
(5) Now, measure the distance across the entire disk of the Sun (ignoring George and any of his
friends). You will need to multiply this by 2 to include the back side of the Sun.
(6) Look again at your data sheets and find out what time your first sketch of George was taken. Find
the time for your last sketch of George. How long did it take for George to travel from the first place
to the last? (Subtract the last time from the first. In our example, it was 7 days.
(7) Now, how far around the Sun did George go? In our example, George went 6 cm (7 cm - 1 cm) and
the Sun was 24 cm around. So, in this example, it took George 7 days to get 1/4 of the way around
the Sun, which means that George would need 4*7 = 28 days to go all the way around (assuming
he could last that long).
(8) If your numbers are more complicated than George's, then you can use your calulator to figure it
Sun's rotation time = George's-time * (Sun's-distance / George's-distance)
28 days = 7 days * (24 cm/6 cm)
If you picked a different spot or group, do you think your answer for the Sun's rotation rate would be the
same? Try to find out by doing the calculation for groups at higher or lower latitudes (that is, groups that
are closer or farther from the Sun's poles).
Calculate your percent error using the rotational rate given in chpt.16 of your textbook.
Lab modified from Stanford Solar Center at
Grade 9 Science (Academic) Earth and Space Sciences – Culminating Task
A Teacher’s Guide
Task Overview
Students will draw on their knowledge of astronomy to build a class model of the universe that can be
displayed from the ceiling of the classroom. Each group of three students will be responsible for the creation
of several of the celestial objects studied in the classroom (i.e. sun, moon, planets, stars, asteroids, black
holes, comets, meteors, and so forth). Guidance regarding the overall size of the model and the scale from
which the students shall work will be provided by the teacher. This task also includes a short written
component to accompany each celestial object, that asks students to organize what they know about the
object in a short, easily readable format. Each student will give a 2-5 minute summary presentation to the
class on their object.
While the creation of the model is a group activity, the written portion for specific objects can be assigned to
specific students as an independent assignment, requiring each student to become the ‘class expert’ on a
particular celestial object.
At the conclusion of the task, other staff and/or students in the school may be invited to see the finished
Curriculum Expectations
Grade 9 Science (Academic): Strand D: Earth and Space Science: The Study of the Universe:
This task contributes to a broad range of expectations in this strand, as students are expected to apply the
knowledge and understandings developed throughout the unit to the creation of an accurate model universe.
Grade 9 Science (Academic): Strand A: Scientific Investigation Skills and Career Exploration:
This task addresses the following expectations under A1: Scientific Investigation Skills (Communicating):
A1.11 Communicate ideas, plans, procedures, results and conclusions orally, in writing, and/or in electronic
presentations, using appropriate language and a variety of formats.
A1.12 Use appropriate numeric, symbolic and graphic modes of representation, and appropriate units of
A number of other expectations are also indirectly addressed.
Expectations for Students
 Compile list of celestial objects to be included in the model (whole class activity).
 Listen carefully to the instructions when the teacher reviews them with the class; ask appropriate questions as
 Work in co-operation with group members to build creative, interesting and accurate (where possible) models
of celestial objects.
 Contribute to one’s group’s success by utilizing learning from the unit to ensure the group meets the
expectations for the task.
 Work in co-operation with other groups to calculate objects’ distances based on the room’s given dimensions.
 Complete the written portion of the task accurately, using a writing style that is engaging for your audience,
and in a timely manner.
 Act as ‘class experts’ for your respective object and present your findings to the class.
Prior Knowledge (Students)
 The defining characteristics of celestial objects studied including, but not limited to, size, composition, position
in relation to other objects, impact on the earth, and appearance.
 An understanding of gravitational forces and orbits as it relates to the changing position of objects in the
 An understanding of the origins of the universe as it relates to current theories about the appearance and size
of the universe.
 Mathematical ability sufficient to estimate the appropriate size of the objects being built.
 Artistic knowledge sufficient to use materials provided effectively (i.e. paper mache).
Classroom Requirements
Classroom requirements for this task include sufficient time to complete the task (minimum of three class
periods, possibly longer if none of the written work is assigned as homework). Depending on access to text
sources for research and the thoroughness of student notes, students may require access to the library
and/or computer lab as part of this task.
Additionally, the classroom must have sufficient space to hang all components of the model from the ceiling
and display the written work along the walls. For teachers with more than one class/section completing the
task, alternative spaces may be considered.
Sample Materials List
The boundaries of the task are set by the materials, and almost any material can be used. The materials
provided impact the type of models students will build, and a broader variety of materials may elicit more
creative responses. Some ideas are provided here, but teachers may wish to make use of local recycling
centres or found materials to broaden the scope of the assignment.
Paper mache: glue and water, newspaper, balloons or some other spherical (or differently shaped) molds.
Paints, brushes, sponges, etc.
A variety of papers.
Scissors, glue, hot glue.
Found materials from nature, i.e. rocks.
Recyclable materials from around the home, i.e. paper towel rolls, etc.
Safety Considerations
Safety considerations may vary depending on the materials provided. Some examples include proper
handling of scissors, safety with hot glue guns, and use of balloons with paper mache.
The teacher should be responsible for hanging the model, and do so using a proper ladder and with the
assistance of another adult.
Grouping Strategies
Students can be assigned to groups in a variety of ways, to best meet their needs as learners.
Heterogeneous groupings can provide support for students that require it, which encouraging more competent
students to be group leaders. Random groupings may provide opportunity for students to work with novel
peers, but may present some challenges for classroom management. Note that either the written or creative
portion of this assignment may be group or independent work – and can be assigned as such to meet the
needs of the learners in the class.
Accommodations / Modifications
The artistic / construction component of this task does not assume any artistic talent on the part of the
student, and may provide an opportunity for English language learners or students with IEPs to excel in a way
that has not been possible previously in the science classroom. Students may require some assistance from
peers or the teacher to organize information and formulate a plan for creating the model.
Students should receive accommodations or modifications of the written/presentation component of the task,
according to the individual plan in place for each student. The changes should reflect the needs and
strengths of the student, and provide an opportunity for the student to express his/her knowledge about the
content material and its application to the creation of the model.
Students requiring enrichment opportunities may contribute to the complexity of the model by creating
diagrams depicting orbital / movement patterns of the objects in the model, or by creating additional items to
add to the model based on a celestial object that they research independently.
Assessment Criteria
Students will be assessed based on the KICA assessment categories. The following rubric will be available to
Level 1 (50-59%) Level 2 (60-69%) Level 3 (70Level 4 (80-
Transfers a
degree of
accurately to
model (physical
size, distance to
other objects,
Model displays a
degree of
creativity and
innovation in its
appearance and
Transfers a high
degree of
accurately to
model (physical
size, distance to
other objects,
Model Creation (Group)
(creation and accuracy of
Transfers a
limited degree of
accurately to
model (physical
size, distance to
other objects, etc)
Transfers some
degree of
accurately to
model (physical
size, distance to
other objects, etc)
(creativity/innovation of
Model displays a
limited degree of
creativity and
innovation in its
design, materials,
appearance and
Model displays
some degree of
creativity and
innovation in its
design, materials,
appearance and
Model displays a
high degree of
creativity and
innovation in its
appearance and
Written Report and Presentation (Individual)
(written assignment)
(oral presentation/written
little (or
knowledge of
their celestial
Expresses and
organizes ideas
and information
with a limited
degree of
(including the use
of conventions
and vocabulary)
some knowledge
of their celestial
knowledge of
their celestial
Demonstrates a
high degree of
knowledge of
their celestial
Expresses and
organizes ideas
and information
with some degree
of effectiveness
(including the use
of conventions
and vocabulary)
Expresses and
organizes ideas
and information
with a
degree of
(including the
use of
conventions and
Expresses and
organizes ideas
and information
with a high
degree of
(including the
use of
conventions and
Student Instruction Sheet – Copy for each group, fill in student information
Cumulative Task – Model of the Universe
Our class is going to build a model of the universe using what we have learned during this unit. Your team
will be in charge of making the models of certain celestial bodies, following the instructions below. Each team
member must complete the attached written assignment for one of your models. Follow the instructions
Your group is responsible for making models of:
Group Member
Responsible for the Written Assignment about:
1. Using what you know about your celestial object(s), decide what you think each model should look like, what
materials you will need, and how you plan to build them. Make sure you think about:
a. Size and scale.
b. Relative distance to other objects.
c. Composition.
d. Appearance.
e. All the materials that are available to you.
f. Make some notes on the back of this sheet about your plans.
Work together to build models that can be hung with string from the ceiling. (Make sure they aren’t too
Written Assignment:
1. After you have completed building the models, complete the rest of the assignment. Remember:
a. This is your chance to show what you know about your celestial object – you are the class expert on
your object.
b. Use your notes and the resources in the classroom to make sure that your information is accurate.
Be sure to use scientific language and the correct units.
c. The written assignment is independent work – each member of your group is responsible for a
different write up.
d. The written assignment is meant to help laypersons (people who come to see our model, but don’t
know very much about the universe) find objects in our model and understand what they are. Your
writing should be easy to read and understand.
e. Present your findings to the class in a short summary.
Written Assignment – Copy one for each student
Culminating Task: Model of the Universe
My Model: ______________________________
Insert a photo of what your celestial object looks like (or scientists theorize it looks like):
Write a paragraph describing your celestial object. Be sure to include what it is made of, it’s size and location
in the universe, and its impact on the Earth (if any).
Is there life on your object? Could life live there?
What manned or unmanned spacecraft have investigated this celestial object? How have we learned about
What is your model made of, and how did you build it? Why did you choose to build it this way?
SNC 1D – Earth and Space Science Unit Test
/ 16 K
/ 12 C
/ 12 T
/ 47
1. Match the numbered definition to its correct term:
/ 10 K
1. Electrically charged particles that flow
from the sun’s corona into space.
2. These produce the sun’s energy
3. Large, round celestial objects that travel
around a star.
Solar Winds
4. Millions of rocks found in a belt between
Mars and Jupiter.
Nuclear Reactions
5. Celestial bodies moving about the sun,
consisting of a central mass surrounded by
an envelope of dust and gas that may form
a tail that streams away from the sun.
Sun Spots
6. Self-luminous celestial bodies consisting
of masses of gases held together by their
own gravity.
7. Diffuse masses of interstellar dust or
gas or both, visible as luminous patches or
areas of darkness depending on the way
the mass absorbs or reflects incident
8. Small, solid extraterrestrial bodies that
enter the Earth’s atmosphere.
9. Everything that exists including all the
millions of galaxies together, plus all the
matter, energy and space.
10. Dark, cooler regions of the
photosphere that produce violent magnetic
2. Which pattern is generally TRUE the further a planet is from the Sun?
A. Its velocity decreases
B. The mass gets bigger
C. The shorter its year
D. It is less difficult to see with a telescope
3. Which statement is FALSE about the force of gravitational attraction?
A. It happens between all objects
B. It is larger if the mass of an object is smaller
C. It decreases if the distance between objects increases
D. It acts towards the centre of an object
4. The apparent daily path of the Sun changes with the seasons because
A. The Sun rotates
B. Earth's distance from the Sun changes
C. The Sun revolves
D. Earth's axis is tilted
5. Energy is transferred from the Sun to Earth mainly by
A. Molecular collisions
B. Density currents
C. Electromagnetic waves
D. Red shifts
6. A cycle of Moon phases can be seen from Earth because the
A. Moon’s distance from Earth changes at a predictable rate
B. Moon’s axis is tilted
C. Moon spins on its axis
D. Moon revolves around Earth
7. Which of these is NOT a hazard/disadvantage of manned space exploration?
A. Being in zero gravity and confined spaces poses health risks
B. Reliance on mechanical life support in a hostile environment
C. The moon and the Van Allen belts emit lethal amounts of radiation
D. High financial cost of exploration diverts funds away from other uses
7. Draw, label and describe a Lunar and Solar Eclipse. Explain why solar eclipses occur less
frequently than lunar eclipses.
Lunar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun, and the Earth's
shadow obscures the moon or a portion of it.
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking all or a
portion of the Sun.
A lunar eclipse can only occur when the moon is directly opposite the Sun in the sky — a full moon.
Even though there is a full moon each month, obviously a lunar eclipse does not occur on a monthly
basis because the Sun isn't exactly in line with the Earth and the moon. The moon's orbit is tilted 5
degrees more than that of the Earth; otherwise, we would see a lunar eclipse each month. We can
see lunar eclipses more readily than solar eclipses, and it has to do with proximity. The Moon is
much closer to the Earth, so the Earth has a much greater chance of blocking sunlight to the Moon,
compared to the Moon blocking light from the Sun. Also, a lunar eclipse can be seen from a greater
portion of the Earth. Solar eclipses, on the other hand, are more rare and when they do happen can
only be seen by a very narrow segment of people on Earth, for a short period of time.
Note: you may wish to provide partial diagrams or prompting words to assist students with this
8. Alpha Centauri is the nearest star to us (other than the Sun). It is 4.3 light years away (1 light
year = 9.2 x 1012 km). Calculate how far Alpha Centauri is from the Earth. Express the answer in km
and AU (1 Astronomical Unit = 149 598 000 kilometers).
Convert distance to km:
4.3 light years x 9.2 x 1012 km = 3.9 x 1013 km away from Earth
Convert from km to AU
3.9 x 1013 km = 3.9 x 1013 km x 1 AU
149 598 000 km
= 260 700 AU
Alpha Centauri is 3.9 x 1013 km or 260 700 AU away from the Earth.
9. The extrasolar planet HD209458b, now known as Osiris, was discovered by astronomers in 1999
and is at a distance of 150 light years. If an interstellar probe were sent to Osiris, traveling at a
maximum speed of 700 km/sec (about 10 times faster than our fastest spacecraft, Helios-1), how
long would it take to reach Osiris?
Convert distance to km:
150 light years x 9.2 x 1012 km = 1.38 x 1015 km
Calculate time based on given velocity and distance.
velocity = distance/time
time = distance/velocity
time = 1.38 x 1015 km = 1.97 x 10 seconds
700 km/sec
1.97 x 1012 seconds = 64 000 years
Therefore, it would take the interstellar probe 64 000 years to reach Osiris.
10. Describe the Big Bang theory and two pieces of evidence that support it.
The Big Bang theory is an effort to explain what happened at the very beginning of our
According to the theory, our universe sprang into existence as "singularity" around 13.7
billion years ago. Singularities are zones of infinite density. They are also thought to exist at the
core of black holes. Our universe is thought to have begun as an infinitely small, hot, dense
singularity. After its initial appearance, it inflated, expanded and cooled. It continues to expand and
Galaxies appear to be moving away from us at speeds proportional to their distance. This is called
Hubble's Law, named after Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) who discovered this phenomenon in 1929.
This observation supports the expansion of the universe and suggests that the universe was once
Another piece of evidence that supports the Big Bang Theory is the abundance of the "light
elements" Hydrogen and Helium found in the observable universe. The theory predicts that certain
amounts of hydrogen, helium, and other elements should be made. Observations have shown
almost exactly the amounts that are predicted.
11. Describe 3 major contributions that Canadians have made to space exploration and
observation? Explain why these contributions are significant.
Any 3 explanations from this timeline of Canadian space contributions: