Download H/G- Meiosis Notes 1. What is the purpose of meiosis? Meiosis is the

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H/G- Meiosis Notes
1. What is the purpose of meiosis?
 Meiosis is the process by which ___________________ are produced.
 These sex cells are _____________________
2. Number of chromosomes in meiosis versus somatic (body) cells
 Human body cells have _____chromosomes
Human sex cells, sperm and eggs, have _______ chromosomes
3- Why should gametes have only half the number of normal chromosomes???
 During meiosis, _________________ daughter cells are produced from ____________ parent
 During meiosis the cell actually divides ____________  Meiosis I and Meiosis II
 Prophase I:
a. Homologous chromosome pairs move together, to form a ____________. This pairing is called
b________________ disappears
c. Crossing-over may occur at the _______________
______________________ allows for the ______________________________ between neighboring
 Metaphase I:
a. Tetrads line up at the ___________________
b. Homologous Chromosomes line up ______________________
 Anaphase I:
a. __________________ chromosome of each pair gets pulled to opposite poles.
b. The sister chromatids do not separate. It is still ____________
 Telophase I and Cytokinesis:
a. Cells separate; two new cells are formed that are _______________
b. Nuclear membrane ______________
Interphase occurs between meiosis I and meiosis II to prepare the cell for division again
5- Meiosis 2
 Prophase II
a. Chromosomes ___________________________
b. Spindle fibers appear
 Metaphase II
a. The chromosomes align along _____________ of the equator.
 Anaphase II
a.the fibers pull the chromatids ______________ and toward ______________ of the cells. Called
Telophase II
The chromatids arrive at the either end of each cell and new _______________ form.
The rest of the cell continues to divide. Only when two, distinct cells form will cytokinesis, the division of
the cell's cytoplasm, be complete
Final Results of Meiosis
 ___________________ which will develop into ____________________
 Each daughter cell has ______________________________ of a somatic cell
 _________chromosomes for each sex cell
Males will create _______________________ for every one cell that goes through meiosis
Females will create _________________________ will turn into unusable polar bodies and _________
will mature into an egg cell.
Label the phases of meiosis 1, and draw what the resulting daughter cells would look like before going
into meiosis II.
Label the phases of meiosis 2, and draw what the resulting daughter cells would look like before going
into meiosis II.
How are the daughter cells in meiosis 2 different from meiosis 1?