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Antebellum, Civil War and Reconstruction Study Guide
1. Why is Nat Turner well known?
2. What did Manifest Destiny support?
3. What South Carolinian was one of the most vocal advocates of states rights’, including the
right to leave the Union and the right to declare a national law “null and void?”
4. Who was considered an extreme abolitionist that created The Liberator newspaper and
organized the American Anti-Slavery Society.
5. Abraham Lincoln asked Harriet Beecher Stow, “So you’re the little bitty woman that started
this great big war?” He asked her this because
6. The decisive issues that split, divided, and sometimes unified many political parties in the
mid-1800’s was?
7. Why is Dred Scott is remembered?
8. What is the difference between Stephan A. Douglass’ and Abraham Lincoln’s view on slavery
during their famous debate.
9. John Brown led the raid on what place in Virginia?
10. What state was the first to secede from the Union after Lincoln was elected?
11. Who became the president of the Confederate States of America?
12. What “lone star” state was formed out of a revolution against Mexico?
13. Name of Northern Democrats who advocated peace with the South during the Civil War.
14. What Confederate general earning the nickname at the Battle of Bull Run for showing no
fear in the face of danger; He was later killed at the Battle of Chancellorsville by his own
15. Who declined Lincoln’s invitation to lead the Union Army in the early months of the war;
Later became the Confederate commander of the Army of Northern Virginia?
16. This was a draft that would force certain members of society to serve in the military?
17. What is the Constitutional change that officially abolishing slavery.
18. What considered by historians as a costly battle to the South and a Northern victory
(September 1862); Almost 30,000 Union and Confederate soldiers were killed in one day
earning the name, “the bloodiest day of the war.”
19. Who is the Union general who put the practice of “total war” into use in the South; He led the
Atlanta Campaign (Chattanooga-Atlanta-Savannah-Carolinas) leaving a path of destruction
nearly 300 miles long and 40 miles wide through Georgia?
20. Who is the actor and 26-year old assassin who shot and killed Lincoln (April 14, 1865).
21. Union victory (July 1-4, 1863) and the turning point of the war?
22. Decree by Lincoln (January 1, 1863) often confused with freeing slaves in the Confederacy.
Having no legal authority over the Confederacy it marked the Civil War as being a crusade
to end slavery.
23. What speech given by Abraham Lincoln dedicating an important battlefield to the soldiers
that died? It reiterated the point that all men were created equal as stated in the Declaration
of Independence.
24. What is the location of the first shot fired igniting the American Civil War?
25. What is the three-part assault on the Confederacy?
26. Early in the war, the Confederacy tried to gain support from the nation of __________
resulting in what is called the ______________.
27. She is called the “angel of the battlefield” due to her bravery in war, and later founded the
American Red Cross in 1881.
28. What is the final surrender of the Confederate Army took place here.
29. ___________ served as president of the Confederacy.
30. When the Civil War began, what was Abraham Lincoln’s main goal?
31. Lincoln suspended ___________ to deal with dissent in the Union states.
32. (T(a)/F(b)) Only Southern states were slave states, and all Northern states were free states.
33. What was Lincolns dilemma at Fort Sumter, what did he chose to do?
34. Who said the following statement? “I want to make Southerners so sick of war that
generations would pass away before they would appeal to it.”
35. What was established in 1863 to help charter banks and set loan requirements?
36. What was considered the worst POW camp during the civil war?
37. What is the time period after the Civil War in which the South was readmitted to the Union?
38. What is impeachment?
39. This amendment gives the definition of a citizen, making newly freed African Americans
40.What is the name of the vigilante group that used terrorist tactics to restore white supremacy
after the Civil War?
41. What is the name of a white southerner who joined the Republican Party after the Civil
42. What is the system in which farm workers supply their own tools and rent farmland?
43. What is the federal agency set up to help former slaves after the Civil War?
44. This spelled amendment spelled out what cannot be discriminated against when voting,
giving African Americans the right to vote?
45. What marks the end of Reconstruction; Rutherford B. Hayes was elected president in
exchange for pulling federal troops out of the South?
46. Name of northerner who moved to the south after the Civil War.
47. What is the nick name for President Lincoln’s reconstruction plan?
48. What did southern Democrats call their return to power or the time period after
49. Who was the first African American senator?