Download Year 6 Money Matters - Manor Field Primary School

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Manor Field Life Skills Scheme of Work
Spring Term 2nd Half, Weeks 4,5 and 6
Money Matters
Year Group: Six
Week One
Learning Intentions
Recognise household expenses
and regular financial
Begin to understand why
money, such as tax or pension
contributions, is deducted from
Understand that we may
increase money through saving
by gaining interest
Begin to understand the
principles of probability and
Key Questions in Italics and Suggested
Circle time: what do we spend money on?
Give out 100 pennies to each group. How
much does a household spend on tax, bills,
transport and housing? What is left over?
Chn to decide in groups on amounts. Tell
chn correct percentages.
Then ask chn to subdivide tax into local and
government; bills into heating, electricity,
water, insurance, food, tv/internet; and
what’s left into essentials and luxuries.
Tell chn correct percentages and give out a
ten pound note sheet which chn can visually
represent the different percentages on.
Resources/ Your
Manor Field Life Skills Scheme of Work
Spring Term 2nd Half, Weeks 4,5 and 6
Money Matters
Week Two
Begin to understand that
standards of living vary across
time and place
Understand that there is an
ethical dimension to financial
Understand the difference
between good debt (planned
and manageable) and bad debt
(unplanned or unmanageable)
Give out GDP list from a range of countries.
Discuss. Why are some countries richer than
other? How does this affect living standards?
Use % from first lesson to discuss the cost
of living in various countries.
Fairtrade game
Get a banker in to talk to the children?