Download Dreadnought – Robert Massie Discussion Questions Chapter 3

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Dreadnought – Robert Massie
Discussion Questions
Chapter 3: Blood & Iron
Describe the German Confederation established in 1815.
What was the most powerful German state? Why?
Describe Otto von Bismarck’s appearance, personality and position.
Who were the Junkers and what were they like?
Describe Bismarck’s education and early career.
What occurred in the 1848 revolution in Berlin and how did the government handle it?
When Bismarck was appointed as Prussian ambassador to the Frankfurt Assembly in 1851 what was
his task and how did he do it?
Explain the circumstances under which Bismarck became Minister-President of Kaiser Wilhelm I in
How did Bismarck handle parliament?
Why did Prussia go to war against Denmark in 1864?
a. What were the results of this war?
Why did Prussia go to war against Austria in 1866?
a. What occurred at the Battle of Sadowa?
b. What peace terms did Bismarck urge and why?
c. What were the terms of the Treaty of Prague?
What was the reaction of France to Prussia’s stunning success?
Explain the events and circumstances surrounding the Ems Dispatch.
Describe the events of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870.
In what way did Bismarck disagree with the Kaiser and General Moltke about the terms of peace?
What circumstances led to the proclamation of a united German Empire in the Hall of Mirrors at
Versailles in January, 1871?
Explain the features of the new German constitution crafted by Bismarck.
a. What were its flaws?
After 1871 what the working relationship between Bismarck and Wilhelm I like?
What were Bismarck’s relations with the Reichstag like?
What was Bismarck’s private life like?
a. His office?
b. His home?
c. His estates?
d. His habits and customs?
What was Bismarck’s son Herbert like?
a. Describe the advancement of Herbert’s career in the foreign ministry.
b. What were Herbert’s weaknesses?
Chapter 4: Bismarck’s Grand Design
1. After German unification had been achieved what were Bismarck’s goals and what methods did he use
to achieve them?
2. Why did Bismarck strive to keep France isolated and how did he achieve this?
3. Why did Bismarck pursue an alliance with Austria and how did he achieve this?
4. Why did Kaiser Wilhelm I oppose an alliance with Austria and how did Bismarck get him to sign it?
5. Why did Bismarck seek an alliance with Russia and how did he achieve this?
6. What efforts did Germany make to form an alliance with Britain, and why did Britain turn them down?
7. Why did Bismarck oppose Germany’s seeking colonies?
a. Why did Bismarck abruptly alter his policy in 1884?
8. When Germany inquired with Britain about establishing a colony in southwest Africa how did Britain
a. What was the eventual decision of the Gladstone government?
b. How did this episode impact British-German relations?
9. What motive did Bismarck later confess for seeking a colonial policy for Germany?
10. What territories did Germany acquire in the 1880s and with what results?
11. Why did Bismarck approach Britain about an alliance in 1889?
a. What were the results of the inquiry?
12. What steps did Bismarck take to ensure that the next Kaiser would be loyal to his goals?
13. What factors contributed to the origins of the rift between Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm II?
14. What issue brought Bismarck and Wilhelm II into open conflict in 1889?
15. Describe the purpose and results of the cabinet meeting that took place on January 24, 1890.
16. Explain the confrontation that took place on March 14, 1890.
a. What disagreements and problems were at issue?
17. Under what circumstances did Bismarck depart the Chancellorship in March 1890?
18. Describe the events of Bismarck’s retirement.
a. In what ways did he continue to influence political affairs?
b. What major secret did Bismarck divulge in 1896?
Chapter 5: The New Course
1. Describe the appearance and personality of Kaiser Wilhelm II.
a. What was his philosophy of rule?
2. What was the Kaiser’s attitude toward Britain and the British?
a. Describe his relations with his uncle, Bertie.
b. How did Queen Victoria regard her grandson, the Kaiser?
c. What quarrel occurred between Wilhelm and Bertie and how was it resolved?
d. How was Wilhelm’s relationship with his mother, Vicky?
3. Describe the new Chancellor, Georg Leo von Caprivi.
a. What was his personality and career?
b. Why did the Kaiser select Caprivi?
c. What was Caprivi’s new philosophy for what Germany needed from him?
d. How were Caprivi’s relations with the Reichstag?
e. How was he regarded by the Foreign Office?
4. What was the Reinsurance Treaty and why was it important to both Germany and Russia?
a. What reassurance did the Kaiser give to the Russian ambassador?
b. Why did Holstein urge Caprivi to let the treaty expire?
c. What diplomatic crisis ensued?
d. What was Russia’s reaction to the reversal of this policy?
5. How did the relationship between Caprivi and Bismarck evolve over the years?
a. Why did Caprivi repeatedly attempt to resign?
b. Under what circumstances did Caprivi leave office in 1894?
6. Who was Prince Chlodwig zu Hohenlohe?
a. Why did the Kaiser select him as the new Chancellor?
b. Describe Hohenlohe’s earlier career.
In what ways was Hohenlohe similar to Caprivi and in what ways different?
How was the relationship between the Kaiser and Hohenlohe?
In what ways was Hohenlohe a “weak” Chancellor?
Why did Hohenlohe last so long in office?
Chapter 7: Bulow and Weltmacht
What happened to Germany’s population between 1871 and 1910 compared to Britain and France?
What happened to Germany’s coal and steel production in the same period compared to Britain?
What was Weltmacht and what did it mean for Germany’s foreign policy?
How did conservatives respond to Social Democrats who argued against colonies?
Explain Treitschke’s idea of nationhood and the power of the State.
What did Admiral Georg von Muller believe Germany needed to do in order to achieve its rightful
place on the world stage?
What was Kaiser Wilhelm II’s philosophy of his role and the Chancellor’s role in this pursuit of
Describe the personality and methodology of Bernhard von Bulow.
a. Describe his career in the army
b. In the diplomatic corps
c. What kind of reputation did Bulow develop during these years?
d. Who was his wife and what connections did she bring?
In 1897 why did Wilhelm II ask Bulow to become the Foreign Secretary?
a. What was to be Germany’s highest foreign policy priority?
What was Bulow’s relationship with Wilhelm II like?
What was Bulow’s relationship with Chancellor Hohenlohe, the Foreign Ministry, and First Counselor
When Bulow was elevated to Chancellor in 1900 why was Baron von Richtofen chosen to succeed him
as State Secretary of Foreign Affairs?
Describe Bulow’s practices as Chancellor.
a. What was his relationship with the Kaiser like?
Chapter 9: Tirpitz and the Germany Navy Laws
When and how did Prussia first go about establishing a navy?
What obstacles did Prussia face in establishing a navy?
Why was Bismarck, Wilhelm I, the army, and many others opposed to a navy?
Who was in charge of the Germany navy during its early decades and what did they set as its
During the 1890s why was Germany naval policy and planning so confused?
Who was Alfred von Tirpitz and what was he like?
a. Explain Tirpitz’s early career and influences.
b. What was his attitude toward Britain and its navy?
In 1890 Tirpitz was appointed to developed strategy for the High Seas Fleet. What were his
In 1896 what important suggestion did he make to the Kaiser in a memorandum?
Why did the Kaiser almost replace Navy Secretary Hollmann with Tirpitz in 1896 and what stopped
10. In 1897 Tirpitz was finally appointed Navy Secretary. What ideas did he express in his “General
Considerations on the Constitution of Our Fleet According to Ship Classes and Designs”?
a. What was the significance of this new strategy?
11. What was the significance of designing a fixed naval spending long term plan for the Reichstag?
12. What did Tirpitz do to consolidate his power?
13. What did he do to win Bismarck’s endorsement of the Navy Bill?
14. How did Tirpitz gain the support of the Reichstag?
a. What arguments did he use to persuade them?
15. What efforts did Tirpitz and the Navy make to rouse public support for the Navy Bill?
16. What arguments did Social Democrats and others make against the Bill?
17. Under the First Navy Law how many ships were to built, by when, and for what purpose?
18. What events brought about the Second Navy Bill?
a. How many ships were to be built, by when, and for what purpose?
19. Explain Tirpitz’s Risk Theory.
a. What was the Danger Zone and what kept happening to it?
20. In what way did the Kaiser meddle in naval planning and ship design?
a. How did Tirpitz deal with it?
21. How did Britain react to Germany’s naval armament program?
Chapter 11: The Jameson Raid and the Kruger Telegram
1. Who was Cecil Rhodes and what was his personality like?
a. How did he become wealthy?
b. Describe his early political career.
c. What was Rhodes’ vision of the British Empire in Africa?
2. Who were the Boers?
a. Trace their history in southern Africa.
b. What was the political status of Transvaal and the Orange Free State?
c. What were the terms of the London Convention of 1884?
d. Who was Paul Kruger?
3. What important even occurred in 1886 in the Witwatersrand?
a. How did this impact the Transvaal Republic?
b. How did the Transvaal respond?
4. What plot did Cecil Rhodes hatch to overthrow the Boer government?
a. Who was Leander Starr Jameson?
5. What happened in the Jameson Raid?
a. How did the British government (Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain) react to the Raid?
6. What was the relationship of the Boer Republics to Germany?
a. What economic and political interests did the Germans have in there?
7. How did the German government react to news of the Jameson Raid?
a. What responses did the government consider and which option did they choose?
b. What did the Kaiser’s telegram to Kruger say?
c. What changes to it did the Kaiser make?
8. What was the reaction to the Kruger Telegram in Germany?
a. What did leaders in the German government think of it?
b. How did those present at its drafting portray their involvement in later years?
c. How did the Kaiser himself account for the telegram’s creation?
9. What was the reaction to the Kruger Telegram in Britain?
a. How did Queen Victoria react to the telegram?
b. How did the Kaiser respond to the Queen’s letter?
10. What were the legal consequences for Jameson and the other ringleaders of the Raid?
a. What was the eventual fate of Jameson?
11. To what degree was Cecil Rhodes implicated in the Raid?
a. To what degree was Colonial Secretary Chamberlain implicated?
b. What was the eventual fate of Rhodes?
12. What was the long term impact of this episode on relations between Britain and Germany?
Chapter 13: Fashoda
1. What had been Lord Salisbury’s attitude towards the British Empire in Africa?
2. What was the Scramble for Africa and why did it occur?
a. What was Britain’s long-term strategy in Africa?
3. What happened to Charles Gordon in Khartoum in 1885?
4. How did Kitchener re-establish British control of the Sudan in 1898 and why?
a. What were Kitchener’s next orders?
5. What was France’s colonial strategy in Africa?
a. Why did they wish to assert their claim to the Upper Nile Valley?
b. How did they do it?
6. Describe the exchange that took place at Fashoda between Kitchener and Marchand.
7. How did the British government, press, and people assess the standoff at Fashoda?
a. Why did the British have a right to claim the region in question?
b. What interests were at stake?
8. How did the French government, press, and people asses the standoff?
a. Why was France entitled to keep this territory?
b. What was the dilemma of the French government?
9. What agreement was eventually released by the British and French governments?
10. What was the Kaiser’s reaction to this episode?
Chapter 15: The Boer War and the Boxer Rebellion
1. In 1896-97 what moves did President Kruger take to prepare the Transvaal for war with Britain?
2. What actions did Britain take in 1897 to prepare for war against the Boers?
a. How did President Kruger respond to these actions?
b. What took place in the first months of the war?
3. What was the reaction to British setbacks around Europe?
a. Describe the Kaiser’s correspondence on the matter with his uncle, the Crown Prince of
4. What took place in January 1900 that seriously strained relations between Germany and Britain?
a. What was the reaction in Germany?
5. What turned the Boer War in the British favor during 1900?
a. What was the resolution of the conflict?
6. What had been taking place in China during the late 19th century?
7. Who were the Boxers and what about foreign influences did they object to?
8. What was the immediate cause of the Boxer Rebellion?
a. Describe the German colony at Shantung.
9. Describe the Dowager Empress Tzuhsi.
a. How had she obtained power?
b. How did she react to the Boxer Rebellion?
What happened in the spring on 1900?
a. What sparked a popular uprising against foreigners?
b. How did the diplomatic community respond?
c. What event sparked the beginning of the siege of the diplomatic compound?
What was inside the compound and what supplies did they have?
a. Describe the Chinese attacks on the compound.
b. What happened to the British expedition to save the Legations?
How was the Legation eventually saved in August?
How did the Kaiser react to the Boxer Rebellion? What action did he take?
Why did the Kaiser press to have a German named commander of the relief expedition?
a. Who was Waldersee and what was his history with the Kaiser?
What was Waldersee’s mission in China?
a. What did the German force do when it reached China?
b. Why were the Germans reluctant to leave after their mission?
c. What was the reaction of foreign diplomats and others to the German force?
Chapter 17: The End of the Anglo-German Alliance Negotiations
1. Who was involved the Anglo-German negotiations?
a. Lord Salisbury (PM) – wedded to Splendid Isolation; saw little value in a German alliance
b. Chamberlain (Colonial Secretary) – desirous of a German alliance but increasingly pessimistic
about achieving it
c. Lord Lansdowne (Foreign Secretary) – desirous of a German alliance and somewhat optimistic
d. Holstein (German FO 1st Secretary) – desired a British alliance; skeptical of achieving it
e. Eckardstein (German Consul to Britain) – strongly committed to a British alliance and optimistic
about achieving it
f. Hatzfeldt (German Ambassador to Britain) – committed to a British alliance and not optimistic
about achieving it; often ill during the negotiations and not extensively involved
2. Describe the Anglo-German defensive alliance that Bulow proposed in 1901.
3. What factors eroded the success of the negotiations in the spring of 1901?
a. What happened to Eckardstein?
b. What insult did Bulow make?
4. Describe the alliance proposal made by Hatzfeldt at this time.
a. What was his logic?
b. Why was Lord Salisbury opposed to it?
c. What affect did the proposal have on the negotiations?
5. What were Chamberlains reasons for wanting a German alliance in the first place?
a. Why would such an alliance not have been in Britain’s favor?
b. What had been Britain’s historical approach to European alliances?
6. What issue drove a major wedge between Chamberlain and Bulow?
a. How did Bulow respond to Chamberlain’s speech?
b. What was the public reaction to this episode in Germany and Britain?
7. To whom did the British now turn in their search for an ally?
a. For what reasons?
Chapter 20: Lord Lansdowne and the Anglo-French Entente
1. Describe Lord Lansdowne.
a. What was his family background?
b. Describe his career in the foreign service.
2. Why did were both Britain and Japan interested in an alliance with one another in 1901?
3. Describe the terms of the Japan-British Treaty of 1902.
a. What was the logic of it for each side?
b. Why did Germany react positively to the treaty?
c. Why was reaction in France mixed?
d. What arguments did Lord Lansdowne use to persuade Lord Salisbury to approve the Treaty?
4. Why did Holstein believe that Britain could never form an alliance with France?
a. What problems did the French political system face in the late 1800s?
5. Who was Theophile Delcasse?
a. What was his background?
b. What was his highest priority as Foreign Minister?
6. What factors impeded the efforts of the French government to improve relations with Britain?
a. Who became French Ambassador to Britain in 1898?
b. Why did Britain became more open to the idea of the French alliance during 1901-02?
7. Why did King Edward VII visit Paris in 1903?
a. How were the British received initially?
b. What cause did the French have for hostility?
c. How did the King manage to change opinion during his visit?
d. How did the German government react to the visit?
e. How did President Loubet’s visit to England go later that summer?
8. What issues did the British and French diplomats begin discussing at this time?
9. Why did France desire to have Britain recognize her sovereignty in Morocco?
a. What arguments did Delcasse use to persuade Lansdowne?
b. Why did Britain acquiesce to this request?
10. Why was Britain’s control over Egypt contested by France?
11. When the Anglo-French Convention was introduced in Parliament in 1904 what was the reaction?
a. How did the government present it?
b. What was the official reaction of the German government?
c. Why did Holstein object to the agreement?
12. Contrast the French and German approach to establishing closer relations with British. Which was
more effective and why?
Chapter 21: The Morocco Crisis of 1905
Describe the event in 1904 that illustrated the weakness of the Moroccan government.
What were the terms of the Treaty of Madrid (1880)?
Why was France interested in Morocco?
Why was Britain interested in Morocco?
a. Why was Britain content to allow France to take control of Morocco’s government?
5. Why did Germany object so strongly and suddenly to France’s attempt in February 1905 to assert
control over Morocco?
a. Why did Germany conclude that this was the proper time to try to isolate France?
6. What was the Open Door policy that Germany now began to advocate?
What advice did Alfred von Schlieffen, Chief of the German General Staff, offer concerning France?
What reasons did Bulow cite for opposing the French move in Morocco?
Prior to this episode what had been the Kaiser’s attitude toward Morocco?
Why did the Kaiser and Bulow decide that the Kaiser should visit Tangier in 1905?
Describe the Kaiser’s brief visit to Tangier.
How did the Wilhelmstrasse explain the Kaiser’s visit and Germany’s policy to other European
What was the reaction of French Foreign Minister Delcasse to the situation? What pressures was he
For what reasons was the British government disposed to back up the French government at this time?
Why did the German government use increasingly belligerent language and how did the French
government respond to it?
What events led to the resignation of Delcasse?
What demand did the German government make to France even after Delcasse’s resignation?
How did Britain respond to this series of events?
What was the purpose of the Algeciras Conference?
a. What was the strategy of the German delegates – Radowitz and Tatenbach?
b. What was the strategy of the French delegate – Revoil?
c. What was the strategy of the British delegate – Sir Arthur Nicolson?
d. What was the fundamental disagreement between France and Germany?
e. What was the ultimate agreement reached by the Conference?
For what reasons can the Algeciras Conference be viewed as a defeat for Germany and a victory for
What was the reaction to the Conference in Germany?
a. What was the political fallout?
Chapter 24: Ut Veniant Omnes
For what reasons was the Mediterranean important to the British navy?
How did French interests conflict with the British in the Mediterranean?
What exposed the vulnerability of the British navy in the Mediterranean during 1899-1902?
What was Fisher’s philosophy of success in war?
Describe Fisher’s methods as Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean fleet.
a. What did he do to promote battle readiness and innovative thinking?
Why were some opposed to his methods and manners?
Describe the naval exercise and priorities instituted by Fisher.
According to Fisher how had naval warfare changed with new technology?
Why did Fisher insist on expanding the size of the Mediterranean fleet?
a. Why was it important to get these ships in peacetime?
b. What requests did Fisher make concerning destroyers?
c. What was the response of the government to these requests?
d. How did Fisher use the press to press his views on the government and public?
e. What results came of Fisher’s complaints in 1900-01?
f. What post was Fisher offered in 1902 and on what conditions?
g. How did the sailors and officers of the Mediterranean fleet respond to Fisher’s departure?
What was Fisher’s job as Second Sea Lord?
a. How did Fisher reform cadet recruitment and training?
i. What kind of resistance and support did this plan arouse?
11. Fisher became Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth in 1903. What was his job there?
a. Why did Fisher believe torpedoes to be an important factor in naval warfare?
b. What was the conventional wisdom concerning submarines?
c. What was Fisher’s attitude toward submarines?
d. How did Fisher and Bacon believe submarines would change naval warfare?
12. Describe Fisher’s participation on the panel to review and reorganize the British Army in the aftermath
of the Boer War?
a. What was his assessment of the arm?
b. What recommendations did the panel make for its reform?
13. What was the significance of the post of Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth?
a. How did it enable Fisher to push his ideas?
b. How did Fisher gain the confidence of King Edward?
c. Describe the relationship between Fisher and the King.
Chapter 26: The Building of the Dreadnought
What factors determine the effectiveness of a battleship?
What was unique about the Dreadnought compared to previous ships?
Where did the idea for the dreadnought come from?
In 1904 Fisher created the Committee on Designs. What recommendations did he make about the new
ship’s guns? Why?
Why was it important for the dreadnought to be fast?
What was the best way to site the turrets according to Fisher?
What technical problems prevented pre-dreadnoughts from maintaining high speeds?
a. What were the advantages of the turbine engine?
What other innovations did the dreadnought incorporate?
What did Fisher do to ensure that the dreadnought would be built in record time?
a. How fast was the ship completed?
What trials did they put the dreadnought through? How successful were they?
Describe the ship’s maiden voyage under the command of Bacon.
How did the Germans react to the unveiling of the dreadnought?
a. How did their newest ships of the Deutschland class compare?
b. What factors prevented them at first from matching the dreadnought?
c. What impact did the dreadnoughts have on Germany’s own shipbuilding?
Why did many criticize the creation of the dreadnought?
a. How did Fisher respond to these criticisms?
b. How did the dreadnought perform in target practice?
Describe the large armored cruiser created by the Committee on Designs?
a. What was the purpose of the cruisers in a fleet?
b. Why did the British see a need to develop a faster, more lethal cruiser?
c. Why was it important that the new cruisers be significantly faster than previous ones?
Describe the design of the Invincible.
a. What was its flaw?
b. What was the very purpose of the cruiser confused and with what consequences?
c. When were the Invincible class cruisers launched?
How did the Germans respond to the introduction of this new line?
a. What major mistake did they make?
b. How did this lead to a naval armaments race between Britain and Germany in the coming
17. What happened at the Battle of the Falkland Islands in December 1914?
18. What happened at the Battle of Jutland in November 1915?
Chapter 31: Sir Edward Grey and Liberal Foreign Policy
1. Describe Edward Grey.
a. What was his family background?
b. What was his educational background?
c. What was Grey’s early experience in Parliament? What was “Grey’s Declaration”?
d. Why were Grey and his wife conflicted about whether to serve in office and how did they
resolve the conflict?
e. What were Grey’s recreational pursuits and interests?
2. When Grey became Foreign Secretary in 1906 what were his priorities?
a. Maintain the Entente with France
b. Restraining Germany ambitions through British naval superiority
c. Seeking naval limitations with Germany
3. What was Grey’s attitude toward Germany?
a. What was his assessment of their diplomatic practices?
4. What led to British-French talks about military cooperation in the event of a Germany attack?
a. What was the subject matter of these talks?
b. Why did Grey decline to make a formal agreement with France?
c. What was communicated to these talks to the Cabinet? To Parliament?
d. Why did Grey not inform Parliament about these talks?
e. Why did Prime Minister Campbell-Bannerman keep these talks secret even from the Cabinet?
f. When Asquith became Prime Minister in 1908 why was he concerned about these talks?
5. What was the contradiction between Britain’s official relationship with France and Grey’s personal
6. What were the most important priorities of British foreign policy for Grey?
Chapter 32: The Anglo-Russian Entente and the Bosnian Crisis
1. Describe the balance of power and the alliance system within Europe in the late 19th and early 20th
2. What factors made agreement between Russia and Britain unlikely?
a. What was the British attitude toward Russians?
b. What was the Russian attitude toward the British?
c. Why were the Russians more interested in alliance with Germany?
3. Describe Alexander Isvolsky.
a. What qualities endeared him to King Edward?
b. What post did he attain in 1906?
4. What issues worsened relations between Britain and Russia in 1905?
5. What events took place in Russia during 1905?
6. Who was appointed British Ambassador to Russia in 1906?
a. What were his objectives?
7. What happened to Russia’s new Duma in 1906?
a. What was the reaction of the British government?
b. What effect did this have on Anglo-Russian talks?
c. What other factors worked against Anglo-Russian agreement?
d. What was Nicolson’s method of negotiating with Isvolsky?
What were the terms of the Anglo-Russian Entente signed in 1907?
a. What did it have to say about Afghanistan?
b. What did it have to say about Persia?
c. How was opinion divided within Parliament over the Entente?
What was the reaction of the German government?
Describe the visit of King Edward and Fisher to Russia in 1908.
In what way was the use of the Dardanelles restricted and why was this of such concern to Russia?
a. Who did Isvolsky approach to try to resolve this issue?
What did the Treaty of Berlin say about the Balkan region?
a. What had occurred in the Balkans since that time?
b. What happened in 1908 to renew the conflict?
c. Why did Austria annex Bosnia?
d. Why did Russia protest?
What agreement did Russia and Austria work out in September?
a. Why did this agreement fall through?
b. What was the reaction of Grey?
c. How did Grey respond to Isvolsky’s request for support concerning the Dardanelles?
d. Why did Germany support Austria in the matter?
Why did Serbia mobilize in November?
a. How did Austria and Russia respond?
b. How did Germany resolve the crisis?
c. What were the short and long term consequences of this crisis and its resolution for Russia?
Chapter 33: The Navy Scare of 1909
1. Describe the British Navy’s Naval Estimates for 1909.
a. Why would they need 18 new dreadnoughts in 3 years?
2. Why was the Liberal Party cutting dreadnoughts from its budget?
3. Describe the progress of the German naval construction program.
4. What was the Two Power Standard?
5. What were McKenna’s suspicions about the German naval construction program?
a. What was the role of the Krupp firm?
b. Why might German’s program be ahead of schedule?
c. What would be the ratio of British to German dreadnoughts in 1912?
d. How was German’s shipbuilding capacity changing?
6. How did these suspicions and requests impact the Liberal Party and public in 1909?
7. Describe the compromise put forth by Asquith.
8. What was the reaction in the press, public and Conservative Party to the Naval Estimates?
9. In his speech to Parliament, how did Grey compare the importance of Britain’s navy to Britain vs.
Germany’s navy to Germany?
a. How did Grey propose to de-escalate the tension with Germany?
10. Who was the German Ambassador to Britain?
a. What prevented him from being an effective intermediary?
b. Describe the conversations between Grey and Wolff-Metternich.
c. What proposal did Grey make?
d. What admission did Wolff-Metternich make?
What did Metternich do to try to reassure the British government?
a. What information did Tirpitz pass along to Metternich?
How did Metternich later summarize the Navy Scare?
What members of the Cabinet were opposed to building 8 dreadnoughts and why?
In July 1909 what announcement prompted opinion to consolidate behind 8 dreadnoughts?
a. How did New Zealand and Australia contribute to the new naval building?
In the end, did British suspicions of German armament have any basis?
What were the consequences of the Navy Scare for Britain?
a. How did it change German perception of the British?
b. How did it change the British policy of a Two Power Standard?
c. Who became an object of press criticism?
Chapter 37: The Daily Telegraph Interview
How did the Kaiser try to weasel out of his trip to England in 1907?
How did the Kaiser’s trip in November go?
What deal did the Kaiser make with Secretary of War Haldane?
Why did the Kaiser stay a few extra days on a private basis and where did he stay?
How did the manuscript of Stuart-Wortley’s interview with the Kaiser come to be approved by Bulow
and the Wilhelmstrasse?
What revelations surfaced in the Daily Telegraph interview?
a. What did it have to say about the Boer War?
b. What did it suggest about Britain’s position in the Far East?
What was Bulow’s alibi?
a. Is Bulow’s claim that he didn’t read the interview credible?
What was the reaction of Japan, France, Russia, and Britain to the interview?
How did German public react to the interview?
What was the reaction of the Reichstag? How did Bulow defend himself and the Kaiser?
Where was the Kaiser during the Reichstag debate?
a. Did Bulow advise or dissuade him from going?
b. What happened during a party to General Count Hulsen-Haeseler?
c. What happened when Bulow and the Kaiser met each other again in Potsdam?
What was the Kaiser’s state of mind during the winter of 1908?
Why did public opinion and the view of the Kaiser himself begin to shift?
What they Bulow and the Kaiser say to one another when they met on March 11, 1909?
What issue led to Bulow’s resignation in June, 1909?
Who did the Kaiser appoint to replace Bulow?
Chapter 38: Naval Talks and Bethmann-Hollweg
1. What were the terms of Germany’s Supplemental Navy Law in 1908?
2. Describe Ambassador Paul Wolff-Metternich and the esteem he enjoyed in London.
3. In talks between the British government and Metternich what arguments did the British make in favor
of reduced German naval spending?
4. What was the Kaiser’s reaction to the naval talks? What arguments did he make about why German
needed a large navy?
5. How did these talks affect the Kaiser’s opinion of Wolff-Metternich?
Why did Bulow find the idea of naval limitations appealing?
What arguments did Tirpitz make against him?
Within the German government who eventually won this debate and why?
Describe the new Chancellor Theobald Bethmann-Hollweg.
a. What was his past career like?
b. What was his personality and leadership style like?
c. Why was he offered the Chancellorship in 1909 and why did he accept it?
In 1909 how was power balanced between the Kaiser, the Chancellor and the Reichstag?
What were Bethmann’s weaknesses and limitations as Chancellor?
Why did Bethmann resolve to initiate serious naval talks with Britain?
What proposal did Bethmann make to Britain?
Why was Grey opposed to a “political agreement” with Germany involved British neutrality in the
event of war?
Why did Britain further increase naval spending in 1910 and build 5 new dreadnoughts?
What proposal did Grey make in August 1910?
a. Bethmann accepted it with what caveat?
How did the naval talks go?
What event in July 1911 abruptly interrupted these talks?
Chapter 39: Agadir
1. Who was Alfred von Kiderlen-Waechter?
a. What kind of person was he?
b. Describe his diplomatic career.
c. Why did he become Foreign Secretary in 1910?
d. What was his working relationship with the Kaiser and Chancellor?
2. What incident in Morocco in 1908 led to a diplomatic crisis between France and Germany?
3. What happened in Morocco during 1908-11 that prompted France to propose military intervention?
a. Why did Germany strongly oppose this?
4. What was the solution crafted in the Wilhelmstrasse?
a. How was the business community involved in this plan?
5. What crisis afflicted the French government in May 1911?
6. How did the Kaiser’s trip to England go in May?
a. What did King George V say to the Kaiser about Morocco?
7. How did Bethmann and Kiderlen persuade the Kaiser to concent to their plan?
8. Describe the entry of the Panther and Berlin into Agadir Bay and the “rescue” of the “Endangered
a. How did the German Foreign Office justify this intervention?
b. How did the French respond to this move?
9. Why was Britain determined to oppose Germany’s move?
a. Why did Britain become increasingly determined to support France?
10. What did David Lloyd George say about the growing crisis in his speech in London in July?
a. What was this significant?
b. What was the reaction of this speech in Germany?
11. Why did diplomatic tension between Germany and Britain continue to increase in late July?
a. Why was there a war scare at this time?
12. What led the German government to moderate its demands on July 27?
a. In what way did they moderate their demands?
13. What proposal did the Kiderlen make to French Ambassador Jules Cambon?
a. Why did the French refuse?
14. What role did public opinion play in the negotiations?
15. Why did Germany’s position become increasingly weak during the negotiations?
16. What were the contents of the Morocco Convention?
a. Why was this a defeat for Germany?
b. How did the German public and Reichstag react?
17. What eventually happened to Kiderlen?
Chapter 41: Churchill at the Admiralty
Why were people skeptical when Winston Churchill became First Lord of the Admiralty in 1911?
What were Churchill’s first acts in office?
What did Churchill see as his priorities as First Lord?
Describe Churchill’s relationship with Fisher.
Explain Churchill’s manner and methods as First Lord.
What did Churchill do to improve the lot of the ordinary sailor?
How did Churchill get along with naval officers and the Sea Lords?
What happened in the Bridgeman Affair?
a. Why was there a public confrontation between Churchill and Beresford?
9. How did Churchill get along with King George V?
a. Why did they disagree on the names of so many ships?
10. What was the main innovation of the Queen Elizabeth class of superdreadnoughts?
a. Why was the 15 inch gun such a radical advancement?
b. Why was oil propulsion superior to coal?
i. What problem needed to be solved in order to make oil a viable option?
11. What was the innovation known as Director Firing?
a. How did Percy Scott persuade the Navy to adopt this system?
Chapter 42: The Haldane Mission
1. Why did Tirpitz suggest an expansion of Germany’s naval building in 1911?
a. Describe the Supplementary Navy Law that he submitted.
b. What arguments were used by Bethmann, Tirpitz and others in favor of and against this law?
c. How did Churchill react to the law?
2. Describe Ernest Cassel.
a. What was his relationship with King Edward VII?
3. Describe Albert Ballin.
a. What was his relationship with the Kaiser?
4. What restrictions did German Jews face within society and government?
a. What was Bismarck’s attitude toward Jews?
b. What was the Kaiser’s attitude toward Jews?
c. Why did some aristocrats look down upon the Kaiser’s relations with Jews?
d. In what ways were Jews limited in their access to Germany’s high society?
5. Why had Ballin supported Germany’s naval expansion?
a. Why did his position begin to change in 1908?
6. Describe the conversation between Ballin and Cassell in 1908.
a. How did they approach the British government with a proposal to hold secret talks?
7. Describe the memorandum submitted to Germany by the British government in January 1912.
a. What three proposals did it contain?
b. What was the German government’s reaction to it?
c. What was Germany’s response?
d. How did Churchill evaluate the limitations and conditions included in the German response?
e. Who did the Cabinet choose to send to Berlin for secret negotiations?
8. Describe Richard Haldane.
a. What was his education?
b. Describe his career and habits.
c. What did Haldane like about Germany and its culture?
9. Describe the conversation between Haldane and Bethmann on February 8, 1912.
a. What did they discuss concerning neutrality?
b. What did they discuss concerning Germany’s naval expansion?
c. What was the Kaiser’s response to these discussions?
10. Describe the conversation between Haldane and Tirpitz on February 9.
a. Why did Haldane insist on resolving the issue of Germany’s naval program?
b. What ratio did Tirpitz propose?
c. Why did Haldane decline this ration?
d. What proposal did Haldane make concerning the pace of building?
i. Why did the Kaiser and Tirpitz agree?
11. Why did Haldane decide to push for further concessions?
12. How did Haldane report his trip to the Cabinet?
13. Describe the Navy Bill as analyzed by Churchill and the Admiralty.
a. What aspects of it did they find especially threatening?
b. What demands would this put on Britain?
14. How did the German government react to the British disavowal of the Haldane deal?
15. How did the Kaiser react to the news that Britain might relocate ships from the Mediterranean to home
a. What concessions did Bethmann extract from him?
16. For Bethmann what was the most important concession to extract from Britain?
a. What features of the Navy Law was he willing to compromise on?
17. What statement did Grey and Haldane write concerning British neutrality?
a. What additional sentence did Metternich suggest?
b. Why did Grey refuse to add it?
18. What “personnel” change did Metternich now warn Grey might occur in the absence of an agreement?
a. How did Grey respond to this?
b. What was the Kaiser’s response?
19. How did the naval talks eventually end?
20. Who replaced Metternich as German Ambassador to Britain?
Chapter 43: Naval Estimates and a Naval Holiday
1. What event changed Winston Churchill’s perception of Germany in 1911?
a. What did he recommend to David Lloyd George?
2. Describe the speech that Churchill made in 1912 concerning Britain and German naval power.
a. What was the reaction to this speech in Germany?
3. Germany passed the Navy Bill in May 1912. What did it call for?
4. Describe the Naval Estimates Churchill submitted to Parliament in March 1912.
a. What was the major caveat?
b. What new standards of naval construction did Churchill announce?
Describe the Naval Holiday he proposed.
What measures had Churchill and Fisher taken to raise the number of ships prepared for war in home
a. What was the logic behind this?
b. Why was Britain able to relocate battleships out of the Mediterranean?
i. Who opposed this decision and why?
Why did France relocate its Atlantic battleships to the Mediterranean in September 1912?
Why did Britain make no formal commitment to France concerning assistance in wartime?
How did the British public and press react to the transfer of ships?
Why did Churchill ask Canada to build dreadnoughts in late 1912?
a. Why did the Navy Bill fail in the Canadian Parliament?
Twice in 1913 Churchill returned to the idea of a naval holiday. What was the reaction to it in Germany
and in Britain?
a. What was the strategy of the German government in responding to it?
b. What arguments were made against it?
What had happened to Britain’s naval expenditure since 1907?
a. Why was this so difficult for Liberals especially?
b. How did the debate over naval expenditure impact Churchill’s popularity?
What were the Naval Estimates submitted for 1914?
a. What divide emerged within the Cabinet on the issue?
b. What was the eventual decision of the Cabinet?
c. Describe Churchill’s speech to Parliament to introduce the Naval Estimates.
Chapter 44: “The Anchors Held….We Seemed to Be Safe”
1. What had been happening to the Ottoman Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?
a. What happened in late 1912?
b. What was the reaction of Germany, Austria and Russia to this?
c. What did the Treaty of London do?
d. What happened in the Second and Third Balkans Wars in 1913?
e. What was the significance of the Conference of London?
2. Who was Gottlieb von Jagow?
a. How did he rise through the diplomatic service?
b. Under what circumstances did he became State Secretary of Foreign Affairs in 1913?
c. What was his highest priority as State Secretary?
3. Who was Prince Karl Max Lichnowsky?
a. What was his background in the diplomatic service?
b. How did he function as German Ambassador to Britain?
c. What important remark of Grey did he report to Berlin?
d. How did Britain and Germany resolve their rivalry in the Middle East at this time?
4. In 1914 why did Russia approach Britain about creating a naval convention?
a. Why was Britain disinclined to agree to one?
b. What did Germany do to try to wreck the talks?
c. What came of these talks?
5. Over the years what happened to the ratio of British to German ships?
a. Why did Tirpitz decide not to raise naval estimates in 1913?
b. What was Lichnowsky’s attitude toward the naval race?
6. Describe the joint exercises that took place in June 1914 between the German and British navies.
a. What event cast a dark shadow on the festivities on June 28, 1914?
Chapter 45: The Coming of Armageddon: Berlin
1. What did Churchill mean when he said “The vials of wrath are full” in March 1914? What antagonisms
existed across Europe at this time?
2. Describe the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1914.
a. For Austria what was the problem with the Kingdom of Serbia?
3. What political and personal calamities had Emperor Franz Josef suffered during his 66 year reign?
a. What was his attitude toward political reform and Slav nationalism?
4. What was the attitude of the crown prince, Archduke Franz Ferdinand toward political reform?
5. What was the preferred solution to the problem of Slav nationalism among conservatives at court?
6. Who was General Count Franz Conrad von Hotzendorf?
a. Why did he feel able to count on German support?
7. Why was Germany so loyal to Austria?
a. What pledge had the Kaiser made to the Austrian Foreign Minister in 1913?
8. Why did German Chief of Staff Helmut von Moltke want to hasten war?
9. Why did Franz Ferdinand visit Bosnia in June 1914?
10. How were Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie assassinated?
11. Describe the plot of which Gavrilo Princip was a part.
a. What was Serbia’s role in the plot?
12. What was the reaction to the assassination throughout Europe?
a. What was the reaction of the Austrian government?
13. What “blank check” did the German government give to Austria and why?
14. What policy did the Austrian government settle on on July 7?
15. What was German’s response to the decision to deliver an ultimatum to Serbia?
a. What did the German government do during July to maintain the illusion of disinterest?
b. Was the German government aware of the ultimatum being drafted in Vienna?
c. What factors influenced the timing of the delivery of the Note by Austria to Serbia?
16. What were the terms of the Note presented to Serbia?
a. How did the foreign powers respond to the Note?
b. What pressure did Russia and Britain place upon Serbia?
17. What was Serbia’s response the ultimatum?
a. How did Austria respond to it?
b. How did Germany and Austria respond to offers of mediation from Britain?
c. How did the Kaiser respond to the news of the ultimatum and Serbia’s response?
d. How did the Tsar attempt to influence the Kaiser?
18. Why did Russia decide to mobilize against Austria on July 29?
a. How did the Kaiser respond to this?
b. Why did Germany consider it important that Russia mobilize against Germany first?
19. Describe the proposal and message of Sir Edward Grey to Lichnowsky on July 29.
a. How did Bethmann respond to this information?
b. How did Vienna respond to Bethmann’s urgings?
20. What proposal did Bethmann make to British Ambassador Sir Edward Goschen?
a. How did Britain respond to the proposal?
21. Why was the German General Staff so eager to begin the war?
a. What did the Schlieffen Plan dictate?
Why did Austria declare full mobilization on July 30?
a. How did Russia respond later that day?
What ultimatums did Germany make to Russia and France on July 31?
How did the German declaration of war on Russia come about on August 1?
What proposal did the Kaiser receive from Grey that day?
a. How did he respond to it?
b. Why did full mobilization proceed anyway?
How did the German declaration of war on France come about on August 1?
How did Italy extricate itself from its obligations under the Triple Alliance?
How were Austria and Russia almost able to negotiate a settlement?
a. Why did this fail?
Chapter 46: The Coming of Armageddon: London
1. What issue dominated British politics during the spring and summer of 1914?
2. In 1914 why was there cause to believe that the crisis in the Balkans would be resolved peacefully?
3. Before Austria submitted the ultimatum to Serbia, what had Grey said to Germany’s and Austria’s
4. How did Grey respond when he read the ultimatum?
a. What proposals did he immediately announce?
b. Why was Germany unresponsive to Grey’s proposal?
5. What was the reaction of the British government when Austria rejected Serbia’s partial compliance
with the ultimatum and declared war?
6. What policy did the Cabinet agree upon on July 29?
7. What did Grey propose to Lichnowsky that day?
a. What did he communicate concerning Britain’s intentions?
8. What was the Kaiser’s reaction to Grey’s remarks?
9. What promise did Bethmann communicate to London in order to try to ease their fears about France?
a. What was Grey’s response to this promise?
10. What preparations were underway in France for the war that seemed increasingly likely?
a. What request did the French government make to the British Ambassador to Paris, Sir Francis
11. Why was the Cabinet divided about the role Britain should take at this time?
a. Why did some strongly oppose Britain participation in the coming war?
12. What was Grey’s personal attitude toward Britain’s obligations to France?
a. What 4 convictions guided Grey’s thinking during these weeks?
13. What demand did Germany make to France on July 31?
14. Describe the conversation between French Ambassador Paul Cambon and Grey that same day.
15. Why was Britain committed to a policy of guaranteeing Belgium’s neutrality?
a. What would Britain do if Belgium chose not to resist German invasion?
b. What were the French and German replies to Grey’s requests that each country guarantee
Belgium’s neutrality?
16. In late July why did the Chancellor become less influential in Germany’s decision-making?
a. Describe the Schlieffen Plan.
b. Why was it necessary to attack France through Belgium?
c. What was Germany’s attitude about the possibility of Britain being drawn into the war because
of Belgium?
17. Describe the telegrams, treaties and declarations drafted by Moltke and Jagow in late July and early
a. What proposal did they draft for Belgium?
b. What schemes for undermining Britain and Russia did they develop?
c. What were the contents of the uncoded telegram to be sent to London on August 4?
18. Describe the Cabinet meeting that took place on August 1.
a. What 2 goals did Grey have?
b. Who was opposed to British involvement and for what reasons?
19. Describe the difficult position of Prime Minister Asquith.
20. On August 1 Germany declared war on Russia. What military actions and commitments did Britain
make at this time?
21. On August 2 Germany delivered an ultimatum to Belgium to allow passage of the Germany army.
What military actions did Britain take at this time?
22. What happened to the mood of the British public during the weekend of August 1-2?
23. What happened at the Cabinet meeting on August 3?
24. Describe the conversation between Grey and Lichnowsky that afternoon.
25. Describe the speech Grey made to Parliament on August 3.
a. Anglo-French military talks
b. Britain’s obligation to protect France’s northern coast
c. Concerning Britain’s obligations to Belgium
d. Concerning the impact of French defeat upon the balance of power and British long-term
26. What was the reaction to Grey’s speech by the Members of Parliament?
a. How did the Unionists/Conservatives respond?
b. How did the Irish Nationalists respond?
c. How did the Labour Party respond?
d. What famous remark did Grey make that night?
27. On August 3 Germany declared war on France. What excuses did they give?
28. On August 4 Germany invaded Belgium. How did the British government respond?