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Alliance System
A complex web of alliances existing
entailing a variety of military or neutrality
obligations on European countries.
Where treaties didn’t create technical
military alliances they did create
relationships, cooperation and expectations
to suggested formal alliance.
The awareness of the existence of secret
treaties created a climate of suspicion in
which all countries suspected the existence
of many more secret treaties.
The existence of military alliances
encouraged countries to act more boldly
and be less willing to compromise.
Britain’s and France’s efforts to hinder
colonial acquisitions by other European
countries created tension.
Competition for raw materials and markets
created tensions among countries,
especially Britain and Germany.
Scramble for Africa
South Africa – Boer War
Berlin-Baghdad Railway
Moroccan Crises
Arms Race
In 1914 Russia began the Great Military
Program to expand the size of its army and
increase the speed of mobilization, which
greatly threatened Germany.
Anglo-German Naval Race greatly
increased tensions between the two
countries, cause Britain to view Germany as
a threat to the balance of power, and drove
Britain into military talks with the French.
French decision to lengthen national service
from 2 to 3 years prompted a German
decision to increase the peacetime army.
Causes of WWI
Most countries had citizen/business groups
that lobbied for arms production, an
expanded peacetime army, and longer
national service.
Most governments used propaganda to
convince the public that wear would be
swift and victories even though they knew
Contemporary military theory insisted that
offense would trump defense, that the key
to a successful offense is speed, and that the
key to speed is to mobilize and attack first.
Most countries had elaborate mobilization
plans with detailed and unalterable
timetables that were allowed to outpace
diplomatic efforts.
Schlieffen Plan
Failed Diplomacy
German insistence upon be allowed colonial
acquisitions and a higher status in the
deliberation of imperial affairs
Mutual unwillingness of Britain and
Germany to compromise on the issue of
Germany’s naval armaments.
German decision to give a blank check to
Unwillingness of Britain to clearly state her
intentions in July 1914.
Russian decision to support and encourage
Failure of the Kaiser and Tsar to establish
direct communication in the July Crisis.
Failure of the French President and Tsar to
establish direction communication in the
July Crisis.
Domestic Political Factors
SPD won Reichstag elections of 1912.
Junkers wished to rally patriotic support for
govt by starting a war.
In France, right and left wing parties both
saw a war as a way to advance their
domestic political agenda.
During 1912-14 the Russian govt bribed the
French press to promote pro-war sentiment.
Austrian elite felt that the Dual Monarchy
frustrated coherent foreign policy.
Therefore, non-diplomatic means of
resolving conflict were preferable.
Austrian elite hoped that the absorption of
more Slavs into the empire would dilute the
power of the Magyar elite.