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In the past, deaths were caused mainly by ____________________ diseases. Today, most
health problems are related to the way we live, or our __________________.
All health problems have risk factors, but _____ _____ ___________ controllable risk factors.
The major cause of death for adults over the age of 65 is __________ _____________.
The major cause of death for adults between 19 and 65 is ____________.
The major causes of deaths for teens are __________ ______________ ________________,
homicides, suicide, and other accidents.
The major cause of death for ____________ and ____________ is motor vehicle accidents.
Health is the state of ________-___________in which all components of health are in balance.
The 6 components of health: _____________, ______________, __________, __________,
_______________, and ______________________.
You can take charge of your wellness through your_______________, through your
________________, and through your _________________.
Practicing the ten life skills will help improve your ____________:
o Assessing your ____________
o _________________________ Effectively
o Practicing ________________
o ____________
o Being a Wise ________________
o Evaluating ___________ Messages
o Using Community _________________
o Making __________ Decisions
o Practicing _____________ Skills
o Setting ___________
You can use life skills when you ______health products, make ________________, deal with
________, build ______________________, and improve many aspects of your health.
The five steps of the Making GREAT Decisions model are:
o (1) ________ thought to the problem
o (2) ____________ your choices
o (3) ________________ the consequences of each decision
o (4) ____________ and choose the best choice
o (5) ___________ it over afterward
If you make a wrong decision, ________ and take responsibility for it. __________ about
talking to a trusted adult to help you correct the situation. ____ and do your best to
______________ the problem.
Influence by family, friends, or media can be ________________ or _______________.
Direct pressure can include: ______________, _________________, explanation, put-downs,
______________ & ______________.
Indirect pressure can include: ____, __________, ___________________, ________ models,
______________ people, and ____________ people.
A ______________ __________ is a strategy to avoid doing something you don’t want to do.
____________________ refusal skills can help you say no to peer pressure.
Short-term goals can be achieved in ________ or __________. Long-term goals may take
____________ or __________.
The 6 S’s for setting goals are ________, ______________, ______________, ___________,
______________, and ________________.
An ____________ ________ is a set of directions that can help you reach your goal.
People who have high self-esteem respect _________________ and ____________, reach
their goals, ______________ from disappointment, and feel ________________ to family,
friends, and community.
Our self-esteem is influenced by the ________________ we receive about ourselves.
You can improve your self-esteem by using ________________, acting with _____________,
choosing ____________________ friends, and __________________ yourself.
________________________ is very important to avoid misunderstandings, building our
relationships, and expressing our feelings.
Assertive communication is the most effective way to communicate because it is ___________
and _________________ to others.
Good speaking skills: be aware of your voice _____________, ________, & ___________.
Use “I” messages.
Good listening skills: maintain eye ____________, nod your head, paraphrasing.
Misunderstandings can happen if your body language communicates a ________________
message than what you say.
People with _______________ mental health have high self-esteem, meet the daily
challenges, and develop healthy relationships.
Five stages of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are: 1) _____________ stage; 2) ___________
stage 3) ___________ stage; 4) ___________ stage; 5) self-actualization
______________ mechanisms are often ineffective ways of dealing with unpleasant emotions.
A mental disorder is an illness of the ________ that affects _____________, _____________,
and ________ which makes dealing with everyday routines difficult.
Learning the symptoms of mental disorders is important to identify the disorder and get help.
Many mental disorders can be caused by __________, by ___________, by physical
_____________, or by traumatic experiences.
Stress is our body’s and mind’s response to a __________ – anything you see as threatening.
The __________-____-__________ response is your body’s physical response to help you
deal with a stressor.
Eustress is _______________ stress and can motivate and energize a person to reach a goal.
Distress is ______________ stress and can make a person sick or keep a person from
reaching a goal.
If your body is under stress for a long period of time, you may become exhausted and may
develop a stress-related ______________.
You can learn to ______ by practicing deep breathing exercises & tension-releasing exercises.
Assets and skills or resources that can help a person build ______________ against stressors.
A positive attitude about potentially ________________ situations can help you relieve stress.
You can manage your time more effectively by listing projects by ____________ (importance),
knowing your ____________, and making a _______________.
________ may cause the same emotional & physical effects that characterize stress.
Stages of the grieving process: ____________, ___________, _________________,
____________________, & ___________________.
Funerals, wakes, & memorial services can help you ____________ the loss of a loved one and
receive ____________________ support from family and friends.
Sharing __________________ of the deceased can help that friend deal with loss.
Learning facts about suicide can prevent developing ____________ about suicide and can
help ____________ suicide.
Suicide is the _________ leading cause of death in people ages 15 – 24.
Warning signs of suicide: giving away _______________ things, feeling _______________, &
_________________ too much.
Take _____ talk of suicide seriously. Suggest that your friend talk to a trusted __________.
Don’t keep talk of suicide a ______________.
Being exposed to violence can make people __________, _________________________ to
others, and more likely to use _______________ themselves.
Factors leading to violence: feeling ___________________, not managing ____________,
not showing _______________ for others, _____________, and __________.
Avoid dangerous situations by recognizing signs: _____________ things down, leaving the
_______________, offering alternatives, avoiding _________, and avoiding ______________.
Conflict resolution skills, such as negotiation and peer mediation, are effective, ____________
ways to deal with arguments.
Two ways to protect yourself from bullying: being _______________ and asking for _______.
To help you avoid abusive people: be able to identify disrespectful and inconsiderate behavior
such as _______________, __________________, and excessive _________________.
4 types of abuse: child abuse, ___________ violence, _________ abuse, and ___________.
Besides physical injury, some effects of abuse are: __________________, low self-esteem
__________, __________, anxiety, distrust, and difficulty developing relationships.
Many abused people turn to __________ or _________.
Creating a ______________________ network, avoiding disrespectful people, being assertive
and showing disapproval will help you protect yourself from abuse.
Victims of abuse should tell a trusted ________, go somewhere _______, and get counseling.
Sexual abuse is any physical sexual act that happens without one’s ______________. It can
cause physical and emotional trauma.
Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual attention, such as telling offensive __________,
staring at someone’s ________, or touching people in ___________ ways.
Most rapes are committed by someone the victim _____________.
A few ways you can protect yourself from sexual abuse and violence are keeping your house
____________ up, not going out __________, and avoiding disrespectful people.
If someone has been sexually assaulted, he or she should find ___________, call for _______,
not clean up, report the incident to the ___________, and seek counseling.
Foods have ___ classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, & water.
Carbohydrates (including sugars and starches) are the body’s main __________ source.
Essential __________ _______ are needed by the body to make proteins that provide
structure and regulation and in some cases, energy.
Fat is a concentrated source of energy that is _____________________ in the diet.
Fiber is important for healthy __________________.
Diets high in saturated fat and cholesterol _____________________ the risk of heart disease.
Vitamins and minerals are found in all foods in _______________ amounts.
A well-planned _______ can meet all your vitamin and mineral needs.
Too little ______________ in the diet early in life increases the risk of osteoporosis later in life.
The body is about ________ water. Lost water must be replaced to maintain health.
Increasing intake of low-fat _________ products and calcium-fortified foods can help meet
calcium needs.
The RDSs (Recommended Daily Allowances) are nutrient intakes that are sufficient to meet
the needs of almost all ___________________ people.
The Nutrition Facts section of a food __________ provides information on how much energy
and the nutrients provided by a serving of a food.
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is a set of recommendations on ________ and
__________________ that are designed to promote health, to support active lives, and to
reduce chronic disease risk.
Healthy snacks such as fresh ___________, low-fat __________, or low-salt pretzels, provide
a good source of essential nutrients without excessive Calories and fat.
As children grow, their total nutrient & energy needs _____________ and are the greatest in
the teen years.
Athletes need a well balanced diet that is higher in ___________ and ____________ than the
diet of a less active person.
What you eat and how much you eat are affected by your hunger and your ______________.
Personal choices as well as friends, traditions, __________ background, availability of food,
and _____________________ affect food choices.
Your body _____________ is affected by your food intake and by your activity levels.
Eating _______________________ every day is important for good health.
Being ____________________________ or obese increases the risk of heart disease,
diabetes, cancer, & other chronic illnesses.
_________ you inherit from your parents & your lifestyle choices determine body size & shape.
_______ _______ ________:weight in relation to height that is used to assess healthy body
Keeping body weight in the healthy range requires a plan that encourages _______________
food choices and good ________________ habits.
Fad diets may cause initial weight loss but can be dangerous and do not promote
______________ for long-term weight management.
Individuals with eating disorders often have a ________________ body image.
Eating disorders are more common in teenage girls, especially ____________________ who
have a _______ self-image, and in athletes who must restrict their weight.
Anorexia nervosa is an overwhelming _______ of gaining weight and can result in selfstarvation.
Bulimia nervosa involves frequent _____________ & _____________, which can cause many
health problems.
Eating disorders should be _________________ and ______________ early to avoid longterm health problems.
Diarrhea causes water loss and can result in __________________, which is very dangerous,
especially to children and the elderly.
A food allergy involves a reaction by the body’s ____________ system to particular foods.
Proper handling and ______________ of food can prevent a food-borne illness.
A drug is any substance that causes a change in a person’s physical or emotional
The term drug can refer either to a _______________ or to a drug of ___________.
Drugs come from _____________ and are also created in _____________________.
Medicines are considered safe and effective when they have tolerable side effects.
Drugs can enter the body in many ways, including by ________________, _______________,
transdermal application, injection, as well as topically and through implanted pumps.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the government agency that regulates the
___________ and _______________________ of medicines.
A doctor’s prescription is needed to get medicines that treat _____________ health conditions
or that are very _________________ drugs.
Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines usually ___________ symptoms rather than cure diseases.
Some medicines can cause ____________ reactions or side effects or can ________
negatively with other medicines.
Health claims made about ___________ remedies and dietary supplements do not have to be
not backed by scientific research.
Areas of the brain called the brain reward system are involved in feelings of ______________.
These are stimulated by ______________ _____ drugs of abuse.
Drugs that affect your emotions do so by changing the way ____________ send and receive
Addiction can develop from drug use because drugs change the way the ___________ works.
The unpleasant physical and mental effects of _______________ can keep an addiction going.
Addiction is a _________ disorder. Treating an addict involves helping the addict get over his
or her ______________ dependence, learning new ___________________ to stay drug free,
and understanding the _______________ that the drug use started.
The majority of teens do ______ use illegal drugs.
Alcohol is a __________________ drug that has serious short-term & long-term effects on the
body & brain.
Short-term effects of alcohol on the body include nausea, loss of body heat, dehydration, loss
of _______________, reduced reaction time, _____________ loss, coma, and even _______.
Long-term effects of alcohol use include heart damage, several kinds of ___________, liver
damage, kidney damage, and __________ damage.
Alcohol changes the brain in ways that lead to and ________________ addiction.
Alcoholism causes a person to lose control of his or her drinking ____________________.
Alcoholism develops in 4 stages: ____________ drinking, _________________,
___________________, and _____________________.
Warning signs of alcoholism include: drinking _______ in order to feel the _________ effect;
drinking _________; drinking to get _________; and ________________ one’s friends,
personal habits, and interests.
Alcoholism is a disease that affects the entire ________________.
If a pregnant woman drinks, her unborn child can suffer from _______ alcohol syndrome-FAS.
Alcoholism affects society in many ways: increased ______________ and crime, lower
_______________ performance and productivity, and increased medical problems.
Alcoholism can be ______________. People who recover from alcoholism can lead happy,
healthy lives.
Motor vehicle accidents are the No. ___ cause of death among teens. The majority of these
deaths are ______________ _______________.
It is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to ___________ alcohol.
Teens caught with alcohol can be charged with _________ in possession, driving under the
influence, or public intoxication.
Alcohol use has many __________________ effects on a teen’s future, including a _________
record, unwanted sexual activity, unplanned _________________, ______, rape, _________,
injury, and ___________.
The best way to protect yourself & your future from the danger of alcohol is to ______ drink.
Practice saying “No” and don’t put yourself in _____________ where alcohol may be present.
Teens can become involved in Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) to help
educate other teens about the ____________ of drinking alcohol.
There are many kinds of tobacco products: cigarettes, _____, snuff, _________, bidis,
kreteks, and pipe tobacco.
All forms of tobacco are dangerous, because they all contain many harmful _______________
and ________________ including: nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, cyanide, and formaldehyde.
Nicotine can enter the body through the _________, the ________, and the _______.
Herbal cigarettes are ____ more healthy and are just as dangerous as conventional cigarettes.
It is very hard to quit using tobacco products because nicotine is a highly ________________.
Short-term effects of tobacco – increased _________ rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate,
as well as a reduction in the amount of oxygen reaching the ________.
Long-term tobacco use leads to oral and lung __________, bronchitis, emphysema, heart
disease, artery disease, and other health problems.
People who breathe environmental tobacco (second-hand) smoke are exposed to the _______
dangerous chemicals as smokers.
Smoking while pregnant can lead to several kinds of problems for the infant including
miscarriage, developmental difficulties, and SIDS – _________________________________.
People begin smoking for many reasons: ____ ___ with friends; it seems normal after
growing up around others who smoke; wanting to look _______.
Using tobacco is ______________. It costs families and society billions of dollars each year in
_____________________ and lost _________________.
Quitting smoking can be _____________________ but there are steps that can make it easier.
Practice ______________ skills, saying “No”, to make it easier to resist the pressure to smoke.
Many benefits of being tobacco free – looking _______________, feeling _______________,
and living _____________.
Choosing to live without tobacco dramatically improves a person’s _______________ of life.
Illegal drug use results in many risks: including ______________, damage to the _________
and body; the contraction of ____________; ___________; violent crime; and overdose.
People who try drugs often end up abusing drugs because most drugs are highly __________.
People begin using drugs for many reasons including _______ _______________.
Teens can be under a lot of pressure to use drugs. Teens have a higher risk for addiction
because their brains are still ________________ rapidly.
ALL illegal drugs affect the __________, are __________________ to a person’s health, and
can result in abuse and addiction.
Marijuana causes loss of ______________________, disorientation, loss of sense of _______
and ________________, drowsiness, and several other effects.
Huffing inhalants damages many body _______: brain, liver, kidneys, bone marrow, & bladder.
Club drugs are addictive and can cause ____________ damage and ____________.
Look-alike drugs are especially dangerous because there is no way to know ______ is in them.
Anabolic steroids are used to increase muscle mass, but they have very _______ side effects.
Many types of illegal drugs have medical uses, but are _____________ if they are used
without a doctor’s supervision.
Stimulants such as methamphetamines and ___________ are highly addictive and dangerous.
Depressants are highly ________________ and dangerous drugs.
Hallucinogens such as LSD and PCP are dangerous drugs because their effects on the brain
are so _____________________________.
Intravenous heroin use is a major factor in the ____________ of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.
Drug abuse hurts the individual addict and damages relationships with ___________ & friends.
Drug abuse damages a __________ exposed to illegal drugs in the womb.
Drug abuse costs society billions of dollars every year in ______________ costs, injuries,
accidents, lost productivity, and ___________
Practicing ______________ skills can help you avoid the dangers of drug abuse and addiction.
An infectious disease is any disease that is caused by an ________ that has invaded the body.
Infectious diseases can be caused by several kinds of pathogens, such as _______________,
_____________, __________, protozoa, or ________________.
Infectious diseases can be spread from one person to another or through _____________,
____________, the environment, or animals.
Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections, but antibiotics ________ work to treat viruses.
Antibiotic ____________________ is a growing problem that is a threat to everyone’s health.
The body’s first line of defense against pathogens includes the ________, ______________
membranes, and body ________________.
Inflammation protects your body from pathogens that cross the body’s first line of defense.
The injured area _____________ and turns ______.
The immune system uses immune cells to target and kill _______________ pathogens.
Eating a balanced diet, reducing stress, exercising regularly, and keeping up to date on all
your vaccinations are ways to help __________________ health.
When you’re sick, stay home, ________, and follow directions of your doctor.
Being vaccinated, washing ___________ frequently, and not sharing personal items help
prevent the spread of disease.
Infectious diseases affect ______________, but are especially dangerous to the young and
the elderly.
Bacteria are found everywhere and are a common cause of disease. __________ throat,
salmonella, and ____________ infections are common bacterial diseases.
Although there are ___ cures for many viral diseases, rest and fluids can help speed recovery.
The common ______, ____, hepatitis, mononucleosis, and chicken pox are caused by viruses.
Increases in _________ __________ and poverty in many parts of the world have made it
more difficult for doctors to fight infectious diseases.
Public health organizations work to control or ________________ diseases.
Lifestyle diseases are caused in part by a person’s lifestyle which includes ______________
and __________________.
Many _______ ____________, some controllable and some uncontrollable, contribute to a
person’s chances of developing a lifestyle disease.
_______________ risk factors: diet, physical activity, smoking, sun exposure, & body weight.
Uncontrollable risk factors: ______, ____________, _____________, and _________.
People who inherit a tendency for a lifestyle disease can still do a lot to _____________ their
chances of developing such a disease.
A person’s lifestyle influences their chances of developing __________________________
diseases such as strokes, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and atherosclerosis.
Many treatment options for cardiovascular disease: _______, exercise, medicine, and surgery.
Eating _______________, avoiding smoking, exercising, and regular blood pressure and
cholesterol checks can help prevent cardiovascular disease.
Cancer occurs when cells divide ____________________. Certain “damaged” genes can
make a person more likely to develop cancer. Exposure to viruses, radioactivity, ultraviolet
radiation, and tobacco _________________ genes.
Many types of cancer and each has its own ________________________.
Early detection and treatment of cancer can increase a person’s chances of ______________.
Not smoking, protecting your skin from the sun, following a balanced diet, staying active, and
getting regular medical checkups help ___________ your chances of developing cancer.
Diabetes occurs when cells are unable to obtain ______________ from the blood so that high
blood-glucose levels result.
Type 1 diabetes is believed to be caused by an _______________________ response.
Type 2 diabetes is usually the result of ________________ choices.
There is ____ __________ for diabetes, but lifestyle changes can medicines can often keep
the disorder under control.
The best way to prevent diabetes is to take control of the risk factors that you can change,
such as diet, exercise, and ________________.
Hereditary diseases are caused by defective genes inherited from one or both ____________.
Hereditary diseases can be the result of a single-gene _______________, or the mutation of
several genes, or chromosome ___________________.
Complex diseases have both ___________ and lifestyle risk factors such as: cardiovascular
disease, cancer, and Type 2 diabetes.
Receiving genetic counseling and keeping personal health records can make coping with
hereditary diseases easier.
Immune disorders can occur when the immune system does not _______________ normally.
Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system ____________ the cells of the body it
normally protects.
Allergies and asthma are ________________ disorders.
Allergies are caused by an immune response to a _______________ substance. An asthma
attack is an allergic reaction when a person’s airways ___________ and become swollen.
Disabilities are physical or mental __________________ or _____________________ that
interfere with a person’s normal activities.
A lifetime of excessive noise can destroy the sound receptor cells in the ear, leading to
The Americans with Disabilities Act has made American society more ___________________
to people with disabilities.
____________________ people is one way to help create a positive environment for people
with disabilities.
Changes in ________________ levels mark the beginning of puberty.
Puberty involves many __________________ changes, some are unique to boys or girls
As teens mature, they begin to think in a more _____________ and sophisticated manner.
Adolescence is a process of gradually accepting more ______________________ for one’s
behaviors, thought, and feelings.
Mental maturity allows adolescents to see life from another person’s ___________________,
and not simply from their own. This maturity helps them ___________________ others.
During adolescence, teens’ _____________________ change as more is expected from them.
Working outside the home requires a high level of _______________ and ________________
on the part of the teen.
Young adulthood is a time marked by increased ________________________.
Young adults can exert great influence over all areas of their health and can reduce their risk
of developing diseases by making healthy ______________ choices.
During middle adulthood, the different aspects of adults’ lives become more stable. This
stability allows for greater focus on their ______ and ___________.
With the increased financial responsibilities of middle adulthood also comes ______________
from ___________________ for others.
Moving from young adulthood into older adulthood involves many __________, ___________,
and __________________ changes.
Keeping physically, mentally, and socially _____________ can ensure that older adulthood is
an enjoyable time marked by good health.
The older adult years can be a time of great _____________________, productivity, and
wisdom. Aging is a natural process that should be viewed ___________________.
Love, commitment, compromise, and communication are _____________________ to
developing a healthy marriage.
Couples should use the engagement period to ask _________________ & make
______________ about the commitment of marriage.
Teen marriages are often extremely ______________ because the teen years involve many
dramatic changes.
Lack of communication, unfulfilled expectations, and different financial goals are common
causes of _______________.
Although parental divorce and remarriage affect many teens, it is important for teens to
_____________ the situation, avoid ______________ themselves, and to use healthy
strategies to ________ with their feelings.
Parenting requires commitment, love, discipline, and _______________.
Parents are responsible for the physical and emotional needs of their children from before
__________ through the teen years.
Discipline provides __________________ for children.
It is important for parents to be supportive of their children, especially during the ______ years.
Because children learn from their parents, parents’ behavior greatly ______________ children.
Families provide guidance and support, help develop family members’ identities, and instill
_____________ ____________.
Healthy family relationships are developed through effective communication, respect,
commitment, and _________.
It is important that all family members try to work together to __________ family problems.
The role of the male reproductive system is to produce ___________ and deliver it to the
female reproductive system.
The penis deposits ___________ into the reproductive tract of the female to bring about
fertilization of an egg. The penis also provides passage for the __________ to leave the body.
The ___________ are the primary organs of the male reproductive system. They produce
both ____________ and the male hormone ______________________.
The role of the female reproductive system is to make _______ and to provide a place to
support and nourish a developing ________.
The _______________ are the primary organs of the female reproductive system. They
produce eggs and the female hormones ____________ and ______________________.
The menstrual cycle functions to _______________ and release a mature egg each month
and to _____________ a female’s body for pregnancy.
The joining of an egg from a female and a sperm from a male - _______________________ begins the process of a pregnancy and the development of a new human life.
Development of a baby occurs over 3 _________________, or 9 months. All of the major
body structures are formed by the end of the first trimester.
Maintaining a healthy ______, ______________ alcohol, tobacco and drugs, doing moderate,
_________________ taking prenatal vitamins, and seeing a doctor on a regular basis are very
important to have a healthy pregnancy and baby.
The benefits of dating include learning to treat each other with _____________, learning how
to ___________________ more effectively, and providing emotional _____________ during
difficult times.
Characteristics of a good dating partner include __________________, _________________,
tolerance, and good __________ values.
Being prompt, courteous, polite, and observing parents’ dating rules are all examples of good
___________ __________________.
Having good character and treating others well are two things that you can do to maintain a
healthy relationship with your partner.
Abstinence is defined as the conscious decision not to participate in _______________ activity
and the skills to support that decision.
By avoiding all sexual activities, an adolescent does not risk becoming ______________ or
being __________________ with a sexually transmitted disease.
Some of the benefits of practicing abstinence are that teens can have less ________________
relationships and having an increased sense of self-control and self-respect.
Abstinence can help teens achieve their ________ by freeing them to pursue their
______________ and their relationships with their _____________.
Internal and external _______________ can cause teens to become sexually active.
Situations that create pressure to become sexually active should be avoided. Those situations
include using _________ ___ _____________ and dating someone who does not share your
commitment to abstinence.
You can refuse someone’s sexual advances both ____________ and ___________________.
Risk factors for sexual activity include using alcohol or drugs, dating someone considerably
__________ than you are, and having sexually active friends.
A good relationship with your ______________, involvement in school activities, and your own
morals are protective factors that help you remain abstinent.
There are many ways to show someone you ____ about them that don’t involve sexual activity.
The risks of being sexually active include ___________ and ____________________
consequences, unplanned ___________________, and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
Teen parents must make social, personal, educational, and financial ___________________.
Babies born to teen mothers are more likely to suffer from _______________ problems.
The risks of teen sexual activity can be avoided by practicing ______________________.
STDs are spreading at an ____________________ rate among teens and young adults.
High-risk behaviors for getting STDs include being sexually ____________, having more than
_______ sexual partner, and using alcohol or ________.
Teenagers are at a greater risk for contracting an STD than are adults because of their
___________________. Also, teen bodies may not fight infections as well as the bodies of
healthy _______________.
Teens can protect themselves from STDs in several ways: practicing __________________,
staying away from ________________ and _________, and learning the facts about STDs.
STDs can be spread by _____ type of sexual activity. Some STDs are also spread by direct
contact with _______ ________ and from a mother to her ________.
Early detection and treatment of STDs can help prevent serious ____________________ to
ones own health.
Bacterial STDs: chlamydia, gonorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and syphilis. Most
bacterial STDs can be cured with ____________________.
Viral STDs: human papilloma virus (HPV), genital herpes, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and
HIV/AIDS. Although the symptoms of many viral STDs can be treated with drugs, _________
________ __________________ be cured.
Pubic lice, scabies, and trichomoniasis infections cause intense itching in the pubic area and
can be cured with _________________.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that primarily infects cells of the ____________
system and that causes AIDS.
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a __________ disease that results from HIV
AIDS is a __________-________ epidemic that continues to spread.
Teenagers are one of the fastest-growing groups with HIV and AIDS because they engage in
HIV primarily infects important cells called __________ __ _______. The number of helper T
cells decreases as HIV increases in the body.
There are three phases of HIV infection. In the early stages of HIV infection, people often do
not know they are infected because they have few or no _______________.
The most common ways HIV is spread is through sexual ____________, through __________
drug injection equipment, and through contact with body fluids from a _____________ to her
baby before or during birth or by breast-feeding.
HIV is not spread by _____________ contact.
Teens are at high risk for HIV infection if they engage in high-risk ________________.
HIV can be prevented by __________________ and avoiding the high-risk behaviors known to
transmit HIV.
If a person has engaged in any behaviors that put him or her at risk for an HIV infection, he or
she should get an HIV-antibody __________.
Although drug combination treatment can slow down the replication of HIV in the body, drugs
____________ cure AIDS.
People living with HIV can __________ the progression from HIV infection to AIDS by getting
treated, eating well, and otherwise taking care of themselves.