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Jan. 7, 2016
Prayers asked for upcoming Primates’ Meeting
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has asked that Episcopalians join him in prayer as he prepares to
attend his first meeting of the Primates of the Anglican Communion in Canterbury, England, January 1116.
A website has been set up with information on the meeting: It
includes this prayer, which churches may wish to use this Sunday, Jan. 10:
Gracious Father, who in your prophet Isaiah promised us a Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
counsel and inward strength, knowledge and true godliness: breathe that same Spirit on the
leaders of your church today, that they may meet you in one another, find perfect freedom in
your service, and bring forth your Spirit’s fruits of love, joy and peace; that your church may be
renewed in the form of your Son, born, crucified and risen, that we might be one with you and
in you, ever one God, merciful and mighty. Amen.
United Thank Offering grant applications now are available
The form to apply for grants from the United Thank Offering now is available online at
The focus for the 2016 United Thank Offering grants is the Fifth Mark of Mission: To strive to
safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.
UTO will consider applications that are for start-up costs for a new ministry, not for the continuation
of an ongoing ministry, unless there is a definite new direction added to the existing program; and for
seed money for start-up positions, either full- or part-time, for a new ministry.
The deadline for applications to be submitted to the diocesan office is Feb. 12. The completed
grant application form and a proposed project budget are required.
From among applications submitted, Bishop Wolfe will select one to forward to the United Thank
Offering board for possible funding
Additional information and worksheets, along with sample budgets, are on the UTO grant webpage,
Questions about the process should be referred to Canon to the Ordinary the Rev. Torey Lightcap at
[email protected] or (785) 235-9255 or (800) 473-3563.
Miqra news: registration, adults needed and live streaming
>> Youth can still register for Miqra. MIQRA (meek-rah) is a weekend retreat that focuses on the
Bible and allows teens to discover what's in it, why they should care and how to read it. This year's
educational focus will be on the Gospels and Acts.
 When: Saturday, Jan. 16, 1 p.m., to Monday, Jan. 18, 10:30 a.m.
Where: Grace Episcopal Cathedral, 701 SW 8th Ave., Topeka (senior high) and St. David's
Church in Topeka (junior high students will be bussed there and back for the weekend)
 Who: Grades 6-12
 Fee: $75 (if this is someone’s very first youth event, they pay only $15!)
 Registration forms: Youth and adults can sign-up for Miqra here:
>> Adult support needed for Miqra on Jan. 15. Parents, clergy and friends are invited to help youth
of the diocese during this Bible-based weekend. There are online sign-ups for reading from 9 a.m. Friday
to 1 p.m. Saturday. We also need parents to help supervise the reading overnight (so our on-site
volunteers can get some sleep). Sign-up here:
>> Miqra will be live-streamed online Tune-in to the reading starting about noon on Jan. 15,
through 10:30 a.m. on Jan. 18. Ask the youth in your parish to text you their reading sign-up times, and
log-on to watch them read. The broadcast link will be posted on the Miqra web site
Celebration of New Ministry set for the Rev. Mary Siegmund
A Celebration of New Ministry for the Rev. Mary Siegmund, rector of St. Luke’s, Shawnee, will take
place on Wednesday, Jan. 20 at 7 p.m. at the church, 5325 Nieman Road in Shawnee. Bishop Dean Wolfe
will officiate, and the preacher will be the Very Rev. Don Compier, dean of the Bishop Kemper School for
Clergy are asked to vest (white stoles) and walk in procession.
A reception will follow the service.
Youth ministers and adult volunteers: register now for Recharge
Recharge is a one-night retreat for youth ministers and volunteers in the diocese. There will be
several educational sessions, as well as a resource-sharing and problem-solving time.
It takes place March 4-5 at Upton Hall, Topeka; the cost is just $15. Get more information or sign-up
online at
Do you speak Spanish?
If so, the diocese would like to have your contact information for some possible upcoming projects.
If interested, send your name, church, email address and phone number to Canon to the Ordinary
the Rev. Torey Lightcap at [email protected] or contact him at (75) 235-9255 or (800) 4733563.
Summer youth ministry internship applications now are available
Do you know a college student interested in pursuing a vocation in ministry? If so, ask them if they
are interested in applying for the Summer Youth Ministry Internship.
Applications are due Feb. 28. Learn more about the program and how to apply at
Campus peer minister applications now are available
Do you know, or are you, a current college student who is interested in campus ministry? If so,
please consider applying to become a peer minister.
New applicants have until Feb. 15 to submit applications; for existing per ministers the deadline is
Jan. 15. Applications are online at
Submit all completed applications to Amanda Rucker at [email protected] before the
Anyone with questions about the application process may contact Ryan Zavacky (campus intern at
KU) at [email protected] or Ashley Petty (campus intern at KSU) at [email protected].
Applications for parish-based campus ministry grants are now available
The Campus Ministry Council announces its twice-a-year call for parish-partner campus ministry
grants. These grants are for programs with college students that are based in one of the parishes of the
diocese. The maximum grant amount normally is $600.
Funds can go to existing programs that are successful, as well as to help establish new programs.
The application form is online at
The deadline to submit applications is Jan. 31. Please send by email to [email protected]
or [email protected].
Once submitted, Campus Interns Ashley Petty and Ryan Zavacky will make certain applications are
complete before sending them to the Campus Ministry Council for action.
Petty and Zavacky also can answer questions about the application process. Ashley can be reached
at [email protected] or (316) 390-7905. Ryan can be reached at [email protected] or
(269) 757-4552.
Additional information about the program is on the campus ministry website,
February courses offered at Bishop Kemper School for Ministry
Lent starts Feb. 10.Why not start it out with a weekend at Bishop Kemper School for Ministry
dedicated to learning more about your Christian faith? The residential weekend is Feb. 13-14 in Topeka.
For $100, you can audit a course, stay overnight at Upton Hall and enjoy good meals. Best of all, you
can participate in this lively community of faith, formation and fellowship.
February courses include Christian Theology with the Rev. Dr. Bill Stancil, Forms of Christian Ethics
with the Rev. Dr. David Cox, Ecclesiology with the Very Rev. Dr. Don Compier and Evangelism with Dr.
David Thompson.
Courses begin Monday, Jan. 11, although auditors can register at any time prior to the class.
Complete course descriptions and convenient online registration are available at
Bethany College to host worship symposium Jan. 22-23
Bethany House of Studies (ELCA) is hosting a worship symposium on Jan. 22-23 at Bethany College in
Lindsborg, entitled “Collaborate, Innovate, Integrate: Creating Vital Worship (for all ages) through Word,
Music and Drama.”
Designed for clergy, musicians and laity, this symposium will help participants tap into the creative
process to develop meaningful worship for all ages. The symposium features hands-on workshops that
will inspire participants to use their creative gifts to create effective congregational worship.
Registration fees run $60-$90 per person, based on the number attending from the same
congregation and enrollment date.
The symposium schedule and downloadable registration forms are online at
K2K announces teams for 2016
Applications are being accepted for those wanting to be part of one of the teams headed to Kenya
next summer for a variety of mission efforts.
The teams are:
 Community Team, June 16-29 (cost: $3,800)
 Medical/Dental Team, June 23 - July 4 (cost: $4,000)
Those interested in being part of either trip must submit an application, which is available on the
diocesan website at
Applications must be accompanied by a check for the $400 deposit.
The deadline to apply for either team is Feb. 28.
Completed applications plus checks should be sent to: K2K Teams, The Episcopal Diocese of Kansas,
835 SW Polk St., Topeka, KS 66612.
Questions can be sent to K2K director Deacon Steve Segebrecht at [email protected].
Church Foundation offers upcoming webinars
Are you looking for some tools to help your church work better? One of these free upcoming
webinars from the Episcopal Church Foundation may be just the help you need.
 Vestry Orientation, Jan. 14 at 6 p.m. Central. This web conference will help you understand
roles, responsibilities and best practices for vestries. Presented by ECF Leadership Resources
 [Spanish] Orientación de la junta paroquial, 19 de enero 2016, 18:00hora de central: Este
webinar le ayudará a entender los papeles, responsabilidades, y las mejores prácticas para la
junta parroquial. Presentado por el Rev. Juan Ángel Monge, Asesor de ECF.
 Investment Strategies for Endowments/Invested Funds for 2016, Jan. 27 at 6 p.m. Central.
2015 proved to be a volatile year for investments. How should you position your
endowment/investment fund portfolio for 2016? Led by Ken Quigley, ECF Program Director for
 Senior Warden Ministry: Mission Impossible? Jan. 28 at 6 p.m. Central. “Your mission, potential
senior warden, should you choose to accept it…” Presented by Anne Schmidt and Christopher S.
Ayres, former and current Senior Wardens of the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, Dallas,
 Choosing a Planned Giving Shepherd for your Church, Feb. 3 at 6 p.m. Central. Selecting the
best person(s) to lead your planned giving efforts is an important step in building and sustaining
your program. Led by Jim Murphy, ECF Managing Program Director for Financial Resources.
 Vestry Orientation, Feb. 4 at 6 p.m. Central. This web conference will help you understand
roles, responsibilities and best practices for vestries. Presented by ECF Leadership Resources
Bishop search processes are receiving names
Three dioceses have announced that they are receiving names in their search for a bishop.
The Diocese of Los Angeles has its information online at They will receive names until Jan. 15.
The Diocese of Easton has its information online at They will
receive names until Jan. 15.
The Diocese of Indianapolis has its information online at The deadline
for nominations is Feb. 15.
Anniversaries of ordinations
Congratulations go to these people as they celebrate the anniversaries of their ordination in the
next two weeks:
Jan. 7: The Rev. Patrick Funston, St. Paul’s, Manhattan (4 years)
Jan. 8: The Rev. Torey Lightcap, canon to the ordinary (11 years); the Rev. Dixie Junk, St. Paul’s,
Kansas City (5 years); the Rev. Antoinette Tackkett, retired (5 years)
Jan. 10: The Very Rev. Don Compier, St. Paul’s, Kansas City and Bishop Kemper School for Ministry (1
year); the Rev. Steven King, St. Thomas’, Overland Park (1 year); the Rev. Vivian Orndorff, non-parochial
(1 year)
Jan. 11: The Rev. Mary Korte, St. Stephen’s, Wichita (19 years); Deacon Jeff Roper, St. James’,
Wichita (5 years); Deacon Fran Wheeler, St. Thomas’, Overland Park (5 years); Deacon Barbara Gibson,
non-parochial (5 years)
Jan. 14: The Rev. Andrew O’Connor, Good Shepherd, Wichita (10 years)
Jan. 18: The Rev. Matthew Cobb, St. Luke’s, Wamego (17 years); the Rev. Joyce Holmes, Grace,
Chanute (24 years); Deacon Don Williams, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission (13 years)
Jan. 21: The Rev. Robert Harris, Grace, Ottawa (10 years)
Jan. 22: The Rev. Andrew Grosso, non-parochial (11 years)
Stay in touch via Facebook and Twitter
You can find news, features and updates from the diocese on social media. We’re on Facebook –
EpiscopalDioceseofKansas ( – and Twitter –
Next DioLog
The next edition of DioLog will be sent to subscribers on Thursday, Jan. 21. Information to be
included should be sent to Melodie Woerman, diocesan director of communications, at
[email protected], no later than the morning of Tuesday, Jan. 19.
Parishes are free to excerpt anything printed in DioLog; attribution that material is reprinted from
DioLog is appreciated. Feel free to copy this and make it available to parishioners in whatever way is
most useful.
If you do not wish to receive this publication, you may unsubscribe from DioLog by sending an email
to [email protected].
DioLog is a publication of the Office of Communications of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas, 835 SW
Polk Street, Topeka, KS 66612.