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Rubric: Solar System Project
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Accurate Content
Elements: Size
Elements: Label
the Planets
30 points
20 points
10 points
6 or 7 planets are
placed neatly in
the correct order
from the sun.
4 or 5 planets are
placed neatly in
the correct order
from the sun.
10 points
7 points
3 points
0 points
All 8 planets are
proportional to
their realistic size.
(E.g., Earth should
not be larger than
All 8 planets are
labeled correctly
and legibly.
6 or 7 planets are
proportional to
their realistic size.
(E.g., Earth should
not be larger than
6 or 7 planets are
labeled correctly
and legibly.
4 or 5 planets are
proportional to
their realistic size.
(E.g., Earth should
not be larger than
4 or 5 planets are
labeled correctly
and legibly.
All 8 planets are
the correct color
and correct
appearance. (E.g.,
Venus is not a
blue planet, and if
rings are visible
around the correct
6 or 7 planets are
the correct color
and correct
appearance. (E.g.,
Venus is not a
blue planet, and if
rings are visible
around the correct
4 or 5 planets are
the correct color
and correct
appearance. (E.g.,
Venus is not a
blue planet, and if
rings are visible
around the correct
3 or less planets
are proportional to
their realistic size.
(E.g., Earth should
not be larger than
3 or less planets
are labeled
correctly and
3 or less planets
are the correct
color and correct
((E.g., Venus is
not a blue planet,
and if rings are
visible around the
correct planet.)
All 8 planets are
placed neatly in
the correct order
from the sun.
0 points
3 or less planets
are placed neatly
in the correct
order from the
Please note: Any project that is turned in late will be subject to a 10 point grade reduction for each
day it is not turned in. Projects may be turned in on or before the due date of November 6, 2015. If a
project submitted is clearly not the work of the student, the project will not be accepted.
Poster Grade: _________/60
Chart Grade: _________/40
Final Grade: _________/100
Dear Parents,
Your child has been assigned to complete a solar system project. He/She may choose one of the
choices below to complete. The project will be due no later than November 10, 2016. If your
child completes their project earlier than this date, they are more than welcome to turn it in.
Assignment Choices:
Make a scale model of the solar system, including the sun and all planets. This can be in
any form (2-dimensional or 3-dimensional) and may be made with any materials you
choose. The solar system project chart must be completed accurately and turned in with
the model.
Please note, the larger the project does not mean the better the grade. Students should
be able to bring their projects on the bus. I understand if you would like to bring the
project to school and reduce the risk of it being broken or forgotten on the bus. We have
had projects submitted that were so large that they were immediately sent back home,
due to lack of space to store the project. Please be mindful when creating your project
that we will be collecting, storing, and displaying 30 projects per classroom.
Design a poster of the solar system. The planets must be shown as they orbit around the
sun. The solar system project chart must be completed accurately and turned in with the
Their project will be graded based on two components: (1) the model or poster, worth 60 points,
and (2) the project chart, worth 40 points. The grading rubric is on the back of this page. The
project will count as ONE TEST GRADE.
If you have any questions, I can be contacted at [email protected]
Thank you,
Amber Middleton