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Ancient Mesopotamia Test
Directions: Read each question carefully, and circle the correct answer.
6.2.1 Students locate and describe the major river systems and discuss the physical
settings that supported permanent settlement and early civilizations.
1. Where did early Mesopotamian settlers move and why did they move there? 6.2.1
a. Near rivers and flatlands so they could farm.
b. In the foothills so they could hide from enemies.
c. Near rivers so they could swim.
d. On plateaus so they could keep watch over possible invaders.
2. On the map, shade in the region of Mesopotamia, and trace the two rivers. What are
the rivers named?
________________, _____________________
3. Which term, means rich soil and describes the
land of Mesopotamia?
a. surplus
b. fertile
c. muddy
d. irrigation
4. Which of the following led to the land of Mesopotamia being useful for farming?
a. The rivers were full of plants and fish to eat
b. The rivers always had low water levels, making irrigation easier
c. The rivers flooded each year, which brought rich soil to the land
d. The land in Mesopotamia was not useful for farming
5. Which country is now where Mesopotamia was?
a. Afghanistan
b. Iran
c. India
d. Iraq
6.2.2 Students trace the development of agricultural techniques that permitted the
production of economic surplus and the emergence of cities as centers of culture and
6. Which of the following led to more agriculture, surplus and trade?
a. People hunting and gathering
b. More people being born and doing more work
c. New techniques, like farming and irrigation, and tools, like the plow
d. A divided social structure that kept some people at the top and some at the
7. Which of the following led to people staying in one place and creating permanent
a. Social structure
b. A stable food supply (agriculture)
c. Inventions like the boat
d. Mountains and hills
8. Which invention did NOT help with the GROWING of food?
a. the wheel
b. the plow
c. irrigation
d. None of the above
9. Some of the benefits of farming were?
a. Having animals to ride instead of walking
b. People would fight over water supplies
c. Living in one place and having a stable food supply
d. There were no benefits to farming
10. One impact of better farming techniques is:
a. More people become farmers, since farming is easier
b. There is less trade, as everyone has all the food they need
c. A surplus of food, allowing some people to have jobs other than farming
d. Farmers moved into the upper class of society
6.2.3 Students understand the relationship between religion and the social and
political order in Mesopotamia and Egypt.
11. Why were priests important in Mesopotamia?
a. They were in charge of constructing ziggurats
b. They told the king when to go to war
c. They were the only people who could communicate with the gods
d. They designed complex irrigation systems to help farmers
12. Mesopotamians thought their kings were chosen by:
a. The people (like an election)
b. The wealthy people only
c. The gods and goddesses
d. Their good qualities
13. Each city-state in Mesopotamia had one _____________ that was most important for
the people there.
a. god
b. type of writing
c. priest
d. irrigation canal
14-15. Place each person in the social class they belonged to in Mesopotamia (2 pts.)
6.2.4 Students know the significance of Hammurabi’s Code.
16. Hammurabi’s code was:
a. A set of laws for all people of Babylon
b. A belief system for all Egyptians
c. A set of laws for some Sumerians, but not all
d. A code for translating cuneiform into English
17. What did Hammurabi’s code include?
a. Over 300 laws for the middle and upper class
b. Over 200 laws for slaves, women and children
c. Almost 300 laws for people of all classes
d. Almost 200 laws for slaves and the lower class
18. How was Hammurabi’s code communicated to the people?
a. It was carved onto a large stele near a temple so everyone could see
b. It was copied by scribes and sent around to all upper class people
c. It was read at town hall meetings every month
d. People found out the punishments when they broke the law
19. Which of the following is NOT true of the punishments listed in Hammurabi’s
a. They mostly followed the “eye for an eye” principle
b. The punishments were equal for all people
c. Many crimes were punishable with death
d. The punishments were violent to try and keep people safe
20. What is most important about Hammurabi’s code?
a. The laws for everyone are fair and equal
b. It is the only piece of Mesopotamian writing left intact
c. It is helpful for translations
d. It tells modern people about daily life, social class, and the values in
6.2.9 Students trace the evolution of language and its written forms.
21. Which civilization was the first to invent writing?
a. Sumer
b. Babylon
c. Phoenicians
d. Mesopotamia
22. Why was writing first created?
a. To allow for communication over long distances
b. To tell stories like the Epic of Gilgamesh
c. To write down laws for people to read
d. To keep track of business between traders
23. Which of the following is the correct order of the development of writing over time?
a. alphabet--cuneiform—pictograph
b. pictograph—alphabet—cuneiform
c. pictograph—cuneiform—alphabet
d. cuneiform—pictograph—alphabet
24. The first alphabet was created by the ____________________.
a. Sumerians
b. Babylonians
c. Phoenicians
d. None of the above
25. In the three boxes, draw an example of a pictograph, cuneiform, and the English
Short Answers: Pick three of the following people/things. For each one, explain what
it is and why it was important (2 points each). You may use pictures to help your
explanation but you must explain in full sentences.
 Hammurabi’s Code
 The Wheel
 Ziggurat
 Irrigation System
 Pictographs
 Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
1. ________________________________:
2. ________________________________:
3. ________________________________:
Bonus!!! (3 points)
In your own words, write a short essay that explains what a civilization
is and include the benefits and disadvantages of living in one. Use the
back of this page to write your essay.