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Mitosis and Meiosis Webquest
Honors Biology
Name: ________________________
Date: ___________ Period: _______
Learning Target: I can evaluate the role of mitosis and meiosis as it relates to growth and repair of the human
PART A: Prokaryotic Cell Division:
Start at the following webpage:
1. Name three ways prokaryote cells differ from eukaryote cells.
a. ______________________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. Draw a prokaryotic cell:
Go to the following webpage:
3. Write your own definition of binary fission: ________________________________________________
Go to the following webpage:
4. List the four organelles involved in cell division:
a. _________________________
c. _________________________
b. _________________________
d. _________________________
5. What is the role of the centrioles in cell division? ___________________________________________
Click on the tab, “What Does Mitosis Do?”
6. What are the 2 major functions of mitosis? ________________________________________________
Click on the tab, “Built-in Controls in Mitosis”
7. What are the 2 ways that cells “know” to stop dividing? ______________________________________
Go back to the following webpage:
8. What ends the cell division process where one cell splits from the sister cell? ______________________
9. Some cells divide rapidly. Example? _____________________________________________________
Some cells do not divide at all after maturity. Example? ________________________________
10. In binary fission, are the reproduced cells genetically the same or different from each other?
11. What is the genetic relationship between resulting cells in mitosis (genetically the same or different)?
12. Label the following steps of the cell cycle:
Go to the following webpage:
1. Click on the right side where it says “Cell Cycle”
2. Describe each part of the cycle below:
a. Interphase: ____________________________________________________________________
b. G0: __________________________________________________________________________
c. G1: __________________________________________________________________________
d. S: ___________________________________________________________________________
e. G2: __________________________________________________________________________
f. M: ___________________________________________________________________________
PART B: Meiosis
Please go to the following webpage:
13. Why is meiosis important? _____________________________________________________________
14. Start the animation. What do the chromosomes do in Prophase I? _____________________________
15. Compare how chromosomes line up on the equator (for separation) in Metaphase I and II? Include a
diagram. ____________________________________________________________________________
16. In which phase are the number of chromosomes divided in half? _______________________
Is this part of meiosis I or meiosis II? ______________________________
17. Label the following steps of Meiosis:
18. How does mitosis and meiosis play a role in the growth and development of the human body? Use all
the information you have read and learned so far to answer this question.
PART C: Comparing and Contrasting Mitosis and Meiosis
Visit the following web pages to compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis.
Fill in the following Venn Diagram with the terms listed below:
Asexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction
Different Chromosome number
One part to cell division
Two parts to cell division (I and II)
Mitosis ONLY
Sex cells
Somatic cells
Cell division
Human reproduction
Mitosis & Meiosis
Meiosis ONLY