* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
HINDUISM •World’s oldest religion ”Santana Dharma” – Eternal Religion •3000 BC •Indus Valley •1000 BC – “Aryans” (nobles from Europe and Asia) migrated to India •3rd largest religion •+/- 900 million followers •“All Roads lead to God” •AUM – holy sign (represents Brahman) SACRED BOOKS 1)VEDAS ancient scriptures provide knowledge into the divine provides info into early Aryan civilization emphasizes sacrifice can be difficult for most people to understand 2)Upanishads (“sitting down beside”) fundamental teachings of Hinduism introduces concepts of Karma, Samsara, Moksha, Atman, Brahman, Yogas, and Meditation SACRED BOOKS 3)MAHABARHATA longest epic poem details a “family war” that probably happened illustrates how “good” Hindus should live illustrates that choosing God over individual strengths and temptations is right decision 4)BHAGAVAD GITA (“Song of God”) part of Mahabarhata discussion between Arjuna/Krishna Arjuna questions war Krishna (8th avatar of Vishnu) 2 reasons to fight: SACRED BOOKS 5) LAW OF MANU – code of behavior created “Caste System” “All men are created UNEQUAL” 1)Brahmins – priests (EYES) 2)Kshatriyas – chiefs / warriors (HEAD) 3)Vaishyas – commoners / merchants (ARMS) 4)Shudras – unskilled workers (LEGS) 5)(Dalits) UNTOUCHABLES TODAY CASTE SYSTEM IS ILLEGAL IN HINDUISM, BUT IS STILL PRESENT IN HINDU CULTURE brahman Henotheistic Brahman – God Created all things Brahman is in everyone = “Atman” HINDU IDEAS Reincarnation – soul (Atman) is continuously reborn until achieves Moksha Samsara – continuous cycle of rebirths based on karma After death, the soul goes to the next world, bearing in mind the subtle impressions of its deeds, and after reaping their harvest returns again to this world of action. Thus, he who has desires continues subject to rebirth. Yajur Veda, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 4.4.6 HINDU IDEAS KARMA – Reap what you sow According as one acts, so does he become. One becomes virtuous by virtuous action, bad by bad action. Yajur Veda, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 4.4.5 QUESTION Why do you think religions have ideas like Karma, Golden Rule, etc…? **”Group Karma” – also affects individuals and countries DHARMA – your job/duty THESE CONCEPTS DETERMINE YOUR POSITION IN YOUR NEXT LIFE GOAL OF HINDUISM MOKSHA– when soul re-unites with Brahman **no longer in cycle of reincarnation** Your “AtmAn” (soul) reunites with Brahman HINDU IDEAS • NO Satan a)God cannot have a rival / no place God isn’t b)”Avidya” (Ignorance) is root of evil c)”Maya” (Illusion) leads to Avidya • Sets you back in next life – longer to reach Moksha •Ahimsa – non-violence • Pottu – 3rd Eye – spiritual awakening YAMAS things no one should do Ahimsa – no harm Satya – no lies Asteya – no stealing Brahmacharya – no overindulging Aparigraha – no greed NIYAMAS things everyone should do Saucha – keep clean Santosha – be content Tapas – self-discipline Svadhyaya – study wisdom of Hinduism Ishvara Pranidhana – surrender to God 4 PATHS TO MOKSHA --PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT— 1)Karma Yoga – path of work – Do daily life duties (dharma) without hope of reward – dedicate acts to god – Do our best because that is the work God has put in front of us – –> FORM OF WORSHIP 2)Jnana Yoga – path of knowledge – Spiritual knowledge – Study and learn lessons of the masters 4 PATHS TO MOKSHA cont. 3)Raja Yoga – meditation – Concentrate so you can reach the “self” within you and become one with Brahman 4)Bhakti Yoga – path of love – Devoted to loving a god – If you truly love Me, you’ll love everyone – Surrender to God – “hang out with God”