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addend- one of the numbers in an addition problem
ex. 1 + 2 = 3
1 and 2 are the addends in the problem
subtrahend- in subtraction, the number being subtracted from a given number
ex. 82 - 48 = 34
48 is the subtrahend of the problem
factor- one of the numbers in a multiplication problem
ex. 4 x 5 = 20
4 and 5 are factors of 20
multiple- the product of a given whole number and any other number
ex. 10 x 3 = 30
30 is a multiple of 10
commutative property- changing the order of addends or factors does not
change the sum or product
ex. 9 + 3 = 12 and 3 + 9 = 12
5 x 3 = 15 and
3 x 5 = 15
associative property- changing the grouping of addends or factors does not
change the sum or product (always do operations in parentheses first)
ex. 3 + (7 + 8) = 18
(3 + 7) + 8 = 18
5 x (1 x 3) = 15
(5 x 1) x 3 = 15
distributive property- multiplying a sum by a number is the same as multiplying
each addend by the number and then adding the products
ex. 3 x (2 + 4) = 18
(3 x 2) + (3 x 4) = 18