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2. Section 2: Sparta and Athens A. Spartans Build a Military Society a. Boys and Men in Sparta 1. Daily life was dominated by the army 2. Healthy baby boys would be trained from an early age to become a soldier 3. Boys would learn to run, jump, swim, throw javelins. They weren’t given shoes or much food 4. To Spartan soldiers, courage and strength were more important than their own safety 5. Two qualities of soldiers: self-­‐discipline and obedience b. Girls and Women in Sparta 1. Spartan women had more rights than other Greek women 2. Some women ran households, others liked physical training c. Government 1. Sparta was ruled by two kings who led the army but elected officials had more power 2. Elected officials would run day-­‐to-­‐day activities and handle dealings between Sparta and other cities 3. Helots: Spartan slaves 4. Helots grew the city’s crops and couldn’t leave the land. Their lives were miserable and they feared the Spartan government B. Athenians Admire the Mind a. Boys and Men in Athens 1. The training for Athenian boys was not as strict as Spartans. They had to learn how to run, jump, swim and throw javelins 2. The goal was for the Athenians to work on improving their bodies and minds 3. All men in Athens had to join the army but only for 2 years, b between 18 and 20. Older men had to fight in time of war 4. They learned to read, write and count, sing and play musical instruments 5. Private tutors were available for very rich families to become prepared for the Athenian assembly 6. Poor families could read and write a little, but worked as farmers for the richer citizens b. Girls and Women in Athens 1. Girls did not receive an education, they learned household tasks like weaving and sewing 2. Women had fewer rights than women in many other city-­‐ states 3. Women could not: serve in the government, buy anything or own property, disobey their husbands or fathers C. Sparta and Athens Fight a. Athenian Power 1. Alliance: an agreement to work together 2. After the Persian war, many city-­‐states formed an alliance 3. Each city-­‐state gave money to the alliance and kept is on the island of Delos, and their alliance as called the Delian League 4. Athens was the strongest navy because of the islands protection 5. With forcing cities to join the Delian League, the Athenians took over the alliance and it became the Athenian empire b. The Peloponnesian War 1. Southern Greece, including Sparta, created an alliance called the Peloponnesian League 2. Sparta declared was on Athens known as the Peloponnesian War 3. Peloponnesian War: a war between Athens and Sparta that threatened to tear all of Greece apart 4. 431 BC Spartan army moved into Athens, started burning the crops in the fields in hopes that Athenians would run out of food 5. The Athenian navy surprised the Spartans with a escorted merchant ship to bring more food in. Disease swept in killing thousands of Athenians 6. For 10 years neither side could gain an advantage, they agreed to a truce 7. 415 BC Athens tried to expand its empire sending an army and navy to conquer the island of Sicily 8. The Athenian army was defeated by Sicilian allies of Sparta and taken as prisoners 9. Sparta went back to Athens and attacked, cut off the supply of food and in 404 BC the Athenians surrendered c. Fighting Among the City-­‐States 1. Sparta became the most powerful city-­‐state in Greece