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A & P : Gross Muscular Test
I. Give the word for the definition.
1. Primary mover, muscles whose contraction cause a movement.
2. The belly of a muscle
3. The site of muscle attachment @ the proximal end of a bone & usually remains fixed
or stationary when the muscle contracts.
4. The site of muscle attachment @ the distal end of a bone that allows for motion.
5. An action combing flexion, extension, abduction, & adduction.
6. A torn ligament
7. A torn muscle or tendon
8. An action that causes outward rotation of the hand & forearm. (palms forward)
9. A motion when a limb goes away from the midline of the body.
10. A motion when a limb goes toward or adds to the midline of the body.
11. The majority of all ankle sprains are due to this motion; sole of the foot rolls
12. The antagonist motion to 11.
13. A man w/red buccinators & masseters who works only one night of the year giving
gifts to every good little boy & girl around the world.
14. A famous holiday deer w/ a red nose.
15. A customary plant hung over doorways that causes people to use their orbicularis
II. True or False
16. The Grinch used his platysma quite often when his heart was 2 sizes too small.
17. Frosty the snowman has a deltoid muscle.
18. When you accelerate your car you are plantarflexing your foot.
19. The masseter raises the mandible.
20. The ability to touch the thumb to the tip of the pinki finger is called opposition.
21. The Extensor Sumlikeithotus is a muscle found in the foot.
22. When Santa climbs into his sleigh he uses his gluteus maximus.
23. When Little Cindy Lu Who turned her head from side to side she’s using her
External oblique.
III. Identify individual muscles named in the group.
Name the 4 muscles found in the Quadriceps Femoris group.
24. ____________________________
26. _________________________
25. __________________________
27. _________________________
Name the 2 primary muscles that make up the pelvic floor.
28. _________________________
29. __________________________
Name the 4 pairs of muscles that help form the abdominal girdle.
30. _________________________
32. ___________________________
31. _________________________
33. ___________________________
IV. Name the major muscles described by the function.
34. Used in smiling
35. The “kissing” muscle
36. The prayer muscle, primary head flexion, a 2-headed neck
37. Used in winking
38. Allows blowing, sucking in your cheeks.
39. Frowning or pouting muscle
40. Abdominal muscle that is the major spine/trunk flexor.
41. Flexes & rotates the trunk, “love handles”
42. Chest muscle that elevates the ribs during breathing.
43. A muscle that allows you to shrug your shoulders or extend
your head.
44. Primary muscles that extends the upper arm posteriorly
originating from the lumbodorsal fascia.
45. Abducts upper arm, assists in flexion & extension of upper
arm, is an antagonist to the muscle in #11.
46. Muscle runs the length of the spine & extends the back &
head while maintaining erect posture of the trunk.
47. A synergist of the trapezius in scapular elevation; act to flex
the head to the same side.
48. Small rectangular muscles that act together to square the
shoulders. (major & minor)
49. Muscles that allow you to grip a horse’s back w/your legs.
50. The primary muscle group that extends the knee.
51. “Toe dancers’ muscles”, made of 2 muscles.
52. A superficial muscle of the lateral leg; plantar flexes & everts
the foot.
53. Primary elbow flexor & supinates the forearm & hand.
54. Agonist to the muscle for # 20.(extends elbow)
55. Supinates the forearm.
56. Long part of the muscle that extends the thumb
57. Long part of the muscle that extends the big toe
58. Chest muscles that flexes & adducts the humerus. (major &
59. The upper calf muscle; flexes lower leg & plantar flexes foot.
60. The lower calf muscle, plantarflexes the foot.
61. Used to extend the hip when climbing stairs, forms buttock.
Word Bank: Rhomboids, Latissimus dorsi; Soleus; Orbicularis oris; Zygomaticus; Gluteus maximus;
Gastronemius; Sternocleidomastoid; Orbicularis oculi; Supinator; Extensor pollicus longus; Buccinator;
Platysma; Triceps surae; Extensor hallicus longus; Triceps brachii; Rectus abdominus; Peroneus longus;
Biceps brachii; External oblique; Quadriceps femoris; Adductor group; External intercostals, Trapezius;
Erector Spinae; Levator Scapulae; Deltoid; Pectoralis major & minor