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7th Grade Social Studies (European Exploration and Expansion) 1st Nine Weeks
Standards, Indicators & Skills
Standards & Indicators
Use a map or series of maps to identify
the colonial expansion of European
powers in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the
Americas through 1770. (G, H, P)
Texts Used:
 SC Standards Reinforcement Guide 3-56
 SC PACT Coach
 Nystrom Atlas of World History
Explain how technological and scientific advances  Journey Across Time
Explain how technological and scientific affected different parts of the world.
Create a venn diagram comparing
advances, including navigational
Theorize how these advances contributed to the
astronauts to early explorers.
advances and the use of gunpowder,
power of European nations.
affected various parts of the world
Use a map of ocean currents and wind
politically, socially, and economically and Compare and contrast the different types of
patterns to show why the invention of the
colonies established by European nations and
contributed to the power of European
caravel led to further exploration. Link found
how this contributed to those nations wealth.
nations. (H, G, P, E)
in Performance Education Toolbook:
Colonial Expansion page 11.
Explain how European colonization affected the
Compare how European nations
society and cultures of native peoples in the
Use a series of maps placing a flag of the
exercised political and economic
mother country in areas of exploration.
influence differently in the Americas,
including trading-post empires,
Analyze global trade patterns and how this
Make use of Nystrom Atlas of World History
plantation colonies, and settler colonies. affected the spread of religion.
68-69 (39 a-b in Student Activities Guide) to
(H, G, P, E)
summarize early European exploration.
Compare capitalism and mercantilism.
Summarize the characteristics of
Make use of Nystrom Atlas of World History
European colonial power and explain its Explain how the rise of capitalism was caused by pages 78-79 (45 a-b in Student Activities
increased trade and the growth of the middle
effects on the society and culture of
Guide) to analyze how the cultures of
African nations, including instances of
Europe, Africa, and North America were
brought together.
participation in and resistance to the
slave trade. (H, G, P, E)
Make use of Nystrom Atlas of World History
pages 96-97 (54 a-b in Student Activities
Summarize the characteristics of
Guide) to explain how most of the world
School District of Pickens County
Summarize the colonial expansion of European
powers in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the
Teacher Version
European colonial powers in Asia and
their effects on the society and culture of
Asia, including global trade patterns and
the spread of various religions. (H, G, P,
became linked through trade.
Construct a variety of tools that advanced
navigation (ex. caravel, quadrant, compass,
Examine early examples of cartography.
Explain the emergence of capitalism,
including the significance of
mercantilism, a developing market
economy, an expanding international
trade, and the rise of the middle class.
(E, H, P)
Have students draw a map of the school,
without assistance or time to explore the
school, to prove that exploration is
necessary for accurate cartography.
Examine examples of ships’ logs determine
supplies needed, dangers faced, and other
issues. Literary link: Encounter by Jane
Make a chart comparing how European
nations exercised political and economic
influence differently in the Americas (ex.
explorers, motivation, colony types, political
control, treatment of locals).
View Age of Exploration United Streaming
video to illustrate motivations behind
Make use of Nystrom Atlas of World History
pages 76-77 (44 a-b in Student Activities
Guide) to show how early European
explorers found unexpected opportunities in
the Americas.
Make use of Nystrom Atlas of World History
School District of Pickens County
Teacher Version
pages 86-87 (49 a-b in Student Activities
Guide) to summarize the effects of the
Atlantic slave trade on African nations.
View United Streaming video about the
African slave trade (ex. Amistad)
Compare resistance movements to
colonialism around the world.
Use a recipe or picture of a dish with
multiple ingredients, identifying the origin of
the ingredients (Old World or New World).
Discuss isolationist policy of China and
Japan using text pages 37-39. Complete
questions and chart on 40-41.
Use map on page 645 in Journey Across
Time to examine how religious conflicts in
Europe affected settlements in Asia.
Use the information in PACT Coach book:
Emergence of Capitalism to illustrate the
exchange of goods, ideas, and people.
Use a venn diagram to compare capitalism
and mercantilism.
School District of Pickens County
Teacher Version