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Danielle McNeill
AP Biology
African American Trypanosomasis
“Sleeping Sickness”
The disease is caused by infection with protozan parasites of the Genus Trypanosoma its
two main subspecies of Tryano are: Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Trypanosoma bruc
gambiense. The infection in humans are infected by parasites that result in a range clinical
manifestations caused by the migration of the paraiste through the body. The Sleeping Sickness
is known for its potenial for devasting epidemics of fatal outcome is left untreated.
Trypanosomasis is found in Africa mainly in SubSaharan Africa and South Africa. Its
result of the infection to humans into a parasite life cycle involves the tsete fly and wild savannah
woodland. In a case of Trypansomasis brucei rhodesiense, infection of the tsete occurs through
its biting an infected wild animal such as a lion or hyena. These such animals serve a rese of
Trypanosomes infections to humans, once a human is bitten by the tsete fly it can be transmitted
to another human. In the Trypanosma brucei gambiense transmission is mainly by a human fly
and its human contact. The tsete flies live near waterholes commonly visited by humans. The
infection can be transmitted to a large number of humans. Another reason for high human
transmission is that in the stage of Trypanosomiasis is where the most infectious to the fly, the
human is still able to perform duties as normal. Being close to a village that have a large number
of domestic pigs and dogs is another source of infectiong humans. Trypanosomas brucei
rhodesiense as the former parasite is found closer to human environments.
Signs that may occur is the initial indication of infection may be soft, rubber,and tender
swelling where the bite is located, its also known as the chance. An irregular fever is most
instense in Trypansoma brucei rhodeisence, infectious and swelling of the Lymph hodes (glands)
occurs frequently in Trypansoma brucei gambiense. The general illl health includes symptons
such as headache, pain, weight loss and pruiting (itching). Oedema is another that may occur it’s
a fluid swelling on the fact and anaemia (the blood being carry for oxygen) that leads to
tiredness and the ainability to do exercise of physical work. Trypanosomoes brucei rhodesiense
damage the heart, it causes abnormal heart rate and blood pressure. With females it messing up
your reproductive system with impotence in and abortion and loss of menstraual cycles. Once the
parasite enters theres difficulty falling asleep, may suffer seizures and maniacal behavior and
excessess sleepiness. Many people with Trypanosomiasis die as of former infections they have
caught whislt infected, the parasite may also result in the body
beginning to destroy itself
through production of antibodies directed against itself. This though to cause problems with the )
heart and the brain.
Diagnosis with Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiene are through blood test to the parasites in
the blood. There are sererval test that may be needed to ensure the parasite is found or present.
For Trypanosoma brucei gambiense fluid from the lymph nodes are extracted to be examined for
parasites. A blood test can be examined for antibodies to the parasite (the bodies defense
against the parasite) in with both forms of the parasites. Treatments for Trypanosomiasis can
cause number of problems as the use can have serious side effects and because of this the
patient must be hospitalized when being treated. In the early stage of Trypanosomasis the drug
surmain is used and corticisteriods are also given to reduce the symptons of the disease. By
avoiding the dense savannah woodland areas of the countries where the disease are present and
can be reduce the risk of infection with Trypansoma brud rhodesiense. If traveling should where
long-sleevges and fly repellent this may help prevention the disease.