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1st Nine Weeks Geography Study Guide
Answer the questions below on your own sheet of paper.
Geography Handbook, Chapter 1 & Chapter 3
1. Name the five elements/themes of geography. Location, Place, Region, Human-Environment Interaction, &
2. Describe lines of latitude and lines of longitude. What is the Equator? What is the Prime Meridian? Lines of
latitude run East to West. Lines of longitude run North to South. The Equator is at 0 degrees latitude and
divides the Earth into northern and southern hemispheres. The Prime Meridian is at 0 degrees longitude and
divides the Earth into eastern and western hemispheres.
3. What is another name for lines of latitude? Lines of longitude? Parallels; Meridians
4. Contrast absolute and relative location. (Describe the difference between the two.) Absolute Location gives the
exact pinpoint location of a place, while Relative Location gives the location in relation to other places. Relative
Location is not an exact pinpoint on a map.
5. List the four types of projections. Which is most accurate? Goode’s Interrupted, Mercator, Robinson, & Winkel
Tripel; Winkel Tripel is the most accurate
6. What doe s a contour map show? Elevation
7. Define & draw a picture of the following landforms: peninsula, island, volcano, canyon, valley, isthmus,
archipelago, desert, mountain, jungle, plateau & butte. (See page 16-18 in ISN)
8. List the types of climates we discussed in class and give a brief description of each. (See pages 22-24 in ISN)
9. Around what type of landform would highland climate most likely be found? Mountains
Chapter 3
1. What is culture? List and describe the 8 culture traits. The way of life of people who share similar beliefs and
customs/Social Groups, Language, Religion, Economy, Government, History, Daily Life & Arts
2. Define population density, birth rate, death rate, tariff, quota, natural resources and fossil fuels.
3. List and explain the 4 types of economies Traditional (customs are handed down from generation to generation),
Command (government makes all economic decisions), Market (individuals make their own economic decisions),
Mixed (mixture of command and free market)
4. What kinds of factors can affect population growth? famine, health of a nation, birth rate, death rate, war, etc.
5. Why is population not distributed evenly across the Earth? There are many areas that are unsuitable to live in.
6. What are the 5 major religions? Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism
Chapter 6
1. List the capital, religion, form of government, language and major leaders for all of the following countries: France,
Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain & the United Kingdom.
France: Paris, Roman Catholic (largest Muslim presence in any Western European country), republic, French
Germany: Berlin, Protestant/Catholic, federal republic, German
Greece: Athens, Greek Orthodox, parliamentary republic, Greek
Italy: Rome, Roman Catholic, democratic republic, Italian
Spain: Madrid, Roman Catholic, constitutional monarchy, Spanish
United Kingdom: London, Christian (Anglican/Catholic), parliamentary democracy/constitutional monarchy,
2. What is the importance of Vatican City? Headquarters of the Catholic Church & home to Pope Benedict XVI
3. List the regions of the United Kingdom. Which countries make up the British Isles? England, Scotland, Wales &
Northern Ireland/UK & Ireland
4. What are the 2 houses of Parliament in the UK called? House of Lords & House of Commons
5. Which countries make up the “Benelux” countries? Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
6. Where did Protestantism begin? Germany
7. Which mountain range divides Spain & France? Pyrenees
8. On which sea is Italy located? Mediterranean
9. Describe the city of Venice, Italy. Located on a series of canals
10. What is the significance of Rome, Italy in Classical history? Renaissance began here
11. Which mountain range can be found in Italy? Apennines
**In addition to the information above, you should also be able to identify various landforms and countries in Western
Europe & Eastern Europe.