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Homework Probe WWII
Value = 45Points
Appeasement = The policy of agreeing to the demands of another in order to
avoid conflict or hostility.
Munich Agreement = 1938, an agreement between Germany, Britain, France
and Italy in which Czechoslovakia was ceded to Germany in an effort to appease
the Nazi Regime.
Blitzkrieg = An intense military offensive designed to quickly crush an enemy.
1939 Germany attacked Poland.
5. 1940 France fell and Italy joined Germany. 2pts
Battle of the Atlantic:
6. 1939 Canada’s navy was the 4th largest in the world.
Corvettes – small fast warship used in convoys
Germany’s objective was to overcome Britain by cutting off its lifelines to
North America.
9. Canadian merchant marines transported supplies to Europe
10. Royal Canadian Airforce (RCAF) was the 4th largest in the world
11. RCAF Training Plan – trained airmen from all across the Commonwealth at
more than 200 sites across Canada.
Battle of Britain:
12. Germany’s air force is called the Luftwaffe’s
13. True or False
Germany used an advanced radar system and retained
control of British air space
14. At Dunkirk: Allied troops trapped in English Channel. Sea rescue where 850
vessels rescued 340,000 soldiers. Bolstered spirits of British.
15. 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. 4 ships destroyed; 2400 civilians
killed; Roosevelt declared war on Japan; Hitler declares war on USA.
16. Germany reneged on its non-aggression pact (an agreement between nations not
to launch a military attack against one another) and attacked the Soviet Union.
17. At Dieppe, a French port, Canadians led an attack that was a disaster – troops
landed on beach in daylight with no air cover and Enemy opened fire. 900/5000
killed and 1900 became POWs
18. June 6th, 1944 = Operation Overload, also known as D-Day. 5000 ships,
107,000 troops ready to storm Normandy in Northern France. Canadians landed
on Juno Beach. Allies captured the beach and the liberation of Europe had
19. In 1941, 1,900 Canadians went Hong Kong to help the island defend itself
against Japan. But they were unsuccessful.
20. USA used the Atomic bomb Japan at (1st ) Hiroshima and (2nd ) Nagasaki.
200000 died and 500000 died from the effects of radiation. 1945 Japan
surrenders. 2pts
21. True or False Women were recruited for all branches (45000 enlist)
22. True or False Canadian Battalions were segregated during WWII.
23. True or False Natives had to get permission of the Dept. of Indian Affairs, as
they were not citizens. They had to give up their status as registered Indians.
24. To avoid inflation, Canadian government introduced wage and price controls
(government restrictions placed on wages paid to workers and prices charged for
goods and services.)
25. Increase marriages, combined with postwar economic prosperity and peace time
stability, caused the largest birthrate in Canadian History. These post war
children came to be known as the baby boomers.
26. National Resources Mobilization Act (NRMA), required all single men over
18 to register for compulsory military service. They were for home defence.
Became known as zombies = term used for soldiers who were conscripted into
army but refused to serve overseas during WWII. 1942, King had a referendum
(issue goes for direct vote by the people).
French vote = 73% no and English vote = 80% yes. The men were sent overseas.
27. 1942: 22,000 Japanese Canadians were displaced from their homes and
evacuated to internment camps in BC and labour camps in Prairies.
They were allowed 1 suitcase of possessions. The rest of their things were sold in
public auctions and the profits were used to pay for internment camps. Housing
was un-insulated shacks with no running water or electricity. Men and boys were
separated. If you protested, you were sent to concentration camps in Ontario and
he had to wear an uniform with a large red circle. After WWII 4000 Japanese
Canadians were deported. This was considered a violation of their civil rights
and government agreed to pay 21,000 in compensation to each surviving evacuee.
The War Measures Act
28. If you had roots linked to the enemy you had to register with RCMP. There was
a curfew. Interned if you were a Nazi sympathizer. Italian and German
immigrants who became citizens after 1922 had to register as enemy aliens and
some were sent to internment camps. 2pts
Canada and the Holocaust
29. 1939-45 only 5000 Jewish immigrants were allowed in Canada. The
St. Louis ship of 900 German Jews was not allowed to seek refuge and was sent
back to Europe where many were detained and sent to death camps. 2pts
The War Ends
30. 1945- United Nations was formed to be the new global organization for
maintaining peace.
31. 1947 Canada became the 1st Commonwealth Country to define its citizens as
Canadians first and British subjects 2nd.