Download Staffing Unfortunately, due to ill health, Margaret Martin has

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Unfortunately, due to ill health, Margaret Martin has resigned from her position as Meal Time Assistant.
We will miss Margaret. She has worked at this school for many years. Margaret has been generous and
enthusiastic with her creative resources and ideas. She has been an asset to wet playtimes with her craft
activities. We hope her health improves soon and we thank her for her help and kindness.
There has been a case of Chickenpox in the Foundation Unit. The incubation period for the disease is 13-21
days after contact with the infected person. Chickenpox usually begins with a fever, feeling generally
unwell and glassy fluid filled spots spreading all over the body. Children are normally infectious from 1-2
days before the spots appear until 5 days afterwards, when the spots have scabbed over. If your child
develops Chickenpox, please keep them off of school until they are no longer infectious and let the school
know by phone or email. Thank you very much.
Nits are going around in school again! Please check your children on a regular basis and treat as necessary.
Thank you.
You may already be aware that over the last term we have been using a different way of marking children’s
Maths and Literacy books. There are posters in all the classrooms which help explain our ‘tickled pink’
marking, where a pink pen is used to show a child has completed work particularly well. Then, a green pen is
used showing ‘green for growth’ when the teacher wants to show a child the next step or a way of further
improving their learning. The older children will also be introduced to reciprocal marking (using a purple pen)
where they comment on their efforts; stating how well they think they have achieved their learning
objectives. Research evidences that if children are more involved in this ‘small step’ learning then they are
more likely to accelerate their progress.
Famous Devonians Day
On Thursday 30th January, Julie will be cooking a special school lunch to celebrate two of our Famous
Devonians Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Francis Drake. The menu will be:
Sir Francis Drake’s Cannon Balls (Meat Balls in Tomato Sauce and pasta) or
Sir Walter Raleigh Potato Pie (Cheese and Potato Pie)
Both served with Peas and Carrots, followed by the Pilgrim Fathers Baked Cookies.
Rolls and Jacket Potatoes will also be offered as usual.
Chess Tournament
Please see the end of the newsletter for photos of the Federation Chess Tournament on 16th January 2014.
You can also view the pictures and a report on the Federation and Cheriton Fitzpaine Websites.
Whole School Homework
Winter Olympics: Well done everyone who has already handed in what they found out. This Friday is the
last day for outstanding Winter Olympic homework.
The next task will be:
Chinese New Year!
When is the start of the Chinese New Year? What animal is being represented this year and why do the
Chinese use an animal to represent their new year?
Encourage your child to write up in Home School Books about what they have found out.
Praise and stickers are the rewards!
School dinners
Julie’s special Olympic menu will be on Thursday 6 th February:
 Chicken Kiev, coleslaw, wedges and a vegetarian alternative
 Raspberry Pavlova
 Rolls and jacket potatoes will be offered as usual
Dental Hygiene for Oak and Beech Classes
On Wednesday 12th February, the Oral Health Team of the Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust will be
visiting the school to talk to children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 about how to look after their teeth. During the
visit they would like to give your child the opportunity to use a disclosing tablet, this will
show the areas of their teeth that may require extra brushing.
The session should be educational for your child but in a fun manner. The disclosing tablet is made from a
food dye called erythrosine, so do not consent if your child has an allergy to this.
Your child will need to bring their toothbrush and toothpaste into school on the day to take part in
the disclosing activity. (Please put the toothbrush and toothpaste in a labelled bag.)
You should have received a permission slip via pupil post. Please sign the slip and return to the school as
soon as possible to give consent. Without the consent form your child will not be able to take part in
this activity. If the consent form has not reached you, please ask at the office or print one from the
website. Thank you.
Year 4, 5 and 6 Walkers: Exmoor Challenge and Exe Valley Challenge
Information about practice walks will be sent to you as soon as we organise the dates.
Exmoor Challenge: Saturday 3rd May
Exe Valley Challenge: Sunday 29th June (Note the change of date)
Sunday Club!
Sunday 2nd February
All ages welcome
9.30 am @ St Matthews Church
For more details call Josie Norton on 866232
Cheriton Fitzpaine Methodist Church Craft morning.
Saturday 22nd February from 10am – 12noon.
For children aged 5 years and over.
Theme – The people of Egypt.
All materials provided – donations only.
Contact: Mary Nunn 866030
DIARY DATES for 2013/14
Friday 14th February
Monday 24th February
Tuesday 25th February
Friday 4th April
Friday 18th April
Monday 21st April
Tuesday 22nd April
Monday 5th May
Friday 23rd May
Monday 2nd June
Tuesday 3rd June
Friday 25th July
Break up for half term
Non pupil day
Children are back to school
Break up for the Easter Holiday
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Children are back to school
May Day Bank Holiday
Break up for half term
Non pupil day
children are back to school
Break up for the summer holiday
DIARY DATES for 2014/15
Thursday 4th September
Friday 5th September
Monday 8th September
Friday 24th October
Monday 27th to Friday 31st October
Monday 3rd November
Thursday 18th December
Friday 19th December to Friday 2nd January 2015
Monday 5th January
Tuesday 6th January
Non pupil day
Non pupil day
The children return to school
Break up for half term
Half term
School resumes
Break up for the Christmas holiday
Christmas holiday
Non pupil day
School resumes for the children
Please see the Exe Valley Federation website for the remaining 2014/15 academic year term dates.
Pictures of the Federation Chess Tournament at Cheriton Fitzpaine on
the 16th January