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Terms of Reference
Unified and Integrated Sea and Island Management
01 National Consultant
Duration of Assignment
From: September 2014 to: April 2015
Duty location
Ha Noi
National Project Manager NREP
Vietnam is located along the Vietnamese East Sea, with a coastline longer than 3260 km,
internal waters over 4200 km², an exclusive economic zone over 3 times larger than its land
area, and 2,779 near-shore islands covering 1.636 sq. km. Coastal areas comprise around
17% of the total area of the country, with 28 provinces/cities home to nearly 20 million
people, and an average population density of 267 people per km², 1.2 times higher than the
national average. Enabling management of these marine, coastal strip and island resources in
an integrated and unified manner continues to be problematic.
Vietnam's marine area covers over 1 million km2, with over 20 types of marine ecosystems
supporting over 2,000 species of fish. Coastal and near-shore areas are rich in coral reefs
ecosystem, sea grass beds and mangroves. However, 80% of Vietnam's coral reefs are
endangered with 50% being critically endangered (WRI 2002). Moreover, in the Vietnam
coastal zone, ecosystems are degraded and resources seriously depleted due to pollution,
overfishing, urbanization, lack of intertidal planning, over-development of aquaculture,
climate change impacts such as sea level rise and ocean acidification, and maritime transport
Therefore, the Government has sought to apply an integrated and unified management
approach to protect the marine natural resources and environment in order to achieve its goal
of ensuring sustainable development. In 2007 the National Strategy for Viet Nam's Seas
Towards 2020 was approved requiring the establishment of a government organization to
manage the seas and islands in an integrated and unified manner. In March 2008, the
Vietnam Administration of Seas and Islands (VASI) was established to implement this
Piloting a integrated and unified management approach was first initiated with respect to the
coastal zone. Viet Nam's coastal provinces and cities have been undergoing rapid economic
growth over the past 10 years. Fifty percent of the major urban centers, which are inhabited
by around a quarter of the country's population are located along the coastal areas. Coastal
and marine waters contribute approximately 48 percent of the national GDP and about 80
percent of the fisheries catch and some 65% of artisanal fisheries. To manage the area more
effectively for sustainable development, the Prime Minister issued Decision No.
158/2007/GD-TTg in October 2007 approving the Integrated Coastal Zone Management
Program (ICZM) for North Central Region and Central Coastal Provinces until 2010 and
Orientation towards 2020 (Project No. 158). On 6 March 2009, Decree No. 25/2009/ND-CP
on Integrated Marine Resources Management and Environmental Protection of Seas and
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Islands was issued by the Government. This Decree is considered a landmark instrument to
advance policies and programs on ICZM in Viet Nam. The scaling up of ICZM in 28 coastal
provinces is planned until 2020. Current efforts in ICZM cover about 13 percent of the
3,260-km coastline of the country, excluding islands.
However, major challenges for ICZM being applied nationally in a sustainable manner and
able to function successfully remain. The country lacks a national system on ICZM policy
and laws. Administratively, collaborative mechanisms ensuring inter-sectoral involvement of
key stakeholders in ICZM development and implementation continues to be limited.
Incorporation of ICZM into national and provincial socio-economic plans is weak, and there
is a lack of detailed guidance, while incorporation of climate change impacts into ICZM still
remains to be done.
The Government has made moves to address the lack of a law that could assist VASI to
manage the seas and islands in an integrated and unified manner, and to apply ICZM nationwide. In 2013 the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 23/2013/QD-TTg to regulate
coordination of management of natural resources and protection of the marine environment.
The Decision promulgates purposes, principles, content and coordination of the
implementation responsibility of the management of natural resources and the protection of
the marine and island environment between the Ministry of Natural Resources and
Environment with responsible ministries, agencies, organisations and the Committee of
coastal provinces and municipalities.
The purpose of the regulation is to establish a coordination mechanism, enhance
accountability between levels, sectors and localities in the integrated management of natural
resources and protection of the marine and island environment, in order to improve
exploitation of resources and use resources more economically, protect the marine and island
environment and ensure sustainable development. Principles underlying coordination are to
ensure unified, inter-sector and inter-regional management, ensure efficient, clear division of
responsibilities of each agency in the leading and coordination the implementation of
integrated management of natural resources and to protect the marine and island
Specifically, the regulation:
 requires responsible agencies to coordinate to develop and implement legal
documents, review and monitor the implementation of the legislation on integrated
management of natural resources and protection of marine and island environments.
establish and implement planning for resource exploitation and protection of marine
and island environments such as survey and evaluation of natural and socio-economic
conditions, collect consultation opinion, complete the planning of resource use and
protection of the marine and island environment, and monitor the implementation of
resource utilization plans and protection of the marine and island environment after
approved by the authorities.
coordinate to manage basic investigation activities of marine and island resources.
prevent, control pollution, response and troubleshoot marine and island
environmental problems with the following contents: Research, investigate, evaluate
pollution level, determine the cause of the marine and island environment pollution.
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This context includes developing coordination and implementation plans, preventive
measures, treatment and remediation of pollution and environmental degradation,
restoration and improvement of marine and island environmental quality, and
efficient responses to environmental incidents and disasters in the sea and islands.
public education to disseminate policies and legislation on resources and marine and
island environment protection, to prevent island disasters on Vietnam’s coastal
region, seas and islands, and to organize Vietnam’s marine and island week.
specify agencies to coordinate international cooperation in the field of integrated
management of natural resources and protection of the marine environment and
offshore islands, including investigation and research of resources and the marine
environment and offshore islands; application of science and technology for
investigation and marine research, waste treatment, marine and island environmental
remediation, responding to oil spills, and adapting to climate change.
In 2014, the Strategy for Sustainable Exploitation and Utilization of Marine Natural
Resources and Environment Protection until 2020 and Vision Toward 2030 was issued, and
preparations begun for finalizing the Draft Law on Sea and Islands Resources and
Environment for submission to the Prime Minister for approval.
The current Draft Law includes separate chapters on integrated coastal zone management and
integrated and unified management responsibilities of natural resources, environment and the
sea islands. However the basic principle of managing the seas and islands in an integrated
and unified manner as exemplified in ICZM, VASI’s core business, will need to clarified and
codified, so as to inform and underpin the whole Law. Technical assistance is sought to
engage a national consultant team to undertake a study to enable this to be done more
General Objectives
Undertake a study to thoroughly review and analyze, in the light of international
experience, the current status of existing policies, legal instruments and management
system governing issues related to the management, use and exploitation of natural
resources and environmental protection of seas and islands so as to better define and
develop the scope and contents of the integrated and unified management approach to be
adopted and mainstreamed into the Draft Law on Sea and Islands Resources and
Specific objectives
Specifically the study will
review and assess the present state of the unified management of natural resources and
protection of environment of coastal belt, seas and islands, including ICZM, in relation to
both horizontal and vertical “integrated” aspect of management, and in respect of
management tools and techniques.
use international case studies as well as practical examples from previous coastal / marine
initiatives in Vietnam to illustrate the barriers/constraints as well as tools and techniques
which have promoted successful implementation of integrated approaches.
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Recommend approaches/tools and techniques for strengthening cooperation and
enhancing the effectiveness of integrated management of seas and islands and involve
workshops at local and national level to validate the final findings.
Assess institutional capacity and requirements for the integrated monitoring of coastal,
sea and island resource use and environmental protection as stipulated in the draft Law.
A National Consultant will be recruited to complement the overall objectives of the overall
Study on “Unified and Integrated Sea and Island Management”, with a specific duty to look
at the Impacts of some provisions of the newly drafted Law on Seas and Islands Natural
Resources and environment.
National Consultant (NC – Impact Assessment (IA) (40 days):
National Consultant (NC – IA) shall:
1. Assist the NC TL in preparing the work plan and work collaboratively to ensure the
success of the assignment, and take direction from the NC TL in carrying out the
specific duties of the mission.
2. Assess the impacts of some proposed elements of integrated management of sea and
island natural resources and environment. Based on the content on the draft law of the
integrated management of sea and island natural resources and environment, issues to
be assessed include:
Viability of proposed strategy and masterplan for sustainable exploitation and
use of natural resources of seas and islands;
Obligations of organizations, enterprises and individuals in the exploitation and
use of sea and island natural resources and protection of environment;
Roles of institutions in the management of sea and island natural resources and
Setting up of baseline and specific surveys and research programmes for
monitoring of sea and island natural resources and environment;
3. The works of NC specified above shall assess, compare and prioritize alternatives of
the above mentioned issues based on the main targets set by the National Strategy on
Viet Nam’s Seas and Islands, using the following steps:
a) Cooperate with Law Development Team to determine the alternatives for each
issue, e.g. status quo vs. new alternative policy option..
b) Determine the method for assessing impacts of the alternatives for each issue;
c) Cooperate with Law Development Team to collect data from different ministries,
sectors, enterprises and other sources, and international experiences describing
the alternatives;
d) For each alternative, the impact assessment should be carried out by combination
between quantitative and qualitative methods. Methods of quantitative assessment
should be used to the maximum and impacts that cannot be assessed quantitatively
must be described by the most correct qualitative method.
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e) Conclusions to be drawn and reported , including cost and benefit analysis in
order to propose the most suitable alternative.
4. Prepare presentations for workshops setting out findings and recommendations.
5. Prepare a draft report for the NC TL to use in preparation of the Final Report
6. Assist the NC TL to incorporate stakeholder comments and finalise the Report.
1. Completion Report in Vietnamese and English including:
a. A thorough review and analysis of the current status of existing policies, legal
instruments and management system governing issues related to the management,
use and exploitation of natural resources and environmental protection of seas and
islands in relation to “integrated” and “unified” aspects of management.
b. Framework for a more integrated and unified management approach appropriate
for Viet Nam and for informing and developing the Draft Law on Sea and Islands
Resources and Environment
c. A review of international case studies and approaches to “integration” in coastal,
sea and island management, that documents best practices and lessons learned for
scaling up local application of ICZM in Viet Nam
d. A review and ‘lessons learned’ evaluation of Viet Nam’s experience of applying
ICZM, including Program 158 for the effective scaling up of ICZM to all coastal
provinces in Viet Nam, and
e. An assessment of the main proposed policy measures, including how
collaborative mechanisms ensuring inter-sectoral involvement of key stakeholders
in ICZM development and implementation may be improved.
f. An assessment of how incorporation of ICZM into national and provincial socioeconomic plans could be strengthened
g. An assessment of how ICZM could best incorporate climate change adaptation
and mitigation efforts.
h. A lessons learned evaluation and review of examples of integrated and unified
management of natural resources and environmental protection in Viet Nam in
general that could better inform application of an integrated and unified resource
management approach for coastal, sea and island resources.
i. A conceptual, practical and management assessment of proposed elements of
“integration” to provide guidance for implementing an integrated and unified
resource management approach for coastal, sea and island resources.
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Summary outputs
1. A thorough review and analysis of the
current status of existing policies, legal
instruments and management system
governing issues related to the
management, use and exploitation of
natural resources and environmental
protection of seas and islands in relation
to “integrated” and “unified” aspects of
management protection.
2. A framework for a more integrated and
unified management approach appropriate
for Viet Nam and for informing and
developing the Draft Law on Sea and
Islands Resources and Environment
3. Presentations to workshops setting out
findings and recommendations.
4. Final Report in Vietnamese and English
1. A review of international case studies and
approaches to “integration” in coastal sea
and island management, that documents
best practices and lessons learned for
scaling up local application of ICZM in
Viet Nam.
2. A review and ‘lessons learned’ evaluation
of Viet Nam’s experience of applying
ICZM, including Program 158 for the
effective scaling up of ICZM to all coastal
provinces in Viet Nam and administrative
assessment of ICZM with respect to
collaborative mechanisms, incorporation
of ICZM into national and provincial
socio-economic plans, and climate change
5. Presentations to workshops setting out
findings and recommendations.
6. Draft Final report for presentation in final
Page 6
3. Final Report in Vietnamese and English.
NC – M&E
1. A ‘lessons learned’ evaluation and review
of proposed elements of integrated and
unified management of natural resources
and environmental protection in Viet
Nam, that could better inform application
of an integrated and unified resource
management approach for coastal, sea and
island resources.
2. A conceptual, practical and management
assessment of proposed elements of
“integration” to provide guidance for
implementing an integrated and unified
resource management approach for
coastal, sea and island resources.
7. Presentations to workshops setting out
findings and recommendations.
4. Final Report in Vietnamese and English.
The NC TL is responsible for developing the proposed methodology and approach to
successfully complete all tasks/assignments given in this TOR. The work plan indicating
time schedules and date of outputs to be submitted by the NC TL must be approved by the
PMU before starting work. .
The NC TL and NCs shall be supplied with all necessary documents by the PMU and will be
introduced to all concerned parties as required in order to fulfil their responsibilities on
The NC TL and NCs shall be required to present the findings/results to relevant
agencies/parties in meetings organized by the PMU.
The Project Manager will be the overall supervisor for these assignments, and each local
expert will report to him/her. The NC TL will be responsible for all Consultant coordination
activities with the PMU.
Working duration: from September 2014 to April 2015
Submission date of Draft Report: February 2015
Submission date of Final Report April 2015
National Consultant – Team Leader
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Minimum of University degree in marine resource management, environmental
science or related field. Master/Doctor degree preferred.
Experience and Competencies:
- Minimum 10 years experience in managing marine resources in Viet Nam.
- Sound knowledge and experience of the system of local administration and practical
implementation of marine resource management and environmental protection
policies in Viet Nam.
- Good contacts in key Government agencies in charge of marine resource management
and environmental protection.
- Knowledge or experience of the application of an integrated and unified approach to
marine resources and environmental protection in other countries an advantage.
- Experience working in international donor-funded projects an advantage.
- Good oral and written communication skills
Other Desirable skills:
- Adequate computer literacy
- Good interpersonal and presentation skills.
National Consultant - ICZM
- Minimum of University degree in marine resource management, environmental
science or related field. Master degree preferred.
Experience and Competencies:
- Minimum 5 years experience in managing coastal and/or near-shore marine
- Sound knowledge of ICZM issues and programmes in Vietnam, including activities
of Program 158.
- Good appreciation of the full range of multi-stakeholder and multi-sector involvement
in the management and/or use Viet Nam’s coastal resources.
- Good oral and written communication skills
Other Desirable skills:
- Adequate computer literacy
- Good interpersonal and presentation skills.
National Consultant – IA
- Minimum of University degree in marine resource management, environmental
science or related field. Master degree preferred.
Experience and Competencies:
- Minimum 5 years experience in managing coastal and/or near-shore marine
- Sound knowledge and experience in monitoring and evaluation, use of indicators and
- Experience in monitoring and evaluation to assess progress in managing marine
resources and advantage.
- Good contacts in key Government agencies in charge of marine resource management
and environmental protection.
- Good oral and written communication skills (both Vietnamese and English)
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Other Desirable skills:
- Adequate computer literacy
- Good interpersonal and presentation skills.
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