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Foot/Ankle and Leg Review
Write the name of the bone next to each letter. Be very specific and watch your spelling.
Read the question and provide the correct answer.
1. How many phalanges are in two feet?
2. What side of the foot is the first metatarsal located on?
3. What is the amount of the following bones on one foot?
Tarsal bones
4. How are the metatarsal numbered from medial to lateral?
5. What are the two bones called located on the plantar surface of
the head of the first metatarsal?
6. What is the thickest bone in the ankle called?
7. What is the smallest bone in the foot?
8. How do you palpate the talus?
9. What is the name of the bone on the distal medial side of the
10.What is the name of the bone on the distal lateral side of the
11.What bone does the femur rest on?
12.Which metatarsal bone is the thickest?
13.Which toe only has 2 phalanges? What are the names of the 2
14.What is the base of the 5th metatarsal called?
15.What is the name of the free floating bone in the knee?
16.What part of the femur is referred to as the “ball” part of the ball and
socket joint in the hip?
17.What is the name of the bump located on the anterior superior surface
of the middle of the tibia?
Location: Read the statement and write the name of the bone that is
located there.
18.What bone is proximal to the 2nd metatarsal?
19.What bone is distal to the first metatarsal?
20.What bone is superior to the calcaneus?
21.What bone is lateral to the 3rd cuneiform?
22.What bone is distal to the talus and proximal to the 1st and 2nd
23.What bone is distal to the middle phalange of the 3rd toe?
Put a number on the exact locations of the diagram:
1. The proximal phalange of the 4th toe on the dorsal view.
2. Two small bones located on the plantar surface of the head of the first
3. The plantar surface of the base of the fifth metatarsal.
4. Lateral side of the calcaneus on the dorsal view.
5. The middle bone that is distal to the navicular on the plantar view.
6. The bone superior to the calcaneus on the dorsal view.
7. Lateral side of the 4th metatarsal on the dorsal surface.
8. The plantar surface of the middle phalanx of the 2nd toe.
9. The bone distal to the first metatarsal dorsal view.
10. Proximal phalange on the plantar surface of the 3rd toe.