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Amoeba Distributed Operating System
James Schultz
CPSC 550
Spring 2007
The History of Amoeba
The current computer environment started arriving in the early 1980s. It was at this time
that technology allowed computers to become smaller and cheaper, allowing for each
individual to have their own personal computer. These personal computers began
replacing the bulky computers that employees would have to share its use time with one
These personal computers then started being networked together, allowing
communication and sharing of resources. In fact this time period is where the basis of the
current networking was born, and out of this period came a need for multiple computers
to be connected together but act as one. This concept of multiple computers acting as one
is known as parallelism and one of the things Amoeba was designed to handle.
Amoeba was first developed in the early 1980s at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam,
Netherland, under the guidance of Andrew Tanenbaum and with the cooperation of
Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica. The purpose of Amoeba was to create a
simplistic way to handle the needs of distributed systems and parallels while maintaining
the transparency for its users.
The transparency that is being maintained is that the user has no clue how the underlying
system works, where the files are stored or on which machine the process is running.
Traditional distribution systems have workstations that users can log into, and while on
these workstations they can tell that the process they run, only run on the local machine
and other calls must occur for the process to run on a different machine. In this, users can
tell that there are different machines. With Amoeba the user doesn’t know where the
process is running, where files are stored or even if certain files are stored in the same
physical memory.
The last official release of Amoeba came in 1996 with version 5.3. It came 13 years after
the prototype was released in 1983. This doesn’t mean that others have not done their
own work; just that Tanenbaum and Vrije Universiteit have not done work. One example
of this is Fireball Amoeba by Fireball Software Distribution. [4]
Goals of Amoeba
Amoeba was designed with four main goals:
 Distribution – Connecting together many machines
 Parallelism – Allowing individual jobs to use multiple CPUs easily
 Transparency – Having the collection of computer act like a single system
 Performance – Achieving all of the above in an efficient manner
Distribution: Amoeba works by connecting a number of different computers together
into a distribution network. The network allows for a user to have store data and run
process on any of these computers. Amoeba use Fast Local Internet Protocol for over an
Ethernet cable to communicate to other computers on the same LAN (local area
network). If there are multiple LANs, then the out going router can act as FLIP router
converting FLIP to standard TCP/IP allowing for LANs to exist all over the world.
Parallelism: Parallelism is the concept of using multiple computers to work on the same
process, allowing for an increase in speed. Essentially, it takes the collection of
processors and makes them into one super processor. This can be extremely useful in a
number of situations where the process has to make multiple loops, the two biggest
examples of this being “The Traveling Salesman” and the factoring.
Transparency: The key concept with transparency is how the user views the system. In
traditional distributed networks, the user logs into a machine. He knows which machine
he is logged into and knows what other machines exist in the network, remote logging
into them if needed. Processes are run at the local machined unless they are specified to
run somewhere else. In Amoeba and other systems with user transparency the user just
logs onto a workstation and into the system as a whole. The user never knows where any
files are located, which CPUs are running the processes or for that matter, how many
CPUs are running the processes. Effectively the main difference is that the system looks
like a single computer whereas the traditional distributed network where every computer
is unique and individual but connected to each other.
Performance: Performance is a key goal for any system, be it a computer operating
system or even a check out system at the local grocery store. For Amoeba to achieve the
performance required, Tanenbaum and company developed a micro-kernel that is
installed on every computer. These kernels handle the basic communication, allowing for
a uniformed and efficient communication on all computers in the network. [1]
Definitions of Amoeba
Microkernel: The microkernel is the basic, most fundamental part of Amoeba. This is
where all the communication, memory management, I/O operations, object primitives
and basic processes are preformed. All other services are built upon this kernel and it is
this kernel that allows for uniform communication from different machines. [1]
Client: Processes that are started by the user, such as running an application.
Server: Processes that are not started by the user, examples would be the Bullet file
server and the directory server.
FLIP: Fast Local Internet Protocol (FLIP) is the communication protocol used. It was
developed by Tanenbaum for Amoeba. FLIP is a connectionless protocol, which sends
packets of data know as datagrams, that is functionally equivalent to IP. It was designed
to optimize the use of high-performance remote procedure calls (RPCs). [5]
RPC: Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is the communication mechanism that is used for
client s need to communicate with servers. In Amoeba these calls are accessed by stubs
which are generated by AIL.
Stubs: The procedures generated by AIL that call the RPCs. They are used to prevent
the user from directly accessing RPCs. They also marshal the parameters of the RPCs.
AIL: Amoeba Interface Language (AIL) is the language used to create stubs.
Objects: Objects are an abstract data type. They can either be software or hardware.
Each object has a list of operations that can be preformed and a 128 –bit value known as
a capability.
Capability: Capability is a 128-bit value that is associated with every object. This value
is created when the object is created and sent to the user. When ever the user wishes to
perform an operation on an object, it sends the capability value to the server as a way of
identifying the object and verifying that the user has permission to access the object. To
prevent tampering, the capabilities are encrypted.
I/O: Input/Output (IO) is needed to read or write data. The user sends a RPC to a disk
I/O in the kernel, after authorization checks are the done the kernel then sends the
information requested back to the caller.
Bullet File Server: The Bullet file server is the basic file server for Amoeba. It was
designed for high performance and to store files in contiguously on disk. Typically all
files are sent with a single RPC, but some larger files may require multiple RPCs. It was
designed so that there was a dedicated machine to be the Bullet server. Also, the largest
that any file can be is no larger then the amount of physical memory that exists. [1]
Directory Server: The Bullet server only handles on aspect of handling files, storing
them. The directory server handles the naming of them and linking them to one another.
The reason that a separate server is needed for this task is because the way the parallelism
of Amoeba handles files. It allows files to be stored anywhere in the distributed network.
Therefore a server is needed to keep track of where the directory files are located and
where the files that preside in the directories are located. The directory server works
hand in hand with the Bullet server to handle file storage. [1]
Features of Amoeba
Memory Management: Possibly the largest drawback of Amoeba is how the memory is
handled. Amoeba does not support virtual memory and when an object is being
processed all of the data of the object must enter into the memory. Therefore no file can
be larger then the amount of physical memory available. My personal opinion is that this
drawback is the leading cause of the systems decline.
Micro-Kernel: Because of the simplistic nature of the micro-kernel, other servers can be
built upon the kernel. This allows for many user created servers to be developed,
including new file structures if desired. As a drawback though, it allows for
inexperienced users to mess the server with the huge amount of freedom.
Group Communication: Amoeba has a built in procedure for doing a one-to-many
communication that is needed by many applications. It is a process the guarantees
delivery to every member in the order that they messages where sent. This feature
eliminates a lot of problems that occur when dealing with distributed and parallel
Compilers: There are a number of compliers included in the Amoeba system for
application creation. There are also a number of third-party compliers that are supported
by the Amoeba system, one of which is the GNU C compiler.
Utilities: There are a number of utilities that are packaged with Amoeba that are based
upon UNIX. There are also a number of newer utilities included such as amake which is
used to compile in parallel.
UNIX Emulation: Amoeba has a UNIX emulation know as Ajax included with it. It is
compatible with POSIX P1003.1.
TCP/IP: Amoeba uses FLIP instead of TCP/IP but it does have a server that can be used
for TCP/IP connections. This allows for user to access the internet and is the main
handling server for WAN connections.
X Windows: The X Window System is the standard system used for the user interface.
A workstation can run a special version of X is they are running an X server.
Connection to UNIX: Amoeba has a special driver for connecting with SunOS 4.1.1 (or
higher) UNIX kernel. This UNIX driver allows for increased speed for talking with
SunOS computers, though it is still possible for Amoeba to communicate with non-UNIX
systems by using TCP/IP. Transfer between UNIX and the Bullet Server area handled by
utilities provided by Amoeba.
Structure of Amoeba
There are four main parts to Amoeba, the workstations, a pool of processors, specialized
servers and the WAN routers. The workstations are the user interface for the system.
The pool of processors is the back bone of Amoeba. The specialized servers include the
Bullet file system and directory server, lastly the WAN routers which are used to connect
distant Amoeba LANs together.
Workstation: There are three types of workstations, the X window system, engineering
workstations and specialized workstations. The X window system is the typical user’s
interface, it is from here that users access the system and run processes on it.
Engineering workstations are used to access the system for management purposes. This
is interface that the system administrator will use to maintain the Amoeba system.
Processor Pool: The second structure is the pool of processors; their functions are to be
allocated to processes, run those processes and then return the results and are placed back
with in the pool. Every time a process is running, it is given a number of processors, the
processors given are those without current jobs or if all of them have jobs, those who load
are the least, allowing for an even distribution of work load. This is where the increase in
speed comes from in parallelism, giving more CPUs the same job. Now the increase isn’t
linear with respect to the number of CPUs given to quickness that a process is completed.
The reason for this is because of the overhead need to initiate all the CPUs, the
communication time between all the CPUs and the fact that most processes cannot be
even divided.
Specialized Servers: The third group is the specialized servers. The things that fall into
this category are the Bullet file server, the directory server and any other servers that
might be introduced to the system. Details of the Bullet server and the directory server
are in the definitions section.
WAN Router: The last one is the wide-area network (WAN) routers or gateways. Their
job is to link distant Amoeba local-area networks (LAN) together, allowing for the
Amoeba system as a whole to be located any and everywhere in the world if so desired.
Figure 1 A diagram showing a design for an Amoeba system. To the far left is the
processor pool waiting for requests. To the top a collection of workstations, on the
bottom are the specialized servers and to the right is the WAN gateway. [2]
How to use Amoeba
First thing that is needed to use Amoeba is to down load the operating system from Vrije
Universiteit. Once setup the user can log in using a workstation and begin computing.
To create programs there are a number of text editors available, elvis which is based on
Berkley vi editor, jove based on Emacs, and ed based on UNIX ed editor. Program
languages that are supported by Amoeba are C, Pascal, Fortran 77, Basic and Modula 2.
A del command is used to remove the entry of any object. A –f tag is needed to destroy
the object completely.
Applications of Amoeba
The main use of Amoeba is to speed up processing for large computations. Such as the
traveling sales men problem, factoring, and make files. All of these problems can
potentially take a long time.
Factoring traditionally has a horrible time to figure out for any given problem. This is
why factoring is used in current encryption techniques, because it is takes so long to brute
force. With Amoeba, a person could split up the process giving each processor only part
of the problem. Example being, trying to find the factors in 1000, with 4 processors the
problem could be broken down to see if value 1-250 factor into 1000, 251-500, 501-750
and 751-1000. This allows each processor the ability to look up only part of the problem,
shorting the time.
The traveling salesman problem has been around forever. The way it is set up is that
there are a number of cities that a salesman must visit. He can visit each city only once
and must return to the starting city last. The problem is finding the shortest route to be
taken. The trick to solving this is splitting the processor pool; allocate a few processors
to each city, and then the processors pools can subdivide the problem. So one processor
pool starts by going to city A, another goes to city B and so on. [3]
Significant Points
The system is free
It has not had an official update in over 10 years
Can use older/slower CPUs to create a powerful system
Micro-Kernel allows for other file systems to be created
Has four main goals
o Distribution
o Parallelism
o Transparency
o Performance
Has many UNIX like commands and programs
Can only hold programs as large as its physical memory
Amoeba was a distributed parallel system developed at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam,
Netherlands. It worked by using a micro-kernel and RPCs to help speed up the
performance of the system as a whole, allowing for slower, less powerful CPUs to be
used. Though it has not been updated in over 10 years, it still has fundamental ideas that
are useful in understanding and developing today’s parallel systems.
[1] Tanenbaum, A.S, Sharp, G.J. “The Amoeba Distributed Operating System” Online:
[2] Ramsay, M., Keigel, T., Memmer, H. “Amoeba Distributed Operating System”
[3] Baggett, Ken “The Amoeba Distributed Operating System” Online: 2006
[4] Distributed Operating Systems Amoeba – Fireball Software Distributions Online:
[5] Kaashoek, M. Frans, Renesse, Robbert van, Staveren, Hans van, Tanenbuam, Andrew
S. “FLIP: an Internet Protocol for Support Distributed Systems” Online: 2006