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Matching: Match the definition on the right with the type of energy on the left. Write the letter of the
answer on the line provided.
_____ Gravitational Potential Energy
A. vibration of electrically charged particles
_____ Elastic Potential Energy
B. associated with changes in the nucleus of an atom
_____ Nuclear Energy
C. total energy of particle that make up an object
_____ Sound Energy
D. energy of motion
_____ Mechanical Energy
E. energy depending on mass and height
_____ Chemical Energy
F. energy of shape that changes by stretching or compressing
_____ Thermal Energy
G. energy of position or shape
_____ Light Energy
H. energy of moving electrons
_____ Kinetic Energy
I. energy of vibrating objects that cause air to vibrate
10. _____ Electrical Energy
11. _____ Potential Energy
J. energy of a compound that changes as its atoms are
rearranged to form new compounds
K. total energy of motion and position
Calculations: Solve the following problems. For each one, write the equation, plug-in the numbers and
the units, give the final answer with a unit.
12. What is the gravitational potential energy of a 60 N bowling ball 3 meters above the floor?
13. What is the kinetic energy of a 4,000 kg cart moving 9.3 m/s?
14. What is the gravitational potential energy of a 50 kg person on a diving board that is 3 m high?
15. When you place a frying pan on top of a refrigerator, you are increasing its ________ energy.
a. kinetic
b. chemical
c. gravitational potential
d. elastic potential
16. How much work is done on a 40 N rock that is lifted 1.5 m off the ground?
17. A box has 400 J of gravitational potential energy.
A. How much work had to be done to give the box that energy?
B. If the box weighs 100 N, how far was it lifted?
Fill in the blank
18. The thermal energy of a substance changes with the ___________________ of its particle.
19. __________________ is the ability to do work.
20. Calculating an object’s _________________________ is done by calculating the amount of work done
on an object in order to lift it to its given height.
21. A (n) _______________________ is a change from one form of energy into another.
Short Answers
22. How is energy and work related?
23. Explain why a high speed collision might cause more damage to vehicles than a low speed collision.
24. What determines an object’s thermal energy?
25. Explain how sound energy is produced when you beat a drum.