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EES Geology Vocabulary Review
Crust- the outermost layer of the Earth
Mantle- the layer of the Earth between the crust and the outer core; this layer makes up
most of the volume of the Earth
Lithosphere- the rigid crust and outer mantle
Asthenosphere- the semisolid (soft, plastic) layer of the mantle
Outer Core- the liquid layer of the Earth that surrounds the inner core
Inner Core- the solid, dense inner most layer of the Earth
Plate Tectonics- theory that the Earth's lithosphere is divided into a number of large
pieces which move horizontally over the asthenosphere
Seismic waves- waves moving through the Earth that are generated by earthquakes
P-waves- primary waves that are the fastest moving waves; they compress rock and can
travel through solids and liquids
S-waves- secondary waves, arrive after the P-waves; shearing waves that distort rock
and travel only through solids
Fault- a break in the Earth’s crust along which one body of rock moves past another
Surface Waves- seismic waves that travel only along the surface of the Earth
Focus- the location inside the crust where an earthquake begins
Epicenter- the location on the surface directly above the focus
Magnitude- the strength of an earthquake
Intensity- a description of the effects of an earthquake
Richter Scale- a measure of the magnitude of an earthquake
Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale- used to describe the effects of an earthquake
Convergent plate boundary- where two plates collide
Divergent plate boundary- where two plates move away from each other
Transform plate boundary- where two plates slide alongside each other
Continental Crust- thicker but less dense regions of the Earth’s crust rich in silicon and
Oceanic Crust- thinner but denser regions of the Earth’s crust rich in iron and
Subduction- occurs when a denser tectonic plate slides under another plate at a
convergent plate boundary
Minerals- naturally occurring nonliving materials that can be represented by a chemical
Rocks- naturally formed nonliving solid generally composed of two or more minerals
Physical Weathering- breaking down rocks into smaller pieces without changing the
Chemical Weathering- processes that cause rock to undergo chemical decomposition,
changing the chemical composition
Erosion- movement of soil or rock from one area to another
Sedimentary- rock that forms from pieces of other rock
Igneous- rock that forms from magma or lava
Metamorphic- rock that forms from pre-existing rock that is altered by heat and/or
Mafic- rock that is rich in iron and magnesium
Intrusive igneous rock- rock that formed from magma that cooled and solidified
Extrusive igneous rock- rock that formed from lava that cooled and solidified at the
surface of the Earth
Liquefaction- when seismic waves cause saturated soil to behave like a liquid
Lithification- the process by which loose grains of sediment (sand, silt, etc) are converted
into rock
Ore- rock containing valuable concentrations of a mineral
Tailings- waste rock from a mining operation
Rare Earth Metals- the 15 Lanthanides (second row from the bottom of the Periodic
Table) plus scandium and yttrium
Tar Sands- sand mixed with a tar-like bitumen which can be a source of oil
Hydraulic Fracturing- injecting water and other chemicals into oil shale to release the
natural gas trapped in the shale