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The Middle East, Part II
CRISIS & ACHIEVEMENT (1900 – 1945)
A) Decline of the Ottoman Empire
1) Armenian Massacres by nationalist Muslim Turks (Armenians are Christian)
2) Balkan Powder Keg – Serbia wanted to control Bosnia, Austrians oppose
II. BETWEEN THE WORLD WARS – nations want independence from imperialist (western) nations
A) Turkish Nationalism
1) Kemal Atatürk – military general who overthrew the sultan, defeated westerners and declared a
a. Modernized and Industrialized to help Turkey survive
b. Changed Islamic law to European; Muslim calendar was replaced with a Christian one
c. Western dress required, no Arabic writing (only the Latin alphabet)
d. No veils required for women, could work outside the home
e. Built roads, railroads, factories
B) Iranian Nationalism (British & Russian control)
1) Reza Khan – overthrew ruler of Iran, set up a dynasty
a. followed Turkey’s modernization & westernization  made it fully independent
b. Factories, roads, railroads, western alphabet, western dress, non-religious schools.
c. No Islamic law
2) Supported by wealthy urban Iranians
C) Arab Nationalism – Arabs helped Allies fight in World War I, promised independence in return
1) Britain & France divided up Ottoman land instead
a. Mandates – territories administered by Europeans (France in Syria & Lebanon,
Britain in Iraq & Palestine)
2) 1920s, 30s, Arab nationalists wanted freedom from foreign control
a. Pan-Arabism – movement that sought unity for all Arab people based on heritage
A) Arab States and Israel
1) 1950s Gamal Abdel Nasser led Arab state of Egypt – wanted to end western control
a. 1956 Nationalizes the Suez Canal, used Soviet money to build the Aswan High Dam.
b. Fought 2 wars against Israel (Jewish state)
c. Soviets supported Egypt, U.S. supported Israel
2) Iran & Iraq – vast oil fields are discovered, U.S. & Soviet Union both want control
a. Communist Iranian nationalist tried to gain control, but U.S. stopped him
b. U.S. support repressive anti-communist shah with weapons & advisors
c. 1979 Islamic revolution overthrew the shah
d. Iraq becomes a socialist dictatorship in 1960s, supported by Soviets (also supported Syria, Libya)
A) Case Study: Egypt
1) Nasser creates a socialist govt and economy
a. nationalizes banks, business & makes land reforms (giving peasants land)
b. Dam controlled the Nile and gave more farm land, but causes erosion, salty Nile water
c. Anwar Sadat (next leader) encouraged foreign investment & free market
d. 1981, assassinated; Next leader Hosni Mubarak had econ problems with population growth &
Islamic fundamentalists
1) After WWII oil is the leading energy source, most comes from the Middle East
2) Formation of OPEC – Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
a. 1960, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela
b. sets production levels & prices
3) OPEC and Oil Crises – 1973 OPEC halts exports of oil
a. Egypt & Israel were at war
b. Arab countries set an embargo against the U.S. & supporters of Israel  slows economy
c. 80s, 90s surplus; 1998 OPEC cuts production, prices rise
A) Geography
1) Cross roads for African, Asian, & European people = diversity of people, beliefs, cultures
2) Oil is scattered = conflicts between nations for land, dependence on oil creates world-wide interest
B) A Jewish State Among Arab Nations – Many Jews migrate in 1800s & after the Holocaust
1) Both Jews & Arabs claimed Palestine = violence
2) Creation of Israel
a. 1947 U.N. divided Palestine into an Arab state & Jewish state. Arabs did not accept it.
b. 1948 Britain left, Israel proclaimed the independent state of Israel (supported by the U.S. & Soviets)
c. Israel developed until the mid 80s; built towns for Jewish immigrants, expanded work force
C) Palestinians & Arab-Israeli Wars
1) Arabs vowed to drive Jews out of Palestine
a. 1948 First Arab-Israeli war; Israel wins, doubles in size; Arab Palestinians suffered
2) Resistance forms: Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) led by Yasir Arafat
a. used terrorist tactics & fought guerilla war against Israelis at home & abroad
3) 1956 Second War; 1967 Six-Day War Israelis controlled the Sinai Peninsula
a. 1973 Egypt & Syria attacked Israelis
4) 1987 Camp David Accords – agreement to end war between Egypt & Israel
5) Intifada – teenagers defied Israeli soldiers  increases conflict
6) Israel & PLO negotiate in 1993
a. Israeli prime minister Yizhak Rabin agreed to give Palestinians Gaza & Jericho self-rule
D) Civil War in Lebanon – Palestinian refugees made Muslims a majority in 1967, PLO becomes powerful
1) 1975, civil war between Christians & Muslims (Israeli & Syrians involved), not until 1990 is order restored
2) Israelis settle in Palestinian claimed lands  riots & suicide bombings grow
3) 2002 Israeli military invade Palestinian areas of terrorist activity, arrest/assassinate PLO leaders
4) Roadmap of peace – made by U.S., UN, European Union to establish a Palestinian state, but the PLO
had to first use democracy to end terrorism
4) 2001, Ariel Sharon elected prime minister of Israel; goal was to ensure Israeli security
5) Arafat died in 2004, peace talks began in 2005.
E) The Iranian Revolution
1) 1953, Britain, U.S. put Muhammad Reza Pahlavi in control who westernizes & modernizes (dictatorship)
2) 1970s, radical Shiite Ayatollah Khomeini forced the shah out of Iran, by 1989 moderate regained control
3) Impact of the Revolution
a. Hostility to the West (banned books, music, movies of West)
b. Strict religion
c. Suspended women’s rights
d. Seized American embassy, held hostages for a year
e. Encouraged other overthrow by Muslims
F) Islamic Fundamentalism – 1970s Muslims increasingly opposed Westernization
1) Islamic Fundamentalism – movement to reform by applying Islamic principles to problems in the
a. LIBYA – 1969, Muammar al-Qaddafi governed with Islamic principles, supported revolutions
b. ALGERIA – 1992 Islamic political party gained support  rulers feared overthrow, used
TURKEY – 1900s policy was based on the West; 1990s Islamic parties gained support, want to
restore traditional government
G) Saddam Hussein & Iraq – dictator of Iraq
1) Iran-Iraq War – 1980-1988, Hussein controlled border between countries; Both sides attacked oil tankers in
the Persian Gulf  U.S. protected shipping lanes
2) Persian Gulf War – 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait & seized oil fields
a. U.S. saw it as a threat to Saudi Arabia & oil flow (made a trade embargo on Iraq)
b. Peacekeepers from the West went to Saudi Arabia
c. Iraq refused to withdraw in 1991, Persian Gulf War begins
d. U.S. & allies liberated Kuwait, Hussein remains in power
3) UN Peacekeeping – 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait voted to make economic sanctions to force troop
withdraw, and allowed military force
A) The Iraq War – UN controlled nuclear, biological, chemical weapon disbanding in Iraq (after Persian Gulf War)
1) late 90s Iraq forced UN inspectors out  U.S., Britain responded with air strikes
a. Hussein continued to defy international decrees
2) 2001, U.S. accuses Iraq of supporting terrorism (al Qaeda) & hiding weapons of mass destruction
a. 2002 UN denies Bush’s request for military action
3) March 2003, without UN sanction, U.S. & coalition forces invade
a. violence against U.S., coalition troops, & new Iraqi govt
b. Hussein captured, no WMD found
c. Iraqis & religious leaders opposed occupation, violent attacks continue
4) Many Islamic nations are divided in westernizing or become more traditional in Islamic principles
a. January 2005, Iraqi election, Shiites win majority, must draft a constitution
B) The Kurds – Sunni Muslims, but not Arabs; experienced harsh repression (Turkey, Iraq)
a. effort to create a Kurdish state have been active
C) Afghanistan
1) Soviets invaded in 1979, supported a communist govt
a. Afghans resist communist rule, forced Soviet withdraw
2) Mid 1990s, Taliban imposed extreme Islam on Afghans, protected al Qaeda
a. U.S. attacked in 2001, removed Taliban
A) Modernization and movement to cities created tension over gender roles
1) Great strains between westernization & tradition, many want to return to traditional Islamic law
B) SAUDI ARABIA – oil industry made movement to cities, family structure weakened
1) Conflict over the role of women; worry about Western influence (educating women, technology)
C) EGYPT – fast shift from rural to urban = social problems
1) Call for return to Islamic law & tradition
2) Islamic schools, hospitals, social services created  reject westernization, use the Quran
D) AFGHANISTAN – Little modernization
1) Islamic Taliban ruled, imposed strict religious law, restricted women
E) ALGERIA – Gained independence from France, modernized
1) Modernize & rid French culture  return to traditional Islamic ways
2) 1991 unrest, army cancels elections that had strong Islamic majority
The Middle East, Part II
CRISIS & ACHIEVEMENT (1900 – 1945)
A) Decline of the Ottoman Empire
1) Armenian Massacres by nationalist Muslim Turks (Armenians are Christian)
2) Balkan Powder Keg – Serbia wanted to control Bosnia, Austrians oppose
II. BETWEEN THE WORLD WARS – nations want independence from imperialist (western) nations
A) Turkish Nationalism
1) Kemal Atatürk – ___________________________________________________________________
a. ________________________________________________________ to help Turkey survive
b. Changed Islamic law to European; Muslim calendar was replaced with a Christian one
Western dress required, no Arabic writing (only the Latin alphabet)
d. No veils required for women, could work outside the home
e. Built roads, railroads, factories
B) Iranian Nationalism (British & Russian control)
1) Reza Khan – _________________________________________________________
a. followed Turkey’s modernization & westernization  made it fully independent
b. Factories, roads, railroads, western alphabet, western dress, non-religious schools.
c. No Islamic law
2) Supported by wealthy urban Iranians
C) Arab Nationalism – Arabs helped Allies fight in World War I, promised independence in return
1) Britain & France divided up Ottoman land instead
a. Mandates – ________________________________________________________________
2) 1920s, 30s, Arab nationalists wanted freedom from foreign control
a. Pan-Arabism – ______________________________________________________________
A) Arab States and Israel
1) 1950s Gamal Abdel Nasser led Arab state of Egypt – wanted to end western control
a. 1956 Nationalizes the Suez Canal, used Soviet money to build the Aswan High Dam.
b. Fought 2 wars against Israel (Jewish state)
c. Soviets supported Egypt, U.S. supported Israel
2) Iran & Iraq – vast oil fields are discovered, U.S. & Soviet Union both want control
a. Communist Iranian nationalist tried to gain control, but U.S. stopped him
b. U.S. support repressive anti-communist shah with weapons & advisors
c. 1979 Islamic revolution overthrew the shah
d. Iraq becomes a socialist dictatorship in 1960s, supported by Soviets (also supported Syria, Libya)
A) Case Study: Egypt
1) Nasser creates a socialist govt and economy
a. nationalizes banks, business & makes land reforms (giving peasants land)
b. Dam controlled the Nile and gave more farm land, but causes erosion, salty Nile water
c. Anwar Sadat (next leader) encouraged foreign investment & free market
d. 1981, assassinated; Next leader Hosni Mubarak had econ problems with population growth &
Islamic fundamentalists
1) After WWII oil is the leading energy source, most comes from the Middle East
2) Formation of OPEC – _________________________________________________________________
a. 1960, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela
b. sets production levels & prices
3) OPEC and Oil Crises – 1973 OPEC halts exports of oil
a. Egypt & Israel were at war
b. Arab countries set an embargo against the U.S. & supporters of Israel  slows economy
c. 80s, 90s surplus; 1998 OPEC cuts production, prices rise
A) Geography
1) Cross roads for African, Asian, & European people = diversity of people, beliefs, cultures
2) Oil is scattered = conflicts between nations for land, dependence on oil creates world-wide interest
B) A Jewish State Among Arab Nations – Many Jews migrate in 1800s & after the Holocaust
1) Both Jews & Arabs claimed Palestine = violence
2) Creation of Israel
a. 1947 U.N. divided Palestine into an Arab state & Jewish state. Arabs did not accept it.
b. 1948 Britain left, Israel proclaimed the independent state of Israel (supported by the U.S. & Soviets)
c. Israel developed until the mid 80s; built towns for Jewish immigrants, expanded work force
C) Palestinians & Arab-Israeli Wars
1) Arabs vowed to drive Jews out of Palestine
a. 1948 First Arab-Israeli war; Israel wins, doubles in size; Arab Palestinians suffered
2) Resistance forms: Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) led by Yasir Arafat
a. _____________________________________________________________________________
3) 1956 Second War; 1967 Six-Day War Israelis controlled the Sinai Peninsula
a. 1973 Egypt & Syria attacked Israelis
4) 1987 Camp David Accords – ___________________________________________________________
5) Intifada – teenagers defied Israeli soldiers  increases conflict
6) Israel & PLO negotiate in 1993
a. Israeli prime minister Yizhak Rabin agreed to give Palestinians Gaza & Jericho self-rule
D) Civil War in Lebanon – Palestinian refugees made Muslims a majority in 1967, PLO becomes powerful
1) 1975, civil war between Christians & Muslims (Israeli & Syrians involved), not until 1990 is order restored
2) Israelis settle in Palestinian claimed lands  riots & suicide bombings grow
3) 2002 Israeli military invade Palestinian areas of terrorist activity, arrest/assassinate PLO leaders
4) Roadmap of peace – made by U.S., UN, European Union to establish a Palestinian state, but the PLO
had to first use democracy to end terrorism
5) 2001, __________________________________________________; goal was to ensure Israeli security
Arafat died in 2004, peace talks began in 2005.
E) The Iranian Revolution
1) 1953, Britain, U.S. put Muhammad Reza Pahlavi in control who westernizes & modernizes (dictatorship)
2) 1970s, radical Shiite Ayatollah Khomeini forced the shah out of Iran, by 1989 moderate regained control
3) Impact of the Revolution
a. Hostility to the West (banned books, music, movies of West)
b. Strict religion
c. Suspended women’s rights
d. Seized American embassy, held hostages for a year
e. Encouraged other overthrow by Muslims
F) Islamic Fundamentalism – 1970s Muslims increasingly opposed Westernization
1) Islamic Fundamentalism – _____________________________________________________________
a. LIBYA – 1969, Muammar al-Qaddafi governed with Islamic principles, supported revolutions
b. ALGERIA – 1992 Islamic political party gained support  rulers feared overthrow, used
c. TURKEY – 1900s policy was based on the West; 1990s Islamic parties gained support, want to
restore traditional government
G) Saddam Hussein & Iraq – dictator of Iraq
1) Iran-Iraq War – 1980-1988, Hussein controlled border between countries; Both sides attacked oil tankers in
the Persian Gulf  U.S. protected shipping lanes
3) Persian Gulf War – 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait & seized oil fields
a. U.S. saw it as a threat to Saudi Arabia & oil flow (made a trade embargo on Iraq)
b. Peacekeepers from the West went to Saudi Arabia
c. Iraq refused to withdraw in 1991, ______________________________________
d. U.S. & allies liberated Kuwait, Hussein remains in power
3) UN Peacekeeping – 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait voted to make economic sanctions to force troop
withdraw, and allowed military force
A) The Iraq War – UN controlled nuclear, biological, chemical weapon disbanding in Iraq (after Persian Gulf War)
1) late 90s Iraq forced UN inspectors out  U.S., Britain responded with air strikes
a. Hussein continued to defy international decrees
2) 2001, U.S. accuses Iraq of supporting terrorism (al Qaeda) & hiding weapons of mass destruction
a. 2002 UN denies Bush’s request for military action
3) March 2003, without UN sanction, U.S. & coalition forces invade
a. violence against U.S., coalition troops, & new Iraqi govt
b. Hussein captured, no WMD found
c. Iraqis & religious leaders opposed occupation, violent attacks continue
4) Many Islamic nations are divided in westernizing or become more traditional in Islamic principles
a. January 2005, Iraqi election, Shiites win majority, must draft a constitution
B) The Kurds – Sunni Muslims, but not Arabs; experienced harsh repression (Turkey, Iraq)
a. effort to create a Kurdish state have been active
C) Afghanistan
1) Soviets invaded in 1979, supported a communist govt
a. Afghans resist communist rule, forced Soviet withdraw
2) Mid 1990s, Taliban imposed extreme Islam on Afghans, protected al Qaeda
a. U.S. attacked in 2001, removed Taliban
A) Modernization and movement to cities created tension over gender roles
1) Great strains between westernization & tradition, many want to return to traditional Islamic law
B) SAUDI ARABIA – oil industry made movement to cities, family structure weakened
1) Conflict over the role of women; worry about Western influence (educating women, technology)
C) EGYPT – fast shift from rural to urban = social problems
1) Call for return to Islamic law & tradition
2) Islamic schools, hospitals, social services created  reject westernization, use the Quran
D) AFGHANISTAN – Little modernization
1) Islamic Taliban ruled, imposed strict religious law, restricted women
E) ALGERIA – Gained independence from France, modernized
1) Modernize & rid French culture  return to traditional Islamic ways
2) 1991 unrest, army cancels elections that had strong Islamic majority
Name ________________________________________
Global II
Date ___________________
The Middle East, Part II
Multiple Choice.
1. A nation governed by Islamic fundamentalists would be mostly likely to
a. allow many different interpretations of the Quran
b. adopt the values and cultures of the west
c. emphasize the traditional beliefs and values of religion
d. promote active participation of women in government
2. In Middle Eastern societies, women have increasingly been at the center of a conflict between the forces of
modernization and the
a. values of traditional Islamic culture
b. pressure for a Palestinian homeland
c. shortage of capital for industrial development
d. need to reduce the birthrate
3. One way in which wars, religious conflict, and natural disasters are similar is that these situations may result in
a. the mass migration of people
b. economic stability
c. an increase in life expectancy
d. global warming
4. What is the main idea of this 2003 cartoon?
a. There are problems to resolve on the road to peace.
b. Colin Powell has remove the stumbling blocks to peace.
c. Both groups have reached an agreement on the road map for peace.
d. The road to peace has been carefully mapped.
5. This 2003 cartoon illustrates the struggle between Palestinians and
a. Iraquis
c. Egyptians
b. Hamas
d. Israelis
6. Kemal Atatürk’s efforts to modernize Turkish culture were most strongly opposed by
a. Indian nationalists
c. industrialists
b. republicans
d. religious forces
7. Since the 1970s, the wealth of many Middle Eastern nations was increased by the
a. formation of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
b. expansion of Islamic fundamentalism
c. creation of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
d. development of communes in Israel
8. The Boxer Rebellion, the Salt March, and the Iranian Revolution were reactions against
a. Mongol Rule
c. Western influence
b. rapid industrialization
d. economic depression
9. Which conclusion is supported by the information provided by the map?
a. Traders depended mainly on rivers as avenues of transportation
b. More products were carried on the ocean than across land.
c. Silk was the principal product traded.
d. Trades often combined sea and land routes.
10. One way in that Sun Yixian and Kemal Atatürk were similar is that each
a. led a nationalist movement in his country
b. rejected violence as a way to gain political power
c. supported Marxist political principles
d. promoted a society ruled by religious leaders
11. “His majesty’s government views with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national homeland for the
Jewish people…it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the religious civil
rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine…” –Lord Balfour, 1917
Which historical movement is most directly related to lord Balfour’s statement
a. Pan Slavism
b. Organization for African Unity
c. Pan Africanism
d. International Zionism
12. A major source of the dispute between the Israelis and the Palestinians is that each side
a. want to control oil resources in the area
b. has historic ties to the same land
c. believes in different interpretations of the same religion
d. has close military alliances with neighboring countries
13. In 2003, the United States and Great Britain invaded Iraq. At the same time, which two reasons did these
allies give for this invasion?
Iraq was threatening war with Saudi Arabia.
Iraq had not had free elections in a number of years.
Iraq had oil needed by the U.S. and Great Britain.
Iraq was threatening to cut off oil supplies to both countries.
Iraq had weapons of mass destruction that threatened nations around the world.
Iraq sponsored terrorism.
Iraq’s leader was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.
Iraq’s army held Americans hostage for more than a year.