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AP US History Period Four Assessment
Which of the following was not a significant consequence of the election of 1800?
A. Thomas Jefferson became president.
B. The Democratic-Republicans took control of the White House.
C. The Federalists conceded defeat.
D. The U.S. government gave less attention to foreign affairs.
E. The party in power left office peacefully.
Thomas Jefferson saw the ideal American society as one whose economy was dominated by
a. master craftsmen.
b. wage laborers.
c. seaport merchants.
d. rural farmers.
e. an urban working class
Why was President Jefferson hesitant to purchase the Louisiana Territory?
A. The purchase might touch off a war with Spain for control of the area.
B. The French demanded too much money for the purchase.
C. Leaders in his political party disapproved of the purchase.
D. The Constitution did not grant permission for purchase of foreign land.
E. American Indians posed a significant threat to the safety of future Americans.
Which of the following documents or sources would be most useful for analyzing the effects of the Embargo
of 1807 on the U.S. economy?
A. Jefferson’s instructions to Lewis and Clark
B. Resolutions of the Hartford Convention
C. Records of shipbuilding activity in a New England state from 1805 – 1810
D. Financial accounts of Georgia plantations from 1805 – 1807
E. Speeches of Henry Clay (1810-1812)
All of the following contributed to the U.S. decision to go to war in 1812 except
A. The election of war hawks to Congress
B. A desire to acquire parts of Canada
C. British impressments of American seamen
D. Efforts to protect the land of Native Americans
E. American sympathy with France against Britain
The hero of the Battle of New Orleans was
a. William Henry Harrison.
b. James Monroe.
c. Andrew Jackson.
d. Ulysses S. Grant.
e. Tecumseh.
The War of 1812 had all of the following consequences in the U.S. except
A. Acquisition of new land
B. Native Americans’ loss of Britain as an ally
C. The demise of the Federalist party
D. An increase in U.S. manufacturing
E. An increase in American nationalism
The Hartford Convention had long-term significance because it
A. encouraged Britain to sign the Treaty of Ghent.
B. presented a major challenge to Madison’s domestic policies.
C. forced repeal of the Embargo Act of 1807.
D. marked the end of the Federalists as a national party.
E. organized national opposition to the War of 1812.
The Treaty of Ghent (1814), ending the War of 1812, can be best described as
a. a British victory.
b. an American victory.
c. a draw (tie).
d. all of the above.
e. an Indian victory.
Which of the following statements accurately describes the Monroe Doctrine?
A. It caused an immediate change in the U.S. role in world affairs.
B. It asserted the U.S. right to send troops into the countries of Latin America to provide political
C. It declared U.S. opposition to European intervention in the affairs of independent countries of
the Western Hemisphere.
D. It was fully supported by the British government.
E. It established the U.S. claim to being a world power.
The map (below) shows the United States directly after the
A. Louisiana Purchase.
B. War of 1812.
C. Rush-Bagot Treaty.
D. Florida Purchase.
E. Missouri Compromise.
Which of the following increased southern planters’ reliance on slaves?
A. Missouri Compromise
B. Invention of the steamboat
C. Invention of the cotton gin
D. Lowell System
E. Louisiana Purchase
A major effect of John Marshall’s Supreme court decisions was to
A. expand federal power and limit states’ power.
B. expand the states’ power and limit federal power.
C. declare federal laws to be unconstitutional.
D. protect and enlarge the jurisdiction of state courts.
E. legitimize a strict interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.
Henry Clay’s idea of an American System included all of the following EXCEPT
Protective tariffs
Internal improvements
State banks
Increased trade between all sections of the country
Federal funds for a national transportation system
Where was the representational balance between slave and free states closely guarded to remain balanced
at 50%?
A. Electoral College
B. House of Representatives
C. Senate
D. State legislatures
E. Supreme Court
After the election of 1824, the president’s choice of Henry Clay as Secretary of State resulted in
A. the end of political bitterness between the major parties.
B. the revival of the Federalist party.
C. widespread criticism of the spoils system.
D. charges of a corrupt bargain with John Q. Adams.
E. a political alliance between Clay and Andrew Jackson.
The phrases “New Democracy” and “Era of the Common Man” associated with Jackson’s presidency were
based on
A. an increase in territorial expansion.
B. universal white manhood suffrage.
C. the easy availability of western land ownership.
D. the prosperity of New England industrialization.
E. increased power of the presidency.
An important effect of the Tariff of 1828, also known as the “Tariff of Abominations,” was
A. increased prices for cotton overseas.
B. South Carolina’s adoption of the theory of nullification.
C. the election of Democratic president, Andrew Jackson.
D. an alliance of northeastern workers and western farmers.
E. the growth of manufacturing in the South.
What issue was the topic of John C. Calhoun’s The Exposition?
A. The federal government should exert considerable power over the states in regards to
commerce and taxation.
B. States should be able to nullify acts of Congress within their borders.
C. Acts of Congress should be ratified by state legislatures before adoption.
D. Open trade agreements should be made with major trading nations by individual states.
E. The federal government should support industrialization in southern states.
The Revolution (election) of 1828 revealed that political power was
A. shifting to the western states.
B. shifting to the southern states.
C. entrenched on the eastern seaboard.
D. gravitating toward conservative elements.
E. evenly divided toward Whigs and Democrats.
Which of the following documents would be most useful in evaluating President Jackson’s commitment to the
A. The Specie Circular
B. Veto message on the rechartering of the Second Bank of the United States
C. Congressional hearings on the “corrupt bargain”
D. Jackson’s response to South Carolina’s nullification declaration
E. Calhoun’s writings on nullification
The political party that emerged in the 1830s to oppose Andrew Jackson was the ____________________
a. Republican
b. Federalist
c. Whig
d. Know-Nothing
e. Socialist
The main issue in the presidential campaign of 1832 (Jackson’s re-election campaign) was the
A. recharter of the Bank of the United States.
B. removal of Native Americans from eastern states.
C. use of federal funds for internal improvements.
D. cost of western lands sold by the government.
E. nullification of the “tariff of abominations.”
Which of the following did Andrew Jackson hate most?
a. the Second Bank of the United States
b. the House of Representatives
c. the Senate
d. the Supreme Court
e. the Democratic party
What did opponents of Jackson call the state banks where he deposited federal money?
A. Common Banks
B. Biddle’s Banks
C. Wildcat Banks
D. Pet Banks
E. Democratic Banks
The president of the Second Bank of the United States was
a. Nicholas Biddle.
b. Amos Kendall.
c. Frank Blair, Jr.
d. Daniel Webster.
e. Henry Clay.
In ____________________, the Supreme Court argued that Georgia state law had no authority over the
Indian nations within the state’s boundaries.
a. Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
b. Gibbons v. Ogden
c. Worcester v. Georgia
d. Jackson v. Georgia
e. Marbury v. Madison
President Jackson’s response to Supreme Court decisions on the treaty rights of Native Americans resulting
in which of the following?
A. Jackson’s loss of popularity among working-class voters
B. Indian uprisings in the eastern states
C. The division of tribal lands into family units
D. Impeachment of the president for not enforcing the law
E. The forced removal of Cherokees from their lands in Georgia
Which of the following is a correct statement about the United States in 1850?
A. The vast majority of Native Americans lived west of the Mississippi River.
B. A majority of Americans lived in cities.
C. All free African Americans lived in the North.
D. Laws providing for an eight-hour day protected most industrial workers.
E. The Mississippi River defined the western frontier.
Who is called the “Father of the Factory System” in America because of his role in the construction of the first
A. Henry Bessemer
B. Elias Howe
C. Samuel Slater
D. Eli Whitney
E. Samuel Morse
The inventor of the cotton gin was
a. James Henry Hammond.
b. Eli Whitney.
c. Samuel Slater.
d. Richard Arkwright.
e. Thomas Edison.
Which group of people was not among the first workers in early U.S. factories?
A. Slaves
B. Women
C. Children
D. Immigrants
E. Catholics
Which of the following is true of the American transcendentalists?
A. Supported government actions and regulations as the solution to social problems
B. Argued for the importance of human intuition and individualism
C. Persecuted for their radical religious views
D. Belonged to an experimental commune that practiced plural marriage
E. Played a leading role in the Second Great Awakening
The Erie Canal connected the Great Lakes to the
A. Potomac River.
B. Chesapeake Bay.
C. Hudson River.
D. Mississippi River.
E. Columbia River.
According to the “cult of domesticity,” a woman’s proper role was
A. teaching in the growing number of free public schools.
B. balancing the obligations of family and career.
C. striving toward social and economic equality with men.
D. leading the movement for political and social reform.
E. acting as moral leader and educator of the family.
The Seneca Falls Convention was significant because it
A. initiated the religious revivals in the “burned-out district.”
B. demanded the immediate abolition of slavery.
C. issued a historic declaration of women’s rights.
D. addressed concerns for the education of children.
E. concluded that the Lowell system was a failure.
Which of the following is least related to the other four?
A. Brigham Young
B. Jonathan Edwards
C. Mormons
D. Salt Lake City
E. Polygamy
Perfectionist aspirations to create a utopian society are best reflected in
A. the Hudson River School.
B. Thoreau’s experiment at Walden Pond.
C. American Colonization Society.
D. the organizing of revivalist camp meetings.
E. the founding of New Harmony, Brook Farm, and Oneida.
The leading advocate of humane treatment of the insane was
a. Dorothea Dix.
b. Lydia Maria Child.
c. Sarah Josepha Hale.
d. Caroline Kirkland.
e. Andrew Jackson.
“Civil Disobedience,” an essay that later influenced both Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., was
written by the transcendentalist
A. William Cullen Bryant.
B. Ralph Waldo Emerson.
C. James Fenimore Cooper.
D. Henry David Thoreau.
E. Jonathan David Edwards.
Document Based Question (DBQ) Activity- 25 points
Prompt: Andrew Jackson is associated with the shift of political power from economic elites to ordinary Americans. Is this
association with “democracy” in America historically accurate or the result of the political rhetoric of the era?
Directions: Read the 11 documents related to the prompt. Then write a “preparatory response.” (Yes, that is my
contrived term. Like it? Sounds Orwellian…) This response should: (1) Write an effective thesis sentence. (2) Organize
and explain the order which documents would be presented as evidence. (3) Assess if and why any document(s) would
be omitted from use as evidence in a potential essay. (4) Identify one document that could be used as a counter-argument
for your thesis.