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AP US HISTORY EXAM – War of 1812 and A. Jackson (Ch.12-14)
1. In what decision did Chief Justice John Marshall rule that only Congress has the right to regulate commerce among states?
a. Darthmouth College v. Woodward
b. Marbury v. Madison
c. McCulloh v. Maryland
d. Gibbons v. Ogden
e. Fletcher v. Peck
2. What territory gained independence in 1836?
a. California
b. Oregon
c. Texas
d. Kansas-Nebraska
e. Missouri
Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Panic of 1837?
the building up of surpluses in the nation’s factories
b. The destruction of the second Bank of the United States
over extension of bank credit
d. A poor what crop
The Specie Circular of 1836
The term “trail of Tears” refers to
the Mormon migration from Nauvoo, IL, to what now is Utah
the forced migration of the Cherokee tribe from the southern Appalachians to what is now Oklahoma
the westward migration along the Oregon Trail
d. the migration into Kentucky along the Wilderness Road
the migration of German settlers
5. The most forceful Southern protest against high protective tariffs during the first half of the 19 th century was the
a. Hayne-Webster Debate
b. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
c. Nullification Controversy
d. resignation of Vice President John C. Calhoun
e. imposition of the congressional “gag rule”
All of the following were among President Andrew Jackson’s objections to the First Bank of the United States EXCEPT
it allowed the economic power of the government to be controlled by private individuals
it threatened the integrity of the democratic system
it was preventing the government from achieving its policy of creating inflation
it could be used irresponsibly to create financial hardship for the nation
it benefited a small group of wealthy and privileged persons at the expense of the rest of the country
7. The 1832-1833 Nullification Crisis involved all of the following EXCEPT
a. federal tariff policy
b. Southern fear of federal tampering with slavery c. federal land policy
d. personal animosity between A. Jackson and John C. Calhoun
e. the rights of states versus federal government
Andrew Jackson’s election of 1828 is seen by many historians to represent
the end of the Federalist Party in America
b. the rise of individualism and popular democracy in America
the first true consolidation of federal power over the states since the drafting of the constitution
the beginnings of a genuine American aristocracy in government
the low point of power for the executive branch of government in the 1800s
9. In the 1830s and 1840s, the primary difference between the Whigs and the Democrats was that
a. the Whigs favored economic expansion while the Democrats favored a stable but retracted economy
b. the Democrats favored the abolition of slavery while the Whigs favored retaining the current system of slavery
c. the Whigs favored an expanded, activist federal government while the Democrats favored a non interventional federal gov’t
d. the Democrats were strongly supported by evangelical Christians while the Whigs were supported by westerners who favored
individual choice over morally based restrictions on behavior
e. the Whigs favored limitations on westward expansion while the Democrats did not
10. The first presidential election that relied upon the popular vote to select the electoral college was held in
a. 1789
b. 1800
c. 1824
d. 1916
e. 1928
11. The Tariff Act of 1832 resulted in
a. near war between United States and South Carolina
c. a revival of states’ rights doctrine
e. all of the above
b. a rift between President Jackson and Vice President Calhoun
d. a compromise solution proposed by Henry Clay
12. In the controversy over the lands belonging by treaty to the “Five Civilized Tribes,” the Jackson administration
a. destroyed the tribes militarily
b. forced Georgia to restore the lands to Indians
c. forced the Indians to be removed to the West
d. called upon Supreme Court to decide the issue
e. divided the lands between Georgia and the Indians
13. President Andrew Jackson’s Specie Circular stipulated that
a. inefficient employees of the federal government should be immediately dismissed regardless of their political affiliation
b. federal government deposits should be withdrawn from the second Bank of the United States
c. no federal funds should be spent on internal improvements
d. paper money should not be accepted in payment for federal government lands sold
e. the government would use force if necessary to collect tariff in South Carolina
14. Which of the following opposed rechartering of the Second Bank of the United States?
a. Nicholas Biddle
b. Henry Clay
c. Daniel Webster
d. Andrew Jackson
e. John Marshall
15. The followers of Andrew Jackson established what political party?
a. Whig
b. Republican c. Democratic d. Federalist
e. Anti-masonic
16. Henry Clay’s “American System” advocated all of the following EXCEPT
a. federal funding for the building of roads
b. a national bank
c. high protective tariffs
d. an independent treasury
e. federal funding for the building of canals
17. President Andrew Jackson’s Maysville Road Veto dealt with
a. federally financed internal improvements
b. foreign policy
c. the efficiency and honesty of gov’t employees
d. the power of the second Bank of the United States
e. the purchase of government land with paper money
18. The LEAST important issue during the era of “Jacksonian Democracy” was
a. the removal of Indians from southeastern states b. federal financing of internal improvements
c. the right of states to nullify federal laws
d. the growing trend toward industrialization
e. the reopening of trade with the British West Indies
19. Which of the following was a result of the War of 1812?
a. the power of North American Indian tribes increased b. the Treaty of Ghent resolved the issues of impressments and blockades
c. nationalism was weakened
d. local manufacturing was stimulated e. William Henry Harrison emerged as a national hero
20. One major reason that President Monroe issued the “Monroe Doctrine” was to
a. establish the United States as a military power in Latin America
b. insulate the Western hemisphere from European conflict
c. forward American banking interests in Latin America
d. support the Greeks in their revolt against Ottoman Empire
e. promote the interests of Russia over those of Britain and France
21. One important part of the American System promoted by Henry Clay was based on the assumption that
a. the United States should be a nation of farmers
b. public education was essential for all children
c. slavery should be abolished
d. every adult citizen of the nation should vote
e. the federal gov’t should promote industry
22. The economic hard times which followed the conclusion of the War of 1812 were largely the result of
a. unreasonable demands by factory workers
b. an influx of immigrant labor
c. widespread speculation and easy credit
d. excessive government regulation
e. European wars
23. During the first decade of the 19th century, two Shawhee leaders, Tecumseh and the Prohpet, worried the leaders of the United
States because they
a. were acting as agents of the British government b. were eager to avenge the Shawnee loss at Fallen Timbers
c. tried to establish an Indian confederacy as a barrier against white expansion into the area south of the Great Lakes
d. engaged in a reign of terror on the frontier
e. were unwilling to meet American political leaders
24. Which of the following men became a national hero as a result of the Battle of New Orleans in 1814?
a. William Henry Harrison
b. Abraham Lincoln
c. Daniel Webster
d. Henry Clay e. Andrew Jackson
25. In Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge (1837), the Supreme Court influenced the direction of the economy by ruling that
a. mercantilism was the right economic policy for the nation
b. the implied privileges of old charters were valid
c. one bridge was sufficient for the traffic over the Charles River
d. the charter of the Boston Associates was valid
e. new enterprises could not be restrained by old charters
26. Of the “Five Civilized Tribes” forced to move west in the 1830s, the tribe which resisted relocation the most successfully was
a. Choctaws
b. Chickasaws c. Cherokees
d. Creeks
e. Seminoles
27. In the disputed election of 1824, all of the following were candidates for the presidency EXCEPT
a. Andrew Jackson
b. John Quincy Adams c. Henry Clay d. William H. Crawford e. Daniel Webster
28. One reason that the annexation of Texas became a complicated political issue was that
a. American presidents were generally opposed to annexing Texas
b. Texans generally did not want to merge with the US
c. abolitionists opposed adding another slave state
d. Texas was entirely south of the Missouri Compromise line
e. abolitionists urged that Alaska should enter the Union as a free state if Texas entered as a slave state
29. “…Liberty first an Union afterward; but everywhere, spread all over in characters of living light, blazing on all its ample folds,
as they float over the sea and over the land, and in every wind under the whole heavens, that other sentiment, dear to every true
American heart—Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!” The author of the text above is
a. Henry Clay b. Andrew Jackson
c. Robert Hayne
d. Daniel Webster
e. John C. Calhoun
30. Which of the following was NOT a suggestion from Davy Crockett to politicians and future candidates for political office?
a. drink freely
b. make long speeches
c. make many promises d. be honest
e. kiss babies
31. The person who warned A. Jackson about Peggy Eaton’s immorality in a letter was
a. John C. Calhoun
b. Martin Van Buren
c. Reverend Ezra Ely
d. Henry Clay
e. Daniel Webster
The Majesty of the People had disappeared, and a rabble, a mob, of boys, negroes, women, children, scrambling, fighting,
romping. What a pity what a pity! . . . Cut glass and china to the amount of several thousand dollars had been broken in the struggle
to get the refreshments, punch and other articles had been carried out in tubs and buckets, but had it been in hogsheads it would
have been insufficient. . . The excerpt above is a description of
a. a fight following a boxing match
b. A fight that erupted after the Jefferson Day Toast
c. Jackson’s inauguration
d. the anger of poor people in 1830s
e. Southern protest of the Tariff of 1832
33. Both he the Democratic and the Whig Party
a. favored a renewed national Bank
b. supported federal restraint in social and economic affairs
c. were mass-based political parties
d. clung to states’ rights and policies
e. feared the rise of Anti-Masonic party
34. William Henry Harrison, the Whig’s party presidential candidate in 1840, was
a. a true “common man”
b. a very effective chief executive
c. made to look like a poor western farmer
d. born in a log cabin
e. the first military officer to become president
35. Americans moved into Texas
a. when invited by the Spanish government b. after an agreement was concluded between Mexican authorities and Stephen Austin
c. on Sam Houston’s defeat of Santa Anna d. to spread Protestantism
e. after the Battle of San Jacinto
36. John Marshall’s rulings upheld a defense of property rights against public pressure in
a. McCulloh v. Maryland
b. Marbury v. Madison
c. Cohens v. Virginia
Gibbons v. Ogden
d. Fletcher v. Peck
37. John Marshall uttered his famous legal dictum that “the power to tax involves the power to destroy” in
a. Gibbons v. Ogden
b. Fletcher v. Peck
c. McCulloh V. Maryland
d. Darthmouth College v. Woodward
e. Marbury v. Madison
38. All of the following were results of the Missouri Compromise EXCEPT that
a. extremists in both the North and South were not satisfied b. Missouri entered the union as a slave state
c. Maine entered the Union as a free state d. sectionalism was reduced
e. the balance between the North and South was kept even
39. The united States’ most successful diplomat in the Era of Good Feelings was
a. John C. Calhoun
b. Daniel Webster
c. John Quincy Adams d. Andrew Jackson
e. James Monroe
40. The Treaty of 1818 with England
a. used the watershed of the Missouri River to define the United States’ border with Canada as far west as the Rocky Mountains
b. formally recognized America’s earlier conquest of West Florida
c. called for a ten-year joint occupation of the Oregon country by both American citizens and British subjects
d. granted Canada exclusive use of Newfoundland fisheries
e. saw the United States forced to give up its tariffs on British goods