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Chp 1: From Human Prehistory to the Early Civilizations
 Theory of evolution: human species emerged between 2 to 2.5
million years ago
o Important evolutionary distinction: opposable thumbs and
 Paleolithic Age (Old Stone) 2.5 million to 8000BCE
 Fire tamed about 750,000 years ago
o Provided warmth, cooking, protection, migration to colder
 500,000 to 750,000 years ago= Homo erectus
o Less ape-like species, larger brain and erect stance,
better tool use- spread in Africa and into Asia and Europe
Late Paleolithic Developments
 120,000 years ago: Homo sapiens sapiens
o Originated in Africa
 Hunting-gathering societies (Hunting-Foraging Societies)
o Population growth was slow
o Women breastfed infants for several years to limit their
own fertility
o Significant equality between the sexes because of
common economic contributions
 Argument of higher caloric value provided by
women’s gathering, more consistent than hunting
 100,000 years ago: Speech developed with Homo erectus
 Religion: rituals, cave paintings, Goddesses (ex: Venus
 Culture was developed= systems of belief that helped explain
the environment and set up rules for various kinds of social
 Greatest achievement of Paleolithic People= sheer spread of
human species
 Calendar designations
o BC=Before Christ AD=anno Domini “year of our lord”
o BCE=Before Common Era CE= Common Era (less
Christian centered)
o Can use any event to designate time EX: Islamic
Calendar beginning 622CE
 14,000 years ago- last ice age ended- human development
 12,000-8,000 BCE= Mesolithic/Middle Stone Age
o Human ability to fashion stone tools greatly improved
o More animals domesticated (ex: cows)
The Neolithic Revolution
 Occurred in different times in different places (a primary
argument behind Guns, Germs, and Steel.)
 Neolithic Revolution occurred in different times in different parts
of the world
 9,000BCE- people increasingly depended on harvests led to
deliberate planting of seeds
 New animals domesticated ex: pigs, sheep, goats, cattle
 Development of agriculture began in the Middle East 10,000 to
8,000BCE “Fertile Crescent”
 Many exceptions to agricultural societies
 Agriculture set the basis for more rapid change in human
 Revolution b/c of magnitude of change involved
Rise of Cities
 Ex: Neolithic village Catal Huyuk in Turkey
 4000BCE- discovery of metal tools in Middle East- first copper
to Bronze Age (3000BCE) metal tools and weapons more
effective-to Iron Age(1500BCE)
Hunting/Gathering Neolithic
Domestication Improved
of Animals
More Sedentary
Population Specialization Rise of
of Labor
 Common features: cities, writing, formal states: Mesopotamia,
Egypt, Indus River basin, China
 Agriculture encouraged the formation of larger as well as more
stable human communities
 Slash and Burn- technique- agricultural but still moved around
 Pastoral/ Herding peoples moved in tribal lands with strong
kinship ties (domesticated animals, but moved around looking
for food)
 Irrigation devices for fields improved agriculture and irrigation
and defense encouraged villages
 Catal Huyuk: Turkey- founded 7,000BCE
o Houses made with sun-dried mud brick
o Self-sufficient
o Large villages ruled over smaller communities
o 3000BCE Catal Huyuk part of civilization along the Indus
 Civilization= subjective construct
 Define “civilization”- societies with enough economic surplus to
form divisions of labor and a social hierarchy involving
significant inequalities
 Most had writing- example Cuneiform 3500BCE- recipe for beer
 Writing important but many people illiterate until less than 200
years ago
 Question of African civilization- griots/ oral history still a form of
 Writing vs. record-keeping
 W/ civilization, more fully patriarchal societies emerged
 Nomads- still important contributors to world history (esp.
 Civilization increased human impact on the environmentdeforestation, pollution
Tigris-Euphrates Civilization
 Mesopotamia
 Irrigation important- community organized
 3500BCE developed cuneiform
 Astronomy
 Numbers based on 10, 60 and 360
 Ziggurats
 Each city had a patron God
 Religion
o Sumerian religious notions- ideas of the Gods creation of
the earth from water (Origin Story) and the divine
punishment of humans through floods (Epic of
Gilgamesh), later influence the writers of the Old
o Religious ideas of a gloomy cast believed in an afterlife of
punishment- original version of concept of hell
 Sumerian city-states with king with divine authority
 Kings/ Noble class/ priesthood- controlled land worked by
 Sumerians: wheeled carts, fertilizers, silver as money
 Hammurabi’s Code:
o “When Marduk commanded me to give justice to the
people of the land”
o Harsh punishment to prevent false accusations
o Use of ordeal- ex: holy river
o Class differences according to social ranking
Egyptian Civilization
 3000BCE formed along Lower Nile River
 Led by king(pharaoh)- God-like status
o Ruled with Ma’at (responsibility)
 Kingdom of Kush located to south and eventually invaded
 24 hour day
 Polytheistic with complex rituals to prepare people for the
afterlife (Horus)
o Heart weighed against feather
o Mummification to preserve body
o Sarcophagus- so ka (spirit) could find body
Indian and Chinese River Valley Civilization
 2500BCE Indus River= Harrapa and Mohenjo-Daro
o Houses with running water and sewer system
o Writing has not yet been deciphered
o Indo-European migration
 China- along Huanghe (Yellow River)
o Organized state- regulated irrigation
o 2000BCE- Chinese had advanced technology and
elaborate intellectual life
o Shang Dynasty: BRONZE CASTING
o Mandate of Heaven
Why is “CIVILIZATION” a loaded term?
Heritage of the River Valley Civilizations
 Monument building- invention of the wheel- taming of the horsealphabets- key math concepts- well organized monarchies and
 Most River Valley Civilizations declined by 1000BCE
 Phoenicians- 1300BCE- developed 22 letter alphabet
(predecessor to Greek and Latin)
o Purple dye
o Traders along Mediterranean Sea
o Colonies in North Africa (ex: Carthage)
 Lydians: introduced coined money
 Jews- first clearly developed monotheistic religion- settled near
Mediterranean Sea around 1200BCE
o Single God, guided destinies of Jewish people
o Wrote Hebrew Bible (Torah)
o Basis for development of Christianity and Islam
o Contract between God and Chosen People
o God was omnipresent, orderly and just
o Ethical conduct and moral behavior (Ex: 10
The First Civilizations
 Distinctive culture and political institutions with basic tools of
civilization including writing and formal government
 Pattern of division among the world’s peoples
 Cultural Diffusion
Duiker and Speilvogel
Chapter 1
 Definition of prehistory- before written record
 Hominids: Australopithecines –to- Homo erectus- to- Homo
sapiens (one group = Neanderthals)-to- Homo sapiens sapiens
 “out of Africa” theory still most dominant theory
 Paleolithic Age- rough equality between the sexes
o Fire about 500,000 years ago and Tools
o Cave Paintings (art, communication, higher-order thinking
 Agricultural (Neolithic) Revolution 10,000-4000BCE
o Shift from hunting-gathering to systematic agriculture
 Hunting/gathering –to-Neolithic Revolution-to-agriculture-todomestication of animals-to-food surplus-to-population
increase-to-specialization of labor-to-rise of towns and cities.
 Religion: “earth mothers” / Venus figurines= fertility
 Characteristics of Civilization:
o 1. urban revolution
o 2. New political and military structures
o 3. New social structures based on economic power
o 4. Complexity in a material sense
o 5. Religion
o 6. Writing
o 7. Artistic and intellectual activity
System of writing vs. Record-Keeping
o Walled cities, sun-dried mud bricks, ziggurat, theocracy,
social classes (90% of pop.=farmers), slavery
o Sumer (first cities)-to-Akkadians (Sargon)-toAmorites/Old Babylonians (Hammurabi)
o Religion: selfish gods and goddesses- humans
o Writing- Cuneiform- Epic of Gilgamesh
o Annual flooding of the Nile- cyclical rather than linear
o Kingship-divine/ pharaoh
o Couldn’t rule arbitrarily/ set principles= Ma’at spiritual
precept that conveyed the ideas of truth & justice but
especially right order and harmony
o Preparation for afterlife- Osiris/Isis
o Pyramids, hieroglyphics
o Amenhotep//Akhenaton
o Hatshepsut-female ruler w/ ceremonial beard- trade,
o Mediterranean Sea, trade and colonization= Carthage
o Alphabet
o Judaism
o Abraham- father/covenant with God
o Moses- exodus from Egypt
o Covenants, laws, prophets
o 10 Commandments
Assyrians (Ashurbanipal) to Chaldeans (Medes)
o Climate of terror
o Key Kings:
 Sennacherib (704-681 BCE)
 Ashurbanipal (669-626 BCE)
 Chaldeans
o Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562BCE)
o Capital at Babylon (“Hanging Gardens”)
 Persians
o Cyrus (559-530BCE)
o Darius (521-486 BCE)
o Satrapies- road system-communication-10,000
o Religion- Zoroastrianism- struggle between good and