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Greek Family reunion
Amphitrite –
the goddess of the sea. Daughter of Nereus and Doris. Wife of Poseidon.
Although her husbands can’t keep his claws off other women, she does not mind it; as long
as she is the one he comes home to at night.
Aphrodite –
the goddess of love and beauty. Daughter of Zeus and Dione, wife to
Hephaestus, and mother to Harmonia. Uses her appearance to get whatever she wants,
and if she doesn’t get it, well, let’s just say that doesn’t happen very often. Seeks love from
Ares instead of her husband.
Apollo –
the god of music, healing, light, and enlightenment. Son of Zeus and Leto, twin
brother of Artemis. As “God of the Sun” Apollo can brighten up anyone’s day, especially
with the assistance of his musical harp, the lyre.
Ares –
the god of war. Son of Zeus and Hera. Siblings include Hephaestus, Eris,
Eileithyia, and Hebe. Finds fun in the destruction of others, hence his love to participate in
battles. Short-tempered and merciless. However he does have a sweet spot for fooling
around with his brother’s wife, Aphrodite.
Artemis –
the goddess of the hunt, wild animals, childbirth, and virginity. Daughter of
Zeus and Leto, twin sister of Apollo. She encompasses the idea of doing things to the beat
of her own drum; refuses to conform to the ways of other goddesses, independent and carefree.
Athena –
the goddess of war, courage, justice, and crafts. Daughter of Zeus and Metis.
Unlike her step-brother Ares, she believe battles are just for the logical reasonings, not just
for the fun of it. Intelligent and modest, Athena is the ideal “Daddy’s little girl.”
Demeter –
the goddess of the harvest. Daughter of Cronus and Rhea, sister of Hades,
Poseidon, Zeus, Hestia, and Hera, mother of Persephone. Has a reserved nature, but can fall
to pieces if someone messes with her daughter.
Dionysus –
the god of winemaking, wine, and ecstasy. Son of Zeus and Semele. Joyous
and eager to spread the delightful taste of wine. The leader of the satyrs (part human, part
Eileithyia –
the goddess of childbirth and labor. Daughter of Zeus and Hera. Famous
siblings include Ares, Hephaestus, Eris, and Hebe. Easily swayed by jealous mother
Hera, who makes many requests of her to cause suffering to the baby mamas of her father,
Eris –
the goddess of chaos, strife, and discord. Daugther of Zeus and Hera. Known to
be the twin sister of Ares as well as Hephaestus, Eileithyia, and Hebe. Played an
infamous trick which ultimately started the Trojan War; loves to cause drama and stirs the
pot in conflicts, master of trickery.
Hades –
the god of the underworld. Son of Cronus and Rhea. Siblings include Zeus,
Poseidon, Hera, Hestia, and Demeter. Husband to Persephone. Has a reputation of being a
bad guy, but is really misjudged and is a pretty nice, passive guy, except for the the time when
he kidnapped his future wife.
Harmonia –
the goddess of harmony and peace. Daughter of Aphrodite and Ares. Has
a bit of her mother in her, and the complete opposite of her father. Kind of a hippie; was
given a necklace on her wedding day that gives anyone else who possesses it unfortunate
Hebe –
the goddess of youth. Daughter of Aphrodite and Zeus. Siblings include Ares,
Eris, Eileithyia, and Hephaestus. Married the famous Greek hero Heracles after turned to
a demi-god by Zeus. Technically the short-order waitress to the gods, giving them their
special immortal delacacies.
Hephaestus –
god of blacksmiths, craftsmen, fires, and volcanos. Son of Hera. Husband
of Aphrodite. Crippled but crafty; mastermind of creating the gods’ weapons. Cannot seem
to keep the attention of his bombshell wife, Aphrodite however.
Hera –
the goddess of women and the sanctity of marriage. Daughter of Cronus and Rhea.
Siblings include Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hestia, and Demeter. Wife of Zeus. Offspring
include Ares, Hephaestus, Eileithyia, Eris, and Hebe.You’ve heard of the term
“crazy ex-wife,” well she is just the crazy wife of Zeus. Faithful and true, but vengeful
when it comes to dealing with the mistresses and their children fathered by Zeus.
Hermes –
the god of commerce, theives, travelers and games. Son of Zeus and Maia.
The official messenger between the gods and mortals; likes to poke fun and play tricks on
the uptight gods. An athelete of the games and races. BFFs with Hestia.
Hestia –
the goddess of the hearth. Daughter of Cronus and Rhea. Sister of Hera,
Demeter, Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus. Kind and selfless, she has no known enemy, no beef
or conflict with any of the gods. Manager of Mt. Olympus. BFFs with Hermes.
Persephone –
the goddess of the underworld. Daughter of Demeter and Zeus. Wife of
Hades. Her youthful beauty was what brought Hades to the decision of kidnapping her and
keeping her captive in the underworld. A bit resentful of her husband; a devoted daughter to
her mother.
Poseidon –
the god of the sea. Son of Cronus and Rhea. Brother of Hades, Zeus, Hestia,
Hera, and Demeter. Husband of Amphitrite. The most temperamental of the gods,
anything could set him off and make the sea go crazy. Can make the earth shake and
people’s knees quake.
Zeus –
the god of the sky and thunder. Son of Cronus and Rhea. Brother of Poseidon,
Hades, Demeter, Hestia, and Hera. Husband of Hera. Father to- oh, who can keep count?!
The almighty powerful “King of the Gods” and supposidly “King of Getting Laid” for he
had many many baby mama’s, yet he was still consorted by Hera, needless to say she’s a bit
bitter by it.