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Lymphatic (IMMUNE) and Urinary Systems – notes
Function of the
Major Organs of
the Lymphatic
1. _____________________- The clear fluid found outside the cells which bathes
the tissues. It is collected, filtered, and transported by the lymphatic system from
around the tissues to the blood of the circulatory system.
2. _____________________– collect lymph fluid from the tissues of the body
3. _____________________- transport lymph fluid to the circulatory system.
1. The lymphatic system lacks a _____________________organ
2. To propel lymph, vessels rely on:
 Pulsations of nearby _____________________
 Movement of _____________________ throughout the body
 Contractions of _____________________ muscle in the walls of
the lymphatic vessels
4. _____________________ - are the main cells involved in the immune response
– Two main varieties __________________and ____________________
– T cells and B cells protect the body against antigens
 _____________________ – anything the body perceives as foreign. Ex:
Bacteria and their toxins; Viruses; Mismatched RBCs; or cancer cells
1. __________________- Manage the immune response;
Attack and destroy foreign cells
2. __________________- Produce plasma cells, which secrete
antibodies; Antibodies immobilize antigens
5. _____________________- Primary lymphatic organs of the body; Found within
connective tissue and along lymphatic vessels
– 2 basic functions:
– _____________________ –remove microorganisms, dead cells, and debris
– _____________________ system activation – monitor and attack antigens
6. _____________________- Largest lymphatic organ; Site of white blood cell
production; Immune surveillance and response; Cleanses the blood by removing
dead red blood cells
7. _____________________ - Only lymphoid organ that does NOT fight antigens, it
functions as “T-cell academy” – modifies T-cells
8. _____________________and Adenoids - Simplest lymphatic organs; Trap
bacteria and other antigens which work their way into the follicles where they are
_____________________ lymph fluid
Returns leaked_____________________to circulatory system
Produces and modifies cells of immune system to __________________infection
Function of the
Urinary System
Regulate _____________________ balance (fluid volume) of the body
_____________________ waste products from the blood
_____________________ blood pH
Regulate ion concentrations in the blood
Major Organs of
the Urinary
1. _____________________– main organs of the urinary
system; filter harmful poisons like urea from the blood
2. _____________________–stores urine
3. _____________________– tubes that connect kidneys
to bladder
4. _____________________– tube thru which urine exits
the body
Wastes Removed 1. Any substance that is useless to the body
by the Kidneys
– _____________________, Drugs, _____________________, Salts, hydrogen
ions, excess _____________________
and other
Disorders of the
Urinary System
2. Metabolic Wastes - produced by the body during cellular respiration; CO2 –
expelled by the lungs, but some in urine and Nitrogenous waste
– Excretion: Separation of waste from body fluid and waste and eliminating them
o _____________________ System – Carbon dioxide
o _____________________System – water, salts, lactic acid, urea
o _____________________ System – water, salts, carbon dioxide, lipids,
bile, pigments, cholesterol
o _____________________ System – metabolic waste, toxins, drugs,
hormones, salts, hydrogen ions, and water
_____________________– Calcium, phosphate, uric acid, and protein crystallize
in the kidneys
_____________________- Acute (sudden) kidney failure is the sudden loss of the
ability of the kidneys to remove waste and concentrate urine.
– Can be caused by: Dehydration, Hemorrhage, Injury, Septic shock, Serious
illness, Surgery
Quick Time Review:
Choose the system each belongs
1. Femur, Skull, Clavicle _________________
2. Liver, Pancreas, Small Intestines _____________
3. Kidneys, Urethra, Ureters, Bladder _____________
4. Brain, Spinal Cord, Neurons ___________________
5. Skin, Hair, Nails ______________________
6. Trachea, Alveoli, Diaphragm ______________
7. Spleen, Tonsils, Lymph Nodes _______________
8. Arteries, Capillaries, Heart, Veins ____________
Key words:
Break Down and absorb __________________
6. Movement ____________________________
Transport _________________________
7. Control Actions _________________________
Fights pathogens ______________________
8. Filters Blood ____________________________
Gas exchange ________________________
9. Protect, Store, Create Blood _________________
Excretes and Regulates temperature _____________________