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King Saud University
PHG 413
03/7/1431 H
Marks: 40, Time: 120 min.
College of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmacognosy
Final Exam
Name of Student
KSU ID Number
I. Encircle the letter of the most appropriate choice (20 Marks)
1. The avitaminosis of vitamin A may lead to:
a- Scurvy.
b- Pellagra.
c- Xerophthalmia.
d- Beri-beri
2. Osteoporosis may resulted from deficiency of:
a- Calcium, calcitonin, and/or parathyroid hormone.
b- Vitamin D, calcium and/or corticosteroids.
c- Vitamin D, vitamin B9 or/and calcitonin.
d- Vitamin D, calcium, or/and estrogen.
3. Hypovitaminosis in Thiamin, Pyridoxal, and Biotin can results from:
a- Concomitant intake of raw liver, raw egg, and raw fish, respectively.
b- Concomitant intake of raw fish, isoniazid, and raw egg, respectively.
c- Concomitant intake of cortisone, antidepressant, and milk, respectively.
d- Concomitant intake of raw fish, raw liver, and raw egg, respectively.
4. Diet rich in polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) increases the requirement of:
a- Vitamins A.
b- Tocopherols.
c- Vitamin B12
d- Calcium.
5. These vitamins are partially supported to human by his bacterial flora:
a- Biotin, menaquinones, and cobalamins.
b- Vitamins A, D, and K.
c- Vitamins K, B12, and E.
d- L-ascorbic acid, Niacin, Methylcobalamin.
6. The following compounds are examples of the active form of vitamins:
a- Carotene, pyridoxal-5-phosphate, and tetrahydrofolic acid.
b- L-Ascorbic acid, thiamine pyrophosphate, and tetrahydrofolic acid.
c- Folic acid, riboflavin, and thiamin-monophospahte
d- D-Ascorbic acid, thiamine pyrophosphate, and flavin mononucleotide.
7. Neural tube defects in fetus may be due to deficiency of ……………. during the 1st
a- Biotin alone.
b- Vitamin B9 alone.
c- Vitamin B12 alone
d- Both folic acid and Vitamin B12
8. Liver is the richest source of:
a- Vitamins E, C, and K, and iron
b- Vitamins A, B2, niacin and iron
c- Retinol, iron, vitamins B1, and C
d- Calcium, vitamins D, B3 and pantothenic acid.
Atallah F. Ahmed, PhD , PHG413
9. Synthetic vitamin E is less bioactive than the natural one since it is composed of:
a- -tocopherol.
b- dl--tocopherol.
c- -tocopherol.
d- d--tocopherol.
10. The Vitamin A supplement for pregnant women is:
a- Not exceed 1 gram
b- 200 g.
c- Not exceed 2000 g.
d- 4000-9000 g.
11. Absoption of iron from intestine is inhibited by:
a- Multiple tea and coffee drinks
b- Vitamin C and citric acid
c- Heme-iron diets.
d- Vitamin C and phytic acid.
12. The absorption of vitamin K may be impaired by the chronic use of:
a- Vitamin B complex
b- Mineral oils or cholestyramine.
c- Calcium and Magnesium supplements
d- Oral hypoglycemic.
13. Chronic use of aspirin and antibiotics may interfere with absorption and action of:
a- Vitamin K
b- Vitamin C
c- Biotin
d- Folic acid.
14. Man with atrophy of the gastric parietal cells may develop:
a- Macrocytic hypochromic anemia
b- Iron deficiency anemia.
c- Pernicious anemia.
d- Microcytic hypochromic anemia
15. Irridation of vitamin B1 with UV ray (or day light) in acid medium produce inactive:
a- Lumiflavin.
b- Ribochrome
c- Lumichrome.
d- Chromoflavin.
16. The following supplements can be used in skin care and wound healing:
a- Vitamin B1, E, and folic acid.
b- Vitamins B9, A, and calcium.
c- Vitamins A, K, and C.
d- Vitamins A, E, and Ascorbic acid.
17. People taking anticoagulant drugs may be susceptible to the risk of hemorrhage
with high doses of:
a- Vitamin A.
b- Vitamin B12
c- Vitamin E
d- Vitamin D.
18. Iron is an essential cofactor for several important redox enzyme systems such as:
a- Cytochrome P450, sulfite oxidas, superoxide dismutase
b- Peroxidases, superoxide dismutase and catalases.
c- Cytochrome P450, peroxidases and catalases.
b- Sulfite oxidas, superoxide dismutase and catalases
Atallah F. Ahmed, PhD , PHG413
19. Angular stomatitis and cheilosis are symptoms of …………………….. deficiency:
a- Vitamin A
b- Folic acid
c- Vitamin B1
c- Vitamin B2
20. Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2, and -carotene have the following colors:
a- Red, orange, and yellow, respectively.
b- Red, yellow, and orange, respectively.
c- Red, colorless, and yellow, respectively.
d- Orange, yellow, and red, respectively.
21. Brewer’s yeast is the richest source of:
a- Vitamin C.
b- Trace minerals.
c- Vitamin K.
d- Vitamin B complex
22. The following man may develop a risk of iodine deficiency:
a- Vegetarian man eating marine algae.
b- Man exposed to industrial pollutants e.g. resorcinol or phthalates.
c- Man living near seas.
d- Man living on fish.
23. Casal’s necklace and dementia are latent symptoms of ………………… deficiency:
a- Biotin
b- Folic acid
c- Niacin
d- Pantothenic acid.
24. Peptide hormones act by :
a- Indirect activation of cAMP.
b- Binding to specific receptors in the cell.
c- Direct activation of cAMP
d- Direct binding to DNA.
25. Human chorionic gonadotropin is produced by:
a- Posterior pituitary gland
b-Corpus leuteum.
c- Placenta.
d- Anterior pituitary gland.
26. Vasopressin can be used in treatment of:
a- Hypertension.
b- Diabetes mellitus.
c- Some cases of bedwetting by children.
d- Increasing of milk ejection in breastfeeding.
27. Male sex hormones are steroids with:
a- 23 carbons.
b- 21 carbons.
c- 19 carbons.
d- 18 carbons.
28. Somatostatin is not secreted by:
a- Hypothalamus.
b- Stomach.
c- Pituitary gland
d- Pancreas.
29. Clinical symptoms of diabetes Type 1 do not include:
a- Polyphagia.
b- Polycythemia.
c- Polydipsia.
d- Polyuria.
30. Lispro and Glulisine are types of:
a- Long-acting insulins.
b- Intermediate acting insulins.
c- Rapid-acting insluins.
d- Oral insulins.
Atallah F. Ahmed, PhD , PHG413
31. Diffuse toxic goiter is better treated with
a- Potassium iodide.
b- Radioactive potassium iodide.
c- Thyroid extract tablets.
d- Levothyroxin.
32. Paget’s disease is better treated by:
a- Salmon calcitonin.
b- Glucagon.
c- Parathyroid hormone.
d- None of the above.
33. Stilbesterol is not used as:
a- A drug for advanced prostate cancer.
b- A drug for breast cancer in post-menopause.
c- A drug for cancer uterus.
d- An estradiol substitute.
34. Spironolactone can be used as:
a- Antiduretic agent
b- Potassium sparing antihypertensive agent.
c- Androgenic agent
d- Hypertensive agent.
35. The steroidal structure (particularly rings B and C) is not essential for the activity of:
a- Androgens.
b- Progestagens
c- Glucocorticoids.
d- Estrogens.
36. Hirsutism and acne can be treated with:
a- Progestagen antagonist.
b- Androgen antagonist .
c- Estrogen antagonist.
d- Xenoestrogens.
37. Congenital hypothyroidism is usually associated with:
a- Dwarfism.
b- Keratosis
c- Creatinuria.
d- Cretinism.
38. Growth hormone secretion can be stimulated by:
a- Somatostatin.
b- Deep sleep.
c- Dihydrotestosterone.
d- Hyperglycemia or high concentration of IGF-1.
39. Bromocriptine (Parlodel®) is:
a- Suppressant for prolactin secretion.
b- Dopamine agonist.
c- Both of above.
d- None of above.
40. Hormones used in prediction ovulation and diagnosis of pregnancy:
a- LH and ACTH, respectively.
b- hCG and FSH, respectively.
c- hCG and LH, respectively.
d- LH and hCG, respectively.
Atallah F. Ahmed, PhD , PHG413
II. You are provided with the following structures. Investigate them carefully
then answer the following questions: (10 Marks)
(1) Correct structure 1 to be active vitamin D3.
(2) Correct structure 2 to be the most active vitamin E member.
(3) Give the name of compound 3: ……………………………
(4) Compound 3 is secreted from ………………….. gland.
(5) Compound 3 is transformed into ……………….. which is four times active.
(6) Give the name of compound 4: ………………………….
(7) Compound 4 is transformed by …………………. enzyme to the most active
(8) Give the name of compound 5: ………………………….
(9) State two uses of the antagonist of compound 5:
1. …………………………………………………………………………….
2. ……………………………………………………………………………..
Atallah F. Ahmed, PhD , PHG413
III. A. Choose ONE suitable item from EACH of Column A and Column B to match
with every substance, then in put your answer as shown in the following style in
the Table below:
1. Ax, By,
2. Am, Bn , ………….etc
WARNING: DO NOT Choose One Item Twice.
(10 Marks)
Detemir insulin
6. Gossypol
7. Finasteride
8. Calcitonin
9. Parathyroid
Column A
A1: long acting insulin.
A 2: Hormone derived from
A 3: Calcimimetic drug.
A4: Extracted from Cotton seed.
A5: Hormone secreted from C
cells of thyroid gland.
A 6: Estrogen antagonist
A 7: Hypercalcemic hormone.
A 8: E.g. Isoflavones.
A 9: 5-reductase inhibitor
A 10: Progestrone antagonist.
A 11: Short acting insulin.
Column B
B1: treatment of estrogen receptor
positive-breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
B2: Decrease calcium absorption by
B3: Labor induction in case of fetal death
B4: Inactive thyroid-like hormone.
B5: Used as inhalation in type 1 diabetes.
B6: Occur in soya beans.
B7: Treatment of androgenic alopecia
B8: Increase calcium release from bone
B9: Treatment of secondary
B10: Male contarceptive
B11: Suitable for type 2 diabetes.
Atallah F. Ahmed, PhD , PHG413