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NAME: ________________________
Multiple Choice
Christie is 2 months old. She is unable to keep her formula down. Her mother notices that
not only does she spit up after feeding, but that the milk is curdled and undigested.
1. What diagnosis is the doctor likely to make?
A. Christie dislikes the milk she is being fed.
B. She probably has pylorospasm.
C. The mother is advised to hold Christie in a more upright position when feeding
D. Tonsillitis prevents Christie from swallowing properly.
2. The doctor has ordered oral rehydration for Christie because she is dehydrated. He
has prescribed a prepared solution that contains which of the following ingredients?
A. water and sugar
B. protein and fat
C. sugar and salt
D. none of the above
3. Janice Kafer is a 36-year-old professional nurse in charge of a very busy pediatric
unit. She works long hours under demanding and stressful circumstances. She reveals
to her physician that she suffers frequent episodes of stomach pain. After an extensive
exam and x-rays he tells her that the first part of the small intestine is inflamed
causing her stomach pain. What is this part of the small intestine called?
A. duodenum
B. jejunum
C. esophagus
D. pylori orifice
4. The doctor also felt Ms. Kafer had an over production of acid. What is this acid
A. submucosa
B. cecum
C. ileocecal
D. hydrochloric
5. Mr. Bell, age 51, has noticed blood in his feces. After testing, the doctor informed
him of a tumor in the last part of the colon. What is this S-shaped part of the colon
A. sigmoid
B. small intestine
C. duodenum
D. rugae
6. Duodenal ulcers appear in which of the following?
A. stomach
B. small intestine
C. large intestine
D. esophagus
7. What is the portion of the peritoneum that holds the intestinal loops in place called?
A. omentum
B. mesentery
C. peritoneal cavity
D. ligament
8. A product of digestion called chyme is formed in which of the following?
A. esophagus
B. small intestine
C. stomach
D. large intestine
9. The enzyme pepsin is concerned primarily with the digestion of which of the
A. sugars
B. starches
C. proteins
D. fats
10. The enzyme amylase converts which of the following?
A. starches to sugars
B. sugars to starches
C. proteins to amino acids
D. fatty acids and glycerols to fats
Complete the following statements using the terms listed below.
A. Ileum
M. Pyloric sphincter
B. Amylase
N. Sigmoid colon
C. Muscular coat
O. Canines
D. Metabolism
P. Amino acids
E. Cholecystokinin
Q. Duodenum
F. Molars
R. Jejunum
G. Cardiac sphincter
S. Premolars
H. Digestion
T. Mucosa
I. Incisors
U. Submucosa
J. Greater omentum
V. Cecum
K. Absorption
W. Bile
L. Adventitia
X. Serosa
11. The S-shaped portion of the colon is called _____.
12. The portion of the peritoneum that descends from the stomach and the transverse
colon to form a lacy apron of fat over the intestines is called the _____.
13. The “building blocks” of protein molecules are _____.
14. The small intestine is made up of three sections called _____, _____, and _____.
15. Fats that enter into the digestive tract are emulsified when they are acted upon by a
substance called
16. Foods undergo three kinds of processing in the body: _____, _____, and _____.
17. Fats in the chyme stimulate the secretion of _____, which stimulates contraction of
the gallbladder to release bile.
18. The four tissue layers that make up the wall of the digestive tract are _____, _____,
_____, and _____.
19. Food enters the stomach by passing through a muscular structure at the end of the
esophagus. This structure is called the _____.
20. The four major types of teeth found in the human mouth are _____, _____, _____,
and _____.
Select the most correct answer from Column B for each item in Column A. (Only one
answer is correct for each.)
Column A
Column B
A. Frenulum
B. Large intestine
C. Throat
D. Mesentery
E. Appendix
F. Esophagus
G. Villi
H. Peristalsis
I. Colon
J. Parotid
21. Salivary gland
22. Lining the small intestine
23. Muscularis
24. Tongue
25. Large intestine
26. Vitamin K
27. Foodpipe
28. Pharynx
29. Small structure attached to cecum
30. Peritoneum
31. ____________
32. ____________
33. ____________
34. ____________
35. ____________
36. ____________