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T003 – Version 2
Ancient Greece - - - > Reformation
Name: _______________________________________________________
DUE: Mon. 20 Oct. 2014
TEST: Ancient Greece - - - > the Reformation
Global History 2 H – Version 1
NEW QUESTIONS (not seen before)
1. During the 14th century, the Black Death became a widespread epidemic primarily because of
(1) the resurgence of trade
(3) Chinese overseas exploration
(2) European colonial policies
(4) new agricultural practices
[REGENTS: June 2012]
2. One long-term effect of the Crusades was the
(1) development of Pax Mongolia
(3) fall of the Ming dynasty
(2) control of Jerusalem by Europeans
(4) growth of trade and towns in western Europe
[REGENTS: January 2012]
3. Which region had the greatest influence on the historical and cultural development of the Byzantine Empire?
(1) Latin America
(2) Rome
(3) India
(4) Egypt
[REGENTS: August 2012]
4. During the Renaissance, humanist philosophers emphasized the importance of
(1) individualism
(3) absolutism
(2) religious salvation
(4) technological advancements
[REGENTS: August 2012]
5. Which statement about the Protestant Reformation is an opinion rather than a fact?
(1) German princes revolted against the Holy Roman Emperor.
(2) Membership in the Catholic Church declined in northern Europe.
(3) European religious unity was disrupted by the newly established religions.
(4) Henry VIII led a stronger religious reform movement than Martin Luther did.
[REGENTS: August 2012]
6. The Code of Hammurabi, the Twelve Tables, and the Justinian Code are examples of
(1) religious edicts
(2) written laws
(3) epic poems
(4) democratic constitutions
[REGENTS: August 2012]
7. One way Japanese feudalism during the Tokugawa shogunate was different from European feudalism is that during
this period of Japanese feudalism
(1) political power was more centralized
(2) foreign missionaries were welcomed
(3) emperors were overthrown in coups d’état
(4) most wealthy merchants were able to attain high social status
[REGENTS: January 2012]
8. One impact Gutenberg’s printing press had on western Europe was
(1) the spread of Martin Luther’s ideas
(3) a decrease in the number of universities
(2) a decline in literacy
(4) the unification of the Holy Roman Empire
[REGENTS: January 2012]
9. The Code of Hammurabi of Babylon and the Justinian Code of the Byzantine Empire served functions similar to the
(1) Ziggurats of the Sumerians
(3) Buddhist stupas
(2) Maya hieroglyphics
(4) Twelve Tables of the Romans
[REGENTS: June 2012]
T003 – Version 2
Ancient Greece - - - > Reformation
Base your answers to the following questions on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies.
…Aside from female saints, the women described in the greatest detail by Byzantine authors are empresses and
aristocrats. Although they had a certain amount of freedom, these women were held to very much the same standards
as average women in Byzantine society: modesty, piety, and self-control were traits of an ideal woman. To preserve
their modesty, young unmarried women rarely went out in public alone, and married women who did not have jobs
outside the home left the house only for specific reasons, such as to go to the market, to church, or to the baths. By
the middle Byzantine period, it was thought appropriate for women, when they did go out, tovcover their heads.…
— Molly Fulghum Heintz, “Work,” in Ioli Kalavrezou, Byzantine Women and Their World, Harvard University Art
Museums, 2003 (adapted)
10. What is the primary theme of this passage?
(1) social mobility
(2) cultural values
(3) economic interests
11. Which statement about Byzantine society is best supported by this passage?
(1) Empresses and aristocrats were more important than female saints.
(2) All women were expected to adhere to similar standards.
(3) Most women had jobs outside the home.
(4) Young unmarried women were encouraged to be independent.
(4) natural rights
[REGENTS: June 2012]
[REGENTS: June 2012]
Base your answers to the following questions on the speakers’ statements below
and on your knowledge of social studies.
Speaker A: The chief problem with the Roman Catholic Church is the practice of selling indulgences. The only way for
Christians to receive salvation is through faith alone.
Speaker B: If Christians want to be saved, they should perform good deeds and ask for forgiveness of sins. The granting
of indulgences allows Christians to be excused for their sins.
Speaker C: It is true that the Bible, and not members of the clergy, is the ultimate source of religious truth. However,
God has already decided who will be saved and who will not.
Speaker D: Since the Pope does not agree with my position, I have decided to separate from the Roman Catholic
Church. I am now not only the head of England but also of the Anglican Church.
12. Which speaker most closely reflects the ideas of Martin Luther?
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
[REGENTS: June 2012]
13. Which statement about ancient Greece is an opinion rather than a fact?
(1) Mountainous terrain was an obstacle to Greek political unity.
(2) The Spartan culture placed an emphasis on military skills.
(3) Athens granted voting rights to male citizens only.
(4) Greek architecture was superior to Persian architecture.
[REGENTS: January 2012]
T003 – Version 2
Ancient Greece - - - > Reformation
14. An economic reason for the institution of serfdom was to maintain
(1) an educated citizenry
(3) a stable workforce
(2) overseas trade
(4) religious uniformity
[REGENTS: January 2012]
15. Which point of view best represents the philosophy of the Renaissance?
1. The Greek and Roman civilizations are worthy of study.
2. Class distinctions in society should be abolished.
3. Religious doctrines are the only subject of value.
4. The glorification of human beings is sinful.
16. One way in which the writers of the Renaissance were influenced by the writers of ancient Greece
was that the Renaissance writers
1. promoted the religious doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church
2. showed little interest in secular affairs
3. produced few new scientific ideas
4. stressed the power of human reason
17. Constantinople became the center of the Byzantine Empire because
(1) the pope had made it the capital of the Christian world
(2) it was a religious center for Muslims
(3) its location made it the crossroads of Europe and Asia
(4) it was geographically isolated from surrounding empires
18. What is a major contribution of the Byzantine Empire to global history?
(1) preservation of Greek and Roman culture
(3) construction of the pyramids
(2) expansion of equal rights
(4) invention of writing
19. In a feudal society, wealth is based mainly on
1. owning land.
3. possessing abundant raw materials.
2. making a profit.
4. investing in businesses.
20. The political system that existed in medieval Europe is known as
1. capitalism
2. democracy
3. feudalism
4. manorialism
21. Which was a characteristic of feudalism in both medieval Europe and Japan?
1. The middle class acquired more power than any other class did.
2. Political power was held by a strong centralized government.
3. The army encouraged strong nationalistic feelings among the people.
4. All the people knew their roles in a rigid class system.
22. Which statement best describes the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe
during the Middle Ages?
1. The Church encouraged individuals to questions authority.
2. Church leaders were involved solely in spiritual activities.
3. The Church gained influence as the world became more secular.
4. The Church provided a sense of stability, unity, and order.
T003 – Version 2
Ancient Greece - - - > Reformation
23. Which was a characteristic of feudalism?
1. Land was exchanged for military service and obligations.
2. Government was provided by a bureaucracy of civil servants.
3. Power rested in the hands of a strong central government.
4. Unified national court systems were developed.
24. A major result of the Crusades was the
1. conversion of the majority of Europeans to Protestantism.
2. weakening of the power of the middle class in Europe.
3. growth of trade between Europe and Asia
4. development of feudalism in Europe.
25. The Crusades helped begin the Renaissance because they
1. opened trade with America.
2. increased the power of the Roman Catholic Church.
3. brought contact with the ideas and products of other people.
4. freed the Byzantine Empire from Muslim control.
26. The Renaissance in western Europe is best described as a period marked by
(1) unquestioned reliance on the teachings of Aristotle
(2) an advance of Muslim culture
(3) Christian unity throughout the region
(4) great intellectual and artistic creativity
27. In Europe, a major characteristic of humanism was
1. a belief in the supremacy of the state in relation to individual rights.
2. a rejection of ancient civilizations and their cultures.
3. an emphasis on social control and obedience to national rulers.
4. an appreciation for the basic worth of individual achievement.
28. Which characteristic was common to the Golden Age of Greece and the Italian Renaissance?
1. A strong military led to national unity.
2. Written constitutions led to the establishment of democratic governments.
3. Prosperity led to the creation of many works of art.
4. Political instability led directly to the formation of unified city-states.
29. During the Renaissance, which development contributed most to the Protestant Reformation?
1. interest in Ancient Greece and Rome
3. questioning of traditional authority
2. advances in mathematics and science
4. attention to realism and detail
30. What is meant by Machiavelli’s belief that “the end justifies the means”?
(1) Leaders may use any method to achieve what is best for the state.
(2) The general public always acts in its own best interest.
(3) Pleasing all of the people at any given time is possible.
(4) Leaders must always act for the common good.
31. The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation were similar in that both were
1. stimulated by a spirit of inquiry
3. supported by the working class
2. limited to Italy, France, and Germany
4. encouraged by the successes of Ancient Egypt
T003 – Version 2
Ancient Greece - - - > Reformation
32. Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses were a call for
1. religious revolt against the German princes.
2. greater Papal authority
3. reforms within the Roman Catholic Church
4. crusades to spread Christianity
33. Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox and Henry VIII are all associated with the
1. Protestant Reformation 2. Scientific Revolution
3. Russian Revolution
4. Middle Ages
34. The Protestant Reformation in Europe resulted most directly in the
1. development of socialism
3. decrease in the power of the Roman Catholic Church
2. end of wars between European nations.
4. expansion of feudalism
35. Alexander the Great’s conquests of Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, and Persia led to the
1. spread of Hellenic culture
3. isolated Athens and Sparta from the modern world
2. adoption of a feudal system
4. establishment of representative democracy
36. The ancient Athenians are credited with
1. inventing and using the wheel.
2. eliminating slavery.
3. establishing governments that had democratic elements.
4. inventing the printing press.
37. A major contribution of the Roman Empire to Western society was the development of
1. an effective legal system
3. monotheism
2. gunpowder
4. ostracism
“CastleLearning” QUESTIONS
Base your answer to this question on the graphic organizer below and on your knowledge of social studies.
38. Which title best completes this graphic organizer?
1. Arab Accomplishments
2. Achievements of Meso-American Civilizations
3. Russian Law and Architecture
4. Byzantine Achievements
T003 – Version 2
Ancient Greece - - - > Reformation
39. Which heading would be best for the partial outline below?
I. _____________________________
A. Desire to be released from feudal obligations
B. Defense of the Holy Land
C. Forgiveness of sins
D. Desire for wealth from the Middle East
1. Reasons for the Reformation
2. European Motives for Fighting the Crusades
3. Causes of the Fall of the Roman Empire
4. Reasons for the Split Between the Eastern and Western Churches
A. Crusades
B. Fall of the Roman Empire
C. Golden Age of Greece
D. Renaissance
40. Which sequence of letters places these events in the correct chronological order?
A → B → C→ D
D→ C→ B→ A
C→ B→ A→ D
C→ D→ B→ A
41. Which political system is associated with the social stratification system shown in the illustration?
1. monotheism
2. Feudalism
3. Confucianism
4. polytheism
T003 – Version 2
Ancient Greece - - - > Reformation
42. In both Europe and Japan, the major reason for the development of the political system shown in the illustration
was to
eliminate the need for a legal system
increase trade and manufacturing in the region
consolidate the political power of religious leaders
provide order during a period of weak central governments
43. Which statement is best supported by the diagram?
1. The people in this community are not religious.
2. The main occupation in this community is soldiering.
3. There is a shortage of water in this community.
4. There is evidence of self-sufficiency in this community.
44. This diagram shows part of Europe's culture during which time period ?
1. Roman Empire
2. Ancient Greece
3. Middle Ages
4. Scientific Revolution
T003 – Version 2
Ancient Greece - - - > Reformation
OLD QUESTIONS ( … taken from the 1st & 2nd tests … )
45. Which geographic feature did the earliest civilizations in Egypt, India, and China have in common?
(1) mountains that provided protection from invasion
(2) rivers that increased the fertility of the land by flooding
(3) vast forests that supplied lumber for building
(4) tropical climates that included monsoons
[ REGENTS: August 2012]
46. Which civilization best completes the title of this outline?
(1) Ghana
(2) Song
(3) Khmer
(4) Gupta
[ REGENTS: August 2012]
47. What is one way in which animism, Shinto, and Daoism are similar?
(1) emphasis on harmony with nature
(3) monotheistic belief systems
(2) belief in the idea of nirvana
(4) reliance on the teachings of the Vedas
[ REGENTS: June 2012]
48. The Korean peninsula has been seen as a "land bridge" because
1. it transmitted culture between China and Japan
2. it physically connects China to Japan
3. it protected Japan from Mongol invasion
4. it was used as invasion route to China by the Vietnamese
49. The Harrappan and Mohenjo-Daro civilizations were known for
1. rectangular pyramids
3. the foundation of Buddhism
2. planned cities (urban planning)
4. conquering vast expanses of land
50. Which was an important teaching of Confucius?
1. intellectual knowledge is secondary to one's emotions
2. the family group can often hinder the smooth functioning of the society
3. all persons must accept and perform their duties in society
4. those who have military power have earned the right to govern
T003 – Version 2
Ancient Greece - - - > Reformation
51. One way in which the Vedas, the Bible, and the Koran are similar is that these religious books
1. provide guidelines to govern the behavior of believers
2. deny the existence of a supreme being who rules the universe
3. encourage strife between segments of believers
4. support political rebellions to overthrow existing governments
52. Which statement about farming in India is most accurate?
1. Monsoons bring much of the water that makes farming possible.
2. Few people were involved in farming.
3. Production of food has declined since independence.
4. Most farms are owned by the government.
53. Which belief is shared by Hindus and Buddhists?
1. Everyone should have the same social status.
2. People should pray five times a day.
3. The soul can be reincarnated.
4. Material wealth is a sign of the blessing of the gods.
54. In the Middle East during Neolithic times, the development of farming brought about
1. the establishment of permanent settlements
2. a return to a nomadic lifestyle
3. the rise of hunting as an important occupation
4. increased dependence on the exportation of oil
55. Which statement best describes society under the influence of medieval Christianity and traditional Islam?
1. Religion was a way of life that governed people from birth to death.
2. Religion permitted the freedom to choose how people would worship.
3. Religion played a major role only in the lives of the clergy.
4. Both religions influenced society by stressing the equality of all religions.
56. The Code of Hammurabi was a major contribution to the development of civilization because it
1. treated citizens and slaves equally
2. ended all physical punishment
3. recorded existing laws for all to see
4. rejected the principle of filial piety
57. Hieroglyphic and cuneiform systems provided the basis for the development of
(1) subsistence farming
(3) painting and sculpture
(2) oral traditions
(4) recorded history
58. The river valleys of the Tigris-Euphrates, the Nile, and the Indus were centers of civilization because they
1. had rich deposits of iron ore and coal
2. were isolated from other cultural influences
3. were easy to defend from invasion
4. provided a means of transportation and irrigation
T003 – Version 2
Ancient Greece - - - > Reformation
59. Which is a feature of most traditional societies?
1. political equality of men and women
2. extended family system
3. ease of upward mobility
4. involvement of all adults in decision-making
60. The Ten Commandments and Five Pillars of Wisdom are similar in that they
1. established a class structure for society
2. are guidelines for living
3. consist of prayers for salvation
4. promise a happy and easy life
61. Which is the best evidence that culture may extend beyond many politically drawn boundaries?
1. The same language is spoken in many countries.
2. Neighboring countries often have different religions.
3. Independent nations have their own currency.
4. Countries near each other are often historic enemies.
62. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are similar because they
1. base their beliefs on the Koran
2. stress belief in reincarnation
3. are monotheistic
4. promote the practice of polygamy
63. The geographic isolation of a people frequently reinforces
1. a traditional way of life
2. the development of scientific investigation
3. the need for higher education
4. a process of cultural diffusion
64. Where does the archaeological evidence gathered by Louis and Mary Leakey suggest the
earliest humans developed?
(1) Great Rift Valley
(3) Himalaya Mountains
(2) Amazon rain forest
(4) Philippine archipelago
[REGENTS: January 2009]
65. Subsistence farming can best be defined as
(1) harvesting a surplus of crops to be sold for profit
(2) producing just enough food for a family’s survival
(3) domesticating animals to transport goods
(4) irrigating crops to increase production
[REGENTS: January 2009]
66. A direct result of the Neolithic Revolution is that people
(1) began living in permanent settlements
(2) developed a nomadic way of life
(3) depended on hunting and gathering
(4) used crop rotation to increase agricultural output
[REGENTS: January 2009]