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Enercon 2020
exploring the earth's resources for the production of electricity
1. What was the main form of energy used to produce electricity in the U.S. during the last
five years?
a) Solar energy
b) Nuclear energy
c) Hydroelectric Power
d) Fossil Fuels
2. Which natural resource is primarily used to generate nuclear energy?
a) plutonium
b) uranium
c) titanium
d) petroleum
3. What is the primary fossil fuel used to generate electricity?
a) Petroleum
b) Natural gas
c) Coal
d) Crude oil
4. Which examples below are all alternative forms of energy?
a) Natural gas, coal and oil
b) Oil, tidal and biomass
c) wind power, hydroelectric and geothermal
d) Nuclear, natural gas and wind power
5. Why is coal a non-renewable resource?
a) it is too expensive to manufacture
b) it takes millions of years to make
c) since the mid-80’s, refineries are primarily used for renewing petroleum rather than coal
d) all coal mines in the U.S. were closed in the mid-90’s due to Clean Air Act regulations
6. D.O.E. stands for
a) Development and Opportunities for Energy
b) Developmental Organization of Enron
c) Department of Energy
d) Department of Operations for Energy
7. The D.O.E. is responsible for
a) ensuring our national security, energy security, energy efficiency, environmental quality, and
science and technology for energy resources in the U.S.
b) determining the price of energy as well as its distribution in the United States
c) allocating funds to corporations for research and development in the energy industry
d) all of the above
Deregulation of energy
Allows for a competitive market in the electricity production industry
Allows customers to choose their own supplier of energy services
Requires a mandate from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and supportive state
d) All of the above
9. The state of California was in the news during the summer of 1998 because of
a) The bankruptcy of Enron, their largest energy supplier
b) an energy shortage
c) illegal energy production and usage by major corporations
d) the development of wind power as their primary source for generating electricity
10. Enron
a) Is the Texas branch of the Nuclear Regulatory Committee
b) Was responsible for energy deregulation in the continental U.S.
c) Is a Texas-based energy company created and owned by the family of President Bush
d) Was investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission for inflating stock value
and misrepresenting the company’s worth to its employees as well as the public
11. The world’s supply of fossil fuels is estimated to
a) Last until the year 2010
b) Last until the end of this century
c) Last until the end of this millenium
d) Be renewable
12. Electricity can be generated from
a) uranium electrons that subsequently flow through wires
b) the electrons from water molecules that pass through a turbine before entering wires to
your home
c) the sun’s release of alpha particles that contain electrons and are stored in fuel-cells until
d) electromagnetic radiation that is stored in photovoltaic cells and later converted into
13. The United States ranks ___________ in energy consumption worldwide.
a) first
b) fifth
c) twentieth
d) one-hundreth
14. Solar energy was first used to generate electricity in the United States in
a) the 1700’s
b) the 1950’s
c) 1998
d) solar energy has never been used to generate electricity in the U.S.
15. The United States ranks ___________ in population worldwide.
a) first
b) third
c) sixteenth
d) seventy-third
16. Yucca Mountain
a) is located in Arizona and currently stores 90% of the nuclear waste in the United States
b) is located in New Mexico and is the source of more than 90% of all uranium used nuclear
power plants in the United States
c) is located in Nevada and is designed to store over 90% of the nuclear waste generated
from power plants in the United States
d) is a National Forest that has been approved by the DOE for oil exploration beginning in
17. OPEC
a) is the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries which was organized in 1960 to
achieve stable oil prices for both producers and consumers worldwide
b) is the Official Petroleum Exploration Cooperative which was organized in 1973 to
explore more cost efficient avenues for mining and importing oil
c) is the Oil Pipeline Exxon Corporation which was hired in 1988 to construct the Alaskan
d) is the Organization of the People Exporting Coal which was organized in 1945 to insure
equitable purchasing rights to employees who owned stock in energy corporations
18. IREC is
a) The International Resource Exporting Council
b) The Intergovernmental Resource Exploration Committee
c) The Interstate Renewable Energy Council
d) The Iraqi Regional Energy Consortium
19. The World Council of Energy promotes
a) equitable procurement and distribution of world energy resources
b) the sustainable supply and use of energy for the greatest benefit of all
c) environmentally conscious exploration and retrieval of energy resources
d) and provides fair-minded legislation for oil producing countries
20. The Energy Crisis of 1973 was caused by
a) United States failure to provide regulated pricing and distribution of energy
b) OPEC and ultimately resulted in long lines at gas stations
c) IREC and ultimately resulted in week long blackouts, looting and violence in
metropolitan areas
d) The United Nations refusal to allow voting rights to energy producing countries
21. Halliburton is
a) an energy corporation that bought Enron
b) an energy corporation owned by the Bush family
c) a small country in the Middle East that holds the largest world oil reserves
d) an energy company formerly chaired by Vice President Dick Cheney
22. Iraq’s oil fields have already been upgraded and repaired by
c) Halliburton
d) Exxon
23. The Exxon Valdez
a) owns most of the oil fields in Iraq
b) holds a position on OPEC’s legislative council
c) was responsible for the largest oil spill in the Pacific Ocean
d) went bankrupt in 1990
24. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve
a) is controlled by the DOE and is the nation’s first line of defense against oil embargos
b) is controlled by the OPEC and is the cause of international tension over oil distribution
c) is controlled by the Exxon due to deregulation
d) is controlled by the IREC and is the primary cause of the recent rise in gasoline cost
25. President Bush’s position on oil exploration in the Arctic region of Alaska is
a) Unknown
b) To continue to protect natural areas and to seek alternative drilling sites
c) Similar to the position of environmental activists such as Greenpeace
d) To overturn the 1980 ban on drilling in an Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
26. The Clean Air Act
a) Is monitored by the EPA and sets limits on the amount of particulate matter that can be
released into the air by companies in order to protect public health and the environment
b) Was revised in 2002 by the Bush administration to allow industrial facilities to make
repairs without installing additional pollution controls thereby increasing the amount of
pollution released into the atmosphere
c) Is a federal law enacted in 1970 to regulate the emissions from stationary and mobile
d) All of the above are correct
27. Products made from petroleum include
a) Rubber tires, credit cards, nylon fabric and aspirin
b) Tar, wood cabinetry, granite floor tile and gasoline
c) Polyester fabric, leather shoes, concrete building materials and salt
d) None of the above are correct
28. The lifespan and cost of building a nuclear power plant are approximately
a) 100 years and $30,000
b) 5 years and 2 million dollars
c) 30 years and 50 million dollars
d) indefinite lifespan and 20 billion dollars
29. The greenhouse effect is caused primarily by
a) Nuclear reactors
b) Fossil fuels burning
c) Hydroelectric power plants
d) Drilling in the arctic circle
30. How many of the top ten Fortune 500 hundred companies are energy related in the year
a) None
b) One
c) Five
d) Ten