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ECE 321
Experiment No: 3
Energy Systems Lab 1
FALL 2010
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Experiment No. 3
DC Machines
The objective of this experiment is to record and compare performance data for a shunt and
cumulatively compounded (long shunt) DC motor.
1. 2 Test Tables
2. DC Motor – Generator Set (lime green or cow)
3. Motor Starter Box
4. 1 – 100  field rheostat
5. 1 – DC Power Supply, either a 5A Kenwood or a 18A Sorensen
6. 1 – Single phase resistive load bank
7. 3 – Multimeters (Used to measure motor armature voltage on the starter box, motor field
current, and generator armature voltage)
8. 1 – 50A DC Ammeter for generator armature current
9. 1 – 75A DC Ammeter for motor armature current
10. 2 – Ammeter insertion plugs
11. 1 – Ammeter insertion plug with multimeter connectors
12. 1 – Tachometer (Transducer and Display Box)
ECE 321
Experiment No: 3
Energy Systems Lab 1
FALL 2010
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1) Setup
a) Record the nameplate data of the machines used. Indicate which side is used as the motor
and the generator. Note, for this experiment, it is best to use the machine with the higher
rated current as the motor side.
b) Plug in the test tables.
c) Separately Excited DC Generator Connection: On the generator side, use the following
instructions (1.c.i)-( to set up a separately excited generator. Use Figure 1 as a visual
i) Connect the 120V single phase resistive load bank to Terminals 1 and 2 on the output of
the generator test table (right hand side). The generator armature current Iagen will flow
through the generator test table to the resistive load bank.
ii) Connect Terminal 1 on the left hand side of the generator test table to A1 output of the
generator panel. Similarly, connect Terminal 2 to A2.
iii) Connect the field of the generator to the output of the DC Power Supply. This will be
used to supply the generator field current, Ifgen. (Note, this lab was written using the 5A
Kenwood, but your team may be using a different brand of power supply.) Be sure to
plug in the DC Power Supply. Be sure the knobs are turned all the way down.
iv) Use the 0-50A DC ammeter and an insertion plug to measure Iagen in Line 1 on the
generator test table. Remember the proper method from DC Measurements lab (i.e. wait
for the power to be on, close in switches to provide a path for current to flow, then ‘tap’
the insertion plug into the connector to make sure the meter up-scale).
v) Use a multimeter on the output of the voltage reversing switch to measure the armature
voltage of the DC generator, Vagen. Be sure to protect the multimeter by opening the
voltage circuit breaker switch before power is applied.
vi) Connect the tachometer to the generator shaft. Adjust the height so the tachometer cable
is level with the shaft. Note the direction of the arrow on the top of the generator. The
way the arrow is pointing will indicate the positive lead on the tachometer.
Generator Input/
Output Panel
Terminal 1
Geneartor Test Table
Line 1
Note: Panels may vary, so inspect
the panel before making connections.
S= Series
Figure 1: Separately Excited DC Generator
Line 2
Terminal 2
ECE 321
Experiment No: 3
Energy Systems Lab 1
FALL 2010
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d) Shunt Excited Motor Connection: Use the diagram in Figure 2 to connect the other side
of the DC motor-generator set as a shunt excited motor. A good method to follow is to color
code the lines on Figure 2 and coordinate your diagram with the cables used in the lab.
Always start with the machine side and work back towards the supply.
i) Connect a multimeter to the starter box to read the DC motor armature voltage, Vamotor.
ii) The motor field current, Ifmotor, and armature current, Iamotor, are displayed on the starter
box. To obtain a more accurate reading, follow steps 1 and 2 below:
(1) Ifmotor: When facing the back side of the motor test table, there are four sets of
terminals on the bottom. For Ifmotor, use the two sets of terminals on the right hand
side (remember, facing the BACK of the test table). Connect F1 from the motor
input/output panel to the second set of terminals. Then, run a cable from the second
set of terminals, to F1 on the motor starter box.
(a) On the front bottom left of the motor test table, there is a line with a shorting
switch and insertion plug connection below Line 4. This indicates the motor test
table back connection.
(b) Use a multimeter and an ammeter insertion plug with banana plugs to measure
Ifmotor at the insertion plug connection described in (d.ii.1.a.).
(2) Iamotor: Use the 0-75A DC ammeter and an insertion plug to measure Iamotor in Line 1
on the motor test table. Remember the proper method from DC Measurements lab
(i.e. wait for the power to be on, close in switches to provide a path for current to
flow, then ‘tap’ the insertion plug into the connector to make sure the meter upscale).
iii) Turn on the field circuit breaker located on the 100 field rheostat.
iv) Check that the line circuit breakers are open.
v) Have the instructor check your connections.
Motor Test Table FRONT
Motor Starter Box
Motor Input/
Output Panel
Line 1
120V DC
from distribution
Line 3
Line 4
Motor Test Table BACK
F+ F-
100 Ohm
Rheostat is
used to vary the
motor field current
Line 2
If you are facing the back
of the motor test table,
BT1 (meaning Back
Terminal 1) is would be on
your right hand side.
Figure 2: Shunt Connected DC motor
ECE 321
Experiment No: 3
Energy Systems Lab 1
FALL 2010
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2) Shunt Motor Performance
a) Read all Section 2 instructions before proceeding.
b) Close the circuit breaker on the 120V DC distribution panel.
c) On the motor test table, close the circuit breakers to complete the motor circuit.
d) Using the rheostat, set the field current to a maximum. The rheostat will be at a minimum.
e) Double check that the resistive load bank is set for an open circuit so Iagen = 0A.
f) Check for the rotation of motor by lightly raising the handle on the starter box.
i) If the rotation is in the correction direction and the generator field current set at zero,
start the motor by slowly rotating the handle of the starter box. Pay attention to the
armature current on the starting box to make sure that it doesn’t spike, and bring the
handle all the way up until it clicks into a vertical position.
ii) If the motor rotates backwards;
(1) Stop by the motor by releasing the handle on the starter box
(2) Open the circuit break on the 120V DC distribution panel
(3) Reverse the field leads, (F1 and F2)
(4) Close the circuit break on the 120V DC distribution panel
(5) Try restarting.
g) Adjust the 100 field rheostat until the motor is rotating at nameplate speed. (Note: the
generator and motor are connected by the same shaft, and therefore rotating at the same
h) Set the generator field current, Ifgen, equal to the motor field current, Ifmotor.
i) Measure and record Iagen, Ifgen, Vagen Ifmotor, Iamotor, Vamotor, and speed. This will be your data
for the no load condition.
j) Maintain constant field currents during this experiment.
k) Use the resistive load bank to vary the generator load current, Iagen, to approximately no
load, ¼, ½, ¾, and full rated generator load current.
(1) At each step, measure and record Iagen, Ifgen, Vagen Ifmotor, Iamotor, Vamotor, and speed.
Motor speed will tend to decrease as the load increases.
l) After recording all of the data, follow the proper shut-down procedure:
i) reduce the generator field current Ifgen to zero and disable the output,
ii) use the load bank to systematically reduce Iagen to zero,
ECE 321
Experiment No: 3
Energy Systems Lab 1
FALL 2010
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------
iii) decrease speed to a minimum,
iv) press the ‘stop’ button on the starter box and make sure the motor stops.
v) Open the circuit breakers on the motor and generator test tables and isolate all
vi) Finally, open the circuit breaker on the 120V DC Distribution Panel and disconnect the
input cables from the distribution circuit box so you have a visual disconnect to your
experiment setup.
3) Long Shunt Motor Performance
a) Connect the motor as a cumulatively compounded (long shunt) machine by taking the motor
armature current into the series (S1) terminal on the motor input/output panel.
connect S2 in to A1. Refer to Figure 3.
b) Using the Long Shunt Motor configuration, follow all of the instructions in Section 2 only
through part l.ii where you reduce the generator armature current to zero. Wait for the
instructor at this point.
Motor Test Table FRONT
Motor Starter Box
Motor Input/
Output Panel
Line 1
120V DC
from distribution
Line 3
Line 4
Motor Test Table BACK
F+ F-
100 Ohm
Rheostat is
used to vary the
motor field current
Line 2
If you are facing the back
of the motor test table,
BT1 (meaning Back
Terminal 1) is would be on
your right hand side.
Figure 3: Long Shunt DC Motor Configuration
ECE 321
Experiment No: 3
Energy Systems Lab 1
FALL 2010
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------
4) Measuring rAtotal, rField, rbrush, rip and VBD
a) With Ifgen and Iagen at zero, the instructor is going to deflux the generator using the following
i) Double check that the generator armature is at no load and breakers are open so no
current can flow
ii) With the DC supply at zero, reverse the generator field current leads one at a time.
iii) While monitoring Vagen, increase Vfgen using the DC supply until Vagen = 0V.
b) Open breakers on the table and open the circuit breaker on the 120V Distribution Panel.
c) Disconnect all leads to the starting box, motor-generator set and the resistive load bank.
d) Read all the instructions for Section 4 before proceeding. Talk about how you’re going to
take the measurements before you actually do them.
e) Refer to Figure 4. Connect the armature of the generator through a test table and the single
phase resistive load bank to 120V DC. Make sure the resistive load bank is at no load (open
Motor Test Table FRONT
120V DC
from distribution
Generator Input/
Output Panel
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Figure 4: Circuit set up for measuring rAtotal, rField, rbrush, rip and VBD
f) Turn on the circuit breaker on the 120V DC distribution panel.
g) To protect the machine, do not do the following for a long time.
ECE 321
Experiment No: 3
Energy Systems Lab 1
FALL 2010
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h) Take 6-8 readings with current ranging from 0-70% of rated generator current. For each
current level measure:
i) the current, Iagen,
ii) the voltage across the armature, Vagen, (can use a multimeter in parallel to measure Vagen
between A1 and A2 on the generator input/output panel),
iii) the voltage across a brush, Vb1 or Vb2 which is measured between the brush pigtails and
a commutator bar under the brush. The total brush drop voltage VBD=2Vb1=2Vb2
iv) the voltage between commutator bars under the two consecutive brushes, VC. Use the
handheld multimeter to measure the voltages.
i) Systematically reduce the load bank to no load and then open the circuit breakers on the
motor test table.
j) Open the circuit breaker on the 120V DC distribution panel and disconnect the input cables
from the distribution circuit box so you have a visual disconnect to your experiment setup.
5) Measurement of rfield
a) Use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the shunt field, rfield, of both the DC
machines. Simply measure across F1 and F2 on both of the motor and generator
input/output panels. Record rfield_gen and rfield_motor.
Figure 5: Diagram of armature circuit.
Helpful Equations:
2Ra=(Vagen-2Vb1)/Iagen (use the data from the experiment to calculate Ra)
Vt = Va = Ea + IaRa
τ = Ia*kϕ
substitute to find: τ = Ia*Ea/ω
ECE 321
Experiment No: 3
Energy Systems Lab 1
FALL 2010
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REPORT: Please reference pages 539-543 in your text.
Show your raw and calculated (if applicable) data from each section in the discussion portion of
your report. This will help you reference your data and support your results as you use the data
throughout your report. Make observations and explain the cause and effects. Graph relationships if
applicable. (As an example: The rheostat was used to adjust the motor field current. Decreasing the
motor field current increased the speed of the motor-generator set as shown in Figure 1.)
Also, as this is a long report, you may need data, calculations and conclusions from DC Machines 1
experiment for a complete and thorough discussion of what was learned and observed about DC
Machines in the last two experiments.
1) Shunt Motor Performance
In this section of the experiment, graph the torque versus speed curve for the shunt motor.
Calculate the torque from the recorded data, and use the average value of armature resistance
obtained from this experiment (Note: If you have one data point that is irregular, you may omit
that data when taking your average).
2) Long Shunt Performance
In this section of the experiment, you will graph the torque versus speed curve for the long
shunt motor. Calculate the torque from the recorded data, and use the value of armature
resistance obtained from this experiment.
3) Graph both the torque vs. speed curves on the same graph. Compare the curves and explain
your results. You may use your book to help explain the differences/similarities.
4) Lessons Learned
Following the conclusion section of the report, please answer the following questions:
a) What was done to change the speed of the generator? Please be specific.
b) Describe what differentiates a motor and a generator in the lab experiment setup. You may
use a diagram along with your description if necessary.
c) When increasing the load current, what happened to the speed? Why?
Helpful Equations/Information:
 You may assume the armature resistance of the motor is the same as the armature resistance
of the generator.
 A motor produces torque
 VT = The terminal voltage as described in your text. To make the lab clear, we specified
Vagen and Vamotor. These are voltages across the stator armature terminals, hence the name
terminal voltage.