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Experiment 1
Separation of a mixture of sand and salt
Apparatus : beaker, filter funnel, filter paper, glass rod ,stirrer, watch glass
Chemical : water, table salt (s____ c_____)
 S____ / D___
A m____ of sand and table salt is given. The
first step is to d____ the salt by adding suitable
amount of w____. The sand is dissolved in
w____ to form a salt s____ while the sand is not
soluble (i______) in water and stay at the
bottom of the beaker.
 F____ / F_____
The m_____ of salt s____ and sand is slowly
poured into a f____ f____ with a f____ paper.
The i____ sand stays on the f____ p____ as the
r____. The sand could be washed with water
first, and it could be dried in an o____ or under
the sunlight. The salt s____ can pass through
the f____ p____ and it is collected on a w_____
g_____. The liquid which can pass through the
f_____ p_____ is called the f_____ .
Finally, the salt s_____ is left in the air. Water
will e_____ and salt c_____ may appear after a
few hours or a few days.
Result : Sand and salt is separated.
Experiment 2
Endothermic Reaction
Apparatus : test tube, thermometer
Chemical : water, table salt (s____ c_____)
Result :
The initial temperature of the water is ____ and the final temperature of the
solution is _____ .
Conclusion :
When table salt is added to water, there is a _____ in temperature. This is an
_____ reaction, which means energy is a_____ from the surrounding.
Experiment 3
Exothermic Reaction
Apparatus : test tube, thermometer
Chemical : dilute sulphuric acid, metal magnesium
Result :
The initial temperature of the acid is ____ and the final temperature of the
solution is _____ .
Conclusion :
When a piece of magnesium ribbon is added to acid, there is a _____ in
temperature. This is an _____ reaction, which means energy is r_____
(energy is given out) to the surrounding.