Download Online Fetal Pig Dissection of Digestive System

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Online Fetal Pig Dissection of Digestive System
Go to this website:
**Click on the pig’s head.
Click on each underlined yellow word(s), then click forward.
Answer questions 1-4.
1. What is a nare?
2. What gland is exposed after the first incision?
3. How are the hard and soft palates different?
4. What is visible in the photo of the pharynx? What function does this structure have?
**Now click the Start Over button.
Click on the pig’s abdomen.
Click on each underlined yellow word(s), then click forward.
Answer questions 5-15.
5. What is the first organ that can be seen after the first incision?
6. What is the name of the shiny, transparent membrane that surrounds the organs?
7. What must be lifted in order to see the stomach?
8. What makes bile and where is bile stored?
9. What signals the gall bladder to release bile?
10. The diaphragm is a _____ that separates the ___________________________.
11. What controls the movement of chyme from the stomach into the small intestine?
12. Which body system does the spleen belong to?
13. What is the function of the pancreas?
14. Where do the products of the pancreas go?
15. What are the mesenteries? What is their function?