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Dr. McPhee
December 2015
Learning Objectives for End of Semester 1 Final Exam
Unit 1: Scientific Measurements; Classification of Matter; Physical vs Chemical Changes
Know the steps of the scientific method (observation, hypothesis, experiment, results, conclusion)
Know what information is conveyed by an MSDS and how to read the safety label diamond
Understand metric units for measurement of length, mass, and volume, as well as, the meaning of prefixes for
scale (i.e., ‘kilo’ means thousand)
Know the formula for determining density and the units of density
Be able to convert from one metric unit to another (i.e., gram to milligram and vice versa)
Convert a number into scientific notation to determine the number of significant figures
Know the difference between intensive and extensive properties and give examples of each
Know the difference between chemical and physical changes and give examples of each
Know the roles of these scientists in the development of historical and current models of the composition of
matter and models of the atom: Aristotle, Democritus, Dalton, Rutherford, Thomson, Chadwick, Becquerel,
Mendeleev, Einstein, Milllikan, LaVoisier, Boyle, Priestley
Understand the difference between mixtures and pure substances
understand the differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures
know difference between element and compound
Understand how the terms accuracy and precision apply to chemistry lab instrumentation; know what
instruments are used to do different laboratory tasks (e.g., graduated cylinder to measure volume)
Unit 2: Atomic Structure: History and Models; Isotopes and Ions
Know the location, mass, and charge of these subatomic particles (and the names of the scientists who
discovered them): electron, neutron, proton
Understand that matter is anything that has mass
Understand how elements can be the same yet be different isotopes (what subatomic particle makes them
Be able to determine the number of electrons associated with an ion given its shorthand notation (e.g., Ni4+ )
Be able to determine the number of protons, neutrons and electrons of a neutral atom given the name of the
element and its atomic mass (e.g., 37Cl)
Given a shorthand (Ni4+), be able to state if the particle is a neutral atom, an anion or a cation
Given the atomic number or the number of protons for an atom, be able to use the Periodic Table to state what
element it is
Know what the Laws of Definite and Multiple Proportions means
Understand that the Law of Conservation of Matter is not violated (loss of mass can be explained by escape of
Understand that light and heat are forms of energy, not matter
Be able to calculate average atomic mass given atomic mass number and percent abundance
Unit 3: Periodic Table: History and Families; Properties of Metals and Non-Metals
Know which materials are elements by name (e.g., copper vs bronze) and know the location of these families of
the periodic table: alkali metal, alkaline earth, rare earth, coinage metal, halogen, noble gas
Know the symbols associated with elements whose names don’t match their symbols, especially these: Na, K,
Fe, Cu, Ag, Au, Pb, P
Understand the physical properties associated with metals (e.g., conductor of electricity)
Understand the physical properties associated with non-metals (e.g., usually brittle)
Given any element and a periodic table, be able to identify it is a metal or non-metal
When forming ions (i.e., cations or anions), know which ions metals usually form and which ions non-metals
usually form
Know the contributions of these scientists to the development of the modern periodic table: Dalton, Berzelius,
Units 4-5: Periodic Trends, QM Model of the Atom
Know the meaning of and the periodic trends for these: atomic radius, electron affinity, ionization energy, and
When forming ions (i.e., cations or anions), know which ions metals usually form and which ions non-metals
usually form
Know the contributions of these scientists to the development of modern atomic theory: Heisenberg,
Schrodinger, Planck, deBroglie, Bohr, deBroglie
Understand that the modern view of the electron consider it to have dual wave/particle properties
Know that the QM model treats the electron as a cloud of negative charge density found at quantized energy
Know the shapes and maximum number of electrons that can be placed into these orbitals: s, p, d, f
Know which orbitals can be found on any given energy level
Units 6-7: Electron Configuration, EM spectrum and Electron Energy
Know how to use an Aufbau chart (along with Hund’s rule and the Pauli exclusion principle) and suborbital
notation (parentheses and arrows) to indicate the electron configuration (or noble gas short-hand notation) for
a given atom or ion
Understand in terms of noble gas electron configuration why some metals and non-metals form the ions they
do (eg. Na = +1; O = -2)
Given one of the families in the periodic table we learned, decide which orbitals are filling with electrons
Given a suborbital shorthand electron configuration, determine the number of unpaired electrons
Know how the Cr and Cu families differ in electron configuration from their neighbors
Given an electron configuration, be able to state which (if any) of the assignment rules has been violated
Understand which parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are high energy/high frequency/short wavelength
and which are considered low energy/low frequency/long wavelength
Be able to calculate frequency given wavelength (and vice versa) [formula will be provided]
Be able to calculate the energy of a photon given frequency (or wavelength) [formula will be provided]
Know the value and units of the speed of light, c, by heart
Be able to convert nm to m
Know the names and meanings of these symbols: , , h, E, J
Understand that emission lines (including those in those visible portion of the EM spectrum) involve electronic
Know how these parts of the EM spectrum interact with matter: microwave, IR, visible light, UV, X-rays
Know the shorthand used for suborbitals and electrons
Know that bonding is an intra-molecular force and involves electrons and usually there are two electrons in a
shared, directional or covalent bond
Know that the covalent bond is typically the strongest of all intra-molecular bonds
A covalent bond joining two atoms whose electronegativity differ significantly is called a polar covalent bond
Know that metals also share electrons when they bond to each other but this is a weaker non-directional type
of bond called a metallic bond
Know that when atoms exchange electrons, the result is ions that are electrostatically attracted—this is the
ionic bond
Be able to identify a solid as an ionic compound because it is composed of a metal and a non-metal
Be able to use Coulomb’s law to calculate the attraction of two ions [formula will be provided] and predict
greater stability of one ionic compound vs another (based on either a size difference or a charge difference)
Units 8-9: Ionic Compounds: Formation, Properties and Naming
Give a definition of an ionic compound
Draw a particle view picture of an ionic compound
List four properties of ionic compounds
Use the periodic table to give three examples of ionic compounds
Give the charge of ions from five different families of the periodic table
Given elements from a non-metal family and a metal family, write the formula and name for the ionic
compound produced
Given the chemical formula of an ionic compound, write the corresponding chemical name
Given a name of an ionic compound, write the corresponding chemical formula
Recognize that a polyatomic ion is part of the formula if the compound name ends in –ite or –ate
Recognize that a transition metal with variable charge is part of the formula if the compound name contains a
Roman numeral
Recall how to write a Roman numeral corresponding to an Arabic numeral
Use a list of polyatomic ions to write a formula for an ionic compound containing a metal cation and a
polyatomic anion
With the aid of a polyatomic list and given a formula for an ionic compound containing a polyatomic ion, give
the proper name for an ionic compound
Recognize when a Roman numeral must be used to name an ionic compound
Given the chemical formula of an ionic compound containing a transition metal, provide the proper name
(including Roman numeral)
Given a name of an ionic compound containing a Roman numeral, provide the correct chemical formula
Units 10-11: Covalent Compounds: Properties, Naming, and Lewis Structures
Give a definition of covalent bonding
Explain how covalent bonding joins atoms
Give examples of a compounds and elements that display covalent bonding
Draw a picture of covalent bonding in either a molecular solid or a network solid
Describe properties of molecular solids
Describe properties of and give three examples of network solids
Write Greek prefixes describing numerical quantities one through ten
Write a chemical name for a covalent compound given a chemical formula
Write a chemical formula for a covalent compound given a chemical name
Make an accurate electron count from a molecular formula for a covalent molecule
Make an accurate electron count from a molecular name for a covalent molecule
Know that dots indicate single electrons in a Lewis dot structure
Know that lines indicate two electron bonds in a Lewis dot structure
Draw a Lewis dot structure for an atom based on its outer shell (valence) configuration
Draw a Lewis dot structure for a covalent molecule or ion based on its formula or name
Know what VSEPR stands for and how it is used to determine molecular geometry (shape)
Describe molecular geometry (shape) of a molecule using a molecular shape reference sheet
Describe electronic geometry (shape) of a molecule using a molecular shape reference sheet
Describe the bond angles of a molecule based on its Lewis dot structure
Know which atoms do not need an octet of electrons in their dot structure
Know which atoms may have an expanded octet of electrons in their dot structure
Calculate formal charge for each atom in a Lewis structure
Recognize resonance structures
Unit 12: Polar Bonds and Polar Molecules; IMFs
Determine if a bond is polar, non-polar or ionic
Predict if a molecule is polar or non-polar
Draw partial charges correctly for a polar covalent bond
List the three most important inter-molecular forces (IMFs)
Identify if a molecule is capable of forming a hydrogen bond
Identify from a Lewis structure if a molecule participates in dipole-dipole interactions
Explain the origin of the London dispersion force
Rank compounds according to increasing IMFs
Predict the effect of increasing IMFs on m.p., b.p., viscosity and vapor pressure
Unit 13: Evidence of Chemical Reactions and Balancing Chemical Reactions
List six pieces of observational evidence suggesting a chemical reaction has occurred
Give an example of a reaction that does one or more of the following: changes color, makes a solid product,
produces a gas, produces light and heat, produces primarily heat, changes mass, or makes a loud sound
Categorize chemical reaction as either: synthesis, decomposition, combustion, single replacement, or double
Use an activity sheet to predict if a single replacement reaction will occur
Use a solubility sheet to predict if a double replacement reaction will occur
Balance a chemical reaction given the formulas for reactants and products
Balance a chemical reaction given the names of reactants and products
Extensive property
Intensive property
Chemical change
Physical change
Scale (balance)
Graduated cylinder
Kinetic energy
Atomic number
Atomic mass
Group or family
Alkaline earth
Know the definitions of these words:
Rare earth
Noble gas
Conductivity (electrical and heat)
Energy level
Electron cloud
Photoelectric effect
Atomic emission spectra
Bohr model
Quantum mechanical (QM)
s, p, d, and f orbitals
Electron configuration
Aufbau principle
Hund’s rule
Pauli exclusion principle
Paired electron
Valence electron
Noble gas shorthand
Electromagnetic (EM) radiation
Planck’s constant
Ultraviolet (UV)
Visible light
Infrared (IR)
atomic emission
valence electrons
Ionic bond
metallic bond
polar covalent bond
Coulomb’s law
Formula unit
Hydrogen bond
London dispersion force
Single replacement
Double replacement